661 Surgery: ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S HOSPITAL AND COLLEGE.- The clinical practice of the hospital comprises a service of 744 beds, of which 674 are for p...

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clinical practice of the hospital comprises a service of 744 beds, of which 674 are for patients in the hospital at Smithfield and 70 for convalescent patients at Swanley. Ten house and ten house surgeons are appointed annually. Daring their first six months of office they act as 11 junior house physicians and house surgeons and receive a salary of 25 a, year. During their second six months they become A, senior" house physicians and house surgeons and are provided with rooms by the hompital authorities and receive £80 A resident midwifery assistant and an a year as salary. ophthalmic house surgeon are appointed every six months, and are provided with rooms and receive a salary of E80 a year. Two assistant aJ1aesrhetistanæesthetist are appointed annually and receive salaries of £120 and £100 respectively, with rooms. An extern midwifery assistant is appointed every three .months, and receives a salary of £80 a year. Two assistant



The clinical electricians are appointed every six months. clerks. the obstetric clerks, the clerks to the medical outpatients, the dressers to the surgical in-patient.,. and to the out-patients, and the dressers in the special departments are chosen from the students. All the appointments are now free A college is attached to the hospital, in which students can reside subject to the college regulations 1’&e Medical School Buildings include three large lecture theatres à large bissecting ro ’m, a spacious library (con taining 13 000 volumes) a well-appointed museum of anatomy, physiology. comparative anatomy, materia medica, botany, and pathological anatomy. The pathological museum is the most complete in the kingdom Phere are laboratories for chemistry, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, physics, public tiealrh, and ’biology, giving ample accommodation in every department. A ground of ten acres has been purcbasAd by the school committee at Winchmore-hill for the use of the Students’ Amalgamated Clubs, and all students are expected to ’

Surgery : Mr. Walsham and Mr. Bowlby. Clinical Mr. Willett, Mr. Langton,-Mr. Marsh, Mr. Butlin, and Mr. Walsbam; Pathology : Dr. Andrewes. Chemistry : r. Chattaway. Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy : Mr. Bruce Clarke and Mr. Waring. Biology : Dr. Shore. Physiology : Dr. E. Klein and Dr. Edkins. Superintendents of Dissections: Mr. Bailey, Mr. Mundy, Mr. Rawling, DemonMr. Douglas, Mr. Harmer, and Dr. Murphy. strators of Morbid Anatomy: Dr. Garrod, Dr. Fletcher, Mr. Power, and the surgical registrar. Demonstrators of Practical Surgery: Mr. Power and Mr. Waring. Operative Surgery: Mr. Power, Mr. H. J. Waring, and Mr. Bailey. Demonstrators of Practical Ph) siology; Dr. Edkins, Dr. Langdon Brown, and Dr. Bainbridge. Ophthalmic Demonstrators: Mr. Jessop and Mr. Spicer. Lecturer on Physics : Mr. F. Womack. Practical Chemistry : Dr. Chattaway. Dr. Orton, and Dr. Hurtley. Summer Session.-Materia Medica and Therapeutics : Dr. CfJ,lvert.. Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children: Dr. Champneys. Botany : Rev. G. Henslow. Forensic Medicine : Dr. Hensley. Pathology : Dr. Andrewes. Ophthalmic Surgery : Mr. Jessop. Practical Chemistry : Dr. Chattaway, Dr. Orton, and Dr. Hurtley. Comparative Anatomy: Dr. T. W. Shore. Psychology : Dr. Claye Shaw. Public Health: Dr. Hamer. Organic Chemistry: Dr. Chattaway. Demonstrators of Operative Surgery : Mr. Power, Mr. Waring, and Mr. Bailey. Morbid Anatomy : Dr. Andrewes, Dr. Garrod. Dr. Fletcher, Mr. Power, and the surgical registrar. Diseases of Skin : Dr. Ormerod. Diseases of the Ee: Mr. Jessop and Mr. Holmes Spicer. Diseases of the Ear: Mr. Cumberbatch. Orthopaedic Surgery : Mr. Bru"e Clarke. Disfases of Larynx : Mr. Bowlby. Demonstators of Medicine : Dr. Herringham, Dr. Tooth and Demonstrator of Midwifery: Dr. Rob’nson. Dr. Horder. Tutor in Public Health: Dr. Warry. Biological Demonstrators : Dr. Shore, Mr. Williams, and Mr. H. R. Kidner. Bacteriology : Dr. Andrewes. Pharmacy : Dr. CalvErt and Dr. H. Smith. Chemical Physiology : Dr. Edkins. Medical Registrars : Dr. Garrod and Dr. Fletcher. Surgical Registrar : Mr. Waring. Brunton.



’become members. CHARING-CROSS HOSPITAL AND COLLEGE.-This hosInstruction in Preliminary Science is given to Universit.y of Lonctm students in chemistry, biology, and physics pital con ains 180 beds, a certain proportion of which are set aside for the diseases of children and those special to throughout he year. Laboratory Instruction for the D.P.H. is provided during women. General students are admitted to the practice of the amter and summer sessions, and elementary instruction the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital. Total fees, 110 guineas if paid in a single sum on entry, or 121 gu’neas if in Ba ’t.t’rio!()gy is also given throughout the vear. Staff.-Physicians : Sir William Church, Dr. Gee, Sir Dyce ijaid in five instalments; the sons of Registered Medical Duckworth, Btrt., Dr. Hensley, and Sir Lauder Brunton. Practitioners pay 100 guineas in one sum or 110 guineas in Consulting Surge ns : Mr. Holden and Sir T Smith, five sums ; for Dental students, 54 guineas, or 60 guineas in Bart. Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. H. Power. two equal instalments. General students pay proportionately Surgeons: Mr. Willett, Mr. Langton, Mr. Marsh, Mr. Butlin, lower fees, and a,e admitted without additional fee to the Assistant Physicians : Dr. Norman courses of Clinical Medicine ard Surgery and to the practice and Mr. Walsham. They Moore, Dr. S. West, Dr. Ormerod, Dr. Herringham, and Dr. of the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital Tooth, C. M.G. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. Harrison Cripps, re entitled to compete for the Scholarships. Gold Medal, Mr. Bruce Clarke, Mr. Bowlby, C.M.G., Mr. Lockwood, and Huxley, and Pereira Prizes. Classes for the Preliminary Scientific Examination of the Mr. D’ArcyPower. Physician Accoucheur : Dr. Champneys. Assistant Physician Accoucheur : Dr. Griffith Ophthalmic Univerf,ity of London are held at this Medical School. The Mr Jessop and Mr. Holmes Spicer. Aural Surgeon fee for the whole course, which begins in October, is ’./Snrgeoas: Mr. Cumberaatch. Pathology : Dr. Andrewes. Electrician : 15 guineas. There are also special classes for the practical Dr. L. Jones. Dental Surgeons : Mr. Piterson and Mr Ackery. work for the Department of Public Health and a course in Assistant Dental Surgeons: Mr. Read a"d Mr. Ackland. the subject of Diseases of Tropical Climates. Anæesthetists: Mr. Gill and Mr. E Willett. Staff -Consulting Physicians : Sir J. Fayrer, Bart., M.D., Casualty and Sir Guyer Hunter, M.D. Consulting Obstetric Physician : Physicians: Dr. Langdon B.own and Dr. Thu sfield. This hospital receives within its walls nearly 7000 in- Dr. J. Watt Black. Consulting Physician for Diseases of Dr. Green, Dr. patients annuallv and its out-patients and casualties amount the SkIn: Dr. Sag,ter. Physicians: to Out-patients: to more than 160 000 annually. It comprises a service of Bruce, and Dr. Abercrombie. Physicians Assistant 744 beds ; of these 241 are allotted to the medical cases, 336 Dr. Willcocks, Dr. Murray,2and Dr. Mott. Consulting Surgeon: Mr. R. to the surgical, including orthopædic cases, 25 to diseases or Paysician: Dr. Galloway. the eye, 34 to diseases of women, 38 to isolation and general, Barwell. Surgeons: Mr. Bloxam, Mr. Morgan, and Mr. to Out-Patients : Mr. Waterhouse and Mr. and 70 at the Convalescent Hospital, Stanley. Boyd. Surgeons Special departments have been organised for diseases of the eye, ear, Wallis. Assistant Surgeon : Mr. Gibbs. Obstetric Phy: Dr. Amand Routh. Assistant Obstetric Physician : larynx, and s6in, as well as for Orthopaedic and Dental sician Surgery. Surgical operations every day at 1.30 P M. Sur- Dr. T. W. Eden. Physician for Diseases of the Skin: Dr. gical consultations on Thursday, at 1.30 P. M. The physicians Galloway. Aural Surgeon: Mr. Waterhouse. 0 thopædic and surgeons deliver clinical lectures weekly during both the Surgeon : Mr. Wallts. Throat Physician: Dr. Willcocks. winter and the summer sessions Clinical Lectures on Surgeon Dentist: Mr. J. F. Colyer. Lecturers :: Winter Session.-Anatomy: Dr. Christopher all special subjects are also given. The visits of the Addison. Applieo Anatomy : Mr. James Cantlie. Bacteriophysicians and surgeons are made at 1. 30. Lecturers: Winter Session.-Medicine: Dr. Norman Moore gy: Dr. J. W. H. Eyre. Biology and Comparative and Dr. We-to Clinical Medicine: Sir William Church, Brt., Anatomy : Dr. H. W. Marett Tims. Chemistry and Physics :, Dr. Gee. S’r Dyce Duckworth, Dr. Hpnsley, and Sir Lauder Dr. H. Forster M rley and Mr. Percy A. E Ricrards. 1

For Scholarships


p. 693 et seq.


