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Memories re made of this: the genetic basis
of memory Liz Fletcher
Total amnesia is rare, but we face an 'epidemic' of memory loss. At present there are around 18 million people worldwide with Alzheimer 's disease, and this figure is predicted to double in the next 25 years. While traditional clinical and experimental studies have elucidated much about the basic processes of memory and learning, modern genetic techniques look set to unravel their molecular mechanics. Only time will tell whether this knowledge will yield preventive or curative therapy for memory loss. PROGRE SIVE forgetfulne i. something that we all face a part of the normal ageing proces , but memory 10 is al 0 as ociated with various di ea. estate. The e include orne pathological neurodegenerative condition., Korsakoff's yndrome in alcoholics, and Alzheimer's di ease. A more acute 10 of memory i aL one con quence of brain damage through stroke and tumours. To date, the only drug available for the treatment of memory loss i. for patient. with Alzheimer's disease ( ee Boxe. 1 and 2). The increased nu m ber~ of people developing Alzheimer' disease alone mean that re earch into the proce. ses underlying normal memory and learning has never been more pre. sing.
Forming a theol'Yof memory As early as I 94, Ramon y Cajal uggested that u. e lead to the st rengtheni ng of synaptic connection and that thi might be the mechani-m of 'memory torage'. By the turn of the twentieth century, it was widely accepted that the cortex wa, the home of learning and memory although Karl Lashley, then Professor of P. ychology at Harvard University (Boston, MA, USA), failed in hi attempt to define a ingle memory ' hot pot" . In 1949, the anadian p ychologU Donald lI ebb (a student of La hley ' ) was the first to develop a . pecific model of u e-dependent change ill ynaptic trength. Hebb propo, ed that, under certain condition, d namic change in synap e , termed ' neuronal plasticity '. could be induced. The. e changes were C"pv"~hl ' 1'1'17 I I\e\lcr ~ ' ,entc I
It! All nghh re'cIVct! JJ~7 , 4.' I (J '17 $ I 7 00 PII
1 ' 57-43 I 0(97)0111 3- 1
Box 1. Memory loss in Alzheimer's disease The loss of short-term memory in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease is accompanied by damage in the entorhinal cortex. In time, the progression of the neuropathology leads to a generalized loss of cognitive ability and personality; and, ultimately, the patient becomes psychotic. However, the patient with Alzheimer's disease retains memories from childhood and early adulthood, and can become 'trapped in the past'. One drug treatment tbat has recently become available to those suffering from Alzheimer 's disease is Aricept (developed by Eisai Ltd, Japan, and marketed by Pfizer), which blocks the breakdown of acetylcholine at the synaptic junction to boost the failing levels of this neurotransmitter in the earlier stages of the disease. Clinical trials have yielded mixed results: there is significant improvement in some patients but little in others. Harry Cayton, director of the UK's Alzheimer 's Disease Society, thinks that Aricept is an important advance because although it does not delay, stop, or cure Alzheimer 's disease, it does suppress some of the symptoms and could offer an improved quality of life for those in the earlier stages of the disease. restricted to coincidentally act ive neurons, and had to be long la ting o tbat an amplified response could be evoked at the synapse at some later date. In essence, Hebb had dev ised a theoretical model for memory; a potential physiological correlate emerged later, howeve r, in tbe di covery of the phenomenon of long-term potentiation (LTP). In 1973, physiologists Tim Bliss and Terj e L0mo discovered that a short burst of electrical 'shocks' to afferent pathways in the hippocampus evoked an impressive, long- lasting amplificat ion of the
Box 2. Memory-enhancing agents Nootropics are memory-enhancing agents that aim to improve concentration, memory retention and problem-solving ability; they are rapidly becoming big business, particularly in the USA. 'Genuine ' nootropics include the pyrrolidone derivatives piracetam and oxiracetam, which appear to work by enhancing the blood flow to the brain. Other candidates have diverse origins: these include deprenyl (the anti-Parkinson ' disease drug), phenytoin (an anti-epileptic) and the alkaloid vincamine (also a vasodilator). In nearly aU cases, the effects of these drugs are minimal (little more than the action of a strong cup of coffee) and the pharmacological basis of their action is poorly documented; some of them also have unpleasant - or even dangerous - side effects. More recent 'wonder ' drugs have been christened ampakine by neuroscientists Gary Lynch and Charles Stevens (the Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA). Aropakines boost ynaptic ignalling in the brain (and potentially memory processing) by enhancing the action of glutamate at the a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole proprionic acid (AMPA) subtype of receptor [related to the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, and also important for LTPJ. These drugs are currently being developed by Cortex Pharmaceuticals (Irvine, CA, USA), and in preliminary tests have shown a 20% improvement in short-term recall and memory tests in healthy young male volunteers. However, it is unclear what ide effects the ampakine might produce or whether they will enhance damaged memory.
