43 Read: the following correspondence with the partment of the Army :-
Medical De-
Dr. Dr.
Mr. Watt, Mr. Syme, Dr. A. Thomson, Mr. Hargrave, Dr. Leet, Dr. Apjohn, Dr. Andrew A.Smith,Wood, Dr. Sir Charles Mr.
"Army Medical Department, 16th Aug., 1860. Lawrence, Sharpey, Corrigan, Hastings, Dr. Francis Hawkins, Registrar. War having informed me Mr. Teale, Dr. Stokes. that as soon as the Licentiates of the Apothecaries’ Hall of The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Dublin ’shall have been admitted by the General Medical Read: the following letter from the Colonial Office.:Council of Registration as medical practitioners, its licence " Downing-street, July 2nr1,1861. should be received as one entitling the holder to compete for am directed by the Duke of Newcastle to acknow" SIR,-I the I have the honour in but not before,’ army, ,appointments the receipt of your letter of the 2uth ultimo, and to 110 request you will be pleased to acquaint me whether the ledge you that no report has yet been received from Canada acquaint licence in question entitles the holder to be registered under respecting the complaint of Mr. W. J. McNiece, but that the rijle Medical Act as a practitioner in medicine in Great Britain attention of the Governor will be recalled to the subject. and Ireland. ’’ " I am, Sir, your obedient servant, I have the honour to be, Sir, "C. FORTESCUE. "Dr. Francis Hawkins." " Your most obedient, humble Servant, The Council resolved itself into a on Education. Committee Director-General. "J. B. GIBSON, "F. Hawkins, Esq., Registrar, Regulations were presented from the Royal College of SurMedical Registration Office, Soho-square." geons of England, from the Apothecaries’ Hall, Dublin, from the Universitv of Durham, and from the Royal College .of "General Council of Medical Education and Registration, " 32, Soho-square, London, W., 17th Aug., 1860. Physicians of London. Read: the following letter from the Society of Apothecaries, "SIR,-I have had the honour to receive your letter, dated ’ i6th August, 1860, which, as I am not authorized to answer London:" the question which it contains, I will take the earliest opporApothecaries’ Hall, London, B.C., Aug. 30th, 1860. the Executive Committee of the General "SIR,-I am directed by the Master and Wardens of this ’ tunity of submitting to Council of Medical Education and Registration of the United Society to acquaint you, for the information of the Medical Kingdom. Council, that, having taken into consideration the proper mode Ihave the honour to be, Sir, of appointing a Special Board of Examiners in Arts, in accord"Your most obedient, humble servant, ance with the 4th resolution of the Council in reference to " Fparrais HAWKINS, Registrar. General Education and Examination, the Society find that the "J. B. Gibson, Esq., M.D., C.B., Director-Geineral, &c. &c." i only Board to which they are authorized to entrust the examination of candidates for the Society’s certificate of qualifica" General Council of Medical Education and Registration, 32, Soho-square, London, W., 1st Sept., 1860. tion is the Court of Examiners, constituted by the Act of 1815, SIR,-I have not failed to submit the letter which I had the and that the Society have no power, therefore, to appoint a honour to receive from you, dated the 16th August, 1860, to the Special Board of Ex .miners in Arts, if by such Special Board Executive Committee of the General Medical Council. But the is contemplated a Board separate and distinct from the Board Committee does not consider itself authorized to return an conducting the Professional Examination, and to which the answer to the question contained in that letter, because to do special duty of examining in Arts is to be delegated. so would not be one of the duties delegated to the Committee " The Society very much regret that any obstacle should be found to exist to their giving effect to the recommendation of by the General Council. " Under these circumstances, I venture to refer you to the the Council in the precise mode indicated by their resolution; following portion of a letter sent by me lately to the War but the Council may rest assured that, until the necessary Office, by direction of the General Council, which portion bears legislative sanction is obtained to their appointment of a Special the question contained in your letter :Board of Examiners in Arts, the Society will, to the extent of upon " Iam further directed by the General Medical Council to their existing powers, carry out both the spirit and the letter state, that they would have been gratified to put their reply in of the recommendation. more definite terms; but there appears to the Council to be con"I have the honour to be, Sir, " Your very obedient servant, siderable doubt as to what are the privileges or legal qualifications of the Apothecaries of Ireland.’ "RoBT. B. UPTON, Clerk to the Society. "Dr.Hawkins, "I have the honour to be, Sir, Registrar to the General Medical Council." "Your most obedient, humble servant, The consideration of the Report of the Education Committee of 1860 was resumed. "FRANCIS HAWKINS, Registrar. "J. B. Gibson, Esq., M.D., C.B., Director-General, &c. &c." In reference to the first resolution of the report,-viz., " Army Medical Department, 22nd June, 1861. "That all students pass an examination in general education "SIR,-With reference to my letter, 16th August last, and before they commence their professional studies;"1. Moved by Dr. Storrar, seconded by Dr. Sharpey, and to your reply of the 1st September following, I shall now feel obliged by being informed whether a person registered under agreed to,-" That in reference to Section 1 of .the Minutes the Medical Act as a Licentiate of the Apothecaries’ Hall of relating to General Education and Examination, the time of Ireland is legally entitled to practise medicine in Great Britain commencing professional studies shall be understood to be "the time of commencing studies at a medical school, and that no and Ireland. "I have the honour to be, Sir, qualifying body shall be held to have complied with the recommendation of the Council who shall allow the examination in Your most obedient, humble servant, " J. B. GrssoN, Director-General. general education to be passed after the commencement of "F. Hawkins, Esq., 32, Soho-square, W." professional study." The first resolution of the report was adopted. " General Council of Medical Education and Registration, In reference to the second resolution of the report,-viz.: 32, Soho-square, London, W., June 24th, 1861. ! " SIR,-I hwe had the honour to receive your letter (dated That, as far as may be practicable, testimonials of proficiency 22nd June, 1861), containing an inquiry,Whether a person granted by the national educational bodies, according to the folregistered under the Medical Act as a Licentiate of the Apo- lowing list, be accepted, with such additions as the Medical thecaries’ Hall of Ireland is legally entitled to practise Medi- Councilmay from time to time think proper to make.-A decine in Great Britain and Ireland,’ and I shall lay it, together gree in Arts of any University of the United Kingdom, or of with your letter, dated 16th August last, before the General the Colonies, or of such other Universities as may be specially Medical Council, which will assemble in the course of the pre- recognised from time to time by the Medical Council. Oxford sent week. "I have the honour to be, Sir, Responsions or Moderations. Cambridge Previous Examinations. Matriculation Examination of the University of London. Your most obedient, humble servant, Oxford Middle-class Examinations, senior and junior. Durham " FRANCIS HAWKINS, "J. B. Gibson, Esq., M.D., C.B., Middle-class Examinations, senior and junior. Durham ExaDirector-General, &e. &c. &c." Registrar. minations for Students in Arts in their second and first years. Confirmed-JOSEPH HENRY GREEN. Dublin University Entrance Examination. Queen’s University, Ireland: Two years’ Arts course for the diploma of Licentiate MINUTES OF MEETING, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3RD, 1861. in Arts; Preliminary Examinations at the end of the A.B. Mr. GREEN, President, took the chair at course; Middle-class Examinations; Matriculation Examinatwo o’clock P.M. tions. An Examination by any other University of the United Present-Dr. Burrows, Mr. Arnott, Mr. Nussey, Dr. Acland, Kingdom, equivalent to the Middle-class Examinations of OxDr. Bond, Dr. Embleton, Dr. Storrar, Dr. Alexander Wood, ford and Cambridge."
SIR,-The Secretary of State for
44 and seconded by Sir Charles in that letter, the Council confined their reply to the terms of certificate from any national educational your question. " The information that your Board requires in your letter of body, which does not affirm the proficiency of the candidate in shall of Dec. be deemed a sufficient educa15th, 1859, is,an authoritative opinion as to the nature Latin, proof preliminary of the Degree, Diploma, or Licence for the practice of Medicine tion, previous to the commencement of professional studies." Amendment moved by Dr. Andrew Wood, and seconded by or Surgery which is granted by each of the Universities, ColMr. Teale,—’’ That no certificate of proficiency in general edu- leges, or other Bodies enumerated in Schedule (A) to the 21st cation, which does not affirm the proficiency of the candidate and 22nd Vict., cap. 90.’ " As two Amended Medical Acts have been passed since in Latin, shall be deemed a sufficient proof of preliminary education previous to the commencement of professional studies." August, 1859, and some changes have also taken place in the nature or amount of qualifications granted by the several quali- Amendment carried. 3. Moved by Dr. Embleton, seconded by Dr. Stokes, and fying bodies, the Council desire me to give now the List of all agreed to,-" That the Registration Examination of the Uni- the qualifying bodies recognised by the Act, with the nature versity of Durham be added to the list of the testimonials of of the several qualifications issued by them, which are appended as follows:proficiency, in the second resolution of the report." 