Dean of the School.

662 Dental Sargery : Mr. J. F. Colyer. Medicine: Dr. John Abercrombie and Dr. H. Montague Murray. Ophthalmology : Mr. E. Treacher Oollim’. Physiology : Mr. B. Moore. Practical Anæsthetics: Mr. 0. Carter Braine and Mr. H. Bellamy Gardner. Practical Anatomy : Mr. Christopher Addison. Practical Hygiene: Dr. J. W. H. Eyre, Dr. H. Forster Morley, and Mr. Percy A. E. Richards. Practical Medicine: Dr. James Galloway and Dr. W. Hunter. Practical Midwifery : Mr. T. W. Eden. Practical Physiology: Practical Surgery: Mr. F. C. Wallis. Mr. B. Moore. Psychological Medicine : Dr. Percy Smith. Surgery : Mr. Stanley Boyd. Tropical Medicine: Dr. Patrick Manson. Summer Session.-Anatomy: Mr. Christopher Addison. Applied Anatomy: Mr. James Cantlie. Anaesthetics: Mr. Dental C. Carter Braine and Mr. H. Bellamy Gardner. Surgery : Mr. J. F. Colyer. Forensic Medicine: Dr. James Galloway. Materia Medica and Practical Pharmacy: Dr. F. Willcocks. Midwifery: Dr. Amand Routh. Operative Surgery : Mr. Charles Gibb?. Pathology: Dr. F. W. Mott. Pharmacology and Therapeutics :Mr. F. Willcocks. Practical Anatomy: Mr. Christopher Addison. Practical Chemistry : Dr. H. Forster Morley and Mr. Percy A. E. Richards. Practical Medicine: Dr. James Galloway and Dr. W. Hunter. Practical Physiology: Mr. B. Moore. Practical Surgery : Mr. F. C. Wallis. Public Health: Dr. B. A. Whitelegge and Dr. H. T. Bulstrode. Toxicology : Dr. H. Forster Morley and Mr. Percy A. E. Richards.

Diseases of Women and Children : Dr. Dakin. Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children : Dr. Stabb. Vaccination: Mr. E. Climson Greenwood. Insanity : Dr. Blandford. Clinical Instructor in Insanity : Dr. Alexander. Ophthalmic Surgery: Mr. Adams Frost. Ophthalmic Surgery: llr, Grimsdale. Diseases of the Skin : Dr. Wyndham Cottle. Dental Surgery : Mr. Henry Aural Surgery : Mr. Bull. Albert. Practical Medicine: Dr. Latham. Practical Surgery: Mr. Pendlebury. Operative Surgery: Mr. AJlingham. Dr. Louis Parkes. Forensic Medicine and Toxi. Hygiene: cology : Dr. Lee Dickinson. Toxicological Chemistry: Mr, Gardner. Pathology: Dr. Rolleston. Bacteriology: Dr. Slater. Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Dr. Cyril Ogle. Anatomy : Mr. Jaffrey.3 Physiology and Histology: Dr. Buckmaster. Teacher of Anmsthetics: Dr. Menzies. Teacher of Skiagraphy : Mr. Addyman. Assistant Teachers of Anæs. thetics : Dr. Blumfield and Dr. Powell. Curator of the Museum and Demonstrator in Morbid Anatomy : Dr. Fenton. Assistant Curator of the Museum : Dr. Trevor. Assistant Teacher of Bacteriology : Dr. Harold Spitta. Demonstrators in Anatomy: Mr. Howell Evans, Mr. Frazer, and Mr. Barwell. Assistant Demonstrators in Anatomy: Mr. Byam, Mr. Matson, Demonstrator in Chemistry: Mr. and Mr. Courtney. Addyman. Demonstrator in Materia Medica : Mr. Stark. Librarian : Mr. Alfred Lowe.

GUY’S HOSPITAL.-This hospital, founded by Thomas Guy in 1721 for the reception of 400 patients, and enlarged ST. GEORGE’S HOSPITAL.-This hospital contains 356 beds, through the aid of a large bequest from the late William of which 205 are allotted to surgical and 146 to medical cases. Hunt, contains at the present time 690 beds, and, with its One ward is set apart for Diseases peculiar to Women. extensive buildings and grounds, occupies an area of about Children’s beds are placed in all the women’s wards. Two six acres. The hospital is divided into Medical, Surgical, Clinical, Ophthalmic, and Gyneacological wards, indepenwards are allotted to ophthalmic cases. Students may become Peroetual Pupils by payment of dently of separate rooms for special cases. House physicians, house surgeon, assistant house physiE150 on entering, or of ;E160 in four annual instalments. Perpetual pupils are entitled to perpetual admis- cians, and assistant house surgeons, obstetric residents, sion to lectures and demonstrations as well as to the gynaecological assistants, clinical assistants, clerks to entire medical and surgical practice of the hospital ; they anaesthetists, surgeons’ and assistant surgeons’ dressers, may compete for all prizes and exhibitions, may become surgical ward clerks, clinical clerks, post-mortem clerks, clinical clerks during six months and dressers during another extern obstetric attendants, and dressers and clerks six months, or longer if required, without fee, may attend in the special departments are appointed from among the recommendation of the medical midwifery practice, and may compete for all hospital the students upon merit and without extra payment. to staff, according and school appointments without extra charge. Four house surgeoncies and four house physiciancies, and The house physicians, of whom there are four, hold’ The assistant house physi. the salaried offices of obstetric assistant, senior and office for six months each. who for three hold office month?, attend in the cians, medical anæthetists, junior registrars (2), surgical registrar, curator and assistant curator of the Museum, besides out-patient department four afternoons in the week, demonstratorships and a number of junior hospital appoint- and see all the cases not seen by the assistant physiStudents not being cian of the day. The house physicians have the care ments, are open to perpetual pupils. are admitted to lectures, demonstrations, of the patients in the medical wards and attend to all perpetual pupils and hospital practice on payment of E50 annually for two emergencies arising in the absence of the physicians. They years and E20 annually for succeeding years. Such students are provided with board and lodging in the college free of may become Perpetual in their third year if they wish and if expense. The house surgeons, of whom there are four, hold office for six months each, and are provided with board and their conduct has been satisfactory, Staff.-Consulting Physicians : Sir Henry A. Pitman, Dr. lodging in the college free of expense. The Surgical J. W. Ogle, Dr. Dickinson, and Dr. Whipham. Consulting Casualty Department is in charge of two assistant house Surgeons: Mr. Holmes, Mr. Pick, and Mr. Haward. Con- surgeons. The surgeons’ dressers are selected from those sulting Obstetric Physician : Dr. Barnes. Consulting students who have completed their third winter session and Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. Brudenell Carter. Corsulting have been most diligent in the junior appointments. They Aural Surgeon : Sir W. B. Dalby. Consulting Dental Sur- hold office for three or six months. Six are attached geon : Mr. Augustus Winterbottom. Physicians: Dr. Ewart, to each surgeon, and during their weeks of special duty Dr. Isambard Owen. Dr. Penrose, and Dr. Rolleston. they are provided with board and lodging in the hospital Obstetric Physician : Dr. Dakin. Assistant Physicians : Dr. free of expense. The obstetric residents, four in number, Lee Dickinson, Dr. Cyril Ogle, and Dr. Latham. Assistant are provided with board and lodging in the college free of Obstetric Physician : Dr. Stabb. Physician to the Skin expense. Cottle. Dr. HigherI’ Examincctions.-Cl assea are held throughout the Wyndham Surgeons : Mr. W. H. Department: ,

Bennett, Mr. Dent, Mr. G. R. Turner, and Mr. Sheild.

