

Bibliography of the current world literature This bibiliography is compiled by cell biologists from the journals listed at the end literature ente...

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of the current



This bibiliography is compiled by cell biologists from the journals listed at the end literature entered into the publisher’s database between February 1989 and January to the database about 21/* months after publication). In addition, the bibliography reviewers, using a variety of bibliographic databases, which was published between and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics which


The number

in square

of this publication. It is based on 1990 (articles are generally added contains every paper selected by the beginning of the review period relate to the reviews in this issue.

l Papers considered by the reviewers to be of interest. o Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest.



a selected paper, e.g. [71, refers to its number of the corresponding review.

in the annotated






ADAM SA In”,. TJ. M~KHF.II. h4& CERACFL ldcnthicatlon . of spcclfic binding proteins for a ouclar loatlon sequence. Nalrrre 19S9. 337.27&?79 1241. AMAYAY. AkuKAWAI,. TAlilGIICHI M. ELlNA Y. YOOKOTA5, MORI hl A oooclavablc sIgnal for mltochondrlal hport of SoxoacylCoA thlobue. 1 l3d aem 19HH.263:1.146.+14t70 ArmRNl DU’. PEIWU E. IESE” c. IISGAPPA\a Sequeoca beyond the clavagc site IBueace sIgnal PeptIde functloo. J Bid Ckm 19%. 263:1579-1579R thMlNG G. HHAU R, BRACHrnA I’. Ll”,O,P. STANLEYKK IltVaceuulv largelung slgds of po1ymerlc lmmuooglobulh rccepton ye blghly conserved between specks. FEf3SI&t 1989. 254:l’-’ lH3 HE,~IXI DM. S’IROHEI.S.4 Y~‘N K. JONGEU’AIWCD. EIIR . . SD Sequcacc and ~tructurai requirements of a mltocboodrial protein Import sIgnal detined by satuntlon cassette mutagenesis. Md Cell Bid l!WA 9101&1025 [El.

Differeatial targeting and accumulatkm of ~omul md modYed Z&I pcdypepUdcs In -formed yeast. EurJ CA/ Htd 1988. 47.l6’%172 C”twEU DG. Duw’ RA. BiuGGs MS, h!CKNIG”T CJ. GIERAXH . U.l: &nformaUoos aad orlenoUons of a sI@ peptide Interacting with pbosphollpld moooLwms. Atahem~.Un~ 1989. 28327%2797 151. C,rllf~ DP tie role of tram&t sIgmais and - rctentkm sign& In conrutuuvc export from animal cells. J CM .Su 19I43.91.1-?. DI’NRARCE. BRoWT,ERTM. AHRAM\ IS. NlENHllb AW: COOH-

of nrlatlo~ In the number taqetlng signals on owlear I%& 107 IZPllRIl

lad sequeocc of uptake. J CcN Btd

Ewa T. SHIMUM I. Row D, I;ruGAlil F. N-tcrmlnai l m half of a mltochondr&l praequencc peptide takes a helical conformaUoa when bound to dodccylphosph.xbollne mlcella --P proton auclar magnctlc rcson~oce study. J Bc&?nr 1989. 106:3%-m [lo]. FEKX .I J. KEMH G & SCHEmR IE Tempmmmsens.1uvc Chinese hamster ecu mutant with a defect In glycoproteln synthesis: accumuluon of the ECF receptor In the endopiasmlc reticulum and the role of the glucose-regulated protein GltF78. /Cell f’bvsro, I%% 136:3-Z FIKFSJo. BMM’ GAUXHER GA KIAPPERDG. B&smm PJ . cdl maltose-binding hbttunuon of Es&&ci& protcln by SIgnal peptldpse I hl vlua Squcnce ,-cquircmett~ for etilclcnt processing and dcmonstratloa of an alternate cleavage she. J Bad Oxin 1990. 265..%17-3-123 141. FwXEh IL. ROCHALXJO. V”N HEIJNEG ChlOrOpkM . -It pcptlda from the green alga

