Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 44 (2013) 121-123
Journal de l’imagerie médicale et des sciences de la radiation
Message from the Editor Lisa Di Prospero, BSc(Hons), MSc, MRT(T)
It is with great excitement and anticipation that I introduce myself to the JMIRS readership as the new editor-in-chief. As a founding member of the journal’s editorial board, I have seen the scribbles of our first brainstorm session be realized into the current journal, which has influenced practice both nationally and internationally. I look forward to building on the tremendous success of the inaugural editor-inchief, Mr. John French, and am committed to maintaining the momentum of the journal as it builds in readership, quality, and impact across all disciplines. Philosophically, I am committed to promoting and integrating research as part of evidence-based practice. I look forward to harnessing opportunities to liaise and connect both nationally and internationally to increase submissions to the JMIRS from all of our disciplines, as well as provide our profession and interprofessional colleagues with a solid publishing platform that supports both the clinical and academic realms. I am thrilled to introduce a new distinguished associate editor to our editorial board. Representing radiation therapy is Heidi Probst, PhD, MA, BSc(Hons), DCR(T), FETC. Heidi is a senior lecturer in radiotherapy and oncology and research team leader at Sheffield Hallam University in the United Kingdom. Her areas of interest include breast cancer radiotherapy, development of the radiotherapy workforce (including job satisfaction, burnout, resilience, development of intrapreneurial skills), and e-learning. Heidi is well known and respected throughout the international community for her body of research. There are exciting developments in our publishing model to further support dissemination and access. Authors now have the option to make their article open access via Elsevier’s sponsored article option. Our new ‘‘hybrid’’ journal will publish both subscription articles and open access articles, giving authors a choice on how they would like their information disseminated. As of April 2013, we are also offering a new interactive service called ‘‘Audioslides’’ in which authors can create a 5-minute presentation about their work. This presentation consists of slides (PowerPoint or PDF) and voice-over recordings and will be shown next to the online (HTML) article on ScienceDirect. Lastly, with Elsevier’s recent acquisition of Mendeley, an innovative research management and social collaboration tool, research teams are able to ‘‘organize, 1939-8654/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
share, and discover’’ their work. In addition to Mendeley, the JMIRS is now listed on the following databases: Embase, Scopus, CINAHL, ScienceDirect, ORCID, GO RAD, Index Copernicus, and HINARI. This issue has a range of articles from across disciplines and representing our international partners. First is a review from authors Arnjeet Sangha, Drs. Renee Korol, and Arjun Sahgal, ‘‘Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Spinal Metastases: An Overview of the University of Toronto, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Odette Cancer Centre, Technique.’’ The authors discuss the technical delivery of spine stereotactic body radiotherapy with particular attention to the incorporation of robotic treatment couch technology, a major advancement in correcting patient setup errors. Given broad implementation of stereotactic body radiotherapy
within radiation therapy practice, as well as its esteemed authors, this article has been made available as open access on our website, It has also been chosen as the GO RAD selection for this quarter. You can visit www. to access the International Society of Radiology’s selection of current, practical, radiology literature. Aligned with the continued implementation of technological advances that influence practice, we continue with a clinical research article. Elizabeth Brown et al. detail potential risk profiles and a corresponding adaptive treatment strategy for patients with virally mediated head and neck cancers. Transitioning to the art and education of practice is an article published by John Maamoun et al., exploring an extension of practice to improve quality of care. The team presents the efficacy of a screening tool to assist radiation therapists to quickly identify those patients who require additional interventions, allowing early and timely referral and facilitating the provision of quality, in-depth, patient-centred, supportive care. This is followed by eloquent educational research by Gillan et al. to identify elements of an imaging literacy competency profile and best educational practice to fill the curriculum gap in radiation oncology medical residency programs relating to imaging. In keeping with the publication of abstracts presented at the Radiation Therapy Conference 2013 in our previous issue, we now present the student stream from this Toronto-based conference. The quality of research being conducted by our students speaks to the shift of the medical radiation technologist from collecting the data to leading the research team. Fostering a culture of research prelicensure is essential to ensure that research is embedded into practice as
part of practice. This integration must include all components of the research process from idea through to publication of results. As clinical teachers and mentors, we must be committed to promoting and supporting a culture of inquiry. In this issue, we conclude with a reflective dialogue of experts (a fish-bowl exercise) titled ‘‘10 Years of Advanced Practice in Ontario: Reflections and Recollections.’’ This piece is presented as a precursor to our upcoming special issue on the topic of ‘‘evolving practice,’’ scheduled for publication as volume 45/4 (the final issue of 2014). I encourage authors with an interest in this topic to consider submitting a manuscript, case study, technical paper, or editorial on their experiences prior to the submission deadline of June 2014. It is hoped this issue will question, motivate, and elicit ideas, even those that are controversial. As always, I encourage our readers to respond to articles in JMIRS with Letters to the Editor. I challenge you to participate in a scientific discourse of the work published by your colleagues. Ideally, letters should elevate or add to the level of discussion or provide an interesting perspective to an issue. I also invite you to send me your comments and feedback on the journal to
[email protected]. Let me know how we can steer the journal and how we can ensure that you publish with us. Please send all comments and general comments or questions to
[email protected]. Stimulating inquiry,
Message de La Redactrice En Chef Lisa Di Prospero, BSc(Hons), MSc, MRT(T)
C’est avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme et un peu d’apprehension tout de m^eme que je me presente au lectorat du JMIRS a titre de nouvelle redactrice en chef. Membre fondatrice du comite de redaction du Journal, j’ai vu les gribouillis de nos premieres seances de remue-meninges ceder la place au journal dans sa version actuelle, qui a influence la pratique a l’echelle nationale et internationale. J’espere poursuivre dans la lignee de l’extraordinaire succes obtenu par le premier redacteur en chef, M. John French, et je m’engage a maintenir l’elan du Journal alors qu’il elargit son lectorat, sa qualite et son influence dans toutes les disciplines. Philosophiquement, je m’engage a promouvoir et integrer la recherche dans le cadre d’une pratique fondee sur l’experience clinique. Je souhaite tirer parti des occasions d’etablir des liens et des connexions a l’echelle nationale et internationale afin d’augmenter le nombre d’articles soumis au JMIRS dans toutes nos disciplines, et d’offrir a notre profession et a nos collegues des autres professions 122
une plateforme de publication solide pour le secteur clinique comme pour le secteur theorique. C’est avec un immense plaisir que j’accueille une nouvelle et distinguee redactrice en chef adjointe au sein du comite de lecture. Heidi Probst, PhD, MA, BSc(Hons), DCR(T), FETC, represente la radiotherapie. Heidi est chargee de cours principale en radiotherapie et oncologie et chef d’equipe de recherche a l’Universite Sheffield Hallam (SHU) au Royaume-Uni. Ses champs d’inter^et comprennent la radiotherapie du cancer du sein, le perfectionnement du personnel en radiotherapie (y compris la satisfaction au travail, le surmenage professionnel, la resilience, le developpement des competences intrapreneuriales) et l’apprentissage electronique. Heidi est connue et respectee a l’echelle internationale pour ses recherches. Il se passe des choses interessantes dans notre modele de publication afin de soutenir la diffusion et l’acces aux articles.
L.D. Prospero/Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 44 (2013) 121-123