year for the

Preliminary Scientific Examination of


Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. Adams Frost. Assistant Surgeons: University of London ; and special courses of instruction Mr. Herbert Allingham, Mr. Jaffrey, and Mr. Pendlebury. are provided for students preparing for the Primary and Assistant Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. Grimsdale. Surgeon to Final Fellowship examination and the intermediate M.B. the Orthopaedic Department: Mr. Jaffrey. Surgeon to theexaminations of Oxford, Cambridge, and London. Two Throat Department: Mr. Sheild. Aural Surgeon : Mr. of Laboratory instruction for candidates for a Dental Surgeon : Mr. Henry Albert. Diploma in Public Health are given annually. The College.-The College stands upon a site fronting the Lecturers. -Baillie Lecturer in Physic : Dr. Dickinson. Hunterian Lecturer in Surgery : Mr. Holmes. Clinicaleast gate of the hospital and is connected with it by a Medicine: the Physicians to the Hospital. Clinical Surgery:subway. The building serves as a Residential College for the Surgeons to the Hospital. Principles and Practice ofStudents and at the same time provides accommodation for Union ground is less than Physics: Dr. Isambard Owen3 and Dr. Penrose. Tropicalthe Students’ Club. The Clubs’ Medicine: Dr. Patrick Manson. Test Examiner intwenty-five minutes’ journey from the hospital. Staff.-Consulting Physicians: Sir Samuel Wilks. Dr. Medicine: Dr. Cyril Ogle. Principles and Practice of F. W. Pavy, Dr. P. H. Pye Smith, and Dr. J. F. Goodhart, Dent Mr. and Turner. Mr. and Surgery: Midwifery Physicians and Assistant Physicians : Dr. Frederick Taylor, 3 Dean of the School. 4



Assistant Dean of the School.

663 Dr. W. Hale White, Dr. G. Newton Pitt, Dr. E. C. Perry, Dr. L. E. Shaw, Dr. 6 J. W. Washbourn, Dr. J. H. Bryant, and Dr. J. Fa,,wcett,.6 Consulting Surgeons: Dr. J. Birkett and Mr. Bryant. Surgeons and Assistant Howse, Mr. R. Clement Lucas, Mr. Surgeons: Mr. C. H. Golding-Bird, Mr. W. H. A. Jacobson, Mr. Charters J. Symonds, Mr. W. Arbuthnot Lane, Mr. L. A. Dunn, Mr. A. D. Fripp, and Mr. F. J. Steward. Consulting Obstetric Physician : Dr. H. Oldham. Obstetric Physicians: Dr. A. L. Galabin and Dr. B. Horrockg. Assistant Obstetric Physician : Mr. J. H. Targett. Physician for Mental Diseases : Dr. G. H. Savage. Aural Surgeon: Mr. W. Laidlaw Purvey Dental Surgeons : Mr. F. Newland-Pedley, Mr. W. A. Maggg, and 31r. J. H. Badcock. Ophthalmic Surgeons: Mr. C. Higgens and Mr. W. A. Brailey. Instructor in Anæsthetics : Mr. Tom Bird. Anesthetists: Mr. G. Rowell, Dr. H. F. Lancaster,

H.Thomas G.

Ogle, Dr. W. S. Handley, and Mr. R. H. J. Swan. Medical Registrar and Tutor : Dr. A. J. Cleveland. Surgical Registrar and Tutor: Mr. G. S. Simpson. Obstetric Registrar and Tutor: Mr. G. Bellingham Smith. Ophthalmic Registrar Mr. C. J.

and Tutor : Mr. A. W. Ormond. Mr. Dunn. Lying-in Charity :

Warden of the College: Dr. Horrocks and Mr.


Lecturers. -Clinical Medicine: the Physicians and Assistant Physicians. Clinical Surgery: the Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons. Medicine: Dr. Taylor and Dr. Hale White. Practical Medicine : Dr. Cleveland. Surgery : Mr. Howse and Mr. Lucas. Operative Surgery: Mr. Fripp and llr. Steward. Practical Surgery: Mr. Simpson. Midwifery and Diseases of Women: Dr. Galabin. Practical Obstetrics : Mr. Targett. Mental Diseases: Dr. Savage. Ophthalmic Surgery : Mr. Higgens. Dental Surgery: Mr. NewlandPedley. Aural Surgery: Mr. Laidlaw Purves. Diseases of the Skin : Dr. Perry. Diseases of the Throat: Mr. Symonds. Electro-Therapeutics : Dr. Bryant. Anæsthetics : Mr. Tom Bird and Mr. Rowell. Hygiene and Public Health : Dr. Sykes and Mr. Pakes. Pathology: Dr. Pitt. Morbid Anatomy: Dr. Bryant and Dr. Fawcett. Morbid Histology and Bacteriology: Mr. Bellingham Smith and Mr. Pake?. Medical and Surgical Pathology Classes : Dr. Fawcett and Mr. Steward. Bacteriology : Dr. Washbourn and Mr. Pakes. Forensic Medicine: Dr. Stevenson. Anatomy : Mr. Lane and Mr. Dann. Practical Anatomy: Mr. Fagge, Mr. Rowlands, and Mr. Swan. Physiology : Dr. Washbourn and Dr. Pembrey. Practical Physiology: Dr. Pembrey, Dr. Beddard, and Dr. Spriggs. Materia Medica and Therapeutics: Dr. Perty. Practical Pharmacy: the Hospital DispenserChemistry : Mr. Wade. Practical Chemistry: Mr. Wade, Mr. Ryffel, and Mr. Ball. Experimental Physics : Professor Reinold, F.R.S., and Mr. Ball. Biology: Dr. Stevens and Mr. Swan. Psychology : Dr. Savage and Dr. Hyslop. KING’s COLLEGE.-The hospital contains 217 beds in use. The composition fees are £135 if paid in one sum or £148 if paid in four instalments. Resident medical officers have rooms at the hospital and commons free ; they are selected by examination and hold their appointment for six months or a year. There are three house physicians, two physician accoucheur assistants, and three house surgeons. Sambrooke registrarsbips, value £50 per annum, are tenable for two years. Clinical assistants senior and junior of the special de. partments-ophthalmic, ear, and throat. Senior dressers and dressers, clinical clerks, assistant demonstrators of anatomy and physiology, and prosectors are elected by examination, and in consideration of their former work in the medical school as matriculated students. Classes for the science subjects required by the University of London are held by the Professors of the Science Faculty of King’s College, and students avail themselves of their laboratories.

Laboratories. -Chemistry. Physiology, Pharmacology, Bacteriology, State Medicine, Pathology, and Neuropathology have special laboratories. Resident Chambers.-There are chambers at King’s College available for a limited number of students; rent, including dinner during terms, from 50 to E60 a year. Athletic Club.-All students are entitled to the privileges of the Athletic Club, which manages a large recreation ground of the College at Wormwood Scrubbs. Staff.-Consulting Physicians: Sir A. B. Garrod, Dr. Lionel S. Beale, Dr. W. S. Playfair, Dr. Alfred B. Puffin. and Df. I. Burney Yeo., Consulting Surgeon : Lord Lister.

Dr. David Ferrier, Dr. John Curnow, Dr. Nestor Dr. Norman Dalton, and Sir Hugh Beevor, Bart. Surgeons: Mr. William Rose, Mr. W. W. Cheyne, Mr. A. B. Barrow, Mr. A. Caries?, and Mr. F. F. Burghard. Assistant Physicians: Dr. Raymond Crawfurd7 and Dr. W. Aldren

