391 METROPOLITAN HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL SCHOOLS. ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S HOSPITAL AND COLLEGE. -The clinical practice of the hospital comprises a service of 710 beds, of which 676 are in the hospital at Smithfield, and 34 are for convalescent patients at Lauderdale House,
Highgate. Pupils’ Appointments.-Four house-physicians and four house-surgeons areappointed annually, each of them holding office for one year, and provided with rooms by the hospital authorities. The fee payable for the house-physicianships and house-surgeoncies is only nominal. The senior midwifery assistant is appointed for a twelvemonth, and is eligible for re-election for a second year. The junior midwifery assistant is appointed for six months, and is provided with rooms by the hospital authorities. The ophthalmic house-surgeon is appointed for six months, and is eligible
lated students receive a deduction of eight per cent. on the amount of the fees, and are entitled to attend without extra fees the course of Practical Microscopical Demonstrations on Healthy and Diseased Structures given by Dr. Silver during the summer, and Dr. Hunt’s Lectures on Mental Diseases. Two scholarships are open for competition among the matriculated students: the Llewellyn Scholarship of .825 for students who have just completed their second year; and the Golding Scholarship of .815, for students who have just completed their first year. The following medals are awarded annually : the gold medal for general proficiency; the governors’ clinical silver medal; and silver and bronze medals in all the classes. The fee for the medical t1Itor’s class is, for one session, 82 is. ; for two sessions, X3 3s.
ST. GEORGE’S HOSPITAL.-Perpetual pupils are entitled to admissions to the medical and surgical practice; to comfor re-election for a second term of six months. No fee is pete for prizes and exhibitions; to hold the appointments of house-physician and house-surgeon, assistant housepaid for any of these appointments. The clinical clerks, the obstetric clerks, the clerks to the physician, assistant house-surgeon, ophthalmic, and orthomedical out-patients, the dressers to the surgical out- paedic assistant, ’and to become clinical clerks for two patients, and the dressers in the special departments are periods of three months each, and dressers for similar chosen from the diligent students. Sixteen ward dresser- periods. Gentlemen are admitted to the hospital practice ships are given annually to the students (of the second and lectures required by the Colleges of Physicians and year) who pass the best examination in the subjects of Surgeons and the Society of Apothecaries on payment of study of the first and second year, or who may be other- I forty guineas at the commencement of the first winter wise specially recommended for such appointments. Other session, forty guineas at the commencement of the second ward-dresserships may be obtained by payment of the year of study, and ten guineas for each succeeding year, usual fees. which entitles the pupil to hold the offices of clinical clerk A College is attached to the hospital, in which students and dresser for three months each, and t become a candidate for the offices of- medical and surgical registrar and can reside, subject to the College regulations. Foundation and other1’ Prizes.-The Jeaffreson Exhibition, demonstrator of anatomy and curator of the museum. These of the value of =620 yearly, and tenable for two years, is are all salaried offices. The obstetric assistant is resident, awarded, in October, to the student who passes the best with a salary of £100. He must be a legally qualified examination in the subjects of General Education. A Senior practitioner. Scholarship, of the nlue of .850, in Medicine, Surgery, Pupils may enter to the hospital practice and lectures Materia Medica, and Therapeutics. A Scholarship, ,625, is separately. The appointments of house-physician and awarded to the student placed second in this examination. house-surgeon are made every six months; are four in A Senior Scholarship, =650, in Anatomy, Physiology, and number, and are tenable for one year. These appointments A Scholarship of .825 is awarded to the student are awarded after examination, and are given without fee placed second in this examination. Junior Scholarships in or payment, each officer being lodged and boarded at the the subjects of study of the first year:—1..E50; 2..S30 expense of the of the hospital. The whole of 3. JB20. The Wix Prize is awarded for the best essay on the patients are under the charge of these officers in the "The Evidence to be deduced from Holy Scripture that the absence of the physicians and surgeons. Prizes.-The William Brown Exhibition, of £ 40 per study and use of the Healing Art are in accordance with the will of God." The Bentley Prize for the best report on annum, tenable for three years, for general fitness for the Medical cases occurring in the wards of the hospital during exercise of the medica.1 profession, and for moral conduct. the previous year. The Kirkes Gold Medal for Clinical Sir Charles Clarke’s Prize (interest of £200 Consols) for Medicine. The Hichens Prize for the best examination in good conduct. The Thompson Medal, and the Treasurer’s "Butler’s Analogy." Foster Prize for the b°st examination Clinical Prize for proficiency in the clinical examination of in Practical Anatomy (senior). The Treasurer’s Prize for medical and surgical cases in the wards of the hospital, the best examination in Practical Anatomy (junior). with observations on pathology and treatment. Sir BenStudents preparing for their examinations are arranged in jamin Brodie’s Clinical Prize in Surgery, for the best report classes, and examined by the lecturers and demonstrators. of Surgical cases which have occurred in the hospital during An examination of all students of the first year is held the preceding twelve months, with notes illustrative of The Acland their pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. at the close of the first winter and first summer sessions. A class in the subjects required for Matriculation at the Clinical Prize in medicine, for the best report of Medical University of London is held from October to January, and cases which have occurred in the hospital during