4. Moved by Dr. Corrigan, seconded by Dr. A. Smith, and University of Edinburgh-Degree in Medicine; Master in Surgery. agreed to,-" That the words in the second resolution of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh-Licence in Mereport,’an examination by any other University of the United dicine. Kingdom, equivalent to the Middle-class Examinations of Oxford and Cambridge,’ be expunged." Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh-Licence in Surgery. The second resolution, as amended, was adopted. University of Glasgow-Degree in Medicine; Master in The third resolution of the report was adopted, viz.,-" That Surgery. the examination on general education be eventually left enFaculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow-Licence in Surgery. tirely to the Examining Boards of the National Educational Marischal College and University of Aberdeen-Degree in Bodies recognised by the Medical Council." Medicine. In reference to the fourth resolution of the report, viz.,"That students who cannot produce any of the testimonials King’s College and University, Aberdeen-Degree in Medicine. referred to in the second resolution, be required to pass an examination in Arts, established by any of the bodies named in University of Aberdeen-Degree in Medicine; Master in Schedule (A) of the Medical Act, and approved by the General Surgery. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland-Licence in Surgery; Council; provided that such examination shall be, in every Licence in Midwifery. case, conducted by a special Board of Examiners in Arts." 5. Moved by Dr. Corrigan, and seconded by Mr. Hargrave,University of London-Degree in Medicine. "That resolution No. 4 terminate with the words ’Medical Royal College of Physicians, London-Licence in Medicine. Act."—Motion negatived. King and Queen’s College of Physicians in Ireland-Licence in Medicine; Licence in Midwifery. The fourth resolution of the report was adopted. The Council resumed its sitting. Royal College of Surgeons of England-Licence in Surgery; Licence in Midwifery. I. Moved by Dr. Alexander Wood, seconded by Dr. Storrar, and agreed to,-" That a Committee, consisting of Dr. Alex. Society of Apothecaries, London-Qualification in Medicine, and Certificate to practise as an Apothecary in England Wood, (Chairman,) Dr. Storrar, Dr. Embleton, Mr. Arnott, and Wales. Dr. A. Smith, Dr. Burrows, and Mr. Teale, be appointed to consider and report on the reference of the Scottish Branch Apothecaries’ Hall, Dublin-Qualification to follow the Art and Mystery of an Apothecary in the Kingdom of Ireland. Council, in regard to the publication of the Register." The correspondence with the Director-General of the Army University of St. Andrews-Degree in Medicine; Master in Medical Department was read. (Minutes, No. 30, p. 11.) Surgery. 2. Moved by Mr. Syme, and seconded by Dr. Leet,-" That University of Oxford-Degree in Medicine. a person registered under the Medical Act as a Licentiate of University of Cambridge-Degree in Medicine; Master in the Apothecaries’ Hall of Dublin, is legally entitled to practise Surgery, medicine in Great Britain and Ireland." University of Durham-Degree in Medicine; Master in Amendment moved by Mr. Lawrence, and seconded by Dr. Surgery. Alexander Wood,—" That this Council, having heard directly University of Dublin-Degree in Medicine; Licence in Me* dicine ; Master in Surgery; Licence in Surgery. contradictory legal opinions, from the highest authorities, on the question asked by the Director-General respecting the Queen’s University, Ireland-Degree in Medicine. Archbishop of Canterbury-Degree in Medicine. qualification conferred by the licence of the Society of Apothe"I have the honour to be, &c., caries of Dublin, respectfully decline to pronounce an opinion " -, Registrar." on the subject, and further take the liberty of sending to the Director-General of the Army Medical Department the conDr. Alexander Wood brought up the Report of the Committee on Proceedings to be adopted in removing a Name from flicting legal opinions which have been read to them." The further consideration of this subject was adjourned till the Register, which was ordered to be printed in the minutes. the following day, at two o’clock. Report on the Fornz of Proceeding to be adopted in the case of Dr. Corrigan brought up the Report of the Poor-law QualiRemoving the LVante of a Licensed Practitioner from the fication Committee in the form of a letter, proposed to be adRegister. dressed by the Registrar to the Secretary of the Poor-law Your Committee beg to recommend that the following reguBoard, which was ordered to be printed in the minutes. lations should be adopted :1. Any application for the removal of a name from the [PROPOSED LETTER.] shall be investigated, in the first instance, by the " General Council of Medical Education and Registration, Register Branch Council of that part of the kingdom in which the per32, Soho-square, London, W., July, 1861. " SzR,-I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your son whose name is proposed to be removed shall reside. letter of the 15th of December, 1859,* and to express the re2. In the event of such an application being made to the gret of the Council that they did not at the last meeting of the General Council, the Registrar of the General Council shall Council, in June, 1860, give you the information referred to refer the question to the Branch Council, by whom it should, in that letter, and they hope the reply now given will be satis- under the preceding regulation, be primarily investigated. 