Metabolizable Energy Determinations of Safflower Meals for Turkeys

Metabolizable Energy Determinations of Safflower Meals for Turkeys


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Halloran Research Farm, Modesto, California 95351 AND

H. J. ALMQUIST PVO International, Inc., San Francisco, California 94111 (Received for publication March 3, 1973)

POULTRY SCIENCE 52: 1674-1676, 1973

Study 1. Day-old torn poults were put on a starter diet for a two week period. They were then individually weighed and the smallest and largest eliminated. Eight groups with similar average weights were selected, 6 toms per group. Four replicate groups were given a control diet containing glucose monohydrate, and four were given the same diet in which 20% of the glucose was replaced by the same quantity of decorticated (42% protein) safflower meal. Feed intake and droppings output were measured for three days during the fourth week. Droppings were dried and representative samples of feed and feces were analyzed for nitrogen, crude fiber and moisture. Gross energy values were determined by combustion calorimeter. All data were converted to dry basis. It has been shown that the crude fiber of the normal diet and of normal ingredients goes through the chicken quantitatively and can be used as a tracer in relating feed intake to droppings output

(Almquist and Halloran, 1971). In the present work with very young turkeys the average recoveries of crude fiber in the droppings collected were, for the four groups on the control diet, 100.7%, and for the four groups on the safflower diet, 99.7%. Another way of examining the validity of the fiber tracer technique is to express the ratios of feces weights to feed weights. These were as follows: Ratio of feces to feed By actual measurement Control diet Test diet By fiber tracer Control diet Test diet

0.2759 0.4305 0.2740 0.4398

These ratios are again close for the two procedures and the same diets. Calculation of the metabolizable energy of the safflower meal followed the usual procedure. By actual measurement (total collection of feed and feces) the nitrogencorrected metabolizable energy of the decorticated safflower meal (dry basis) was 1.75 kcal./gm. and by the fiber tracer

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ABSTRACT Metabolizable energy determinations were made with turkeys during the fourth week of age on decorticated (42% protein) safflower meal by two methods: total collection of feces and use of a fiber tracer. The nitrogen-corrected metabolizable energy content of the decorticated safflower meal by the total collection method on a dry basis was 1.75 kcal./ gm., and by the fiber tracer technique 1.63 kcal./gm. The average of these two values was 1.69 kcal./gm. Metabolizable energy determinations were made with undecorticated (20% protein) and decorticated safflower meals with turkeys using the fiber tracer method during the fourteenth week of age. The nitrogen-corrected metabolizable energy values on a dry basis were: undecorticated safflower meal, 1.75 kcal./gm., and decorticated meal, 2.24 kcal./gm.



Study 2. Further studies were conducted with both the undecorticated and the decorticated safflower meals using older turkeys. These were raised on a practical diet to twelve weeks of age, individually weighed and selected for uniform weight, and divided into nine groups of 3 toms and 3 hens each. Three were given a control diet of practical ingredients, except that it contained approximately 10% of glucose monohydrate replacing a similar amount of grains. Three groups were given a diet in which the glucose was replaced by undecorticated (20% protein) safflower meal, and three groups were given a similar diet containing the decorticated (42% protein) safflower meal. Analyses and gross energy measurements were made as in the previous work. Using the crude fiber tracer procedure, an average value of 1.75 kcal./gm. was obtained for the undecorticated meal (dry basis), and 2.24 kcal./gm. for the

decorticated meal. These values compare closely with those obtained for similar meals using older chickens (laying hens), (Almquist and Halloran, 1969, 1972). These were: undecorticated safflower meal, 1.75 kcal./gm. and decorticated safflower meal, 2.19 kcal./gm. Canadian workers found that the metabolizable energy value of rapeseed meal increased markedly with the age of the chicken (Lodhi et al., 1969; and Rao and Clandinin, 1970). Comment. These results add to the evidence that is developing showing that the metabolizable energy of at least some feed ingredients may increase for older fowls. There should be a distinction between metabolizable and that energy which is actually metabolized. The metabolizable energy should be determined with an animal of an age at which it can get the most out of a feedstuff, provided that the general digestive system remains the same. This value would be an upper limit. The value found with young birds is not necessarily the full metabolizable energy. It may be only the metabolized energy for these young birds. REFERENCES Almquist, H. J., and H. R. Halloran, 1969. Determination of the metabolizable energy content of decorticated safflower meal for laying hens. Animal Nutrition Health, July. Almquist, H. J., and H. R. Halloran, 1971. Crude fiber as a tracer in poultry nutrition studies. Poultry Sci. 50: 1233-1235. Almquist, H. J., and H. R. Halloran, 1972. Safflower meal for laying hens. Animal Nutrition Health, January. Halloran, H. R., 1973. Unpublished results. Lodhi, G. N., R. Renner and D. R. Clendinin, 1969. Studies on the metabolizable energy of rapeseed meal for growing chickens and laying hens. Poultry Sci. 48: 964-970. Rao, P. V., and D. R. Clandinin, 1970. Effect of determination on the metabolizable energy value of