the prefrom March to June. A class for the Preliminary Scientific ceding twelve months, accompanied by drawings, diagrams, and observations. The Henry Charles Johnson Memorial Examination is held from January to July. Courses of Practical Surgery and of Practical Physiology Prize, awarded at the end of the winter session to the pupil have been instituted in accordance with recent regulations! most distinguished in Practical Anatomy. of the Royal College of Surgeons. At the close of the summer session an examination of all The Anatomical Museum and the Museums of Materia the pupils will be held, and certificates of proficiency given Medica and of Botany are open daily from 10 till 4 0’lock. to every one who passes to the satisfaction of the examiners. The Library contains all the standard works of medical, Three prizes of ten guineas each will be awarded to the surgical, and the allied sciences, with duplicate copies of most distinguished student in the first, second, and third books in most general use, the chief medical and other years of study respectively. All the students who have periodicals, and a valuable collection of works on history passed the examinations in Anatomy a1Jd Physiology will and general literature. be formed into classes under the per soual supervision of the The Abernethian Society, composed of the teachers andI physicians and surgeons in the hospital, tur instruction in students of the hospital, holds its meetings in the Reading- diagnosis and the practice of medicine and surgery. In room, on every Thursday evening during the winter the selection of the hOl1se.physieitws and the housesession, for the reading and discussion of papers on subjects! surgeons, regard will be had to their work in the vcards of£ of medical science or practice, and for the exhiLition of? the hospital, and to the examinations for the Clinical and General Proficiency Prizes. The studies of all the students pathological specimens. are superintended by a medical tutor specially appointed CHARING - CROSS HOSPITAL AND COLLEGE. - The fee for for that purpose. For further particulars apply to Dr. matriculation is .B3 2s., to be paid on entering. Matricu- Wadham, Dean of the School.
392 Guy’s HOSPITAL. -House- physicians and house - surgeons, obstetric residents, dressers, clinical and other ’clerks, are selected from the students according to merit, and without payment. The house-physicians hold office for a period of six months each,-three months as junior, and three as senior. The main duty of tho junior housephysician is to attend the medical out-patients three times! a week, in a room adjoining that occupied by the assistant-physician for the day, and to prescribe for those patients who are not seen by him. The senior housephysician is chiefly occupied in the wards, which he visits twice a day. He assists the permanent medical officer in attending to all the emergencies that may arise in the abThe evening clinical observations sence of the physicians. are chiefly made by him. He has of temperature, &c., and is boarded at separate rooms in the clinical the charge of the hospital. The house-surgeons hold office for a period of four months, acting as junior for the first two months, and as senior for the last two months. The junior house-surgeon is provided with commons. He has the general superintendence of the surgical casualty department, and assists his senior when required. The senior house-surgeon resides in the hospital, and is boarded free of expense. In the absence of the surgeons and assistantsurgeons he has the general superintendence of the surgical wards. The dressers are selected from those gentlemen who have completed their third winter session, and who have been surgical ward clerks. They hold office for six months each. Three are attached to each surgeon. During their week of special duty they reside in the hospital, and board with the house-surgeons free of expense. The obstetric residents, two in number, reside and are boarded in the hospital. Each holds office for two months,-one month as junior, and one month as senior. Their duties are to accompany the pupils to their first cases of labour, to assist them in difficult cases, and to superintend generally the working of the lying-in charity. They are not allowed to ’use instruments without the sanction of one of the ob’
of .81.0 10s. will be required at the beginning of each winter session. Students are recommended to add to the above the fee for attendance on the Medical Tutor’s class for one year-namely, £3 3s. for the first-year subjects, or in the case of those preparing for the Preliminary Scientific Examination of the University of London, .85 5s. All resident students are required to attend the tutor during their first year. Rooms are provided within the walls of the College for the residence of a limited number of matriculated students. Registration fee at hospital, 10s. 6d. Scholarships.-Warneford Scholarships: Two of .,825 per annum, for three years. College Scholarships : One of X40 per annum, for two years; one of £30, for one year; three of £20, for one year. The Daniell Scholarship, of the annual value of .,820. Sambrooke Begistrarships, of the annual of £50 each, and tenable for two years, are open to all matriculated students who have filled any one of the appointments at the hospital, or who have become Associates. The Leathes Prizes, value .S7, and the Warneford Prizes, value £40, are given annually amongst the matriculated medical students. Class prizes are awarded annua,lly for proficiency in the several suhjects of Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Materia Mudica, Surgery, Medicine, sum
Obstetric Medicine, Botany, Forensic Medicine. Comparative Anatomy, Pathological Anatomy, Practical Physiology, and Practical Chemistry. These consist of books of the value of .83in each subject. of examination. Certificates of honour are also given. Two Medical Clinical Prizes, one of £3for the winter session, and one of £2 for the summer session ; and two Surgical Clinical Prizes, of the same value, are given. The Todd Medical Clinical Prize consists of a bronze medal and books to the value of £4. 4s. The Tanner Prize for Obstetric Medicine, value .810, is given annually in July. All students, occasional as well as matriculated, are admitted to contend for the class prizes.
