Mixing in the Thermohaline Staircase East of Barbados

Mixing in the Thermohaline Staircase East of Barbados

453 MIXING IN THE THERMOHALINE STAIRCASE EAST OF BARBADOS M.C. GREGG Applied Physics Laboratory and School of Oceanography, College of Ocean and Fis...

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M.C. GREGG Applied Physics Laboratory and School of Oceanography, College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105 (USA)

ABSTRACT During the C-SALT measurements in November 1985 the average dissipation rate, E, in the well-defined thermohaline staircase east of Barbados was only 2% of that expected. When driven by thermal convection, turbulent boundary layers in the atmosphere, ocean, and laboratory exhibit E = J E , where JB is the buoyancy flux into the layer. Using observed AT and As across the steps in flux laws obtained for laboratory salt fingering experiments (McDougall and Taylor, 1984) gives JE about 50 times the observed dissipation rates. The average Cox numbers across the staircase were slightly higher than those found at the same N in thermoclines lacking staircases. The dominant thermal microstructure consisted of nearly continuous temperature inversions 5-10 cm thick throughout the interfaces. They may be signatures of salt fingers strongly tilted from the vertical by interfacial shear; average velocity differences across the interfaces were usually 15-25 mm s-l, much greater than estimated vertical velocities in salt fingers. In summary,the sharpness of the layers and the thermal microstructure in the interfaces are evidence of active mixing by strongly tilted salt fingers; the unexpectedly low dissipation rates, however, demonstrated that the turbulent buoyancy fluxes driving the mixing are apparently much weaker than expected. The horizontal structures found by other C-SALT investigators suggest that it may not be possible to understand the staircase simply by vertical processes and that it must be considered as a threedimensional field. 1 INTRODUCTION

The role of salt fingering in the ocean remains a major puzzle. Although much of the thermocline is diffusively unstable to fingering, the distinctive staircases produced in laboratory experiments are found in only a few oceanic regimes. Schmitt and Evans (1978) argue that fingering occurs intermittently where internal wave strain locally increases the gradients, but reversals of the wave field disrupt the fingers before layers are formed. The finger growth rate depends on R I ac/pS and , is shorter than the local buoyancy period only when R is less than 2 (ais the thermal expansion coefficient; p is the coefficient of haline contraction). In most thermoclines

R 2 2 and layers are not found. Prominent staircases have been found where R < 2. Under the Mediterranean outflow R = 1.3, in the Tyrrhenian Sea R = 1.15, and in the main thermocline east of Barbados R = 1.6. Finding staircases in low-R profiles, and nowhere else, provided the initial evidence for attributing their origin to double diffusion. Discovery of vertically banded shadowgraph images in the interfaces under the Meditemanean outflow (Williams, 1974) was taken as confirmation.


Understanding the dynamics of one staircase where salt fingering appears dominant is a first step in assessing the role of fingering in typical thermoclines. The C-SALT program examined the staircase east of Barbados. Although this field has the highest R p, and possibly the weakest fingering, it is the most accessible because of its relatively shallow depth. The major objectives of C-SALT were to map the three-dimensional structure, observe temporal evolution, and measure mixing levels (Schmitt, 1987). Previously, no measurements of the viscous and thermal dissipation rates, E and x, had been reported from staircases.

