Title: Analytical Authors: J. C. Journal: Anal. When controls niques perfected, tions of 15 to 50
distillation in miniature columns Winters and R. A. I)inerst,ein Cheer. 27 (4-I), 546-50 (1955) are made precise, instruments calibrated accurately, and tcchminiature fractional distillation columns give excellent separaml. samples wmparablc tjo high-efficiency macro units.
with Tracer
and of Radioactive
Title: Ampoule combustion isotope dilution technique Authors: S. 1,. Jones and N. R. TrenneI Journal: ~lnal. Chem. 28, 38i-90 (1956) Method gives precision comparable to micro-l>umas samples sizes u-e11under 1 mg.
for organic
Title: Ijetermination of trace elemrnt,s in titanium Authors: W. ,4. Brooksbank, Jr., G. W. Leddicotte, and S. A. Reynolds Journal: A&. Chunk. 28, 1033-35 (1956) Method employs neutron activat,ion analysis for microgram and submicrogram concentrations. Title: Isolat,ion and measurement of uranium at the microgram Iwo1 -4uthors: C. I,. Rulfs, A. K. De, and 1’. J. I<:lving Journal: Anal. Chem. 28, 1139 (1956) A double cupferron separation has bwn adapted for separating uranium on the micro level. Uranium(V1) does not extract in t,he first stage, which removes Uranium(V1) obtained in the residual many potentially interfering elcmrnts. aqueous solution is extract,ed as the cupferrate into ether, then re-extracted into nitric acid. Title: Automatic oxidimrtric mirromethod for uranium Author: K. A. Allen Journal: .3nal. (‘hem. 28, So. 7, 1144 (1956) -4 method has been developed which IIWS a chemical and mechanical system for the rapid and convenient determination of 10 to 100 gamma quant,ities of uranillm. Microliter amounts of standard ceric sulfate are automatically dclivered to reduced sample solrttions and the volrlmcs are recorded on the chart of a recording potentiomctw. Tit,le: Ijet. of traces of boron with two new calorimetric reagents Aut,hors: R. Grob and J. Yoe Journal: Anal. Chit,/. Acfa 14 (3), 253 (1956) and S-p-tolltidinoI, 1 ‘5-Benzamido-8’-chloro-I, 1 ‘-bis( :tnthrayllillollvI)amine Complex formation depends on time bis(anthraquinonyl)amine in cont. H$Oa. of heating, temp., H,SOr content. Xl&hod for B in leaves and alfalfa. hfICROCHEMIChL
I)ctcwnittatiotl of strnrttitlm in sea w:ltcr by rtsittg r:tdin:tct,iw atId stable isotnpw ;\11t110rs: R. rv. lIrltnll1c~l :111(1 :I. .I. SII1:tl~~s .Jnurt~tl: .I ,~l/!/sl 81, I IO ( I!W) l--2 ml. SW w:rtcr is :tu:tlyz~~~l for strontium by isotope-dilrltiott t,cchniqrte and by rxdio:rctivatiotl twhniqw M ittt SrH9.
Cnmhltstion tnc~thod for vnlattilo orgnttic subst,attcc:s in xtalysis of r:rdiowtive carbon .‘inthors: I’. 13:wrtwhi and AI. Thiirkaltt ,Jo1trtta1: Hclv. (Ihim. Actu 39, TO (1956~ Combustion prowd~w for volatile r:Ldiowf~ive cpd (noue acid) in a flask with c~lrctric arc over l~n(OH)r-xol. 13:tCOi filtcwd after cnmb\tstintt and cnuntcd. .4~xtrac~ 0.2(‘;,. (1 13iltl) (Gcrnwr). Titlr : Isotope dilut’iorl-static: cnmbin:tt.intt method for organic carbon itt stlbmilligram spccimrns Authors: Ii. N. Boos, 6. I,. Jnnw, attd K. Ii. Trrnnc~~ Journal: a,1nnl. (‘hem. 28, 300-92 (11156) AI&hod gives prrcision cbomparahle to miw+I’regl drtrrmiuatinn but with sample sizes ~~(~11 uritlcr I mg. Title:
Cnntriblttintt to the d(,tc,lmitl:ttiotl of wry small qttatltities of rtrattitun in rocks and in tt:Ltttr:tl w\-attw Xttthnra: 14’.EIecht, J. Iiorkisrh, It. Pnt,z:tk, and A. Thiartl .Journ:tl: Tllih-rochim. ~4da 1956, 128%18W Scparatinn hg rstr:r&~n and ion eschangcw followed by pnlnrngraphic detrrmittxtiort of ttranirtttt. Critical ittvwtig:ttiott of m&hods. Titlr: Rapid d(,tt~rInitl:ltiorl of uranium it1 the water of thr sea and of rivers huthors: J. liorkiwh, :i. Thiard, and F. Herht .Jourual: Mikroch~irn. .lcta 1956, 1122-21) Use of inn exchanger and pol:trogr:q~hic drt,erminatintl.
Biochemical Investigations Titb:
~lic~rndetcrmin:ttinn of chrntnirtm in small samples of wtriotts biologic:tl tnedia Authors: C. H. Grogan, I-I. .J. Cnhmn:ttttr, and I<. I&hco Journal: .tnal. Chew 27 ((9, 98:~~-86 (1955) This m&hod is bawd on the spcctlol,hotomet,ri(~ determination of chromium (VI) as a complex wi-ith l,j-diphenSlc:lrt~nh~(lrazi(I~,. It is a rapid routine method for a varirt,y of biological mrdia. Title:
of microgram
G. 1~;.Sccnr and I,. RI. \Vhitcl
of I,-Arahinose
and I -