LONDON HOSPITAL,-At the Medical College lectures will be given on all the subjects required by the examining physicians. Prizes, &c.-Voluntary competitive examinations are held boards. For instruction in Mental Diseases, students can at four periods of the student’s course. 1. The Entrance attend, without further fee, the practice of Dt,. John Millar, Examination (commencing this year on October 7th) com- medical superintendent of Bethnal House Asylum, a few prises Elementary Classics, Ancient and Modern History, minutes’ wa)k from the hospital. Clinical lectures, both and Mathematics. The candidate who distinguishes him- medical and surgical, will be given every week, and prac-
self the most receives .£25; the second candidate, .820; and the third, .S15. 2. At the end of the first sessional year, in Anatomy, Physiology, Materia Medica. Chemistry, Botany, and Comparative Anatomy. First prize, £30; second, £25; third, .810 10s. 3. At the end of the second sessional year, in Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery, Anatomy, Phyand Therapeutics. First prize, £35; second, £30. 4. At the end of the third sessional year, in Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery, and Medical Jurisprudence. First prize, .810; second prize, £35. Honorary certificates are given to those candidates who pass creditable examinations. At the end of the winter session a prize of .810 is awarded for the best essay on a given subject with reports of cases, and another prize of .810 for the best paper read before the Society. Two Gold Medals are given annually by the Treasurer to the students who, having completed their third and not exceeded their fourth year, most distinguish themselves at Special Examinations in Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surgery. One medal is awarded in each subject. The Library is supplied with weekly, monthly, and quarterly journals of medicine, natural history, and philosophy; it is open to the students daily from 10 A.M. to 4.30 P.M.
siology, Chemistry,
tical instruction imparted in all the departments. Prizes.-Seven Scholarships to he offered for competition in the winter session :-Two Scholarships, of £30 and £20, to the students who pass in October the best and secondbest examinations in the subjects required at the Preliminary Examinations. A Scholarship, value £20, in Human for first-year students, to be awarded in April, 1873. A Scholarship, value £25, in Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry, for first-year students, to be awarded at the end of the session. Three Hospital Scholarships, value .820 each, for Clinical Medicine, Clinical Surgery, and Clinical Obstetrics, to be awarded at the end of the session. The Duckworth Nelson prize, value £ 10, for Practical Medicine and Surgery (biennial). Money prizes to the value of .860 given annually by the House Committee for zeal in dressing out-patients and knowledge of Minor Surgery.
Appointments.-Four house-surgeoncies, tenable for three six months, and dresserships to in-patients, open to all. Dresserships to out-patients, with the privilege of competing for the prizes above mentioned. Resident medical officer, tenable for two years, with a salary of .875 the first year or
and £100 the second year. Junior resident medical officer, tenable for six months. Four medtoa.1 assistantships, held for three months, with residence and board in the hospital for thrpe weeks. Resident accoucheur, tena,ble for six months. (N B. The holders of all the resident offices are provided with rooms and board free of expense.) Four clinical assistants in the medical and surgical out-patient departments, each at a salary of £40. Medical registrar, salary 25 guineas. Surgical registrar, salary 35 guineas. Two prosectors of anatomy, ward clerks, and post-mortem clerks, according to merit. General fee to lectures and hospital practice, £90, payable in two instalments of .84.5 each. Library fee, £l Is. Special entries can be made to lectures or practice.
