160 Blue Pill four grains, Extract of Hemloek five. The operation was somewhat delayed, three grains, in a pill twice daily. The Blac7c in consequence...

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160 Blue Pill four grains, Extract of Hemloek five. The operation was somewhat delayed, three grains, in a pill twice daily. The Blac7c in consequence of the unusual smallness of Wash to be continued, and the Alum Gargle the nerves surrounding the artery ; but, ulto be used to the mouth. timately, not the least branchof nerve was Jan. 5. The eruption is very nearly gone, included the ligature. An amputation and there is but very little remaining thickthe for strumous disease of that ening of the left labium ; the right labium joint, was afterwards performed by Mr. B. has more of its natural feel and appearance ; Cooper. On the 7th, lithotomy was perthe discharge fron the vagina is only small formed upon a man aged about forty-five or in quantity and temporary in its appear- fifty years, by Mr. Key; the patient is likely to ance ; the tonsils are much diminished in do well. The convenience and advantage of size; the ptyalism still continues. A lotion the students at this hospital would be much of Oxymuriate of Mercury gr. j, to xj ofserved, if surgeons were to attend on operawith more exactness as regards water, to be used, and the injection to be persevered in. She continued the use offtime, than they sometimes observe ; much these remedies for some time, and was made thumping of boards and pannels, and other an out-patient for a few weeks, when she sources of unsuitable noise, would then be which is painful to the patient and discontinued her attendance at the hospital, to a scientific audience. being quite cured.

above inknee,

’ tion days ; , spared,


LONDON HOSPITAL.—On the 3rd instant the operation of lithotomy was performed at this hospital upon a hoy about ten years of age, by Mr. Luke. Some difficulty was experienced in the extraction of the stone, owing to its magnitude, as it measured in the longitudinal direction an inch and a half; transversely about an inch. The calculus was of the cystic oxide kind. The patient did well. Guy’s HOSPITAL.—On the 5th instant the operation for tying the femoral artery was performed at this institution by Mr, Key, upon a man of about the age of thirty.


Many reports of Societies, papers, and answers to Correspondents, are unavoidably omitted this week from want of space.

ERRATUM.—In the accoont of the Parisian hospitals, page 120, the paragraphs nndcr the head of " HOPITAL r.E LA CHARITE," beginning with the wonts, " This hospital ia the next largest in Paris," shoatd have been placed, in arranging the m.ttter for publication, nncter the table immediately below, which is headed, 11 Hopi’rAL ST. LOUIS." Will our readers be w kind as to mark this transposition with their pem.


(Extract from a Meteorological Journal kept at High Wycombe. Lat. 51° 37’ 44"

North, Long. 34° 45" West.)