Our measurements were made during November 1985, when the RV Knorr followed a drogued buoy for 5 days near 12"N, 56" 30' W (well within the staircase field). Data taken from the Knorr with the Multi-Scale Profiler (MSP) are used to determine average levels of shear, stratification, and mixing. Then structures within the layers and interfaces are examined for clues about formation of the microstructure. Laboratory experiments provide the framework for interpreting the observations, but, as usual, the degree to which the experiments simulate the ocean is an issue. Before proceeding, some pertinent characteristics of the MSP are needed to understand the data and their limitations. 2 THE MULTI-SCALEPROFILER The MSP was designed to relate microstructure directly to fine-scale shear by measuring both. Developed and operated jointly with Tom Sanford, the MSP avoids the ambiguities inherent in sensing shear and microstructure from different vehicles (Gregg and Sanford, 1980; Gregg et al., 1986). To provide a stable platform, it is 4.3 rn long, 0.42 m in diameter, and weighs 295 kg in air (Fig. 1). Drag brushes at the top and droppable lead weights at the bottom are adjusted to yield a fall rate of 0.25 ms-'. Typical drops during C-SALT went from the surface to 7 MFa (700 m), below the staircase. A large suite of sensors measures finestructure and microstructure over scales from 1 cm to the profile length (Table 1). Multiple channels provide redundancy as well as overlapping spatial resolution. Voltage signals are digitized with a 16-bit analog-to-digital converter, and frequency signals are digitized with a hybrid peridfrequency counter yielding high resolution with short gate times. Solid state memory records the data, which are subsequently read on deck without opening the instrument; this shortens the time between drops and protects the electronics. Fine-scale velocity is sensed electromagnetically and acoustically. Short blades below the drag brushes cause a rotation about every 15 m, which is useful for monitoring low-frequency drift of both velocity channels. Two sets of electrodes measure voltages induced by seawater moving through the earth's magnetic field (Sanford et al., 1978). The electrode ports are mounted midway down the plastic tube encasing the aluminum pressure cylinder. Velocity is obtained directly, but has a depth independent, unknown offset. This does not affect the shear. A Neil Brown Instrument Systems (NBIS) acoustic current meter on the lower end cap measures changes in the travel time across two orthogonal 0.2-m-long paths, which are perpendicular to the vehicle axis. Because the instrument responds quickly to water motions over scales larger than the instrument,


Fig. 1. Deployment of the MSP. the acoustic velocities are relative to the MSP. They are converted to water motion using the model of Evans et al. (1979). The long vertical wavelength structure absent from the uncorrected acoustic current meter data (left panel of Fig. 2) is often restored to about a centimeter per second, as evident in the right-hand panel. Noise of several centimeters per second in the EM data is larger than in previous measurements and results from the slow rotation rate; the rate had been decreased to minimize distortion of the dissipation-scale velocity measurements. Also apparent is the better resolution of wavelengths 10 m and smaller in the acoustic record. This record was therefore used for scientific analysis. Fine-scale temperature and conductivity are measured with a set of Sea-Bird probes and with a Fastip thermistor and a 3-cm NBIS cell. The Sea-Bird temperature (Pederson, 1969) and conductivity (Pederson and Gregg, 1979) are very stable, allowing in-situ calibration of the other pair. The Sea-Bird sensors, however, give a coarser spatial resolution (Gregg and Hess, 1985) than do the thermistor (Gregg and Meagher, 1980) and NBIS cell (Gregg et al., 1982). Neither data set


TABLE 1 Characteristics of MSP data channels. Vertical resolutions give inherent sensor limitations; less resolution is obtained where weak mean gradients yield signals less than the noise. Sensor Finestructure EM velocity (2) NBIS velocity Sea-Bird temperature Sea-Bird conductivity NBIS conductivity Thermometrics Fastip thermistor Microstructure Airfoil shear (2) Thermometrics Fastip thermistor Nose two-needle conductivity Strut-mounted two-needle conductivity (2) Vehicle Motion Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure Develco flux-gate magnetometers (3) Sundstrand Q-flex accelerometers (3)