RIMNGF.” WE MICHEI.H, BEN?KI~ , A truncated analog of a PI-C-Ugbt-barvcstlng cblorophyU a/b protein II -It peptide InblblU protein Import Into chloropluts. J Hrd Oxm 1989. 264 119% 1207 Cuw IW. WHNEU Giri SIgnal peptldc for protein -tlon dlmtlng glycophosphollpld membrane anchor attachment. .Wwncc IW). 243 I I% I IT (a\ Rx’. Wk.,N~kll I. FKmo F. “loll-n A

@ Current


Ltd ISSN 0955-0474

GO”u, SJ, ,C%S.,m5. KU,,% G.A S”BRAMAFnS: Ant‘bOdleS . dlmctcd agalttst the pcroxI.ulmal tafgelhlg sl@ of fir&y luclfme mltltlple mlmmnllvl petvx&d protdns. / cell Bti 1990. 110:27-w 122). GREENR KRUIER RA smm D: Misplacement of pos1uvc charge itI the the amlao-tpt-epm+fbclor Slgtul pepude dlarupts membrane -1oaUon In ufw. J Bfd C&m 1989. 264:2%3r%a HNDI hl. GUARE~TEIL N-tcrmbul deleUOnS Of P mltochondrial slgtui sequence La yeast. Targeting hlfonrution of fwmlino-kvuutute syllthrre Is eacoded ill nolt&pplng rcgkm. J Btd f&m l989. 264:17107-17112. HAD-U. C. EIDERFIEU)PD. JAMESHE, ZJMMERMANN IL DUNtWl . . B. ROBLI~.ONC, The reactIon spcl6ClUeS Of the thylakoldal processltlg pepudasc and w cdl lada pcptldpu arc ldeatkal. EUBO J 1989. 8:3917-3921 1191. ,,,,MA,,MAS, ?i.,wx’CHI M. hiD,ARAK. ON0 S. %TI, R Both lmlno and carboxy-tetmlnal portloo~ UC requlrcd for insertion of yeast porln Into the outer mltahoadr&l memhnne. J Binbern f TdrJo) 19BB.104:362-367. HANDJht. w LJ. VMCONCELa6AC. ChsHMoREAR The -It peptide of a chloroplnst thyiakold membrane protein b timcUonaUy CqulvaletU to o stromal-mgellng sequence. .!NBO J 1989. 8.319%3206. HARTI FL!, PFANNERN. NICHOLVJN DU’. NEllPERTW l e Mltochondrbd protein bnport. Biabim t3iq+ A‘lll1989.988:1--15 1131. HENDRICKJP. HODGESPE. ROSENBERG LE. Sutvcy of . amln~tcmunal proteolytlc dtnage sites In mltochondriai pmutvor protein% leader pepuda clby two matrix protshate a three-amho acid motif. pm Nafl Acad Sci IM 19&e. 86J056+060 [12]. HO~BIN JI. WE&~% RE An amino add SeguCncc wblch directs membnac insertion catsa loss of membrane potential. J Bzd Qx?m 196% 26~1157%11%3. I~‘KRIAGAG. j~mlMH RA EEvm htW Emdop~miC retkdum qtlng and glycosylrtloa of hybrid pmteln.9 In -genlc tobacco. Planr CPU1989. 1.3S-390 Jam U’. IA NH 2, PIlo.‘. hl. DEMELRA DE KRlilFF B: ‘Ibc lmpolntlcc of the amino tcnlUnus of the mltocboodrlal pmursor protein apocytochromc c for -1ocau00 acnxaa model membranes. J B!d Omn 1969,26&2AZ-2Ml. KAVANAGHTA, J~tmWh’ Rh BEV&VhlW Tar@tt~ D fordgtt protein to cbloropla¶a using tiMlotw to the -It peptide of a cbloropbyU a/b protein. .Ifd Gm Gmef 1988.215.38-15 KEEEWTRIK. Transport and muting of proteltu Into . . chloroplasts. cell 19S9.56:2+7-‘53 1151. Ku K. WHMORE All. Targeting of protdns to the thylakold lumen by the blpPrrlte -It peptide of the 33 kd osygen+volvIng protein. EMBOJ 1989,8~3Ix--3l% KOHORVBD. TOHIN Ehl. A hydrophobic, carboxyproximal region of a light-bawestlng