subsequent responses in those same pathways. By the 1970s, neuropsychologists Brenda Mill er and Larry Squire already had evidence that the med ial temporal lobe (including the hippocampus and amygdala) was involved in certain forms of memory in humans and in experi mental animals. Hippocampal LTP thus seemed a possible candidate for one of the underlying physiological mechanisms. LTP has remai ned a favoured neurological model for memory researchers over the past two decades. The phenomenon has also been recorded in structures other than the hippocampus, such as the neocortex. Refinements of experimental techniques, and the development of pharmaco logical agents for di ssecting out the contributing neurochem ica l mechanisms, have significantly advanced our understanding of LTP. However, this approach has still left many gaps in our understanding; hopefull y, some of these will now be addressed u ing molecular biology.
Types of memory There are two temporally distinct forms of memory: short-term memory is of limited capacity and la ts for minutes or hours, whereas long-term memory is more elaborate and lasts for days, months, or even a lifet ime (Box 3). The processes underl ying these two forms of memory are pharmacologically distinct because short-term memory is disrupted by anaesthetics, while the formation of long-term memories is blocked by protein synthesis inhibitors. Researchers such as Eric Kandel (Columbia University, ew York, NY, USA) have long puzzled over the molecul ar switch that converts the short-term process into a more durable one. The Californian marine snail Aplysia californica is particul arly amenable to the study of such a switch : if the siphon of Aplysia is prodded, it retracts its gills; if its tail is then shocked, it remembers the in ult, and minutes later will react more energeticall y to a furth er prod. At the cellular level, this lea rning leads to an increase in synaptic strength between sensory and motor neurons: a form of short-term memory. After a period of ' rest', the snail forgets its rough treatment and the synaptic potentiation declines to pre-stimulu levels. If, however, the tail shock is repeated four or five times over a one-hour period, the snail reacts strongl y to the prod for days or weeks: a form of long-term memory. The trigger for this switch from short- to long-term ' imprinting' is what is now under investigation.
Serotonin and CREB Kandel's group has used mini ature cellular networks consisting of a si ngle ensory neuron synapsed to a single motor neuron to attempt to identi fy the chemica l switch(es) involved. Application of serotonin (a mod ul atory neurotransmitter released following the tail stimulus) to the co-culture can replicate the physical prod, and causes a measurable rise in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which then activates a variety of enzymes capable of modifying the function of ex isti ng cellular proteins. With repeated erotonin applications (or prods), the cAMP level remai ns elevated for longer and provides the chemical witch that is critical for more permanent sy naptic modification. Kandel and his colleagues have shown that cAMP signalling activates a tran cription factor, cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB); which controls the expre sion of a variety of genes and would ex pl ain the dependence of long-term memory on protein ynthesis. In this way, transient changes in electrical activity of the ce ll are converted into change in cellular metabolism. Regulation of gene ex pression by CREB might be a common mechanism for the formation of memory in many species: disruption of the eREB gene al 0 disrupts long-term memory formation in
mice. Wh at is less clear is which genes are regul ated by CREB activation, and what role they pl ay in the creation of memory. A vast number of so-called immediate earl y genes such as c-Jos. C-jllll and ziJ/268 have been identified; defining their function, and the pathways in which they operate, is therefore currentl y an area of intense research effort.
Tagging neurons for LTP Kandel believe that Aplysia is an excellent model with which to study 'the most wonderful problem in cell biology '. He question: if there is a single neuron with ten branches, and you give a short burst of high-frequency shocks to tetanize just one synapse, do you get strengthening at all ten branches or just the activated one? Kelsey Martin in Kandel's group has developed a system in which a singl e neuron with two bifurcating axons can be isolated. If they 'puff ' serotonin on one synapse alone, onl y the activated terminal gets stronger, even though transcription is initiated at the nucleus. Kandel adds, ' We'd now like to know how the terminal is "marked" for LTP.' Richard Morris (currentl y at the Centre for euroscience, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK) and Uwe Frey (Federal Institute of Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany) have already addressed this issue in part, using the hippocampal LTP model. They found that they could induce long-lasting LTP (, late LTP ') at one set of synapses and, one hour later, induce late LTP at a second set of synapses on the same pyramidal ce lls, even though a drug that blocks protein synthesi had been applied. They believe that a 'tag' is generated at the synapse at which LTP is induced. This tag can sequester proteins that are essential for stabilizing late LTP. Thus, it eems likely that proteins critical for LTP don't have an ' address ' on them they simply diffuse through the ce ll until they are hijacked by a sy naptic tag. Identifying the nature of the synaptic tag will be an important breakthrough in our under tanding of the principle of neuronal pl asticity.