KING’S COLLEGE.- The physicians’ assistants, the physician-accoucheur’s assistant, the clinical clerks, and the house-surgeon and dressers, are selected by examination from among those matriculated students of the College who The College and Hospital fees, are pupils of the hospital. in the case ofmatriculated students, for the three years’ course of study required by the regulations of the College of Physicians, the College of Surgeons, and the Society of Apothecaries, amount to .8105. Payments for this course may be made by one sum of £100 on entrance, or by the following instalments : £52 10s. on entrance, £42 at the beginning of the second winter session, and .610 10s. at the beginning of the third winter session. If the course be i ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL.-There are four resident medical extended over a longer period than three years, a further j officers, three of whom are appointed for twelve months,
393 and one, the obstetric officer, for six months, who board free and other surgical apparatus. Students are allowel to take of expense in the hospital. These appointments are out to read at their own homes the books from the large awarded after competition, without additional fee. A re- and carefully selected medical library of the school. Two sident registrar is also appointed from amongst the Entrance Scholarships, of the annual value of £25 and £20, students, with a salary of £1OO a year and diapensury fees, and tenable for two years, are offered for competition at the who resides free of expense in the hospital. In addition to commencement of the winter session. Two Broderip the above, a demonstrator of anatomy is appointed annually Scholarships, of the annual value of £30 and £20, tenable with a salary of X50 a year; and the medical tutor in like for two years, and two clinical prizes are annually awarded manner, with a salary of £100 a year. Both these officers to those students who pass the best examination at the are eligible for re-election. bedside and the post-mortem room. The Governors’ Prize All general students are required to perform the duties of of twenty guineas is also awarded annually to the student clinical clerks and dressers during the last two years of who shall most distinguish himself during his three years’ Students of the third year are also curriculum. Class prizes are also given, and six resident their curriculum. appointed to assist the physicians and surgeons in charge clinical appointments are annually awarded, after competiof the out-patients. tive examination, to students who have completed their The Library is partly maintained by an annual grant education, and complied with the regulations of the school. from the school, and each student on entering is required to The officers thus appointed reside and board in the hospital The College tutor assists all general pay a fee of one guinea. There is a Hospital Medical free of expanse. students, especially those who are preparing for examinaSociety, which meets regularly during the winter session. A Maternity Department is attached to the hospital; tion, free of charge; and his instruction is arranged with a and a cottage has been erected in the grounds for cases of view to avoid the necessity of students obtaining any There are special departments for private tuition, apart from that of the Medical School. The ovariotomy, &c. Diseases of the Eye, the Ear, the Skin, and the Throat, in fee for attendance on the hospital practice and lectures which clinical demonstrations are constantly given by the required by the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and by physicians and surgeons in charge of them. The Clinical the Society of Apothecaries is £90, which may be paid by Department is carefully and comprehensively organised; instalments. for this purpose a Medical Tutor has been appointed to ST. THOMAS’S HOSPITAL.-Prizes ancl Appointments for the assist the students daily in the wards of the hospital, and give them elementary practical instruction on the cases. Session.-For First-year’s Students :-Prizes : The William In the School, Practical Microscope classes are conducted Tite Scholarship, founded by Sir William Tite, F.R.S., the by Dr. Shepherd; and Dr. R. Stocker, the medical tutor, proceeds of £1000 Consols, tenable for three years, will be prepares the students for their final examinations in Medi- awarded after the winter session ; also prizes of .820, £15, cine and Surgery. The scientific courses are conducted on and £10; summer, .615, £10, and £5 For Second-year’s a demonstrative and catechetical plan, and are specially Students: winter, .620, £15, and £11; summer, .815, £10 adapted for the examination of the University of London. and £5; with the dresserships and the clinical clerkships. Class examinations are held at intervals during each session. For Third-year’s Students : prizes of .,620, £15, and .810, The Museum contains a large series of anatomical and and the Prosector’s Prize of £5. Clinical clerks and dressers pathological preparations, illustrating all forms of disease; are selected according to merit. Certificates of honour are wax models of diseases of the eye, &c. given. The dressers are provided with rooms and commons The special features of St. Mary’s Medical School are the free of expense. The Grainger Testimonial Prize of .620j careful organisation of the clinical teaching, the appoint- awarded biennially to third or fourth year’s students, for ment of a medical tutor to assist the senior students daily the best Physiological Essay, to be illustrated by preparain elementary clinical and pathological work, and the tions and dissections. The Cheselden Medal, for Surgery establishment of open scholarships in Natural Science, for and Surgical Anatomy. The Treasurer’s Gold Medal, for which candidates may compete without previously entering general proficiency and good conduct. The house-physicians, at the school. house-surgeons, and resident accoucheur are chosen accordScholarships, Prizes, &c.