3. The Branch Council having investigated the case, and factory. " In my letter of the 16th of August, 1859, the requisite in- having collected the evidence, shall send a statement of the formation would have been given as to the nature of the quali- case, and the evidence in support of it, to the Registrar of the fications given by all the qualifying bodies in the United General Council, one calendar month before the probable time Kingdom, and would thus have anticipated the desire ex- of the meeting of the General Council. 4. The Registrar of the General Council shall thereupon pressed in your letter of the 15th of December, 1859, that the Council had given this full information; but, as your letter of consult the Solicitors of the General Council, and, if considered the 5th of August, 1859,+ only asked for information as to the necessary, take the opinion of Counsel on the case, and shall nature of the qualifications of certain corporate bodies named then take the written direction of the President as to summon* See ingthe party against whom the proceedings have been directed Minutes of Branch Council for England, No. 11, for Dec. 23rd, 1859. to attend the General Council. t See Minutes of General Council, No. 11, Sect. 3, for Aug. 8th, 1859. 2. Moved
by Dr. Burrows,
45 list of all licensing bodies (other than those specified by in Schedule A) whose qualifications have been admitted as a claim for admission to the Medical Register; that the Registrar be directed to write to all such licensing bodies, whether colonial or foreign (as may seem fit to the President and Executive Committee), requesting them to favour the Medical Council with three copies of their curricula of education, professional and non-professional, together with an account of the mode in which their examinations are conducted, and that one set of the regulations so received be transmitted to each of the Branch Councils of Scotland and Ireland; and, in case there be any colonial universities or corporations known to issue medical licences, other than those included in the above list, that a similar request be transmitted to each of them." 4. Moved by Mr. Syme, and seconded by Dr. Thomson,"That while fully recognising the importance of a literary, philosophical, and scientific education, as an introduction to the study of Medicine, it is not expedient at present to restrict graduation in Medicine to those possessed of a degree in Arts, or who have passed an equivalent examination." Amendment moved by Mr. Teale, and seconded by Dr. ApMINUTES OF MEETING, THURSDAY, JULY 4TH, 1861. john,-" That the Council adhere to their opinion, recorded Mr. GREEN, President, took the chair at in the Report of the Committee of Education of 1860, and two o’clock P.M. adopted by the Council on the 23rd of June, 1860, to the folPresent-Dr. Burrows, Mr. Arnott, Mr. Nussey, Dr. Acland, lowing effect:-’ That it is not desirable that any University Dr. Bond, Dr. Embleton, Dr. Storrar, Dr. Alexander Wood, of the United Kingdom should confer a degree in Medicine, Dr. Andrew Wood, Mr. Watt, Mr. Syme, Dr. A. Thomson, whether that of Bachelor or Doctor, upon candidates who have - Dr. A. Smith, Mr. Hargrave, Dr. Leet, Dr. Apjohn, Dr. Cor- not graduated in Arts, or passed all the examinations required rigan, Dr. Sharpey, Sir Charles Hastings, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. for the Bachelorship in Arts, or the examinations equivalent to Dr. Francis Hawkins, Registrar. those reouired for a dearee in Arts.’ And that the Council now Teale, Dr. Stokes. extend this expression of their opinion to the degree in The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. " The adjourned consideration of the correspondence with the Surgery. 1’he further consideration of this subject was adjourned to Director-General of the Medical Department of the Army was the following day at two o’clock. resumed. (Minutes, No. 30, p. 5.) 1. Moved by Mr. Syme, and seconded by Dr. Leet,-" That The Council resumed its sitting. a person registered under the Medical Act, as a Licentiate of The Report of the Finance Committee was considered. the Apothecaries’ Hall of Dublin, is legally entitled to practise (Minutes, No. 30, p. 5.) medicine in Great Britain and Ireland." 