LTP: memory or not? While LTP has many attractions as a cellul ar model for memory and learning, researchers have had, until recentl y, onl y indirect ev idence that this model is valid. In 1986, Richard Morris tested the effects of an infusion of an NMDA receptor antagonist called 2-amino-5-pho phonovaleric acid (AP5 ) directl y into the brain of rats trained in the Morris water maze (a test of spatial memory). Administration of AP5 abolished LTP and also the rats' perform ance in the maze; the result wa enthusiastica ll y taken as ev idence for a rol e for LTP in memory in vivo. The behavioural effects of AP5 could have stemmed from bl ocking the function of the NMDA receptor elsewhere in the brain. However, infusions of AP5 directl y into the hippoca mpu produce the sa me effect.
Creating a forgetful mouse ew tran genic techniques prov ide a means to a sociate the function of specific molecul es with memory by deleting . ingle gene. and studying the phy. iologica l and behavioural consequences in the living anim al. The first two ' forgetful ' mice were created in 1992 by Alcino Silva (now at old Spring Harbor, Y, USA), Seth Grant (now at the entre for Genome Re earch and Neurosciences, University of Edinburgh, UK) and their colleague. ilva ' tea m elimin ated a Ca 2+-ca lmodulin-dependent protein kina. e II (a aMKJI), an abundant enzyme in the hippoca mpu and onc known to be important in LTP. Thc aCa MKII knockouts performed poorl y in the Morris water
Box 3. Definitions of memory Declarative memory This is episodic and involves memories of places, people and things. Good examples are the recollection of a friend 's face, a favourite painting or where you left the car keys. The hippocampus is critical in its formation, although brain imaging tudies have implicated cortical regions in its storage and retrieval. In the laboratory, the ' Morris water maze' and 'context-dependent fear conditioning' provide test of declarative memory in rodents. Procedural memory This is the form of memory that involves strategies and actions. Good examples include remembering how to drive a car, or the rules of grammar learned at school. It is not dependent on the hippocampus but might involve other brain regions such as the cerebellum. In the laboratory, the sea snail Ap/ysia and the fruit fly Drosophila are both amenable to studies of procedural memory.
maze, and LTP could not be induced in the hippocampu in viTro evidence both for a role for aCa MKJI in memory-inducing pathways, and for a role for LTP in memory formation. A number of other elective gene knockouts have prov ided a variety of memory-defective mice (see Table 1). While conclu ive evidence for a direct link between LTP and memory has not yet been forthcoming. the general pattern is in agreement with the pharmacological studie , sugge ting a close association.
Problems with knockouts Although elective gene knockouts have undeniabl y been of great benefit to the memory-research communit y, they are not without their limitations. Knockout are generated through modification of stem cells, so the gene of intere t i eliminated from every cell in the anim al at the ea rlie t stage of development. Thi might disrupt the normal development of the brain and , becau e genes frequentl y have multipl e fun ctions, might affect more than one ph ysiological proces . An example of thi is the 'global' MDA knockout mou e: the mice died at birth from respiratory fa ilure, highlighting the importance of MDA receptors in proce e other than memory form ation. A further complication i that other gene can compen ate fo r the eliminated gene, again making interpretation of the behavioural con equences of a single gene mutation far from traightforward .