-Three Scholarships in Natural ing to merit, with rooms and commons. Two hospital reScience of the annual value of £40, tenable for three years, gistrars, at X40 per annum each, will be selected from and an exhibition in Natural Science of the value of .620, gentlemen distinguished for merit. tenable for one year. One of the scholarships and the exFee to hospital practice and lectures for the first and hibition are awarded immediately before the commence- second year, each £40; .820 for the third; and £10 for each ment of each winter session, by open competitive examina- succeeding year; or X105 perpetual. The fee for attendtion. A Scholarship in Anatomy of the annual value of ance on the general subjects required of students in Dental =820, for students who have completed their second winter Surgery is, for the two years .645 ; or, by instalments, .840 session; and a Scholarship in Pathology of =620, for for the first year, and £10 for the second year. Lectures students who have completed their third winter session. will be delivered during the session on the Geographical Examinations will be held and prizes awarded in the various Distribution of Diseases, by Mr. Alfred Haviland; and declasses of each year at the termination of both the summer monstrations illustrative of the preparations in the Museum, and winter sessions. Two prosectors are annually ap- by the Curator, Mr. C. Stewart. pointed, who each receive .,65 and a certificate for their services. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.-The winter session begins on the Students can receive instruction in Vaccination from 1st of October, and ends on the 29th of March. The sumMr. W. H. Sumner, fee .61 Is. mer session begins on the lst of May, and ends on the 19th Fee to the hospital practice and lectures, £89 5s. in in- of July. stalments, or £84 in one sum; perpetual, .8105 in instalScholarships and Exh’ibitions.- The Atkinson-Morley Surments, or C99 15s. in one sum. Fee to the hospital prac- gical Scholarship, of C45 per annum, tenable for three tice and lectures required for the examination in Dental years, is awarded every year for proficiency in the theory Surgery by the College of Surgeons, £52 10s. Special and practice of Surgery. The Sharpey Physiological entries can be made to courses of lectures or periods of Scholarship, of about £95 a year, for proficiency in Biolohospital practice. There is no fee for registration. gical Science. The Filliter Prize of £30, for proficiency in Further information and prospectuses can be obtained on Pathological Anatomy. Dr. Fellowes’s Clinical Medals, one application to the Dean of the School, or to the Registral gold and one silver, each winter and summer session, and of the hospital. certificates of honour, for reports and observations on the Medical cases in the hospital. The Liston Gold Medal, and MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL.-There is a spccial Cancer De certificates of honour, for reports and observations on the partment, affording accommodation for 33 in-patients Surgical cases in the hospital. The Alexander Brme Gold whose period of residence in the hospital is unlimited The Cluff Memorial for Pathology and Surgery. Special attention is bestowed on the cli1jcal instruction o Prize, awarded every other year for proficiency in Anatomy, the studt’uts both in the wards and out-patient rooms Physiology, and Chemistry. Gold and silver medals, as Classes, open to all the students, are held for practical in well as certificates of honour, are awarded as class prizes. struct.ion in the microscopic examination of healthy anf LThe Jews’ Commemoration Scholarship of .815 a year, diseased tissues, and also in the application of bandage tenable for two years, for students of the Faculty of Arts ____
394 of Science, of one students who, after
year’s standing, may be obtaining it, enter the
held by Medical
W. Ada.ms, Mr. T. Carr Jackson, Mr. Spencer Watson, Mr. Vincent, Mr. J. A Bloxam. Obstetric Physician: Dr. Murray. Diseases of the Eye: Mr.B.J Vernon. AuralG.C.P. Surgeon : Mr. Harvey. Dentists : Mr. Statham, Mr. C. J. Fox. Chloroformist: Mr. G. Eastes. House-surgeon: Mr. T. Allan. Junior Resident- Medical Offic8r: Mr. T. C. Williams. Operations on Wednesdays at 2 P.M. Medical practitioners and students are admitted to the practice of the hospital. WEST LONDON HOSPITAL, Hammersmith-road.-Number of beds, 68. Consulting Physician: Dr. Henry Bence Jones, F.R.S. Consulting Physician-Accoucheur: Dr. W. 0. Priestley. Consulting Surgeons: Mr. Samuel Armstrong Lane, Mr. William Bird. Physicians: Dr. Goddard Rogers, Dr. Henry Maudsley. Physician for Diseases of Women: Dr. Wiltshire. Surgeons: Mr. William F. Teevan, Mr. Alfred Cooper. Surgeon for Diseases of the Eye: Mr. B. J. Vernon. Junior Physicians : Dr. F. Simms, Dr. Thorowgood. Junior Surgeons: Mr. J. A. Bloxam, Mr. H. T. Butlin. Surgeon-Dentist: Mr. H. E Sewell. Chloroformist: Mr. J. S. Wyman. Analytical Chemist: Mr. William Crookes, F.R.S. The practice of this hospital is open to all students and members of the medical profession. HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN, Soho.square.-Established 1842. 68 beds. Physicians : Dr. Prot,heroe Smith, Dr. Alfred Meadows, Dr. Heywood Smith. Surgeons : Mr. John Scott, Mr. Christopher Heath. Assistant-Physicians : Dr. Arthur Osman
