METHANE ACTIVATION AT ELEVATED PRESSURESIN QUARTZ Alvin R Weiss’, Jeng-shiangTsaih‘, Nadka Davidovaband Maria Tm+vab Worcutes Polytechic Institute, Worceskr, MA 01609, USA Gsitute of Khetics and Catalysis,Bu@arianAcademy of Sciences, 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria
The cxmsivc
curmt activity in the catalytic oxidative coupling of methane to ethane 2a + l/2 02 ca,a3 + w (1) hasraisedthequestionofwhattraespiresduringtheheat-uppaiodandinthe~~of~ ~withoutcatalyst.Inaddition,preJsuree~issignificantinthesensethata commerchl “atmosphericpressure” reactor may actually operate at about ten atmospheres to accommodatepressuredrops.
Figun 1. RcactantflowwasthNnlghthe . ammlus ofa1.4 cm IDx45.7 cm long quark tube 40 containing a 0.61 cm OD quanx tube usedasathermowell.Thereactor wasinsideaheavy-walledstables a steeltubeinafumace. cHJQ/Hemix~wereused.
CI&foedratewasfkedat43Std. 8s cc/min(SCCM). The total i&t flow 5 rate was constant at 149 SCCM. ‘E s GC analyses establishedpIrniIlct .
Tempemtmepro&sweresteepin”~ therractor,andtheisokzmalzonef was5cminlengkHigherumvers-” ionswerehadintheemptyreactor thanwtlenitwaspackdwith4-20 mesh quartz chips, 14% vs 2.2% at 8OOC,1 atm, and 2.2 C.&/Q ratio. WeatIributethistotheshorter reshhcetimeinthein&sticesof the quartz chips.
610 Iowa tempemtwes when pressws are above 1 atm. Oxygen conversions are virtually complete at 550 C at ekvated pressures.Table 1 shows the dry gas analysis of products at 2.2 C&/O, ratio.Selectivity is poor without catalyst.
Thenwereiargeamountsofhydrogeninthe~,arenforthose~inwhich~ conversion was complete. Therefore, hydrogen must have been produced in the empty reactor after the oxygen had been converted, and & was not cornbusted. It is possible to calcub& equilibrium constants for the dehydrogenationreaction . l cTH4+ H2 (2) !kom the expaimental data. These are shown on. Figure 2. We believe that the longer residence times at high- pressures enabledthe ethane dehydrogenationreaction to approach equilibrium in the qktxireactor.
4 Flgme 2.
P -
1.0 abn
P - 5.4abn
(l/T)"x 10'
Ouranalysesalsoshowedthatthewatergasshiftreaction Ct& + H2 CO + H20 4
approached equilibrium at high tempemture (850 C). These three reactions, plus two to accommodatethe non-sektive oxidation of methane -2C0 + 4H,O (4) 2cH,+ 34 C& + 2 Hz0 (5) CH4+ 202 area~offivemathematicallyindependentreactionswhichareadequatetoaccountfarthe productionratesofeachofthec&htspeciesinthesystem. ~em~importaatpointtobederivedfromthisw~isthatelevatedpreJsuresprovide sufflcimt~timetopermithighmethaneconvuknsandcomple&oxygen conversions at temperatures of about 55OC.The uncatalyzedreaction is not selective. Acknowledgement