Knockouts in time and place Several of the pitfalls of 'global' gene knockout have now been circumvented by some ingenious new technique (ee Fig. I) that can generate cell -type-specific gene knockouts. One such technique is ' noxing', in which the gene of interest i selectively exci ed in a celltype- pecific manner. Last year, Su umu Tonegawa and colleague (Center for Memory and Learning, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA) reported that they had succe sfull y 'noxed out ' the MDA re eptor fro m the A1 region of the hippocampus (an area in which LTP can be induced). Tonegawa's team in collaboration with Mark Mayford and Eric Kandel, placed Cre recombinase (a bacteriophage enzyme that exci es D A between a pair of palindromic sequences ca lled 10x P ite ) under the arne promoter as a aMKJI , which i expres ed predomi nantl y in A I cell. . They al 0 replaced the native MDA receptor 431
Pers pecti ves
Table 1. Gene knockouts and their effects on memory Targeted gene product
Function of gene product
Effect on spatial memory
Effect on LTP
Ca2'-<:aImodulin-dependent protein kinase
Protein kinase implicated in leaming
Impaired (site-directed overexpression of the gene also caused impairment)
No LTP in hippocampus (with a few exceptions)
Seizures in the mice; enhanced acoustic startle response
Protein kinase C-'Y
Protein kinase involved in many signal transduction pathways and implicated in LTP
Mild deficits only
Abnormal LTP but only induced by low-frequency stimulus
'Y isoform is specific to CNS and is expressed postnatally
cAMP-dependent protein kinase
Protein kinase involved in many signal transduction pathways
Impaired in some knockouts; impaired by overexpression of inhibitory subunit
No LTP in hippocampus
No anatomical abnormalities
Neuronal glycoprotein and cell adhesion molecule
LTP in dentate gyrus but not hippocampus
No anatomical abnormalities
Protein tyrosine kinase
No LTP (unless high frequency stimulation is used)
Defect in brain cellular architecture
A glutamate receptor implicated in LTP
Contradictory results in two studies
Adenylate cyclase
Enzyme that catalyses the production of cAMP
NMDAR1 (CAl only)
Essential subunit of the NMDA receptor
g Elimination of NMDA expression in CAl region
"Silva, A.J. et II. (1992) SaiItIce 257, 201 - 206; Silva, A.J. fit aI. (1992) Science 257, 206-211 ; Mayford, M. et aI. (1 996) Science 274, 167S-1683 'AbeItovich, A. fit aI. (1993) CB/175, 1253-1262; AbeIiovich, A. et aI. (1993) CB/175, 1263-1271 'Brandon, E.P. fit 81. (1995) Proc. NBtI. Acad. Sci. U. S. A 92, 8851-as55; Qi, M. fit aI. (1996) Proc. foIalI. Acad. Sci. U. S. A 93, 1571-1 576; Abef, T. et aI. (1997) Ceil 88, 61~ 'Nosten Bertrand, M. et 81. (1 996) Natute 379, 826-829 'GrIr1t. S.G.N. fit 81. (1 992) ScietIce 256, 1!m-1910 'Conquet, F. et aI. (1994) Natute 372, 237- 243; Aiba, A. fit aI. (1994) Cell 79, 36S-375 fNu, Z.l fit 81. (1995) Proc. NatI. Acad. Sci. U. S. A 92, 220-224 "Tsien, J.l. fit aI. (1996) CetY 87, 1317- 1326
subunit NRI (critical for LTP induction) with a ver ion that was fl anked by 10xP sites. When the two mice were crossed, their progeny produced Cre recombina e specifically in CAl cell , which then removed the 10xP-fi anked NRI gene, yielding mice Ihat lacked NMDA receptors specifically in the CAl pyramidal cells. 0 LTP could be measured in the hippocampu in vitro, and the mice performed poorly in the Morris water maze, helping to confirm the link between hippocampal LTP and certain forms of memory. In collaboration with Matthew Wilson of M1T, the researchers further confi rmed a role for the hippocampus in spatial memory. Each mouse wa fitted with a tiny helmet of 30 electrodes that were lowered into the hippocampus. The electrical activity of Ih is tissue could be recorded online a the mouse
43 2
moved between locations. In conlrol mice, there wa an orga nized paltern of firing as Ihe mouse moved between pecific locations; in Ihe NMDA knockout , thi paltern was disrupted. With a uilable promoter, the Cre recombinase sy tem coul d be used to elimin ate any gene in any of a num ber of ce ll types. However, thi method of gene knockout is both irreversible and triggered ea rl y in development. To overcome these potenti al limitations of the technique, Mayford, Kandel and their coll eague have adapted a drug- inducible knockout system to investigate the role of aCa MKII in memory fo rmation in the normal nervous sy tern . They pl aced the gene of interest (a constitutive ly acti ve form of aCa MKJI) under a tetracycl ine-sen iti ve control y'stem that prov ides
Pers pecti ves
a CaMKii
Mouse 1
Mouse 2
10xP site
\ Cross mouse 1 with mouse 2
Cre recombinase enzyme
Progeny a CaMKii promoter
CA1 neurons
Excision of NR1 gene
All other cells
o No excision of NR1 gene
• Figure 1. Floxing genes. A pair of palindromic sequences called 10xP sites is inserted around the gene of interest (in this case the N·methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit NR1 ), ensuring that the expression and function of the gene is not disrupted. This 'floxed' (from flanked by 10xP) gene is then injected into mouse embryonic stem cells and will, with luck, recombine with the native gene, resulting in a mouse containing the floxed gene. In a second line of mice, the gene encoding Cre recombinase is inserted into the genome under the control of a cell·specific promoter (such as the promoter for a·Ca 2·-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II , aCaMKII); the recombinase enzyme will thus only be expressed in a specified cell type. The two mouse lines are then crossed and a mouse containing both transgenes is identified. In such mice, the Cre enzyme induces the excision of the floxed gene but only in those cells in which the enzyme is induced.