Physicians : Tirard,

Turner. Obstetric Physician : Dr. T. C. Hayes. Assistant Obstetric Physician : Dr. John Phillips. Assistant Physician for the Diseases of Children: Dr. George F. Still. Diseases of the Throat: Dr. Greville MacDonald. Assistant Surgeons : Dr. G. L. Cheatle and Mr. P. T. B. Beale. Dental Surgeon : Mr. A. S. Underwood. Assistant Dental Surgeon : Mr. C. E. Wallis. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. M. M. McHardy. Assistant Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. L. V. Cargill. Aural Surgeon: Mr. Urban Pritchard. Assistant Aural Surgeon : Mr. Arthur H. Cheatle. Assistant Physician for Diseases of the Skin: Dr. A. Whitfield. Pathological Registrar: Dr. Norman Dalton. Physician in charge of Electrical Department : Dr. W. Aldren Turner. Medical Officer in charge of X-ray Department: Dr. F. Harrison Low. Anesthetist and Instructor in Anæsthetics: Dr. J: F. W. Silk. Senior Medical Registrar and Tutor: Dr. R. M. Leslie. Senior Surgical Registrar and Tutor : Dr. T. Percy Legg. Obstetric Registrar and Tutor: Dr. Hugh Playfair. Sambrooke Registrars : Mr. J. C. Briscoe and Mr. M. S. Mayou. Clinical Pathologist : Dr. 0. F. F. Grunbaum. Lecturers.-Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical: Dr. A. Robinson (Professor) and Dr. G. J. Jenkins (Demonstrator). Physiology, Practical Physiology, and Elementary Biology: Dr. W. D. Halliburton(Professor), Mr. P. T. B. Beale (Demonstrator of Histology), Dr. H. W. Lyle (Demonstrator of Physiology), Mr. P. T. B. Beale (Lecturer in Elementary Biology), and Dr. H. W. Lyle (Lecturer in Animal Biology). Chemistry and Practical Chemistry: Dr. J. M. Thomson (Professor), Mr. HerbertJackson (Lecturer), and Mr. P. H. Kirkaldy (Demonstrator). Experimental Physics : Dr. W. G. Adams (Professor) and Mr. E. F. Herroun (Demonstrator). Botany (Vegetable Biology): Dr. W. B. Bottomley (Professor), and Mr. E. J. Schwartz (Demonstrator). Medicine (Principles and Practice of) : Dr. Nestor Tirard (Professor). Neuro-Pathology : Dr. D. Ferrier (Professor) and Dr. W. A. Turner (Demonstrator). Psychological Medicine: Dr. Ernest W. White (Professor). Surgery (Principles and Practice of) : Mr. W. W. Cheyne (Professor). Surgery (Operative): Mr. A. Carless (Teacher). Surgical Pathology: Mr. G. L. Cheatle (Teacher]. Materia Medica and Pharmacology : Dr. F. W. Tunnicliffe (Professor). Obstetric Medicine and Diseases of Women and Children: Dr. T. C. Hayes (Professor). Practical Obstetrics : Dr. John Phillips (Lecturer). Diseases of Children : Dr, G. F. Still (Assistant Physician). Pathology : Dr. N. Dalton (Professor). Forensic Medicine : Dr. W. R. Smith (Professor). Hygiene: Dr. W. J. R. Simpson (Professor). State Medicine Laboratory : Dr. W. R. Smith (Director) and Mr. E. Russell (Demonstrator). Bacteriology : Dr. E. M. Crookshank (Professor). Clinical Medicine: Dr. John Curnow. Clinical Surgery : Dr. W. Rose (Professor). Ophthalmic Surgery : Mr. M. M. McHardy Professor). Aural Surgery: Dr. Urban Pritchard (Professor). Anæsthetic: Dr. J. F. W. Silk. Dental Surgery: Dr. A. S. Underwood (Professor). Diseases of the Skin: Dr. A. Whitfield (Assistant Physician). LONDON HOSPITAL AND COLLEGE. -The hospital has nearly 800 beds in constant use aud no beds are closed. Being the only general hospital fer East London-i.e., for a million and a half people-the practice is immense. Inpatients last year 12,746 ; out-patients, 161,762 ; accidentg, 19,944; major operations, 256. Owing to the enormousis number of patients more appointments are open to students than at any other hospital. Receiving-room officers, house 60 of these qualified physicians, house surgeons, &c.: appointments are made annually and more than 150 dressers, clinical clerks, &c., appointed every three months. All are free to students of the College. Holders of resident appointments have free board. Twenty-nine scholarships and prizes are given annually. Five entrance scholarships, .E120, £60, £35, z30, £20, are offered in September. Special classes are held for the University of London and other higher examinations. Special entries for medical and surgical practice can be made. Qualified practitioners will find excellent opportunities for studying the rarest diseases. Lectures and classes are held 7


Dean of the Medical School.

Dean of hospital for 1901-2. 8 Dean of the school.


throughour, the year to suit the requirements of candidatesv desirous of obtaining the Diploma in Public Health. These courses are recognised both by the Univerfities of Oxford and Cambridge and by the Examining Board in England. A

ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL.-The hospital contains 281 beds, which namber will be raised to 381 on completion of the Clarence wing The situation of the hospital in the centre of the residential districts of Paddington, Bayswater, and redaction of 15 guineas is made to the sons of members of, Norr,h Kensington renders it especially convenient to students the profession. The new laboratories aid class-rooms for who wish to reside in the immediate vicinity, and a register Bacteriology, Pablic Health, Operative Surgery, Chemistry, of approved lodgings is kept in the office or the Medical and Biology are now in full use. The new Clubs Union School. All clinical appointments in the hospital are free Rooms, Garden, and Fives Court are now cpen. The Clubs: to students of the Medical School and the resident medical Union Athletic Ground is within easy reach of the hos- officers are chosen by competitive examination. Six house pital. The Metrop Jlit,m and other railways have stations physicians, six house turgeons, four obstetric officers, and two resident anaesthetists are appointed in each year and cloe to the hospital and the college. Dr. Jackson board and residence in the hospital. Entrance receive Hughlings Physicians : Staff.-Consulting and Dr. Fenwick. Consulting Surgeons: Mr. Hutchinson, scholarships in Natural Science, one of ;&t45, two of £78 15s., Mr. Couper, Mr. McCarthy, and Sir Frederick Treves. one of f.52 10.!., and two of f.63 (open to students from Physicians : Dr. Stephen Mackenzie, Dr. A. E. Sansom, Dr. Oxford at,d Cambridge), are awarded annually by examina. Gilbart-Smith, Dr. Francis Warner, and Dr. Percy Kidd ; tion in 8eptpmber. The New Wing.-The new wing, the ground floor of which, Dr. Frederick J. Smith, Dr. W. J. Hadley, and Dr. G. A-sistant Phy- comprising the new out-patient department, was opened in Schorstein (with care of out-patients). sicians: Dr. Bertrand Dawson, Dr. Henry Head, and Dr. 1898, is about to be completed. This will add to the hos. Robert Hutchinson. Surgeons: Mr. Waren Tay, Mr. C. W. pital 100 new beds and will include an additioral operating Ma.nfeII-Moullia, Mr. Harry Fenwick, Mr. F. S. Eve, and theatye, a new clinical laboratory, and an x-ray department. Mr. J. Hutchinson, jun. ; Mr. T. H. Openshaw and Mr. H. P. The Laboratories.-The Physiological Laboratories have Dean (with care of out-patients. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. recently been enlarged and the Pathological Department A. B. Roxburgh, Mr. P. Furnivall, and Mr. H. Barnard. further extended with the provision of special laboratories Obstetric Physicians: Dr. G. E. Herman and Dr. Lewers for the study of bacteriology and pathological chemistry. (with care of out-patients). Physician to the Skin DepartSpecial Tuition.-[n addition to systematic courses of ment : Dr. Stephen Mackenzie. Consulting Dental Surgeon: lectu es and demonstrations special tuition ia provided for Mr Barrett. Consulting Anæsthetist: Dr. Hewitt. Sur- the Intermediate and Final Examinations of thf Universities geons to the Ophthalmic Department : Mr. Waren Tay and of Oxford, Cambridge, anrl London without addItIonal fees. Mr. A. B. Roxburgh. Senior Surgeon to the Aural DepartPreli,nainary Scientific Course.-Special c:ases, including ment : Dr. Edward Woakes. Surgeon to the Aural Depart- lectures and aory work, are held throughout the year. ment : Mr. T. Mark Hovell. Medical Officer in charge of The composition fee for full students is f.l40 if paid in the Electrical Department: Dr. W. S. Hedley. Analyst to one sum or E145 if paid in four instalments University the Hospital: Mr. Hugh Candy. Bacteriologist to the Hos- students who have completed their examinations in Anatomy pital : Dr. W. Bailoch. Dental Surgeon-’: Mr. Dolamore and Physiology are admitted on payment of a composition and Mr. Farmer. Anaesthetists: Dr. Probyn Williams, Mr. fee of 60 guineas (£63) paid in one sum or by payment of two annual instalments of 35 guineas (636 15s.) and 30 Hilliard, and Mr. Clapham. Lecturers.-MedicineDr. Percy Kidd. Clinical Medi- guineas (.631 10s.) respectively. University students who cine : the Physicians and A sistant Physicians. Surgery: have not completed their examination in Anatomy and Mr. C. W. Manell-Moullin. Clinical Surgery: the Surgeons Physiology pay an annual fee of 25 guineas (626 5s.) until and Assistant Sargeons. Anatomy : Dr. T. H. Openshaw they have passed these examinations, and thtn pay the and Dr. A. Keith. Physiology: Dr. Leonard Hill and Dr. composition fee. Separate courses of lectures, laboratory J. J. R. Maclend. Chemical Physiology : Dr. R. Hutchison. work, or hospital practice may be taken. The composition Chemistry : Mr. F. J. M. Page and Mr. Hugh Candy. fees include membership of the amalgamated cluhs. The Medical : School Calendar and full information can be obtained from Pathology-(1) Surgical : Mr. F. S. Eve ; Dr. W. J. HarHey; and (3) General: Dr. W. Bulloch. the Secretary, St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School, PadMidwifery and Diseases of Women : Dr. G. Ernest Herman. dingron W. Ct ioical Obstetrics : The Obstetric Physicians. Pracical Staff.-Consulting Physicians : Sir Edward Sievekirg and Obstetrics: Dr. G. Ernest Herman and Dr. Arthur H. N. Sir William Broadbent. Consulting Sargerna: Mr. H. Lewers.’ Forensic Medicine-(1) Pubic Heal’h: Dr. J. C. Spencer Smith, Mr. A. T. Norton, Mr. G. P. Feld (Aural), Thresh; and (2) Medical Jursprudence and Toxicology: Mr. Howard Hayward,rd (Dental), and Mr. G. Atjdtrson Dr. Fr’fdk. J. Smith. Public Health and Sanitary Science: Critclhett (Ophthalmic). Physicians : Dr. W. B. Cheadle, Dr. W. Bullocb, Dr. John C. Thresh. and Mr. F. J. M. Page. Dr. D. B. Lees and Dr. Sidney Phiilips. Sarg on : Mr. Mental D seases: Dr. J. Kennedy Will. Materia Medica and Edmund Owen, Mr. Herbert W. Page, and Mr. A. J. Pepper. General Therapeutics : Dr. Francis Warnerand Dr. Bertrand Physicians in charge of Out-Patients : Dr. R. Ma. uire. Dr. Dawson. Biulogy: Dr. P. Chalmers Mitchell and Mr. G. P. A. P. Luff, and Dr. H. A. Csley. S rgeons in charge of OutMudge. Experimental Physics: Mr. F. J. M. Page and Patients: Mr. A. Q. Silcock, Mr. J. Ernest Lane a d Mr. H. Mr. Hugh Candy. Ophthalmic Surgery : Mr. A. B. Stansfield Coliier. Phyaician-Acconcheur : Dr. Montagu Roxburgh. Aural Surgery : Dr. Edward Woakes. Di.easps Handfield-Jones. Physician-Accoucheur in Charge of Outof the Thr "at.: Mr. T. Mark H Ivell. Anatomy and Pathology patients : Dr. W. J. G -w. Physician in charge ot Cl ildren’s of the Tee’b: Mr. H. Dolamore and Mr. F. M. Farmer. Department: Dr. Sidney Phillips. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Practical Anatomy: Dr. Arthur Keitb, Mr. H. M. Rigby, Mr. H. E. Juler. Surgeon to the Skin Department : Mr. and Mr. J. H. Watson. Practical Physiology and Histology : Malcolm Morris. Dental Surgeon: Mr. Morton Smale. Dr. Leonard Hill and Dr. J. J. R. Mac eod. Foods and Aural Surgeon : Dr. G. William Hill. Surgeon to the Throat Dietetics: D;’. R. Hutchison. Practical Chemistry: Mr. Department : Dr. Scanes Spicer. Administrater of AnæsF. J. M. Page and Mr. Hugh Candy. Operative Surgery: thetics : Mr. Henry Dctvis. Mr. H. P. Dean. Practical Surgery : Dr. A. B. Roxburgh. Lecturers.-Clinical Medicine: Dr. W. D. Cheadle and DemonstratOM of Morbid Anatomy : Dr. F. J. Smith, Dr. Dr. D. B. Lses. Clinical Su g’ry : Mr. Enmnnd Owen and W. J. H. Hadley, and Dr. G. Schor3teii3. Bacteriology: Dr. Mr. Herbert W. Page. Medicine : Dr. Sidney Phillips. W. Bu’loch and Dr. W. Hunter. Pathological Histology: Dr. Surgery : Mr. A. J. Pepper and Mr. A. Q. Silcock. Practical W. Bulloch. Therapeutic Electricity and Radiography: Dr.I and Operative Surgery : Mr. H. Stansfield Collier. Patholcgy: W. S. Hedley. Anæsthetics: Dr. R. J. Probyn-Witltams, Dr. Robert Maguire and Mr. H. G. Plimmer. Bacteriology: Mr. H. Hilliard. and Mr. E. W. Oiapbam. Elementary Mr. H. G. Plimmer and Dr. A. Pdine. Pathological Clinical MEdicine: Mr. Henry Head and Dr. Robert Chemistry : Dr. W. H. Willcex. Midwifery and Gyrsecology: Hutchinson. Medical Tutor: Dr. T. H. Sfqueira. Surgical Dr. M. Handfield-Jones. Materia Medica and Therapeutics: Tuter: Mr. H. L. Barnard. Obstetric Tut. r: Dr. H. R. Dr. H. A. CaJey.9 Forensic Medicme: Dr. A. P. Luff. Andrews. As Emeritus Professor of Surgery Mr. Hutchinson Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy : Mr. J. Ernest Lane. will give in the Summer Session, and Sir Frederick Treves Physiology : Dr. A. Waller and Mr. W. Legge Symes (Assist. will g ve in the Winter Session a cour-eof lectures in Clinical ant Lpcturer). Demonstrator : Mr. J. H. Wells. Histology: Surgery. The special snhjects and the dates will be Mr. W. Legga Symes. Biology: Dr. W. G. Ridewood. announced in due course. Dr. Hewitt, as Emeritus Lecturer Demonstrator: Mr. H. B. Lacey. Chemistry and Physics: on Anaesthetics, will give a course of lectures during the first 9 Dean. half of the Winter Session. Warden: Mr. Munro Scott. .




