Metastable ion analysis by automatic repetitive scanning
343 InWrnarionalJournal of MISS S’c:romefr_v and Ion Ph_t-sits. 19 (1976) 343-350 9 Ekvicr Scicnt ifICPubl-ISh-III!:C ompany,Amsterdam - Printedin The...
343 InWrnarionalJournal of MISS S’c:romefr_v and Ion Ph_t-sits. 19 (1976) 343-350 9 Ekvicr Scicnt ifICPubl-ISh-III!:C ompany,Amsterdam - Printedin The Netherl~ncis
3-m Ke DAVIES, D. L_ hlcGtl.LIVRAI
Dcparrmcnr of Chcm&r__r. Unirc~+r-~-of Vicroriu. Vicrwia. B- C-, KS 1Y 222 (Canada) (Fint rccciwd 6 May 1975; in tinal rorm 7 August
An offset amplifier has been designed which allows deiection of metastabie transitions (in a Hitachi RMU-7E Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer) by the Acceleration Voltage Scan using signal averaging to $ve peak enhancement. LJsin,o a second mode of operation the amplifier aiiow Ion Kinetic Enerq Spectra to be collected through repetitive scanning. The onset amplifier is extremely versatile and is readily adaptable to other makes of mass spectrometersA set of composite metastabIe ion peaks obtained by the Acceleration Voitase Scan are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the unit and for comparison with previously published data_
In a recent publication [I J we described the use of an offset amplifier which allowed the rapid on-line detection of metastab!e transitions in a double focusing mass spectrometer (Hitachi RMU-7E) by the method described by Kiser et al_ [2J_ We wish to report here an improved version of the offset amplifier which has additional features that aiiow metastable transitions to be detected by (a) Aceeieration Voltage Scan [3,4] and (b) scannm g the sectorpotential and monitoring the signal at the &position (Ion Kinetic Energy Spectra (I-K-E-S_)) [S, 6]_ In each case repetitive scanning is used to give peak enhancement_ Defocusing by Acceleration Voitase Scan [3,4] is achieved by adding the amplified output ramp voltage from a signal averager to the aaxterating voItage of the mass spectrometer_ Ion Kinetic Enew Spectra [5,6] are obtained by adding the amplified output ramp voltas from the signal avenger to the sector plates_
The offset amplifier is connected as shown in F&s_ I (a) i(b)_ The selection of either Kiser -Scan (2% V_ Fixed Mode”, Fig. I (a)); I.K.E.S. (‘5. V. Variable Mode”, Fis l(a)) or Acceleration Voltage Scan (“A_ V. Variable Mode”, Fi_e_ I(b)) is obtained throu_eh the selection of the appropriate position of the Mode Switch (Fig_ 2) In the “By-Pass-’ Mode the offset amplifier is disconnected A brief outline of ahe operation of the offset amplifier and a discussion of its uses, limitations and construction are given below_