interface standards, code replacement to adapt to changing needs can be done quickly. PLMX is designed to remain current so that users will not be left behind. The language is powerful enough Micro Scope, the Maidenhead-based to give a user full access to the many microsystems builders, now has functions of the microprocessor while marketing agreements, exclusive in the using a compact notation for the UK, nonexclusive in the rest of Europe, desired program. Its use of based with Systems Consultants Inc. under variables and pointers allows easy which the company will be selling dynamic manipulation of the microSC['s software development language processor memory, even down to PLMX. This offers the facilities of a the bit level. It also keeps the ROM true compiler, supports modular proand RAM areas separate. There are no gramming and features easy to read arbitrary formatting rules or line programs that are essentially selfnumbers: the object code is produced documenting. as an assembly language allowing easy It is available for most popular 8modification or hand optimization. and 16-bit microprocessors - 8080, Sections of program in other assembly 8085, Z80, 6800, 6802, 1802 and language source code or other object 9900 so far, with others on the way. code can be linked in and the PLMX The PLMX compiler runs under syntax is compatible with PL/M 80 CP/M and TEKDOS operating systems (and will be with PL/M 86). and again developments for others PLMX programs run fast and there are under way. The design allows direct substitution of alternate code is no resident overhead, making it generators for new microprocessors or good for ROM-based programs for alternate input/output routines for inclusion in products. The compiler different operating systems. Because it can optimize for space or time, is not restricted to any one manuaccording to one's needs. Likely uses facturer's microprocessors or developare seen in real-time process control ment systems, a user can establish and product development applications. microprocessor-independent program Micro Scope started using the libraries. language themselves for firmware PLMX programs are readable, allowdevelopment, using it on their Teking unrestricted use of meaningful tronix 8002A development systems names, making them virtually selfunder TEKDOS. The package they documenting. Software can be developed are offering - at £1000 per microwith no knowledge of the processor it processor type on appropriate floppy will be used on and communication disc - includes run time routines and between programmers is enhanced behigh level procedures which interface to the operating system allowcause they can read each other's programs easily. As the compiler design ing easy access to all system peripherals conforms to rigid module interface and disc files.
Scope for PLMX
Micro architecture UK Government backed microchip makers INMOS have declared that the site for their £25 million production facility will be in Newport, Gwent in South Wales. Architects for the cleanroom plus support services will be Richard Rogers and Partners, best known for designing the high-tech Pompidou Centre in Paris. [t will be a single-storey stall structure, conceived as a kit of rapidly erectable
vol 4 no I0 december 1980
prefabricated parts allowing the building to be constructed bay by bay, for subsequent growth without disruption. It will have a tubular steel framework supported by tension cables from spine towers. INMOS were hesitant to supply drawings, so as not to prejudice planning permission, but for an impression of how a Bristol site might have been, see RIBA Journal (September 1980) pp 4 5 - 4 8 (INMOS, Whitefriars, Lewins Mead, Bristol BS1 2NP, UK. Tel: (0272) 290861. Tx: 444723)
Nat Semi wafer plant Plans for the construction of a wafer fabrication plant in Arlington, Texas, have be.en announced by National Semiconductor. The plant is expected to be operational early in 1982 and to employ approximately 1500 people by 1986. This new plant will be in addition to existing wafer fabrication facilities in West Jordan, Utah; Danbury, Connecticut; Greenock, Scotland; and Santa Clara, California, where the company has its headquarters.
M icroprocessors in Metrology The National Physical Laboratory, UK, has launched a new consultancy service, Microprocessors in Metrology, for manufacturers of measuring equipment, gauges, tools and similar devices. Under the service, aimed primarily at instrument technology in the mechanical engineering field, NPL can provided teams which combine expertise in measurement techniques with knowledge of computing and application of microe[ectronics technology. This combination has already helped to produce several important scientific and commercial developments of traditional NPL measurement practice and technique, aimed at simplifying measurement practice. This results in faster and more accurate measurements which are suitable for stand-alone or automatic measurement system applications. The programme is aimed at the small and medium sized firms which are characteristic of the measurement and scientific instrument industries. NPL is authorized under the Department of Industry's Mapcon scheme, and in approved cases clients may be eligible for grants under it. Full details can be obtained from: Division of Mechanical and Optical Metrology, National Physical Laboatory, Teddington, Middlesex TWl 1 0LW, UK. Tel: 01-977 3222.