of proteins

with signal peptides -R

PAW(SCC) ptecttrmr Into mltochoodrka. J Elmbem (T&o) l!X39.105:72-78. KUROK~K R&q GA& D: Novel N-tetmlnal smlno add acquatce rcqulrcd for rrtmtlon of a hcpatltls B vlnw @ycoprotelt~ in the endqlmmlc rctlculum. Md G-U Bid 1969. 944594%. LAXM4ltElXNG.lUiZ%NWR clrcuhr dlcluolsm studies w synthstic slgd peptides Idlute p co-tlott 8s s commcm stntcNt¶l future km highly hydrophobic ettvlronmcnt. J Bid (hpm 1939. 26416591-16597. LEEWC, MELLSET: IdatU6.aUon and characterlzatlon . of a nuclear 1oallz~Ion sequence-bIndIng protan In yNst. Pm Nail Ad .%I UX4 1989. ll6:~12 [25]. l.EhOREBD. FANNwLW C. BAKERA scHA’T7G: The . mltochoodrlsl tstgctbt~ iimctloo of randomly pu¶tcd peptide scq”aucs cotrclsta with medicted hellcal amohlohllldtv. I Bid Qvm 1989. k4:202C&20215 [9]. - . II JM. HOPPERAK. MUON NC: @. &dImetbyi~oalaespecl6c UINA mcthyUrstmfcnsc conts&s both nuclar and mltochoadrlal tar@lttg sl@ cnmdshz J cpll Bid 1989. in*ronyoa 10931411-1420 I&AN-II MP. 0~~5 IW. DAWIZ MA RODRIGUEZ-BOUUNE: A ~ycophoephollpld membratte anchor w PI an spid tzqeuq SIpsI In pol!ulNd cplthellsl cells. J Cell B/d 1989,109:214F21%. InmEN ml. GAWY M, AHlQum P. KEEG!! K: auoroplNt lmpm chaNctalstles of chlmerlc ptNdns. Plant Md Bid 1989. 12:i318. MMiEE N. GI. hWSIuu CJ. HANCOCXJF: Tyrtetlne of oncoproteltu to membntta by htty acylatltm. J CeU Sci 1989. [sop~l 11]:14’+160. hlMZUX hlhi SPANGLUIhlhl. CAMU M. SUGANUMAN. BOME 1: Mutagatcs& and chlmerlc genes d&m -18 la the ~ubunlts of human chorlonlc ~nadoaopln and luv~pln for scaetloo and assembly. J Cd/ Bid 1969. 109:1429-143E MCKNlGM CJ. B~ltcs MS. GIE~WCH LM FunctIonal and . oonIunctlottsl lamB sl@tl seq”etlCes an be dlstlttpulshcd by thelr blophyslcal prop&la. J B/d C&m 1989. 264.1729317297 [a]. hlEDDAs. CHEMEW lu.4. hiMm Ji. POHL LR SWANK RT: bl~lvemmt of the carbosyl-term&al prcnpcpcU& of p-glucumlUdru in Its compsrtmaltnllzntlon wlthbl the endoplamlc reucu1um PI &tamloed by P synthetic PeptIde stmmsch. I/.3/dc2lzem 1%9.264:1582+-l5Rrn hIMi& 5. O&l T. H&wuO’m ‘T. OHNO K. MIURA5. . FUJWI Y. Fuuxlsomc tsq@ng SIgnal of tat llvcr acylcexnyme A oxIda% re!aldc!s at the carboxy urmlntts. Md Cdl E/d 1989.9:8391 [20]. MO!W.R S. VAN UK P. KREBlCH G. SuWilm DD. AIX5NM M. signsb for the lncorpoNuon sd 0rlclltat100 of CyNchfomc P450 In the cndoplasmlc rcuculum membrrae. J Cdl Bid 1988. 107.4571170 hlhi. HAG~NUER-T~~IS R. R,~~EO.KOEINICI. HINMN k Fllnctlonal stul@s of the sl@ul sequence processlo~ sltc of yeast rid phosphatw. Eur JBiocbem 1989.182:213221 NAGIEY P. DEVENEHRJ: k!adlttg oqptteuar proteins aloog new pMhlntys: the rclocatloo of mltochondrlal md chloroplPst @xnes to the nucleus. Trends B&.&m Sci 1989. 1431-35. IW‘., hi. HA% T. hUTWBAR4 H: I’mck detcrmlnntlon of the mltochondrlal Import sl@ contaIned In P 70 kDa protcln of yeast mltochottdr&l outer membt-arte. J B/cc&m (T+) 1989. 105:513. NILSON T. JACKSONM. PrnsO~ PA Short cytoplumlc seq”r.nces scrvr 8s t-etettuon sl@lsis for trammembnrt~ proteIna In the endoplasmlc t%%lcuium. cd/ 1989. 58-707-718. NISHI T. NGAWMA F. TIE S. FUKUMOTOY. JOH T. SHLhuDAK hi~IsuKAD0 Y. UsHlO Y. MORlNO Y. Import and processltt~ of pmusor to mltochondrlal sspartste amlnotlaMfmse. Structure-hnctlon rclaUonsh1~ of the prexqucnce. J Bid Owm 1989.2646044&51.

