MINERALWATERS ANDPHARMACOLOGICPROCEEDINGS ON THE DIGESTIVE TRACT MARCELLO GRASS1 ISTITUTODI IDROLOGIA MEDICA- UNIVERSITA’ “LA SAPIENZA” ROMA In the pathologies of digestion, the therapeutic action of the mineral waters lays on proceedings with a pharmacologic character on the digesti ve tract. These proceedings consist in changes of secretion, of motility and also of the absorption of the nourishement. One part of these effects is rea lized through influences on the neurohumoral regolating systems of thedigestion, with the aid of the anionic and cationic groupings being in the mineral waters and of the elements in traces. The results observed in the course of a lot of experiences confirm, the specific qualities of the mineral waters, which may be esteemedas knquestionably efficacious “natural drugs”.
ABOUT THE FAVOURABLE INFLUENCE EXERTED BY SOME MINERAL WATERS ON HEPATO - BILIARY SYSTEM F. Grossi, S. Mastroianni & R. Conigliaro Institute of Medical Hydrology - Faculty of Medicine University of Rome “La Sapienza” - Rome - Italy
and Surgery
The choleretic effect and gall-bladder emptying developed by drinking of some mineral waters are remembered. Particularly the influence on the formation of bile, I and IV fractions, is discussed. Also the indirect enhancement of III bile fraction carried out by mineral waters is said and the detoxyfying activity of this bile fraction is stressed. The possible ways of choleretic action of mineral waters are: influence on vascular bed and electrolytic enviroment at hepato-sinusoidal level; influence on secretin and others digestive hormones. The liberation of digestive hormones, especially CCK, by sulphate and bicarbonate waters increases the excretion of bile in the gut. Their clinical use is indicated in hepatic dysfunction following alimentary disorders, drug intoxication, metabolic disorders, etc. Others indications are: biliary dyskinesias, biliary dispepsias, painful states after cholecystectomy, etc.