665 Dr.W.H.Willcox and Mr. E. H. Strange Hvgiene ’and Public Health : Dr. A. P. LaS and Dr. E. J. Steegmann. Mental Diseases : Dr. Theo. B. Hyslop. Diseases of the Eye: Mr. H. E. Juler. Diseases of the Ear : Dr. G. William - Hill. Diseases of the Skin : Mr. Malcolm Morris. Diseases of the Throat: Dr. Beanes Spictr. Dental Stugery :Mr. Morton Smale. Tropical Diseases : Dr. John Anderson. An2astbetiet: Mr. Henry Davis. Medical Tutor : Dr. F. H. PoyntoD. Surgical Tutor: Mr. H. Stansfield Collier. Obstetric Turor : Dr. W. J. Gow. Medical Registrar : Dr. W. J. Harris. Surgical Registrar: Dr. A. G. Wilson. Electrical Department: Dr. W. J. Harris. Curator of the Museum: Dr. R. W. Dodgson. Anatomy : Dr. V. Warren Low and Mr. W. Ashdowne (demonstrators). Chemistry : Mr. E. H. Strange (demonstrator). Practical Pharmacy : Mr. E. A. Andrews (demonstrator). School Secretary : Mr. B. E. Matthew.


MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL.-The hospital contains 340 beds. a special wmg for patients suffering from cancer, consisting of four wards, containing 40 beds ; here


patients are received and attended for a period limited only by the duration of their disease. Hospital Appointments.-All hospital appointments are allotted to sunents without any extra fee. Eighteen I Resident Appointments are annually filled from the pupils of the hospital. each appointment extending over six months.I Special Classes are held to prepare students for the I Inter M.B. (Lond.) Examination and for the Primary Examination for the diploma of F.R.C.S. Fng. The Hospital and Medical School are fully equipped for the theoretical and practical teaching of all the subjects included in the examinations in Medicine and Surgery in the United Kingdom and for the diploma in Public Health; and ample laboratory and class-room accommodation is provided for the teaching of the various subjects of the curriculum and tor original research in Medicine, Pathology, or ,



Dean of the school.




composition fee to Hospital paid in the following ways :-

1. £150 on entrance in one sum. 2. £157 10s. in instalments : (a) by two payments, E85 on entrance and E72 10s. at the beginning of the secondyear ; (b) by three payments, £75 at