2. by Dr. Alexander Wood, seconded by Sir Charles Mr. Lawrence was permitted to substitute the following Hastings, and agreed to,-" That the Council approve of the amendment fo.r that which he proposed at the last meeting of Report of the Finance Committee, and vote their thanks to the the Council :Treasurers for the trouble they have taken in managing the First amendment moved by Mr. Lawrence, and seconded by Funds of the Council." Mr. Hargrave,-" That this Council, having heard contradicThe following letter was then read, addressed to the Presitory legal opinions on the question asked by the Director- dent of the General Council :General respecting the qualification conferred by the licence of Hadley, July 4th, 1861. " the Society of Apothecaries of Dublin, respectfully decline to SIR,-I beg leave to tender to the Medical Council my pronouncem an opinion on what they regard as a purely legal resignation of the office of Treasurer, and at the same time to question express my grateful acknowledgment of having been honoured Second amendment, moved by Dr. Storrar, and seconded by by their confidence.-I am, Sir, your obedient servant, Dr. Sharpey,-" That with reference to the case of Licentiates " JOSEPH HENRY GREEN." of the Society of Apothecaries, Dublin-considering the proThe Report of the Secretary of the Pharmacopoeia. Committee bable intention of the Legislature with regard to their privileges, was read. (Minutes, No. 30, p. 8.) the custom and usage of their employment as medical prac3. Moved by Dr. Storrar, seconded by Dr. Sharpey, and as medical their to offices titioners, practitionets, appointment That Dr. Garrod’s Report stand a part of the and the recognition of their qualifications as such by the proper agreed to,-" minutes."" authorities-the Medical Council are of opinion, without preof the Poor-law Qualification Committee was The suming to decide the legal question involved, that it would be read. Report No. 31, p. 7.) (Minutes, in accordance with the spirit and meaning of the Medical Act 4. Moved by Dr. Corrigan, and seconded by Mr. Syme,to consider the said licentiates when registered as ’legally " That the Report just read be adopted, and that the Requaliiied practitioners in Medicine.’" be directed to forward a copy of the Report to the gistrar Question put to the vote, and carried,-" That the original Poor-law Board." motion be amended." Amendment moved by Dr. Alexander Wood, and seconded Second amendment put, and negatived. Mr. Watt,-" That it is inexpedient for the Council to by First amendment put, and carried. make any communication to the Poor-law Board under present Mr. Syme required that the majority and minority on the circumstances. "-Amendment carried. question, " That the original motion be amended," be entered Confirmed-JosEPH HENRY GREEN. on the minutes. Mr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Arnott, Embleton, -Majo2-ity: Acland, Bond, Dr. Andrew Wood, Mr. Watt, Dr. A. Smith, Mr. Hargrave, MINUTES OF MEETING, FRIDAY, JULY 5TH, 1861. Dr. Apjohn, Dr. Corrigan, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Teale, Dr. Stokes. Mr. GREEN, President, took the chair at Minority: Dr. Burrows, Mr. Nussey, Dr. Storrar, Dr. Alextwo o’clock P.M. ander Wood, Mr. Syme, Dr. Thomson, Dr. Leet, Sir Charles Present-Dr. Burrows, Mr. Arnott, Mr. Nussey, Dr. Acland, Hastings. Dr. Bond, Dr. Embleton, Dr. Storrar, Dr. Alexander Wood, The Council resolved itself into a Committee on Education. Dr. Andrew Wood, Mr. Watt, Mr. Syme, Dr. A. Thomson, 1. Moved by Mr. Arnott, seconded by Mr. Lawrence, and Dr. A. Smith, Mr. Hargrave, Dr. Leet, Dr. Apjohn, Dr. Coragreed to,-" That the first-class certificate of the College of rigan, Dr. Sharpey, Sir Charles Hastings, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Dr. Francis Hawkins, Regist1’a1’. Preceptors"be received as a certificate of proficiency in general Teale, Dr. Stokes. education." The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. 2. Moved by Dr. Acland, seconded by Dr. Burrows, and 1. Moved by Dr. Alexander Wood, seconded by Dr. Buragreed to,-" That after January, 1863, all junior middle-class rows, and agreed to,-" That the attention of the Solicitors of examinations be excluded from the list." the Council be drawn to the case of Jones versus the Queen’s 3. Moved by Dr. Acland, seconded by Dr. Stokes, and Proctor, which appears in The TMKM of July 5, 1861." The Council resolved itself into a Committee on Education. agreed to,-" That the Registrar be directed to lay on the 5. If the Solicitors or Counsel shall advise that the application is not tenable, or that the evidence is insufficient, the application shall be referred back to the Branch Council with whom the proceedings originated. 6. Should the Council remove the name of any practitioner from the Register, under Clause 29 of the Medical Act, due intimation of the same shall be made to all the Bodies enumerated in Schedule (A) of the Act. 7. The Council recommend that an individual whose name has been once removed from the Register shall not be admitted to examination for any new qualification without the consent of the General Medical Council. ALEXANDER WOOD, Chairman. 3. Moved by Dr. Andrew Wood, seconded by Mr. Teale, and agreed to,-"That a Committee be appointed to revise the StandingOrders of the Council." The Committee to consist of Mr. Teale, (Chairman,) Dr. Stokes, and Dr. Embleton. Coniirmed—JosKPH HENRY GREEN.