Entrance Exhibitions.-Three Entrance Exhibitions, of the values of £30, .820, and .610 per annum, tenable for two years, are awarded upon examination, to gentlemen who are about to commence their first winter’s attendance in a medical school. The next examination will be held on the 26th and :!7th Spptpmoer, 18; 2. Analytical Chemistry.The Birkbeck Laboratory is open daily from 9 A.M. to 4 PM. Fees, exclusive of the expense of materials: session, .626 5s.,three months, £10 10s.one month, £4 4s. Physicians’ assistants, house-surgeons, midwifery assistants, physicians’ clerks, surgeons’ dressers, ward clerks, and ophthalmic surgeons’ assistants, are selected from pupils without additional payment. The physicians’ assistants, obstetric assistant, and house-surgeons reside in the hospital, paying for their board. In addition to these offices, six Dressersbips at the Royal Free Hospital, &rny’s-inn-road, have been placed at the disposal of the authorities of University College, and will be given to deserving students on the conditions above stated as applicable to offices in University College Hospital. N.B.-Gentlemen, either present or future students of the Faculty of Medicine, who may wish to enjoy, in addition to all the privileges of perpetual students of the hospital, the right to attend for one year (or any shorter period) the W. Edis, Dr. Squarey. Operations : Saturday mornings, Clinical Practice of the Middlesex Hospital, in which they 930. Third-year’s men and practitioners may attend the will be eligible to hold clerkships, dresserships, and other and practice by presenting their card. Clinical offices, may do so at any time during their studentship (so assistantshipsoperations are tenable for six months without fee. as of that continue in long the present regulations hospital Further particulars may be obtained by application to the force) on paying a sum which, with their previous payments House-Physician, or to the Secretary. for practice, will make a total of .830, on condition, AND DISEASES OF THE CHEST, HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTION however, that they attend at the Middlesex Hospital during Brompton.-Consulting Physicians: Dr. C. J. B. Williams, the year immediately succeeding such payment. Dr. W. H. Walshe, Dr. G. Hamilton Roe. Consulting SurWESTMINSTER HOSPITAL.-The entry fee to lectures and geon : Sir William Fergusson, Bart. Physicians: Dr. R. P. Dr. R. Quain, Dr. J. E. Pollock, Dr. E. S. Thompson, hospital practice required by the Colleges of Physicians and Cotton, Dr. C. T. Williams., Assistant-Physicians: Dr. R. D. Powell, the in and be Society of Apothecaries may paid Surgeons Dr. J. Tatham, Dr. R. Thompson, Dr. Bnrney Yeo, Dr. F. one sum of £70, or in three instalments- £35 at the comRoberts. Dental Surgeon: NIr. W. P. Bartlett. Resident mencement of the first year, £30 at the commencement of Medical Officer: Mr. V. Edwards. Secretary: Mr. H. the second year, and £10 at the commencement of the third Dobbin. Three clinical assistants reside in thehospital for are to £2 2s. Besides these fees, required pay pupils year. a period of six months. Pupils are admitted to the pracat the commencement of the course on Practical Physiology, tice of the £3 3s. for three months; perterms, hospital: and £1Is. at the commencement of the course of Practictl £5 5s. The medical practice of the hospital is repetual, Chemistry. of London, the Apothecaries’ In addition to the practice of the hospital, which con- cognised by the University tains 191 beds, the pupils of this school are admitted to the Company, and the Army and Navy and India Medical Boards. practice of the Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, and to CITY OF LONDON HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST, that of the National Hospital for Epilepsy and Paralysis. Office: 24, Finsbury- circus, E.C.-PhyA house-physician and house-surgeon are appointed an- Victoria-park. sicians : Drs. Peacock, J. Risdon Bennett, Birkett, Ward, nually, by examination from amongst the senior students, and Andrew. Consulting Surgeon : Mr. J. Hilton. Assistwithout the payment of any fee, and these officers are provided with board and lodging free of expense. The medical ant - Physicians : Drs. Thorowgood, Sutton, Shepherd, and surgical registrars receive each a salary of £40. A re- Baumler, Smith, and Corfield. Resident Medical Officer: sident obstetric assistant is provided with board and resi- Mr. G. C. Franklin. Information respecting medical instruction at the hospital may be obtained on application to dence at the hospital gratuitously. Besides the prize appointments just enumerated there is the physicians. a Scholarship in Anatomy and Physiology of twenty guineas. ROYAL HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST, CityThere is also a prize for general proficiency of the value of road, E.C.