Fees.-The Composition Fee for the entire curriculum is 135 gmneas, or 145 guineas if paid in three instalments. The fee for the Dental Curriculum is 54 guineas, or 60 guineas if paid in two instalments. Students who have completed the study of Anatomy and Physiology or passed the London Preliminary Scientific M.B. Examination are received on special terms. Staff.-Consulting Physicians: Dr. Sydney Coupland and Sir R. D. Powell. Poysicians : Dr. W. Caley, Dr. J. K. Fowler. and Dr. W. Pasteur.10 Obstetric Physician : Dr. W. Dancan. Aa2istant Physicians: Dr. W. E. Wynter, Dr. A. F. V elcker, Dr. F. J. Wethered. and Dr. H. C. Thomson. Consulting Physician to the Skin Department: Dr. R, Liv-ing. Physician to the Skin Department: Dr. J. J. Prindp. Assistant Obstetric Physician : Dr. R. Boxall. Consulting Surgeons: Mr. Nunn and Mr. G. Lawson. Surgeons : Mr. M rris, Mr. Clark, and Mr. Gould. Assistant Surgeons: M .B and-Sutton. Mr. Murray, and Mr. K-llock. Oph balm c Surgeon: Mr. W. Lang. Aural Sorgeon : Mr. S. Pag;r. Consulting Surge-on. Dentist : -Mr. Turner. Dental Surgeon: Mr. W. Heiii. Aasibtant Dental Surgeon : Mr. Nowell. Ou ator of the Museum and Pathologist: Dr. Thom-on. Rgistrars: Dr. R. A. Yourg and Mr. A. Baldwin. Resident Medical Officer: Mr. F. A. Fardon. Chloroformists: Mr. Nor’-on, Mr. T. G. A. Burns, Mr. H. P. Nople ard Mr. Comyns Berkeley. Lecturers.-Winter Session : Anatnmy: Dr. Thompson. Demonstrator: Dr, Gladstone. Biology and Poysiolrgy: Dr. Young. Demonstrator: Mr. Goodall. Chemistry: Dr. Kellas. Demonstrator: Mr. Fr.ygatt. Medicine : Dr. Fowler and Dr. Pasteur. Practical Medicine: Dr. Pasteur. Surgery : Mr. Clark. Practical Surgery: Mr. Murray. Operative Surgery: Mr. Kellock. Practical Midwifery: Dr. Boxall. Clinical Lectures in Medicine: The Physician?. Clinical Lectures in Surgery : The Surgeons. ("linical Lpetures on Diseases of the Ear, Throat, and Nose: Mr. S. Paget. Lectares in Ophthalmology : Mr. Larg. Lectures in Dental Mr. Hern. Public Health and Bacteriology : Surgery: Mr. Foulerton. Summer Session: Pharmacology and



Practice and Lectures may

There is

College to accommodate about 30 students adj ins the hospital. The charge for residence is JE88s., .E7 7s., and £66s. per term, according to the position ot the room. Breakfast, luncheon, and dinner are snppliRd in the College Hall at a very moderate charge.


. Public Health and Bacteriology: Mr. Fculertoll. Tropical Meoicine : Dr. Crombie. Mental Diseases: Dr. Mitklc. ’Lectures in Dermatology : Dr. Pringle. Anatomy, Chunistry, and Physiology : as in Winter Session. Tutors-Medicine : Dr. Wynter ; Surgery: Mr. Kellock; Obstetrics : Dr. Berkeley. Practical Pharmacy: Mr. Fardon.


Bacteriology. ’ A Residential


Histology:Dr. Voelcker. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology: Dr. Wethered. Pla1tical Toxicol gy:Dr. Kellap.

the beginning of the first year, E50 at the beginning of the second year, and 132 10s. at the beginning of the tbird year ; and (c) by four payments, E65 at the beginning of the year, £50 at the beginning of the second year, £30 at the beginning of the third year, and B12 10s. at the beginning of the fourth year. Students entering at St. Thomas’s for Lectures and Hospital Practice of the second and subsequent years pay E130 on entrance, or three instalments of £52 10s., E42, and 42 Students entering for Lectures and Hospital Practice of third and subsequent years pay a composition fee of £80 or E52 10s. on entrance and £31 10s. Tne fee for attendance on the one year subsequently. general subjects required of students in Dental Surgery is for the two years E65, or, by instalments, £55 for the first year and £15 for the second year. If certificates for Dental Practice are also required the special fee for that subject has to be paid. Qualified practitioners are admitted by a joint ticket to the practice of nine hospitals on terms which may be ascertained from the medical secretary. Staff.-Consulting Physicians : Dr. Harley, Dr. Ord. and Dr. Payne. Consulting Surgeons: Sir J. Simon, Mr. S. Jones, Mr. J. Croft, and Sir W. MacCormac. Consulting Obstetrical Physician : Dr. Gervis. Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeons : Mr. Liebreich and Mr. Nettleship. Physicians : Dr. Mackenzie, Dr. Sharkey, Dr. Acland, and Dr. Hawkii3s.11 Surgeons: Mr. Clutton, Mr. Pitts, Mr. G. H. Makins, and Mr. Battle. Assistant Physicians: Dr. Turney, Dr. Perkixs, Dr. Colman. and Dr. B g. Assistant Surgeons : Mr. C. A. Ballance, Mr. H. B. Robinson, Mr. F. C. Abbott, and Mr. C. S. Wallace. Obstetrical Physician : Dr. Cullingworth. Assistant Obstetrical Physician : Dr. W. W. H. Tate. Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. Lawford. Assistant Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. Fisher. Physician for Diseases of Children: Dr. Box. Surgeon for Diseases of the Throat: Mr. H. B. Robinson. Surgeon for Diseases of the Skin : Mr. E. Stainer. Surgeon for Diseases of the Ear : Mr. Abbott. Physician Electrical Department : Dr. Turney. Surgeon Dentist : Mr. C. E. Truman. Resident Assistant Physician : Dr. A. E. Russell. Resident Assistant Surgeon : Mr. E. M. Mr. W. Tyrrell, Mr. E. H. G. Corner. Afsestbeti&ts : Morris, Mr. H. Low, and Mr. H. C. Crouch. Pharmaceutist: Mr. E. White. Curator of Museum : Mr. S. G. Shattock. Superintendent of Clinical Labora’ory: Mr. Seligmann. Superintendent of X-ray Department : Dr. Blacker. Lecturers : Winter Session.-Practical Anatomy Demonstrators : Mr. F. G. Parsons, Mr. J. H. Fisher, and Dr. Box. Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy : Mr. F. G. Pardons and Mr H. B. Robinson. Cnemistry and Chemical Physics : Dr. Crossley. Physical and General Anatomy : Dr. J. B. Leathes. Elementary Biology : Mr. F. G. Parsons. Pathology, Pathological Anatomy, and Bacteriology : Dr. Turney, Dr. Perkins, and Mr. Shattock. Surgery : Mr. Pitts and Mr. Anderson. Theory and Practice of Medicine: Dr. Payne and Dr. Sharkey. Practical and Manipulative Surgery: Mr. Ballance and Mr. Battle. Physics and Natural Pbilosophy : Mr. Dunstan and Mr. Le Sceuer. Clinical Medicine : The Physicians. Surgery : Sir W. Mac Cormac (Emeritus Lecturer) and the Surgeons in rotation. Chnical Midwifery and Diseases of Women : Dr. Callingworth. Diseases of the Eye: Mr. Lawford. Clinical Lectures on Throat Disease-: Mr. H. B. Robinson. Demonstrator in Morbid Histology : Dr. Perkins. Physiological Demonstrator : Mr. A. W. Sykes. Obstetrical Demonstrator : Dr. Tate. Elementary Clinical Medicine: Dr. Colman, Dr. Perkins, and Dr. Russell. Surgical Classes : Mr. Battle, Mr. Ballance, Mr. Shattock, and Mr. Richardson. Summer Session.-Anatomical Demonstrator : Mr. F. G. 11


666 b’2cnamer Session.-Materia Medica and Therapeutics: Dr. Parsons, Mr. H. B. Robinson, and Mr. J. H. Fisher. Elementary Biology: Mr. F. G. Parsone. Forensic J. R. Bradford. Pathological Anatomy : Dr. S. Martin. Medicine and Toxicology: Dr. Cory and Dr. Colman. Practical Chemistry : Professor Ramsay. Midwifery and Midwifery : Dr. Tate. Botany: Mr. A. W. Bennett. Diseases of Women : Dr. Spencer. Medical Jurisprudence: Surgery: Chemistry and Practical Chemistry : Mr. W. R. Dunstan Dr. J. S. R. Russell. Ophthalmic Medicine and and Dr. Crossley. Mental Diseases: Dr. H. Rayner. Professor J. Tweedy. Operative Surgery: Mr. Pollard. Public Health: Dr. E. Seaton. Practical and Manipu- Hygiene and Public Health: Professor Corfield. M.D. lative Surgery: Mr. Ballance and Mr. Battle. Practical Practical Physiology and Histology : Professor E. H. Physiology: Dr. J. B. Leathes. Comparative Anatomy: Starling. Mental Physiology : Dr. Mickle. Principal of


Diseases of the Eye: Mr. Lawford. Anatomy and Bacteriology : Dr. Pathological Pathology, Turney., Dr. Perkins, and Mr. Shattock. Pharmacology and Therapeutics : Dr. Mackenzie. Operative Surgery : Mr. Mr.

Makins, Mr. Battle, and Mr. Ballance.