Sample RatelHz


25 62.5 25 25 125 125

10 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.01

125 250 250 250; 500

0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

25 25 25

0.08 N.A. N.A.

was corrected for vertical resolution; hence, the Sea-Bird pair smoothes wavelengths smaller than about 1 m, and the other pair produces sharp spikes. Average gradients across each step and layer were determined by defining their boundaries to the nearest kilopascal (10 cm) and extrapolating salinity from the uniform level in the layers. To show the sharpness of the steps, plots were made with the NBIS data. The microstructure of horizontal velocity is sensed with two airfoil probes (Osborn, 1974). Because previous measurements demonstrated horizontal isotropy, both probes are oriented to sense the same velocity component. This facilitates comparing the two E profiles to detect plankton impacts, which are usually not simultaneous at both sensors. The probes were constructed following procedures developed by Neil Oakey and can resolve wavelengths of about 1 cm (Ninnis, 1984). The slow, stable descent produces few vibration spikes compared with lighter, fasterfalling vehicles (Fig. 3). Consequently, the noise level is low, with minimum dissipation rates between lo-'' and lo-" W kg-'. Data processing is similar to that used for another instrument (Shay and Gregg, 1986), with kc



$.yS(k,)dk, [Wkg-'],

0.5 cpm


where is the shear spectrum, v is the kinematic viscosity, and k, is the wavenumber at which the spectrum begins to be affected by noise.

457 0.0





























0.0 v,~, rn s1








0.1 -0.1

0.0 v/md


Fig. 2. Northward velocity, v ,for MSP 70. The relative velocity from the acoustic cwent meter, on the left, shows pulses of several centimeters per second in the staircase, between 3 and 6 m a . These occurred across the steps. After correction for vehicle motion, the velocity from the acoustic current meter overlays the large-scale structure of the data from the electrodes. Scalar microstructure is measured with high-pass, high-gain circuits for temperature (Gregg et al., 1978) and for conductivity (Meagher et al., 1982), using a Fastip thermistor and a twoneedle electrode. One two-needle conductivity probe is mounted on the lower end cap, and two others can be mounted on struts to examine signals along a helical trajectory. Noise of the temperature microstructure is low and repeatable (Fig. 4). The rate of diffusive dissipation of thermal fluctuations is

is the temperature gradient spectrum and k, is the wavenumber at which the spectrum where hG falls to the noise level. Expressions (1) and (2) are both based on the assumption of isotropy. In (2) the effect of isotropy is included as a factor of 3 times the XT conmbution due to only the observed vertical temperature gradient. In (1) isotropy appears as a factor of 3.75 times the sum of the two horizontal gradients, which have been found equal in previous measurements. Gargett et al. (1984) found that turbulence in a fjord was isotropic at dissipation scales when &2200vN2.


Fig. 3. Superimposed spectra from one of the airfoil channels, illustrating a wide range of signal levels. The largest signals, from well above the staircase, fall to the noise level by 15 Hz, which corresponds to 60 cpm (cycles per meter). A small vibration spike occurs near 30 Hz. Another near 50 Hz is greatly attenuated by anti-alias filters.



Fig. 4. Superimposed spectra from the microstructure temperature gradient circuit. All the signals were less than the noise level for frequencies greater than 25 Hz.


Three-axis accelerometers and magnetometers measure vehicle motion. The magnetometer output is routinely used to measure orientation in converting fine-scale velocities to earth-centered coordinates. Tilt and vibration are monitored with the accelerometers, but to date there has been no need to incorporate the data into the routine analysis.

