Metal douche nozzle

Metal douche nozzle

PHILADELPHIA OBSTETRICAL 877 SOCIETY Admitted to Gyngcological Dispensary, CASE 3.-F. B., colored, age forty-one. March 3, 1927. Chief complaint p...

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Admitted to Gyngcological Dispensary, CASE 3.-F. B., colored, age forty-one. March 3, 1927. Chief complaint pain in left side of abdomen for four months. She had always been well. Has had two pregnancies, the first child delivered by cesarean section 23 years ago, second labor normal, 19 years ago. Menstrual history negative Periods are now beginexcept for slight pain in left side for the past four months. ning to be a little irregular and more scant. Occasionally vomited The pain came on 2 to 3 days before onset of period. during pain, but it seems to have no relation to the gastrointestinal tract!. Cervix found drawn up high on anterior vaginal wall. Uterus seems slightly larger than normal and is adherent to- scar of abdominal operation. No tenderness or mass in either IateraI fornix. The lipiodol x-ray showed an elongated uterus fixed to anterior abdominal wall. Operation postponed. DR. J. 0. ARNOLD considered that any by an absolutely normal temperature must sequence as h&-e reported.

DR. J. S.



He first devised this type with a short vaginal pessary*

cesarean at least

An Improved

of pessary about stem, absolutely


fifteen smooth

section that be watched

is not followed for some such

Type of Pessary. years ago. throughout

This is a globe so that no acrid

1. (Raudenbush.)

secretions could be harbored in the instrument itself. This instrument ca4 be removed by the patient in the evening so that she may take a cleansing vaginal douche, and in this way prevent the consequences of prolonged and continued pressure and of penned-up irritating discharges. In this way she is practically onethird of the time out of every twenty-four hours without a foreign body. In the morning she can replace it.




presented a Metal

Douche Nozzle.

It is made in two parts: A metal tubing five inches long, slightly the junction of the upper and lower two-thirds, and a detachable bulbous three perforations. The advantages of this nozzle are cleanliness, may be by boiling, and will not break. The glass nozzle frequently breaks and broken pieces must be removed vagina. The hard rubber nozzle is not satisfactory because it cannot be satisfactorily. *Made


the Physicians



of Philadelphia,


curved at tip with sterilized from the sterilized