Product News
Promoter addition kit
DNA cloning kit
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A kit tbr the high efficiency cloning of double-stranded DNA fragments is available from Amersham Life Science. "|'he kk includes a single bhmting and
phosphorylation reaction, so it can be used with restriction digests, P e R prnducts, DNAsc digests and cDNA svnthcsis. T h e kit overcomes the problems typically associated with TA cloning since it avoids the need for a terminal m erhang. T o prcvent nonspecific cloning, the molar ratio of vector insert has been optimized to 1:2:5. Fragments of up to 10 kb can be chined. T o prevent self-ligation of the ~ector and reduce residual background, the pMOS xector includcd in the kit is dephnsphorylated;Thus, thc kit avoids the need for novel restriction c n z \ m e s to prevent self-ligation. T h e nature of the vector alsn enables recombinants to be screened with vector-specific primers. Circle number 1 on a reader response card.
Generating RNA probes for hybridizatinn requires an RNA phage pnlymerase promoter upstrcam of the scqucncc to be transcribed. This can invnhe a lengthy multi-step process of subchming into a vector containing promoters. Now, the Lig'nScribeTM kit from Arabian offers a faster method fl)r the addition of SP6 and T7 RNA polymerase promoters in either orientation to P e R fragments. T h e two-step ligation and P e R reaction dnes not require the synthesis of additional gene-specific primers or subclnning into a plasmid vcctnr. Additional purification of thc P e R product befnre in cizro transcription of RNA probes is rarely required. Circle number 4 on a reader response card.
Automatic tissue processor
Hydrophobic sensor surface
Microplate data analysis
A noxel sensor surface ~ h i c h enables hydr(~phnbic binding of biomolcct,les, sttch as lipid mnnolavcrs and proteins, has becn dcvelnped by Affinity Sensors for their IAsys cuvettes. T h e hydrnpbobic surthce permits studies of cell rcceptor binding and helps explain the influence of ccll membranes on receptor-ligatc interaction. T h e surface facilitates the formation of stable lipid monolavcrs from a solution of lipid, replacing timc-consuming liposnme prearation and allowing Mnetic and equilibrium measurcmcnts of ligatc interaction to bc obtained. Lipid m(molayers, formulated to resemble natural membranes, are used to |'()nil receptor-lnembrane c()mplexes with specific receptor mnlccules; the interaction with specific ligatc is observed using IAsvs optical biosensor tcchnnlogx. Purified receptor molecules are incorporated into the monolavcr with their specific ligate-binding activity intact.
SOl:Tmax >-'PRO 2.0 data analysis software f r o m Molecular Devices allows thc user to analyze thc large amount of data obtained from any MAXIine microplatc reader, so that assays can bc easily anal\zed. Available in \\:indn~ s or Xlacintosh format, the software supports multiple curves on thc same graph, multiple microplates and cuvette sets in the same file and text editing. S O F T m a x Pro is the first microplate analx'sis snftwarc to analyze and repnrt data in spreadsheet fi)rmat which simplifies customizing repnrts. Standard protncols are included for use in data collection and analysis. Users can also customize existing protocols or create new ones to suit virtually a n \ application. S O F T m a x Pro is the only microplate analysis software which permits complete interpretation of the data including data reduction, plotting, curve fitting and rcport formatting.
T h e Leica T O 1020 semi-enclosed automatic tissue processor, for use in the histology laboratory, featurcs a carousel design ~ith 12 stations of 1.8 litres each, 10 rcagent stations, 2 wax baths and a standard metal tissue baskct with 80 cassette capacity. Nine prngrammcs can be run with immediate or dclaycd start. Tissue specimens arc prntceted from drying ()tit even during a powcr failure since the tissue baskets are automatically immcrsed in a station, l,ids with rubber seals reduce exposure to hazardous fnmes. Several configurations are available, such as t~o basket operation, vacuum flmction and fume control system.
Circle number 2 on a reader response card.
Circle number 3 on a reader response card.
Circle number 5 on a reader response card.