3 SHEAR AND STRATIFICATION The principal staircase was between 3 and 6 MPa (300 to 600 m) and usually had 9 or 10 well-developed layers. Overall, average thicknesses were 17 m for layers and 10 m for steps (Table 2). Typically, however, the layers were thicker (20-30 m) and the interfaces thinner (2-5 m) in the bottom half of the staircase. N 2 and S 2 (Au/Az)'+ ( A v I A z ) were ~ computed with Az = 0.5 m. Both have local maxima of 0.01 to 0.02 s-l in the interfaces (Fig. 5). Shear typically drops to 0.001-0.002 s-' in the layers. The time scale for large-scale motions to cross the layer is, at most, S-' = 20 minutes, or about 1 hour for a complete overturn. The frequent density instabilities within the layers are plotted as N = 0. Successive MSP profiles frequently showed slow, steady movement across steps (Gregg and Sanford, 1980), but little persistence across layers. Therefore, the average shear across the layers in Table 2 is simply a measure of the mean velocity difference and could represent the velocity of large-scale eddies, internal waves, or average shear. Gradient Richardson numbers, Ri = N 2/S2, formed from the average gradients across steps and layers, are high across the steps and nearly zero in the layers (Fig. 6). Statistics for all steps found Ri > 5 in 60% of the interfaces; only 10% had Ri < 1, and none had Ri 50.25. Thus, on average, little mixing due to shear instability is expected across the steps, although low Ri regions may occur locally within the steps. Because N = 0 in the layers while S = 0.001, Ri = 0; i.e., the layers are more homogeneous in density than in velocity. A very low Richardson number due to N =O, however, does not guarantee turbulence; shear is required for turbulent production. TABLE 2 Average characteristics for the staircase between 3 and 6 MPa. The gradients are averages computed between the defined boundaries of each layer and step, e.g., Fig. 6. In the center of the staircase u = 1.7 x 10"' K-', and p = 0.76 (concentration units)-'.



8 . 4 ~ 1 0 ~ =O




3 . 9 10-~ ~



3.5 x lo-'

1.8 x lo-'



1 . 4 lo-'' ~


4 . 9 10-l~ ~

1.1 x

1.9 x lo-''

2.4 x low8


u I m s-l



1000 x s


I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I . I I I


0, I kg m-3


v I m s-l


1 Nxld






Fig. 5. Stability frequency, N ,and shear, (S2)", over successive 0.005-MPa intervals have maxima in the interfaces. Density derived from the Sea-Bird sensors was used for N. The coarser resolution underestimates N somewhat, but the error is less than that produced by spikes in the other data, used here for temperature, salinity, and density. The MSP shear levels are similar to those obtained in the staircase under the Mediterranean outflow (Simpson et al., 1979)and in a staircase north of Haiti (Evans, 1981). Simpson et al., however, estimated 0.3 I Ri I 1 in the interfaces, using nearly simultaneous CTD profiles for N2. Evans found Ri = 0 in the layers and 30 I Ri I 100 in the steps. The C-SALT Richardson numbers are much closer to Evans's results, although infrequent low values were found in our data.

4 DISSIPATION RATES Viscous dissipation rates over successive 0.005-MPa intervals ranged from nearly lo-" W kg-' to slightly more than lo4 W kg-' (Fig. 7). Distinguishing noise from signal is difficult at the lower end of the dissipation range. Therefore, l O-''W kg-' was conservatively defined as the noise level and used as the lower bound of the plot. Signals larger than l O-''W kg-' were found in most layers (Fig. 7), and it is these signals exceeding the noise that determine the layer average. Even so, averages for most layers were less



1000 x s


I . I . . I I . I . I I . I . I I I I I I


0, I kg m-3





1 i Nxld


0.4 0.8 o






Fig. 6. Boundaries defining steps and layers are shown by + symbols on the temperature plot. N , S , and Ri are averages between those boundaries. Where probe resolution affected temperature and salinity, uniform levels within the layers were extrapolated to the boundaries. Owing to the weak stratification and to the small but significant shear, Ri = 0 in the layers. Although S is large in the steps, the very strong stratification produces high Richardson numbers. than lO-'OW kg-'. In Fig. 7, layers 5 and 6 were the exceptions. The overall layer average is 1.4 x lO-'OW kg-' (Table 2). Dissipation rates were larger in the interfaces, but the increase may have been partly caused by the response of the airfoil probes to both the strong mean shear and the large temperature gradients in the interfaces. In any event, the increase was too small to exceed the threshold for production of a turbulent buoyancy flux in a stratified profile. Van Atta and his colleagues =port that turbulence produces a net buoyancy flux in decaying grid wakes only if E > (15-25) v N (Stillinger et al., 1983; Rohr et al., 1984). Gargett et al. (1984) found that spectral isotropy was assured if E > 200v N *. As seen in Fig. 7, E < 25 v N in the steps. Therefore, assuming spectral isotropy is not warranted in the interfaces, those dissipation rates are upper bounds.