temporal control of gene ex pres ion. In another mouse line, they placed the tetracycline control ystem under a cell- pecific promoter (the one they had u ed earlier for native aCa MKII); this provide spati al control of gene expres ion. When the two train are cro ed, the off pring have a tetracycl ine- en itive aCaMKII tran gene pecific for the A1 region of the hippoca mpus. In the absence of tetracycline the anim al. howed memory deficit , confirming a role for thi. enzyme in memory form ation. Conversely, in the presence of the drug and therefore, production of aCaMKII , the anim al rega ined their abilit y to learn tasks.'To my knowledge, controlled or inducible gene deletion ha not been achieved in the brain,' says Mayford. ' However, this is clearl y one of the direction that the resea rch i head ing. Modifications of the tetracycline ystem may be u eful in thi. endeavour.'
The futu re Refining the technique for gene targeting i also an important goa l of Kandel s team. 'We need to find beller promoters 0 that we can
get more discrete expression of gene in the brain,' ays Kandel. The problem they want to addre i what each region of the brain i doing in memory form ation. ' Do different regions control different
Qutlllon. ariling for molecular medicine • What other forms of synaptic plasticity underlie memory and learning? • Where and bow are forms of memory, other than spatial memory, generated? • How do hormones and growth factors, which are also regulators of gene expression, influence memory formation? • Will it be possible to engineer transgenic animals to enhance, rather than elimiDate, memory? • How can this knowledge be used to design memory-enhancing therapy or prevent memory loss?
a pect of memory, for example the CAl region for spatial memory, the hippocampu for memory of people and pl ace , and the entorhinal cortex for olfactory memory, and so on')' The alternative is that all region might work 'with all sen ory modalities. but just specialize in one particular a pect of memory encoding, torage or retrieval. If we can control gene expres ion more tightl y we could ystematically interfere with LTP in each region and identify what ort of memory i disrupted.' Finding a cau al link between pia tic change in brain synap e and the proce e underlying mammalian memory and learning no longer seem a formidable ta k. Reflecting on tbe fate of LTP in memory and learning, Richard Morris thinks it 'goe in and out of favour. ' He ays tbat he i . till a believer' and that he ha orne exciting new data (u ing APS) to ub tantiate hi hunch, He u pect that LTP is important for certain kinds of learning, but probably not as a general mechani m. Morri feels that a pharmacologica l approach to investigating LTP mechan i m continues to be attractive and that with orne really pecific drug. experiment can be performed that are still not po ible using knockout. To test the effect on memory directl y. Morris ays. 'We can now take an animal, cannulate the hippocampu and put in a variety of drug : APS one day, aline the next, an AMPA antagoni t the next. . With new tran genic technique . re~earcher can now examine the contribution made by specific genes to memory functio ns, Other inve tigator are attempting to under tand better the neuropathological basi for memory disruption in neurodegenerative condition such a ' Alzheimer ' disea e (Box 1); for example, recent tudies in a tran genic model for lzbeimer' revealed a di ruption of LTP. Together,
M()L1 , CULAf~
molecular biologists. phys iologi ts and pharmacologists can start to build a picture of the molecul e of memory, and so lay the foundation for potential treatment for amne ia.
Selected reading Bli , T.v. P. and CoUingridge, G,L. (1993) ynaptic model of memory: long-term potentiation in the hippocampus, a/ure 37 , 31-39 Chen. 1. and Tonegawa, S. (1997) Molecular genetic analy i of ynaptic plasticity, activity-dependent neural development, learning, and memory in the mammalian brain, Anllll.,R ev. ellrosci. 20. 157-1 4
Frey, U, and Morris, R.G. M. (1997) ynaptic tagging and long-term potentiation, alLlre 38-, -33-536 Grant, S. and ilva, A.J. (1994) Targeting learning, Trends
Tsien, J.Z. e/ 01. (1996) ubregion- and cell type-restricted gene knockout in mouse brain, Cell 7, 1317-1326 T ien, 1.Z. e/ 01. (1996) The e sential role of hippocampal CAl MDA-receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity in patial memory, Cell 7, 1327-133
Liz Fletcher is a freelance science writer.
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