across membranes

SF. FOV. RJ. GOWN Jl: UocoupUtt~ of co-lstlotts.l-llxauon from SIgnal pcpudau ptucusltlg lo P m”tant rat prapollpoprotclnA-IV rltb a delctlon that lncludcs the COOHtcmtltul rglon of Its sIgnal pcptlde. J Bid c&m 1989,264&t2a-I7. Ncnwxm SF, GORDONJl: Eukatyotlc slg. nai pepude smlcturc/fuoctlon IdsUonsblps. J Bid Qwm 1989.264:397+ 3981 ]2]. PORVCHYNWYMS. A-N PH: ptimary srqucnce doaldus Nqulmi for the rctentlon of rotavIrus VP1 In the endoplnsmlc reticulum. J cell Bid ,988. 1071697-1106. PRELWD. BOn’r~t?i D: In-c -Is of yeprt lnvcr(nse warlsnts with sccNtlon-dcfccuve leader scqumm. Md CEUBid 1989.9:1452-1464 IOXS 8, WASNhW,NCC, XHEU J. BOHNERTHJ: “fet of mucatIons on the bIndIng and -kxatlon ftmcUons of a chloroplast -It peptldc. Pm NaU Acud Scl US4 W69,86:C?%+Wl ROIHMAKJH. YAMASHUK)CT, KANE PM. S%w.KF TH RoteIn rngetln~ to the yeat vacuole. Trends Biochon Scr 1989. 14:WMSO. Sew H. BOROUIAKB. HOLTGHR~.GRV. H. RKHTER D. Impad of altered protcltl structures 011 the lnt~~dlulu trdilc of P mutated vasopres3ln prrmnor from Bnttlcboro rats. C‘ur J Huxkm 19ti9.182621-52? Sat&m-~ UK. IO%SDALTDM: A yeast mltochondrlal pruequcnce funcuoos aa a Sl@ for tngcUng to plant mltochondrla In vlua Phnr Gell19R9. 1.783791. SEV~ KA STORKP. VENI’IMIGUAR MANDELG. GOODMANRH: Amln~tcrtttins.i sequcnccs of proaomatostaUn direct In-llular targctlng but ntnt proccselng specl6clty. cvlll9R9. 5711-19 SWER P. SmER 1.CSBORM MA Yeast protcltu that . me nuclear localhaUoa sequences. J cell Btd 1989. 1099~73-989 [26]. Sm,ANc IS. SmFRElD WI’. SIL\‘WSJR SHOREGC I&otlllaUon of hydrophobic realdues In the SIgnal xq”cncc of mltocboodrkal prcornlthble arbamyl-fnnsc that ettbance the rate of precutsor Import. J Bid 6-m 1988. 263:1?233l72% SMEW% s. WEISBEEKP. ROBIxsJN c. Rotcln transport . Into and wlthln chloroplasu. Trends Biahen~ Scr 1990. 15’5-76 [16]. SPENCEAM. SHEPPARD PC, DA\IE JR M&n10 Y. Nwil N. MCKEEW Wl. DODD JG, MA?LSIK RJ: llc@atloa of a blfuncUoaPl mKNA results In syttthesls of secreted and ouclev probpsln. Pmc NoVar/ Acod Scr 154 19m.R6:7843?847. SPIKS hi. HANDKHIN C. B.AKERKP. Stoptransfer actlvlty of hydmphoblc .wquenccs depends on the tranalatloa system. J B/d C&m 1989. 26419117~19124 !XW!!H SC. BOTH GUI- The SIN peptide of the romvblJs giycoprotcln VP7 b -usl for Its mcatkm in the ER as aa Intcgml membmne proteltl. ceu 19m56741-747 STuAm RA, NICHOLWN DW. N~.llPEln’W Early steps . In mltocbwdrIaI pmtelo Import: Rmptor fumtlotw can be substltutcd by the membrane ltuertion scuvlty of apocytocbromc c. Cdl 1990. a3143 1141. 511B. IIonw~u A&l Blosynthesls of P phosphrtldyllnosltol~~~.eke membrane protein: signals for pas-latlonal proce&ng of the Ly-6E antlpn. Md cell Rid 1989. 9336%33x SZCESNASKORUPAE. KEMPERB. Nlip-term~ snbsUtuUore of bpslc amino acids Induce tnnsloatlon across the ml-mal membtatte and glycosyhtlon of rabblt cytochrome W5OUC2. J Cd/ Btd 1969. 108:1237-1244 TAMc. AM, DENKERJh PERR~MKG, MARoNn’ PA NILFEN l-W a 22.nucleotldc spUccd leader sequence In the human panulte nematode En&a mak~y/ Is 1dcnt1al to the -puccd leader In Ce dqpms Pnx Nail Acud Sci 1X4 1988. 85 7932-936 Tsom PA sOU’AI);Kl JM. GO~NCK PF. A conset”uS sequeace Ln the N-terminus of exported proteltts: -blaoce with metal bladlng domaltta and lmpUcaUons In protein -loaUoo across membnne$. /W&em HfqJns Res Cbmmun 1988.156:9+107 VERWR K. LLWHE BD Tl@t foldlog of a pasmgc+ protein cata Interfere web the tar@lag

