Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, 13(1973): 225 228 © ElsevierScientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands B o o k Reviews
Microfacies of the Jurassic of Aquitaine: Petrography-Diagenesis-GeochernisttyPetrophysics. A. V. Carozzi, Jacqueline Bouroullec, Raoul Deloffe and Jean-Louis Remeau. Soci~t6 Nationale des P6troles d'Aquitaine, Pau, 1972, 594 pp., ~19.50. This attractive bilingual (French-English) volume is dedicated to the modern father of microfacies, Professor J. Cuvillier, and documents the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Jurassic System in the Aquitaine basin of southern France. The volume was prepared by members of the geological staff of Soci6t6 Nationale des P6troles d'Aquitaine and Albert Carozzi of the University of Illinois. As such, it largely represents a summary of the company's systematic, routine study of a predominantly carbonate Jurassic basin. All of the samples come from subsurface cores in a sizeable area of 245 x 175 km. The volume has seven major parts: an extended introduction plus eight sections devoted to the Lias, Dogger, Oxfordian, Early Kimmeridgian, Late KimmeridigianPortlandian and a three page conclusion. The introduction sets forth the petrographic terminology used by the authors and describes the analytical techniques employed to determine the mineralogical, chemical and petrophysical properties of each sample. The petrophysical properties include porosity, permeability, and histogram of pore radii. Trace metals studied include V, Cr, Ni, Co, Mo, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ga and Mn. Bulk carbonate mineralogy, clay mineralogy and insoluble residue are reported for each sample and, in addition, the Purcell plot of pore diameters versus capillary pressure is reproduced. It is this comprehensive study that makes the title "microfacies" rather misleading for, in reality, this volume gives a detailed petrographic and chemical analysis for each sample plus its salient reservoir characteristics. Each Jurassic subdivision has an introduction organized into litho- and chronostratigraphy and a detailed environmental interpretation. Very helpful tables and maps summarize the results of every formation or facies within each Jurassic subdivision. These summary tables have much to commend them and, with appropriate modifications, should be very useful models for other carbonate basins. An unusual feature of the environmental interpretation is its dependence on the boron content of the clay minerals. Each plate consists of but one photomicrograph and is described on the facing page in a systematic manner, beginning with its petrography, energy level (ratio of framework to mud), mineralogy and geochemistry (bulk carbonate mineralogy, clay mineralogy, and unsoluble residue including trace element content, the kind and extent of diagenesis, petrophysical properties and the location and depth of the sample. All this is in an easy to read French. At the bottom is a concise English summary of the sample's petrography and its environmental interpretation. There are 200 high-quality plates made from photomicrographs taken by G. Poirel with a new technique using tangential light. Twentyfive references complete the volume.
Viewed as a whole, the Jurassic carbonate sedimentation in the Aquitaine Basin was deposited in a shallow embayment, one that was rather poorly connected to the open ocean. Benthonic organisms predominated as did micritic. Burrowing was abundant and so are coprolites. The ancestral Pyrenees supplied minor argillaceous material and some detrital organic debris. Tidal flats, dolomites and evaporites are significant in the basin. The best reservoirs within the basin evolved according to the following equation (p.590): generation of an intertidal fiat ~ formation of rounded intraclasts and proliferation of organisms, with intervention of evaporiti6 solution ~ dolomitization = potential reservoir. In sum, "Microfacies of the Jurassic of Aquitaine" is a well printed and well prepared volume that is much more than a descriptive microfacies atlas. It is, in reality, a comprehensive carbonate basin analysis that should serve as a useful model for other carbonate basins and even for those studying particular carbonate formations. The volume should also be useful for instruction in carbonate sedimentation. PAUL EDWIN POTTER (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Les DbpOts de Pollens Fossiles. Typologie des sources du Moyen-Age Occidental. R. Noel. Editions Brepols, Turnhout, 1972, 85 pp., 10 diagrammes, B.Fr. 240. L'ouvrage present6 par le Professeur No61 constitue une v6ritable introduction l'~tude des d~p6ts de pollens fossiles. Dans le premier chapitre figure une liste copieuse, quoique non exhaustive, reprenant 106 titres s61ectionn6s pour couvrir tousles aspects de l'analyse pollinique (g6n6ralit~s, techniques, applications). Les ouvrages cit6s sont bribvement comment6s et class6s par centre d'int~r6t. Les problbmes techniques sont ~voqu6s dans le Chapitre II, tandis que le Chapitre III est consacr6 ~ l'interpr6tation des diagrammes polliniques. L'auteur y expose comment reconstituer un paysage v~g~tal d'aprbs les r6sultats d'analyses polliniques et comment 6tabtir une chronologie bas6e sur des rep+res palynologiques. Cet expos~ est assorti de commentaires critiques concernant la m6thodologie et les r~sultats d6crits dans diverses publications. Afin de familiariser le lecteur avec le maniement des documents palynologiques, dix diagrammes sont reproduits dans le Chapitre IV. Ces diagrammes ont ~t~ choisis pour mettre en 6vidence la diversit~ des probl+mes abord6s par l'analyse pollinique. Regrettons une erreur dans la l~gende explicative des figures VI et VII (dans la figure VI les hachures horizontales repr~sentent Calluna, dans la figure VII, les hachures obliques symbolisent les Cyp~rac6es). Apropos de ces diagrammes, soulignons que les dates attribu6es aux rep+res chrono-