34.7 I






1000 x I









35.7 10-10

s 1



o8I kg m-3





10-8 10-10







10-6 X



Fig. 7. Viscous and diffusive dissipation rates over 0.005-MPa intervals (second and fourth panels) and averaged over each step and layer (third and fifth panels) for MSP 71. Dotted lines in panel 3 are qr = 24.5 v N 2 , the minimum dissipation rate for turbulence in stratified fluids to produce a buoyancy flux (Stillinger et d., 1983). Dissipation rates in all the steps are much less than Only layers 5 and 6 have average dissipation rates above the noise level. Average dissipation rates across the staircase and within the interfaces were somewhat lower than those found at the same stratification in thermoclines lacking staircases (Fig. 8 and Table 2). Salt fingering fluxes have been determined in laboratory experiments by observing temperature and salinity as functions of time in layers above and below a fingering interface. The interfacial fluxes of heat, J q , and of salt, J s , required to produce those changes are computed and parameterized as functions of As and R across the interface. We used polynomial fits to the McDougall and Taylor (1984) fluxes, which were obtained for 1.2 IR 12.2. (The polynomials were kindly supplied by T. McDougall as a private communication.) The buoyancy flux is JB

= (glp) [ ( d c , , )-PI,] ~~

[W m-*l,

where cp is the specific heat. Both the heat and salt fluxes are negative, i.e., downward, but, > aJq/cp for salt fingering, the buoyancy flux is positive. Averaged over steps 0 because through 9 , J B = (0.77k0.39)~lO-*Wkg-', andJq =-43.9*21.1 Wm-2.












-9 -I















I og N / s-I Fig. 8. Average viscous dissipation rates between 3 and 6MPa compared with observations in thermoclines lacking staircases. The comparison values were taken from Gregg et al. (1986), which built on previous work by several authors. The C-SALT data lie below nearly all the others. The Drifter observations were made in a diffusively stable profile. For steady homogeneous turbulence, the turbulent kinetic balance equation in a simple shear flow reduces to

Thus a positive buoyancy flux is a source of turbulent energy. For turbulent thermal convection in nearly steady state, with negligible mean shear and advection, large coherent eddies carry the buoyancy flux and are the energy-containing scales for the turbulent cascade. Therefore, the turbulent kinetic energy balance reduces to JB = E ; turbulence generated by the release of potential energy is dissipated locally by viscosity. This balance has been confirmed in laboratory experiments (Willis and Deardorff, 1974), in the planetary boundary of the atmosphere (Kaimal et al., 1976), and in the surface layer of the Ocean (Shay and Gregg, 1984). Although dissipation rates have not been reported from laboratory salt fingering experiments, Larson and Gregg (1983) argued that JB = E should obtain when fingering is the dominant process producing turbulence. The thermal Rayleigh number, R, = g ~ ~ ~ T ( A z ) ~ /=K~O"AT(AZ)~, TV is at least 10" for the layers (the salinity Rayleigh number is R, = R P'R,), much larger than needed for the transition from steady to turbulent convection (Turner, 1973). Contrary to expectation, in the layers was only 2%of JB predicted using the McDougall and Taylor (1984) flux formulation. Lueck (1987) found a similar result. Either the buoyancy flux was transmitted without producing turbulence or it was much smaller than given by McDougall and Taylor. If the layers were fully turbulent their average thickness, Az = 17 m, would be the energycontaining scale. Velocity differences across the layers were Au = SAz = 0.014m s-'. Taking AU as the magnitude of the energy-containing velocities yields E = (Au)~/Az= 1.8 x W kg-'.