fuactlon of a mltochondrlal prcxquence. EM/30 J 1989.8:1491-14% ““UAND C. URUAN-Gnaw D. Tbc prescquencc of yeat 5-amltlolcvuUMtc synthac Is not rcqulred for tar@hg to mltochondr& J Rid OMII 1988. 2650294-8299 VO’ON HE”NE G. STEPPUHN J. H~raraw,w RG: DomaIn . structure of mltochondrlal and chloroplast cngctbtg peptldes. EurJ t3ie 19R9. lrn53F545. Ill]. Wm JA %X%%uoS JG- Deletion analysis of the ma&c mltochondr&l superoxIde dlsmutasc -It peptide. Pm Nafl AL& SC/LM 1989. R&353+3538 W,REN Kh,. PO,-,S JT JS KRONENBERGHM: Itnfm’tance of the propcptlde sequence of human preproparathyrold hormone for sl@al sequence fimcUoo. J Bid C&n I%& 263.19771-19m. Y~GIIC”I M. HATER Y. TRACH K. HOC” IA Ambm ncld sequenre of the SIgnal peptkie bf m1tuch0ndrlal nlcotlnsmide oudeotlde -hydroeeonre as &termhld 6wm the squeace of Its mesalger RNA. EirxLwm 8ic&s Res Commun 19lH. 157.2429 Y~WAMOTOY. T.WYW Y. KWKHI M, important role . of the prolIne rcsldue In the SIN sequence thst directs the xcretloa of human lysozymc In s~rarrym/?lrrbonicr~ l9R9. 28:27.?%2732. 131.