Surgery are delivered every Wednesday. Special Departments for the Diseases of Women and Children, and for Diseases of the Eye, Skin, Throat, and Ear. Instruction in Electro-Therapeutics by Dr. Turney. Instruction in Dental Surgery by Mr. Truman. Instruction in Vaccination by Dr. Cory. Medicine and

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL, LONDON.-Composition fees.-l. For the entire medical education required by the

Examining Board in England and the Society of Apothecaries, 150 guineas, if paid in one sum at the commencement of the course; 155 guineas if paid by instalments, as followsfirst year, 70 guineas; second year, 55 guineas; third year, 30 guineas. 2. For those students who do not require to attend Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Elementary Biology at a medical school (under the regulations of the Examining Board in England) the fee will be-135 guineas, if paid in one sum; 140 guineas, if paid by instalments, as followsfirst year, 60 guineas ; second year, 50 guineas ; third year, 30 guineas. 3. For the whole course of instruction for the Intermediate Examination in Medicine of the University of London, 60 guineas (paid in one sum). 4. For the course of instruction for the Final M.B.

Examination of the

University of London, 80 guineas, if paid "in one sum; 82 guineas, if paid by instalments, as follows-first year, 50 guineas ; second year, 32 guineas. 5. Composition fee for Dental Students, 65 guineas, or exclusive of Chemistry, Practical Chemistry, Physics, and Materia Medica, 50

6. Composition fee for the whole course’ of instruction for the Preliminary Scientific (M.B.) Examination of the University of London, 25 guineas. Eight house physicians, six house surgeons, four senior and eight junior obstetric assistants and two ophthalmic assistants are selected annually by examination from among The house physicians and house the senior students. surgeons reside in the hospital for a period of six months, and the senior obstetric assistants for three months, receiving free board and lodging. Several professors and other gentlemen connected with the College receive students to reside with them ; and in the office of the College there is kept a register of persons unconnected with the College who receive boarders into their families ; among these are several medical gentlemen and clergymen. Staff.-Consulting Physicians : Dr. H. C. Bastian, Sir W. R. Gowerg, Sir J. Williams, Dr. S. Ringer. Physicians : Dr. F. T. Roberts, Dr. G. V. Poore, Sir Thomas Barlow, Bart., Dr. J. R. Bradford. Dr. S. H. C. Martin, and Dr. Obstetric Physician: Dr. H. R. Spencer. J. E. Russell. Assistant Obstetric Physician : Dr. G. F. Blacker. Physician, Skin Department: Dr. H. R. Crocker. Consulting Surgeons: Sir Henry Thompson, Mr. C. Heath, and Mr. S. J. Hutchinson (Dental). Surgeons : Mr. A. E. Barker, Mr. R. J. Godlee, Mr. V. A. Horsley, Mr. B. Pollard, and Mr. Johnson. Assistant Surgeon: Mr. T. R. H. Bucknall. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. J. Tweedy. Assistant Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. P. Flemming. Dental Surgery: Mr. S. Spokes. Anæsthetist : Dr. D. Buxton. Surgeon Registrar: Mr. W. B. L. Trotter. Resident Medical Officer: Dr. Charles Bolton. Lectures of the Faculty of Medicine : Winter Session.Anatomy : Professor G. D. Thane. Dissections by Mr. Flemming, Mr. G. B. M. White, Mr. P. M. Heath, and E. G. Perodeau. Chemistry : Professor Ramsay. Biology : Professor E. A. Minchin. Piinciplesand Practice of Medicine : Dr. G. Vivian Poore Principles and Practice of Surgery : Professor A. E. Barker. Practical and Operative Surgery : Mr. B. Pollard and Mr. R. Johnson. Physiology: Professor E. H. Starling. Dental Surgery : Mr. S. Spokes. Morbid Anatomy and Bacteriology : Dr. S. Martin.



College : G. Carey Foster. LL.D., F.B.S.

WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL. -The hospital contains up. wards of 200 beds. There are separate departments for Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Skin, Teeth, and Throat, for Orthopaedics, and for Diseases of Women, and a special ward for Children. The Anatomical Museum is open to the students. There are also Pathological and Materia Medica Museums. A medical and a surgical registrar, each with a salary of ;E40, are appointed annually. Two house physicians, two house surgeons, and a resident obstetric assistant are ’, appointed for six months after examination, and are pro. vided with rooms and commons; also two assistant house surgeons with commons only. Clinical assistants to the assistant physicians and assistant surgeons, and to the officers in charge of special departments, are appointed from among qualified students of the hospital. Preliminary Scientific.-Special classes are held in the subjects of this examination-Chemistry, Dr. Hake; Physics, Mr. Somerville ; Biology, Dr. Shcrlock. The extra fee to a general student is 12 guineas. Intermediate M.B.-Advaneed Physiology and Histology, Dr. Gossage; Organic Chemistry, Dr. Hake; Materia Medica, Dr. Parves Stewart. D.P.H.-The course of Laboratory Instruction may now be taken. Physics, Mr. Somerville; Chemistry, Dr. Hake; Bacteriology, Dr. Blaxall. Fee: 12 guineas for three months, 20 guineas for six months. Bacteriology.-A course in General Bacteriology is given by Dr. Blaxall. Fee ;E55s. Staff.-Consulting Medical Staff : Dr. H. B. Donkin. Consulting Surgical Staff : Mr. C. Holthouse, Mr. Richard Davy, Mr. G. Cawell, and Mr. F. C. Macnamara. Consulting Dental Surgeon: Dr. J. Walker. Medical In-patient Staff: Dr. W. H. Allchin, Dr. de Havilland Hall, and Dr. W. Murrell. Obstetric Physician: Dr. W. Rivers Pollock. Surgical In-patient Staff : Mr. C. Stonham, Mr. W. G. Spencer, and Mr. A. H. Tubby. Medical Out-patient Staff: Dr. R. G. Hebb, Dr. W. A. Wills, Dr. A. M. Gossage, and Dr. Purves Stewart. Physician for Diseases of the Skin: Dr. T. Cclcott Fox. Assistant Obstetric Physician: Dr. G. H. Drummond Robinson. Surgical Oat-patient Staff: Mr. P. R. W. De Santi, Mr. W. Turner, and Mr. E. P. Paton. Surgeon in charge of the Throat Department: Mr. W. G. Spencer. Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. G. Hartridge. Surgeon in charge of the Orthopaedic Department: Mr. A. H. Tubby. Surgeon in charge of the Ear Department: llr. P. R. W. De Santi. Dental Surgeons : Mr. C. W. Glassington and Mr. E. Gardner. Administrator of Anaesthetics : Dr. N. W. Bourns and Mr. A. MacLeod. Pathologist and Curator of Museum: Dr. W. S. Lazarus-Barlow. Medical Registrar: Dr. B. Abrahams. Pharmacist:

Surgical Registrar: Mr. A. E. Tanner. ’


E. Canny Ryall. Secretary: Mr. S. M.



Lectures.-Clinical Medicine: Dr. Allebiii, Dr. Hall, and Dr. Murrell. Clincal Surgery: Mr. Stonham, Mr. Spencer. and Mr. Tubby.12 Clinical Gynæcology: Dr. Pollock." Medicine : Dr. de Havilland Hall and Dr. Murrell. Diseases of the Skin : Dr. Colcott Fox. Neurology and Insanity: Dr. Charles Mercier. Elementary Practical Medicine: Dr. Wills. Surgery : Mr. Stonham. Ophthalmic Surgery: Mr. Hartridge. Surgery of the Throat and Nose : Mr. Spencer. Orthopaedic Surgery: Mr. ’Tubby. Aural Surgery: Mr. de Santi. Dental Surgery: Mr. Glazsingtoi3. Anæsthetics: Dr. Bourns. Operative Surgery : Mr. Stonham. Surgical Anatomy: Mr. Paton. Minor Surgery: Mr.’ de Santi. Surgical Pathology; Mr. Paton. Midwifery and Diseases of Women: Dr. Pollock. General Pathology and Morbid Anatomy: Dr. Lazarus-Barlow. Post-mortem Demonstra. tions: Dr. Lazarus. Barlow. Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Pharmacology: Dr. Purves Stewart. Demonstrator of Practical Pharmacy: Mr. A. E. Tanner. Forensic Medicine: 12

Dean of the School.


Treasurer of the School.

667 Webb, M.B. ; of Anatomy, Miss Stomy, M.D., ard MilS Ji’lint, M.B. ; of Chfmistry, MIss Widdowg ; of Physiology,

Dr. Hebb and Dr. Pollock. Toxicology : Dr. H. Wilton Public Health : Dr. S. Monckton Copeman. Hake. Anatomy : Mr. Black. Bacteriology : Dr. Blaxall. Demonstrators of Practical Anatomy : Mr. Black and Mr. Paton. Physiology : Dr. Gossage.14 Practical Physiology : Demonstrator of Physiology : Mr. Canny Dr. Gossage. Ryal1. Histology: Dr. Gossage. Biology and Comparative Anatomy : Dr. Sherlock. Emeritus Lecturer on Chemistry : Dr. Dupré. Chemistry and Practical Chemistry : Dr. H.