This estimate, based on dimensional analysis, is usually accurate to within an order of magnitude (Tennekes and Lumley, 1972). Clearly, Az = 17 m and Au = 0.014m s-' are not the turbulent scales. The other possible balance in (4) is turbulent production by the Reynolds stress and local dissipation. Using the average dissipation and shear yields a Reynolds stress of u I'u 3' = E/dUl/dx = m2 s-'. The corresponding velocity scale is (u 1'u{f2 = 0.4 mm s-I, much smaller than the observed velocity fluctuations. Shear production cannot be ignored. Diffusive dissipation rates, xT, were well above the noise, with the largest values in the steps


typically a factor of 100 greater than in the layers (Fig. 7 and Table 2). Using the average and the respective mean gradients, the COX numbers, CT = xT/~K,T,~, were 259 across the staircase and 59 across the steps, somewhat larger than found in "normal" thermoclines (Fig. 9). These are upper estimates, however, owing to the factor of 3 for isotropy in Eq. (2). In addition to the low value of dvN2,shadowgraph images (Kunze et al., 1987) also reveal horizontal layering that i s inconsistent with isotropy. Osborn and Cox (1972) argue that the vertical turbulent heat flux is given by Jq


-pcp KTCTT~ when the turbulence is in a steady balance between local production and dissipation,

with negligible advective transport. The average Cox numbers yield -2.6 W m-2 across the full staircase and -3.3 W m-2 just across the steps. Owing to the lack of isotropy, both estimates should be reduced by a factor of 3. By comparison, the McDougall and Taylor (1984) fluxes give -43.9 w md2. How well the microstructure observations estimate the fluxes is uncertain, but the most likely comparisons are JB E in the layers and application of the Osborn-Cox model in the interfaces. The approximate balance of JB = E has been observed in layers driven by the buoyancy flux of turbulent thermal convection, but there is no evidence that it should hold within fingering interfaces.


- '\



@+ \ \\


a\,* ,

0.025 N-1.5'\? 0





0 '\


-2.4 log N I s - '



Fig. 9. Average Cox numbers across the steps and across the staircase compared with those from thermoclines lacking staircases (Gregg, 1987). Dissipation-scale isotropy was assumed in all cases. The step average lies close to the trend of the other data, the overall average slightly above.


Although not experimentally verified under any conditions, the Osbom-Cox model is formulated for thermal microstructure produced by vertical motion against the local mean temperature gradient. Convection is likely to carry microstructure into the layers from the interfaces, in contradiction to the assumptions. Using JB = E in the layers gives a buoyancy flux through the layers of about 2% of that estimated from McDougall and Taylor (1984). Using the Osbom-Cox model in the interfaces, with no isotropy, yields a heat flux about 3% of the McDougall and Taylor estimate. The agreement is probably fortuitous, but both point to turbulent fluxes much lower than estimated from the only laboratory flux laws stated to be applicable for R c 2.