Translocation of proteins peptides across membranes



ADDC~ONR Tmoslocatlon of a went of Inscmss mlcrosomal vulcla Isolated from NenmrpOrn -a requires the hydrolysis of a oucleoslde trlohosmhate. I Bid Cbem 19R8 263:1428~14287 AHREMB. HOmCH”LTX HK, MUUEH M: In dl?v membrane assembly of a polytoplc. -membrane protein results In an eIuymatlcPlly actlvc conformatloo. J Cd/ Rid 1989. 108:1637-1646 AM.%+C~EC A DUBBLET 8, BEAWAY H: Trnarlocatloa and proteolytlc processing of nascent -tory polypeptl& chsins: two fuuoctlons -lstcd with the rlbosomsl domaln of the eodoplasmlc ralculum. Bid Q/l 19R9. 65:99-IOH ANDDW, lA,mm L WALER I’. UNCAPPAVX Evidence for a twt+step mechanism lnvolvcd In assembly of tilncUonal slgn?l rccognluon parUde receptor. J cell Bid 1989, 108:79?-810 Bm A S~Kuau 5, OKAhtOTO H. lNOuE T. IWATAH: Cdclum Induces membtatte -locatIon of 12. llpoxygenae In rat platelets. J Bid Owm 1989. 264: 15m15795 BA1,m’ CA GERBER1. Hou’m AD. UDENFRlEND5 Proce3slng at the arboryl t.zrmlnus of nascent placcotal alkaline pbosphatase lo a cell-free system: evidence for SpecYC clof a sl@lal peptl&. Pm Nail Acad Scr l&l 1989. 0622-26. BELmR JP. W&SE& HP, SPE‘S M: SI@ pepUdpK an cleave InsIde a polytoplc membrane pmtei. FEBS Len 1969.253~93% BEI\%R. SCHMlDA VW DER&Y P. TO,WXSEN J: Molecular buls of p&n s&cUvlty: mcmbtaae erpcrlmeats with DmpC-PhoE and OmpPPhoE hybrid protdns of Esdxd&h mlI K-12. Biabrm Si@gs Am 1969. 981 &Id. BERG.%J. Mlwovlc R GREEMPANRJ. UDENFRIE~ 5. ConversIon of placental alkaline phosphotvc from a phosphaU~yllo~]tolglyan-Ylcbored pmteln to an lntegrpl -membrane protein. Pm NaUAdSci US4 1989. 86:1457-1460 BERWLN HD. P0m-Z MA STRIIRK. HOBEN PJ. BREhwR S. . . WALTERP. Model for Slgaal sequence recognluon from smlno acid sequence of 54 kD subunlt of slgttal mognltloa putlcle. Nulrrrc 1989. 3&4R21&5 121. ~ERKCTF.IN HD. RWXXT TA WAITER P cytos~U~ prtaeln -1oau00 facton - Is SRP still uolque? ce// 1969.58:1017-1019 BIEKERKl. S,ww TJ: RIA Is lmportsnt for the . . -lomuon of exported proteltts the cytoplssmlc membrane of Esobrrloblo co/L Pmc NaU Ad Sci l&A 1989, 86:%&972 1201. BOW B.J. KNOW,,?. WJ. MARCHES1 VT Symtbetlc peptlda mlmlc the assembly of -membtanc glycoprotelas. J Hid chin KS?? 264:40334037 Ruti 1 DIAZGIIERIU.MJM. MOJEu M: Olate-Induced tn~locaUon of proreIn kIttax C to hepntlc mlcxmomal membranes. Ricshmn Biq+ Rcs Commun 1989. 160:12431249 BOKH D. DE BOERP. B”-ER W. ‘l’O‘OL(Mh!.XN J Tbe role of the po, char@ N-tctmlnw of the sIgnal sequence of E co/l outer membnae

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of proteins

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Membrane without

translocation hydrophobic


of proteins peptides

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Protein import peroxisomes




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Membranes HA-



of early

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new hematopoietic


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traffic in eukaryotic

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A new receutor

hematopoietic suoerfamilv




cltaln Is aseotlal but not for &and

for growth $pul tnnsducuon blttding and Intemalhatloa.


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