Miss Vernon and MIss CUlli!’ ; of Practical Pharmacology, Mrs. Clarke Keir. At the Royal Free Hospital : Oinical Medicine : Dr. S. West and Dr. Sainsbury. Clinical Surgery : Mr. Barrow and Mr. Berry. Pathology : Dr. Crawfurd. Surgical Tutors : Mr. Roughton, and Mr. W. Evans. Medical Tutor and Demonstrator of Auscultation : Dr. J. W. Carr. Demonstrator of Practical Clinical Medicine : Miss Vaughan, Wilson Hake. physics: Mr. H. Somerville. Secretary and M.D. Bacteriology : Mr. Roughton. Librarian: Mr. W. Fryer. The Dean of the School is Mrs. Garrett Anderson, M.D., the Vice-Dean is Miss Cock, M.D. ; the Honoraty SecrEtary LONDON (ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL) SCHOOL OF MEDICINE is Mrs. Thorne ; and the Secretary is Miss Douie, M. B. FOR WOMEN, 8 Huotfr-street, Brunswick-square, W C.The fee for the whole medical course is .g125 in one sum, or METROPOLITAN ANCILLARY SCHOOLS AND 9135 in four instalments. This entitles students to attend HOSPITALS AFFORDING FACILITIES FOR all necessary lectures and practical classes as well as the CLINICAL OBSERVATION. medical and surgical practice of the hospital, and to hold BETHLEM ROYAL hospital is open for clerkships and dresserships in the in-patient and out-patient theadmission of two HOSPITAL.-This Resident Home who have the and Students can also attend Physicians in-patient departments. their diplomas to practise Medicine and out-patient practice of the New Hospital for Women. Students recently obtained will be permitted to reside in the They after qualification can hold the post of house physician, Surgery. house surgeon, clinical assistant, anæsthetist and assistant hospital for a term generally not exceeding six months, anæsthetist, medical and surgical registrar, museum curators commencing June lst and lst Dec., and will be provided and demonstrators in the departments of Anatomy, Phy- with apartments, complete board, attendance, washing, honorarium of 25 guineas per quarter. They siology, and Chemistry, and two of the resident posts at the and an under the direction of the Resident Physician, will be Royal Free Hospital, as well as those of the New Hospital and will be elected by the Committee from candidates whose for Women, which is officered entirely by medical women. In addition to the list of Scholarships tabulated in another testimonials appear to be most satisfactory. The students column three Evans Prizes of jE33s., ;E2 2s., and £1 1s. of certain specified London Medical Schools receive Clinical Instruction in the wards of the hospital, and qualified practiare given on the results of the class examination in midtioners and two are Durham value may attend for a period of three months on payment £5 and 3, Prizes, wifery, given of a fee. Lectures are also given in connexion with the on the results of the class examination in gynæcology, and a prize of .E5is awarded in alternate years on the results London Post-graduate Course. HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTION AND DISEASES OF THE of the class examination in Midwifery and Gynaecology CHEST, The Evans Prize for Brompton (320 beds).-Four House Physicians reside respectively. Operative Midwifery, value f:55s., is awarded yearly. Prizes of £10 each are in the hospital for a period of six months. Pupils are admitted awarded yearly in Anatomy and Physiology. There is also to the practice of the hospital: terms, £1 ls. for one month ; a small fund from which assistance can occasionally be three months, ;&2 2s. ; perpetual, £55s. Lectures and Clinical Demonstrations are given throughout the year by to and to students who graduates given specially require of the medical staff. The next course will pecuniary help. Honoraria from the Royce Memorial Fund members Clinical Assistants are appointed to are given to the assistant aneasthetists at the Royal Free commence in October. Assistant Physician in the out-patient department and Hospital. Prizes and Certificates of Honour are awarded in the Clinical Clerks to the Physician in the wards. The hospital each class at the end of the session. Special classes for the Preliminary Scientific examination has been recognised by the Conjoint Board for England as a of the University of London are held. The teaching in place where six months of the fifth year may be spent in clir.ical these classes has been greatly extended. The fee for the work. The medical practice of the hospital is also recognised whole course is 20 guineas. Special courses of instruction by the University of London, the Apothecaries’ Society, in Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry are provided for and the Army and Navy and Indian Medical Boards. The students preparing for the Intermediate M.B. Examination hospital contains 321 beds in the two buildings. of the University of London. The rebuilding of the School Staff.-Consulting Physicians: -Dr. E. Pollock, Dr. E. S. Sir R, D. Powell, Bart., Dr. F. T. Roberts, Dr. afford the new Thompson, is now completed and buildings every Dr. C. T. Williams, and Dr. J. M. Bruce. Tatham, J. and of work in for of efficiency teaching practical facility Dr. T. H. Green, Dr. J. K. Fowler, Dr. P. Kidd, Physicians : all departments. Dr. T. D. Acland, Dr. R. Maguire, and Dr. H. W. G. , Dr. and Dr. S. West Harrington Staff, -Physicians : Mackenzie. Assistant Physicians: Dr. S. H. Habershon, Sainsbury. Assistant Physicians: Dr. J. W. Carr, Dr. Dr. G. Schorhtein, Dr. F. J. Wethend, Dr. P. Horton-Smitb, R. H. P. Crawfurd, and Dr. A. G. Phear. Consulting SurJ. J. Perkins, and Dr. A. Latham Consulting Surgeons: Dr. geons : Mr. A. Marsden, Mr. T. H. Wakley, Mr. W. Rose, Lord Lister, and Mr. R. J. Godlee. Surgeon : Mr. S. Boyd. A. B. Mr. : and Mr. F. J. Gant. Mr. Barrow, Surgeons: Dental Surgeon: Mr. W. Rushton. Resident Medical J. Berry, and Mr. E. W. Roughton. Assistant Surgeons : Mr. W. H. Evans and Mr. T. Percy Legg. Physician forr Officer : H. G. Felkin, M.D. CITY OF LONDON HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST, Diseases of Women : Dr. T. C. Hayes. Ophthalmic Surgeon :. Mr. H. Work Dodd. Surgeon for Diseases of Throat, Nose, Victoria Park.-During the past year 1021 in. patients have and Ear: Mr. E. W. Roughton. Surgeon for Diseases of been treated in the wards, and the large number of 32,8t0 The Skin: Mr. W. H. Evanf. Senior Resident Medical Officer :: cases since the opening of the wards in 1855. was and treated 1899 of 15,260, during Mr. Joseph Cnming. Registrars: Miss Dobbie, M.D., and1 number out-patients Miss Chadburn, M.B. Dentist: Mr. F. Todd. Anæsthetist:. 614,207 since the commencement of the institution in 1848. Information as to medical instruction can be obtained on Miss Aldrich-Blake, M. D. Secretary : Mr. C. W. Thies. Lecturers.-At the school: Anatomy and Practical Anatomy:: application to Dr. E. Clifford Beale, the Secretary ot the Mr. Stanley Boyd. Physiology and Practical Physiology:: Clinical Sub-committee at the hospital. Dr. Brodie. Chemistry: Miss C. de B. Evans. Practical1 Staff.-Consulting Physicians : Dr. E. L. Birkett, Dr. J. C. Miss Chemistry: Lucy Boole. Physics: Miss E. Stoney. Thorowgood, and Dr. Eustace Smith. Consulting SurBiology: Mr. Mudge. Materia Medica: Dr. H. Sainsbury. geon : Lord Lister. Physicians: Drs. G. A. Heron, Practice of Medicine: Miss Cock, M.D., and Dr. J. W. Vincent D. Hanis, E. Clifford Beale, Harrington Sainsbury, Carr. Midwifery: Mrs. Scharleib, M.D. G)i3a,-cology:: T. Glover Lyon, and Sir Hugh Beevor, Bart. Surgeon : Mr. Mrs. Stanley Boyd. Forensic Medicine and Hygiene : Mrs., J. F. C. H. Macivady, F.R.C.S Physicians to OutDowson. Practice of Surgery : Mr. Berry. Operative Sur-’- Patients: Sir Hugh R. Beevor, Bart., and Drs. W. J. gery : Mr. S. Boyd. Ophthalmic Surgery: Miss Ellaby.,, Fadley, E. H. Colbeck, Arnold Chaplin, Hugh Walsham, Pathology : Dr. F. W. Andrewes. Mental Pathology : Dr.- Wilfred J. Harris, and Oliver K. Williamson. Secretary : Mercier. Tropical Diseases: Dr. P. Manson. OperativeHenry T. Dudley Ryder. Secretary of the Medical ComMidwifery: Miss McCall, M. D. Demonstrator of Practical11 mittee : Dr. Hugh Walsham. CENTRAL LONDON THROAT AND EAR HOSPITAL, Toxicology, Mr. Bodmer ; of Practical Gynmcology, Miss H.L Gray’s Inn-road.—The hospital contains accommodation tor 17 in-patients, and has a very extensive out-patient Sub-Dean. .










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