This bibiliography is compiled by cell biologists from the journals listed at the end literature entered into the publisher’s database between February 1989 and January to the database about 21/* months after publication). In addition, the bibliography reviewers, using a variety of bibliographic databases, which was published between and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics which
The number
in square
of this publication. It is based on 1990 (articles are generally added contains every paper selected by the beginning of the review period relate to the reviews in this issue.
l Papers considered by the reviewers to be of interest. o Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest.
a selected paper, e.g. [71, refers to its number of the corresponding review.
in the annotated
ADAM SA In”,. TJ. M~KHF.II. h4& CERACFL ldcnthicatlon . of spcclfic binding proteins for a ouclar loatlon sequence. Nalrrre 19S9. 337.27&?79 1241. AMAYAY. AkuKAWAI,. TAlilGIICHI M. ELlNA Y. YOOKOTA5, MORI hl A oooclavablc sIgnal for mltochondrlal hport of SoxoacylCoA thlobue. 1 l3d aem 19HH.263:1.146.+14t70 ArmRNl DU’. PEIWU E. IESE” c. IISGAPPA\a Sequeoca beyond the clavagc site IBueace sIgnal PeptIde functloo. J Bid Ckm 19%. 263:1579-1579R thMlNG G. HHAU R, BRACHrnA I’. Ll”,O,P. STANLEYKK IltVaceuulv largelung slgds of po1ymerlc lmmuooglobulh rccepton ye blghly conserved between specks. FEf3SI&t 1989. 254:l’-’ lH3 HE,~IXI DM. S’IROHEI.S.4 Y~‘N K. JONGEU’AIWCD. EIIR . . SD Sequcacc and ~tructurai requirements of a mltocboodrial protein Import sIgnal detined by satuntlon cassette mutagenesis. Md Cell Bid l!WA 9101&1025 [El.
Differeatial targeting and accumulatkm of ~omul md modYed Z&I pcdypepUdcs In -formed yeast. EurJ CA/ Htd 1988. 47.l6’%172 C”twEU DG. Duw’ RA. BiuGGs MS, h!CKNIG”T CJ. GIERAXH . U.l: &nformaUoos aad orlenoUons of a sI@ peptide Interacting with pbosphollpld moooLwms. Atahem~.Un~ 1989. 28327%2797 151. C,rllf~ DP tie role of tram&t sIgmais and - rctentkm sign& In conrutuuvc export from animal cells. J CM .Su 19I43.91.1-?. DI’NRARCE. BRoWT,ERTM. AHRAM\ IS. NlENHllb AW: COOH-
of nrlatlo~ In the number taqetlng signals on owlear I%& 107 IZPllRIl
lad sequeocc of uptake. J CcN Btd
Ewa T. SHIMUM I. Row D, I;ruGAlil F. N-tcrmlnai l m half of a mltochondr&l praequencc peptide takes a helical conformaUoa when bound to dodccylphosph.xbollne mlcella --P proton auclar magnctlc rcson~oce study. J Bc&?nr 1989. 106:3%-m [lo]. FEKX .I J. KEMH G & SCHEmR IE Tempmmmsens.1uvc Chinese hamster ecu mutant with a defect In glycoproteln synthesis: accumuluon of the ECF receptor In the endopiasmlc reticulum and the role of the glucose-regulated protein GltF78. /Cell f’bvsro, I%% 136:3-Z FIKFSJo. BMM’ GAUXHER GA KIAPPERDG. B&smm PJ . cdl maltose-binding hbttunuon of Es&&ci& protcln by SIgnal peptldpse I hl vlua Squcnce ,-cquircmett~ for etilclcnt processing and dcmonstratloa of an alternate cleavage she. J Bad Oxin 1990. 265..%17-3-123 141. FwXEh IL. ROCHALXJO. V”N HEIJNEG ChlOrOpkM . -It pcptlda from the green alga
RIMNGF.” WE MICHEI.H, BEN?KI~ , A truncated analog of a PI-C-Ugbt-barvcstlng cblorophyU a/b protein II -It peptide InblblU protein Import Into chloropluts. J Hrd Oxm 1989. 264 119% 1207 Cuw IW. WHNEU Giri SIgnal peptldc for protein -tlon dlmtlng glycophosphollpld membrane anchor attachment. .Wwncc IW). 243 I I% I IT (a\ Rx’. Wk.,N~kll I. FKmo F. “loll-n A