-Established 1814. 12 beds. Consulting Pbytwenty guineas. Prizes of five guineas each are awarded to sicians : Drs. C. J. Fox and Herbert Davies. Physicians: the best pupil of the first and of the second year; and two Drs. Horace Dobell, H. H. Crucknell, G. Goddard Rogers, Clinical Prizes of the same value are given for practical A. E. Sansom, and P. J. Hensley. Consulting Surgeon: Mr. J. Adams. Surgeon: Mr. Alfred Cooper. Resident work in the wards. Full particulars as to the courses of lectures and mode of Medical Officer: Mr. H. Harris. In-patients, 152; outinstruction will be fonnd in the annual prospectus of this patients, 4846. School, and further information may be obtained by personal NATIONAL HOSPITAL FOR THE PARALYSED AND EPILEPTIC, application to Dr. Sturges, the Dean of the School. 23 and 24, Queen-square, Bloomsbury. -The physicians attend every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL, Gray’s -inn -road. - 102 beds. at half-past two o’clock. In and out-patients’ practice and Physicians: Dr. H.tssa,ll, Dr. O’Connor, Dr. Cockle, Dr. electrical-room treatment at that hour. Physicians: Drs. Rickards. Surgeons : Mr. Thomas H. Wakley, Mr. Victor Ramskill, Radcliffe, Hughlings Jackson, and Buzzard. de Meric, Mr. Alrxa,nder Marsden, Mr. Frederick Gant, Assist-ant. Physicians : Dr. H. Charlton Bastian, Dr. Elam, Mr. John D. Hill. Dentist : Mr. Hasler Harris. Clinical and Dr. Maclure. Medical Superintendent: Dr. Herbert instruction given and the offices of clinical clerk and dresser Tibbits. Medical Registrar: Dr. Gowers. Medical pracmay be obtained by application to the Hon. Sec. of the titioners and students will be admitted on showing their Medical Staff. cards. ROYAL ORTHOPÆDIC HOSPITAL, 315, Oxford-street.-SurGREAT NORTHERN HOSPITAL, Caledonian-road, N.-Ph,ysicians : Dr. Leared, Dr. Hardinge, Dr. Cholmeley, Dr. F. C. geons : Messrs. B. E. Brodhurst and J. D. Hill. Secretary: Webb, Dr. Jephson, Dr. Crucknell. Surgeons: Mr. Gay, Mr. Mr. Maskell. Operations on Thursdays at 2 P.M. The hospital
395 sician: Sir Wm. Gull. Consulting Surgeon: Mr. Partridge. Dr. Anstie and Dr. Hope. Surgeons: Mr. Brodhurst and Mr. Pick. Surgeon-Dentist: Mr. T. C. I White. House-Surgeon:Mr. M. McHardy. In-patients, , 93; out-patients, 874. EVELINA HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, Southwarkbridge-road, S.E.-Founded and endowed in 1869, by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild. 100 beds. Consulting Physician: Dr. Arthur Farre. Consulting Surgeon: Mr. Prescott Hewett. Physicians: Dra. C. Hilton Fagge, C. Kelly, E. B. Baxter, and F. Taylor. Surgeons: Messrs. in winter on Mechanical Lectures are delivered Dentistry, Morrant Baker and H. G. Howse. Resident Medical by Mr. James S. Turner, M.R.C.S., L.D.S., on Wednesdays, Officer : James B. Ball, M.B. Lond. at 7 P.M.; on Metallurgy in its Application. to Dental PurTHE LADIES’ MEDICAL COLLEGE.-Established by the poses, by Mr. G. H. Makins, M.R.C.S., on Fridays, at 6.30 Female Medical Society for teaching to educated women In summer, Mr. S. H. Cartwright, M.R.C.S., L.D.S., the Theory and Practice of Midwifery and the accessory P.M. lectures on Dental Surgery and Pathology; and Mr. C. S. branches of Medicine. Details may be obtained by letter Tomes, M.R.C.S., L.D.S., on Dental Anatomy and Physio- from the Lady Secretary, 164, Great Portland-street. logy (Human and Comparative). General fee for special PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN, Bloomslectures required for the curriculum, X15 15s.-DENTAL London, W.C.-School of Pharmacy. The bury-square, HOSPITAL OF LONDON (in connexion with the above). Sursession will commence on October 1st, and extend to the geons : Messrs. Fox, Underwood, Gregson, Coleman, Hard- end of July. Lectures on Chemistry and Pharmacy will be ing, and Hill. Assistant- Surgeons: Messrs. Moon, Medwin, delivered by Professor Redwood on Monday, Tuesday, and Tomes, Lane, Bartlett, and S. H. Cartwright. Dental at 9 A.M. Also lectures on Botany and Materia House-Surgeon : Mr. R. Hepburn, jun. Fee for two years’ Wednesday, Medica, by Professor Bentley: the first and second parts of the 15s. X15 curriculum, hospital practice required by this course will be delivered at 17, Bloomsbury-square, on SEAMEN’S HOSPITAL (late Dreadnought),Greenwich, S.E.- Friday and Saturday, at 9 A.M.; the third part of the course, This institution is established for the relief of seamen of all on Systematic Botany, will be delivered at the Royal nations. Casualties are received at all hours. Apartments Botanic Gardens, Regent’s-park, on Friday and Saturday, are provided in the hospital for students and others who at 9 A.M. The Laboratory, under the direction of Professor may be desirous of studying diseases incidental to tropical Attfield, is open from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. daily, excepting climates before entering the services or going abroad. Un- Saturdays, when it is open from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Students usually good opportunities also exist for the practice of may enter at any period during the session. operative surgery. Honorary Physician: Dr. George Budd. SOUTH LONDON SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY, Visiting Physicians : Dr. Stephen H. Ward and Dr.Reginald 231 and 285, Kennington-road, S.E.