Structural and geotechnical mapping See also: 932360, 932396
932226 Microcomputer aided geological and geotechnical mapping (In French) Durand, M
Proc 6th International Congress International Association of Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, 6-10 August 1990, Symposia P17-22. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1990 932223
Modemngoverburden geochemistry: enhancing reclamation planning for coal mines Mathewson, C C; Parisot, L D
Proc 28th Symposium on Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering, Boise, 1-3 April 1992 P136-149. Publ Pocatello: Idaho State University, 1992 The Gibbons Creek lignite mine in Central Grimes County, Texas, is set in the Manning Formation of the Jackson Group upper Eocene rocks. Geologic study of the units outcropping in the mine block, existing geophysical logs, and overburden cores have been used to determine the environment of deposition of each stratigraphic unit. Geochemical characteristics have been evaluated for each unit to determine the range of properties which fall within regulatory limits for acid-forming and toxic-forming minerals. This information allows improved analysis and planning of reclamation procedures.
932224 Geomorphology of the landslide complex at Ventnor, Isle of
Computers are often applied in production of geological and geotechnical maps. Two approaches are possible: fully automated data processing or a partially computerized method where visual and graphical interpretation is under the control of the geologist. The latter is described with the advantages resulting from use of the microcomputer pointed out. The various stages of producing the map are illustrated. The commercially available software and hardware used is listed. 932227
Method of producing engineering geology maps of Nottingham (England) for use by planners and engineers Forster, A
Proc 6th International Congress International Association of Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, 6-10 August 1990, Symposia P31-37. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1990 Geological remapping of Nottingham and its environs was carried out between 1987 and 1989. Maps were prepared on a number of themes of interest to site engineers and planners, including engineering geology of superficial and bedrock units. Data from over 300 site investigations were collected and input to a PC database. They were combined with lithostratigraphic units defined by field mappers to produce the engineering geological maps.
Hutchinson, J N; Brunsden, D; Lee~ E M
Proc Conference on Slope Stability Engineering: Developments and Applications, Isle of Wight, 15-18 April 1991 P213-218. Publ London: Thomas Telford, 1991
Herbschleb, J
Ventnor is situated on the Undercliff of the south coast of the Isle of Wight, an extensive ancient landslide complex. Much of the area has a history of slow ground movement, and in recent years there has been an increase in movement associated with a graben-like feature in Upper Ventnor. A geomorphological map of Ventor is presented, showing the nature and extent of different landslide types and their interrelation. The sequential nature of the sliding and the extent of contemporary activity can be seen. A generalised evolutionary model is presented which requires clarification by sub-surface investigation.
Ingeo-base, an engineering geological database Proc 6th International Congress International Association of Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, 6-10 August 1990, Symposia P47-53. Publ Rotterdam. A A Balkema. 1990 INGEO-base was developed to take advantage of the existing large data set relating to the engineering geology of Amsterdam. Data storage is via the commercially available Relational Database Management System INGRES. Water table levels, CPT N counts, borehole logs, and laboratory test results are available from some 300 wells, 40000 CPTs, and 10000 borings. Applications include pile foundation design, using a computer program which retrieves stored data from INGRES, calculation of geological parameters, and production of engineering geology maps, for instance CPT values at a given depth across a plane. 932229
932225 Strata 3: a multi-surface graphics package for the management of engineering geology data Bentley, S P; Stenning, A S; Greenshaw, L; Nute, R
Proc 6th International Congress International Association of Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, 6-10 August 1990, Symposia P3-7. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1990 The STRATA 3 package has been developed by tailoring commercially available and affordable software packages for multi-surface representation of geological data. Details from boreholes and trial pits are input to the database module (ORACLE) and processed by the G I N O suite of subroutines to produce multi-surface isometric projections and cross sections. On screen editing is via AUTOCAD. Operational procedures and applications are described. STRATA 3 was developed on a mainframe platform, but PC-based versions of its components are available.
Engineering geological mapping of southern Limherg Maurenbrecher, P M; Kronieger, R R; Deibel, I K
Proc 6th International Congress International Association of Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, 6-10 August 1990, Symposia P73-78. Publ Rotterdam. A A Balkema, 1990 South Limburg in the Netherlands has a wide range of geological features in a compact area and was chosen as a test area for development of a geologic information system for production of engineering geology maps. The two basic aspects of setting up such a system are discussed: traffic and handling of input and brokerage (end use) and impact of output. A checklist approach is used to examine the feasibility of the system: expectations of the system, whether the data stream is continuous (full time operation) or intermittent (batch operation), what form does it take,what will it include, how will it be handled, and can the proposal be justified on economic grounds.
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