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technique, 1.63 kcal./gm. The average of these two values was 1.69 kcal./gm. This value is 10.6% lower than the 1.89 kcal./ gm. reported by Zablan et al. (1963), for decorticated safflower meal for broilers. There is other evidence for differences in metabolizable energy values for chickens and turkeys. Slinger et al. (1964) found that with a high energy diet chickens metabolized significantly more energy per unit of feed than turkeys. The turkeys metabolized the dietary energy in a low energy diet better than the chickens. They suggested that it would be highly desirable to use turkeys to derive metabolizable energy values for use in formulating turkey diets. Halloran (1973) found that two feed fat samples gave metabolizable energy values with three week old turkeys approximately 9% lower than the broiler energy figures.



rapeseed meal. Poultry Sci. 49: 1069-1074. 329-333. Slinger, S. J., I. R. Sibbald and W. F. Pepper, 1964. Zablan, T. A., N. Griffith, M. C. Nesheim, R. J. The relative abilities of two breeds of chickens Young and M. L. Scott, 1963. Metabolizable and two varieties of turkeys to metabolize dietary energy of some oilseed meals and some unusual energy and dietary nitrogen. Poultry Sci. 43: feedstuffs. Poultry Sci. 42: 619-625.

HIGH DIETARY REQUIREMENT OF MALE CHICKS FOR LINOLEIC ACID L. B. CAREW, J R . , AND D. C. FOSS 1 Department of A nimal Sciences, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05401 (Received for publication March 13,1973)

POULTRY SCIENCE 52: 1675-1678,1973

There is disagreement as to the dietary linoleic acid requirement of male chicks for maximum growth rate. Menge (1970) reported this to be 1.2% of the diet or 3.6% of the calories. This did not agree with results presented by Hill (1966) and Bieri and Prival (1966) who established the requirement as 1 to 2% of dietary calories (less than 1% of the diet). But it did correspond to results presented by Hopkins and Nesheim (1967) for straightrun chicks. Results we have obtained with male broiler chicks to four weeks of age, while agreeing most closely with the higher requirement presented by Menge (1970), suggest an even higher requirement than previously reported. PROCEDURE

TABLE 1.—Composition of linoleic acid deficient diet Ingredients


Glucose monohydrate Isolated soy protein 1 Cellulose2 Glycerin (95% USP) Mineral mix34 Vitamin mix Methionine hydroxy analog Glycine Choline CI (70%)

52.76 30.00 5.00 4.00 6.40 0.50 0.70 0.40 0.24 100.00

'Assay protein C-l, Skidmore Enterprises, Cincinnati. 2 Solka-floc, Brown Company, Berlin, N.H. 3 Supplies the following in mg./kg.: dicalcium phosphate 38,000, CaC0 3 4,930, NaCl 2,000, NaHCOs 6,000, KHCO s 5,000, KC1 4,000, MgSO< 3,500, FeS0 4 -7H 2 0 500, MnS0 4 -H 2 0 330, ZnO 100, CuS0 4 -5H 2 0 39, Na 2 Mo0 4 -2H 2 0 8, K10 3 10, CoCl 2 -6H 2 0 2, Na 2 Se0 3 0.22. 4 Supplies the following in mg./kg.: riboflavin 15, Ca pantothenate 50, niacin 100, pyridoxine HC1 15, thiamine HC1 10, folacin 6, biotin 0.5, menadione sodium bisulfite 5, inositol 100, ascorbic acid 100, p-amino benzoic acid 100, vitamin B 1S 0.05, ethoxyquin (66%) 132; in units/kg., vitamin A 9,750, vitamin D 3 4,800, vitamin E 63.

Two experiments were conducted with Cobb male broiler chicks in cages. The basal, linoleic acid deficient diet is shown in Table 1. I t was based on isolated soy protein and glucose, had a very low fat and reduce the dustiness of the lower fat content, and contained glycerin as a non- diets. Graded levels of linoleic acid were lipid binder to improve the consistency added as safflower oil or stripped corn oil 1 Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station by substituting the fat for glucose, calorie for calorie, on a metabolizable energy Journal Article 303.

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ABSTRACT The linoleic acid requirement for maximum growth of male broiler chicks to four weeks of age was 1.9% of the diet or 5.3% of dietary calories. No effect of depletion by feeding a linoleic acid deficient diet from one to nine days of age was evident in the chick's requirement for linoleic acid.