-Director, Dr. Muter. Thompson. Senior Medical Officer : Mr. Harry Leach. This school, although specially designed for Pharmaceutical Honorary Surgeon : Mr. Busk. Surgeon : Mr. W. Johnson pupils, also affords to Medical Students the opportunity of Smith. House-Physician : Dr. Lyell. House-Surgeon: preparing for their Preliminary Scientific or Matriculation Dr. O’Farrell. examinations, atmoderate class fees, without the necessity THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, Great Ormond-street, of retaining private tutors. The lectures aredelivered Queen-square, W.C., and Cromwell House, Highgate.- daily, at various hours from nine till five, and the laboraPhysicians : Drs. West and Dickinson. Assistant - Phy- tory is open for practical chemistry from ten till four. It sicians : Drs. Gee, W. B. Cheadle, J. J. Phillips, John ’, appears that this is the only institution of such a nature Murray, and R. J. Lee. Surgeons: Mr. T. Smith, Mr. F. available for students on the Surrey side. The branches Howard Marsh, and Mr. J. W. Haward. Surgeon-Dentist: taught are Classics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Mr. T. Edgelow. Fee for three months’ attendance, £3 3s; Botany, Materia Medica, and Pharmacy. perpetual, £5 5s. Secretary, S. Whitford. There are now 75 beds in the hospital, Great Ormond-street, and 52 beds at the country branch : total, 127. The practice of the hosENGLISH PROVINCIAL HOSPITALS AND pital has recently been thrown open gratuitously to the pupils of the different hospitals and medical schools of MEDICAL SCHOOLS. London, on conditions which may be ascertained of the Secretary. QfjEEN’s COLLEGE, BIRMINGHAM.-TtvO Warneford SchoROYAL INFIRMARY FOR CHILDREN AND WOMEN, Waterlooand the Sands Cox Prize, value .620, are awarded bridge-road. - Instituted 1810. Consulting Physician: annually after examination. The Warden’s Prize, value Dr. W. Hughes Willshire. Consulting Surgeon : Mr. £5 5s., is awarded annually to the most proficient student J. Cooper Forster. Physicians: Drs. A. B. Shepherd, of the first year. The Percy Prize is awarded for proficiency J. J. Phillips, and J. P. Hartree. Surgeon : Mr. R. in German, and class prizes and certificates of honour are Rendle. Surgeon - Dentist: Mr. Thomas Roberts. Re- given in each class after examination. Students may reside sident Medical Officer : Dr. W. Park. Secretary: Mr. within the College, where they will be provided with rooms C. J. F. Renton, L.S.A. Advanced students in medicine, and and board, and be under the supervision of the warden and such practitioners as may desire it, are permitted to attend resident tutors. Fee £50 per annum. In the Arts Departthe practice of this hospital gratis. If a certificate signi- ment, junior students are prepared for any of the prelimifying such attendance be required, the sum of five guineas nary examinations of the licensing boards. The University must be paid to the physicians and surgeons in ordinary of London holds an annual Matriculation examination within conjointly. the walls of the College in the month of June, for students BRITISH LYING-IN HOSPITAL, Endell-street, St. Giles’s, residing in Birmingham and the neighbourhood. Hospital W.C.-Consulting Physicians : Dr. Priestley. Consulting Practice may be attended at either the General Hospital Surgeon: Sir William Fergusson, Bart. Physicians: Dr. or the Queen’s Hospital, which are equi-distant from the Heywood Smith, Dr. Arthur Edis, and Dr. Wiltshire. College. Matron : Miss Freeman. This institution receives women GENERAL HOSPITAL, BIRMINGHAM.—Physicians : Dr. Bell only as midwifery pnpils. The pupils reside in the hospital, Fletcher, Dr. Russell, Dr. Wade, Dr. Foster. Surgeons:. and attend the patients in-doors and within half a mile Mr. Baker, Mr. Pemberton, Mr. Bartleet, Mr. Goodall, and radius, under the direction of the matron and physicians. Mr. Jolty. Fees, medical and surgical practice, six months, A course of lectures is also given by the physicians. The £10 10s.; one year, .615 15s. ; perpetual, .631 10s. Clinical fee for the course of three months is ten guineas. Pupils lectures are delivered by the physicians and surgeons every that prove themselves competent receive a certificate signed week the session. Special clinical courses, with during by the physicians, enabling them to practise midwifery. demonstrations, will also be given on the following BELGRAVE HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN, 1, Cumberland- subjects-viz., diseases of women, stethoscopy, laryngostreet, S.W.-Established 1866. 16 beds. Consulting Phy- scopy, ophthalmoscopy, dermatology, bandaging, and minor is open to all legally qualified practitioners. Pupils are admitted to witness the practice of the hospital on the following terms: Six months, .233s.; twelve months, .65 5s. ; perpetual, £10 10s. The annual course of lectures will be duly announced. ROYAL WESTMINSTER OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, Charingcross.-Fee for attendance on the practice and lectures: three months, £3 3s. ;perpetual, X55s. The office of house-surgeon is open for competition to students attending the hospital. Operations daily at 2 P.M. LONDON SCHOOL OF DENTAL SURGERY, 32, Soho-square.-