6 PATTERNS AND STRUCTURES Some interfaces in the upper half of the staircase are resolved into thin well-mixed layers and subinterfaces. These are infrequent in the lower half of the staircase, where the simple interfaces range from 1 to 10 m thickness. The interfaces and subinterfacescontain nearly continuous temperature inversions. In one example (Fig. lo), Thorpe's (1977) resorting technique gives maximum vertical scales of 13 cm for the inversions; most are much less. Another example contains nearly regular structures with a spacing of 5 to 6 cm (Fig. 11). Without salinity the static stability of the small inversions cannot be determined, but the low dissipation rates suggest that they are not associated with active turbulence. Owing to the strong mean shear across the interfaces and vertical velocities in salt fingers of about 0.1 mms-' (Kunze, 1987), the most likely interpretation of the small-scale inversions is that they are signatures of tilted salt fingers. Schmitt (personal communication, 1987) estimates finger diameters of 5.5 cm for these interfaces, in excellent agreement with the observed thickness. The shadowgraph images (Kunze et al., 1987) are consistent with tilted fingers, but have a thickness of about 0.5 cm. By contrast Williams (1974) observed vertically banded shadowgraph images in the Mediterranean outflow staircase, and the thickness of the images agreed with estimated finger diameters. Why the C-SALT interfaces differ so much from those under the outflow is not understood. Salt-stratifiedmeter-scale temperature inversions within the layers are the other notable structures found in the data. The example in Fig. 12 has an inversion of 0.06OC with a salinity increase that produces a net increase in 0 0 . The homogeneous zones above and below the inversion are moving at several centimeters per second relative to the center of the inversion near 4.03 MPa. Thermistor chain tows found nearly vertical temperature fluctuations within layers. They were typically 0.005"C, much smaller than the inversion in Fig. 12 (Marmorho et al., 1987). Therefore, the relationship between the inversions and the plumes remains to be determined. Plumes having 0' = 0.005"C correspond to p' = 3 x lo4 kg m-3 if they have the same 8-s relation as the mean profile. Because JB E -(g I p ) G , a buoyancy flux of lO-'OW kg-' requires velocities of only u = 0.1 mm s-', much smaller than the observed fluctuations.



10.0 81°C

10.3 -0.15


0.15 0

Thorpe Displacement 1 m



1o3 8' 1 "c


Fig. 10. Small temperature inversions occur throughout this 2.6-m-thick interface, which is representative of those observed during C-SALT. Thorpe (1977)displacements (middle panel) are less than 13 cm, and most are only a few centimeters. The panel on the right shows the temperature microstructure data. The electronics used with the microstructure channel have a relatively flat transfer function for wavelengths between 1 and 10 cm. Because the dominant variability is in this range, the data were scaled as temperature rather than as temperature gradient. The zero level is arbitrary.

7 SUMMARY The principal findings are: On average, the layers were homogeneous in density, but were less well-mixed in velocity. s-' and the weak stratification proTherefore, N 2= 0 in the layers. Average shears of duced Ri = 0. Some layers contained salinity and temperature inversions that may be signatures of convective plumes. Average viscous dissipation rates were 1.4x lo-' W kg-' in the layers. Consequently, the buoyancy flux in the layers due to turbulent convection must have been = lo-'' W kg-', or about 2% of the flux predicted by applying McDougall and Taylor (1984)to observed AT and As across the steps. Only 10%of the steps had Ri < 1 and none had Ri < 0.25. Thus, although shear was high across the steps, shear instability should not have been an important factor in interfacial mixing.

467 3.19



11.90 11.95 Bloc



m a n


I O ~ X ~ ' / ~ C

Fig. 11. Resolution of an interface in the upper part of the staircase, revealing a thin layer (3.201-3.204 MPa) and two high-gradient regions with continuous temperature inversions. Above the thin layer the inversions are nearly regular with vertical wavelengths of about 6 cm. The zero level of 8' is arbitrary.

In spite of the low dissipation rates, thermal signatures consistent with tilted salt fingers occurred throughout the interfaces, in the form of continuous inversions having scales of about 5 cm. Removing the isotropy factor, the Osborn-Cox model gives Jq = -1.1 W m-2, compared with -43.9 W given by applying McDougall and Taylor (1984). Dissipation rates in the steps averaged 4.9 x lO-'OW kg-'. Even though this was computed from (l), assuming iscaopy, it is much less than needed for isotropy using Gargett et al. (1984). Thus, the E measurements provide further evidence for layering in the interfaces.

8 DISCUSSION The large-scale C-SALT observations show sharply defined layers having great lateral coherence and a distinct slope across isopycnal surfaces (Schmitt, this volume), consistent with what we know of salt fingering. The low dissipation rates and the horizontally layered thermal structure of the interfaces, however, contradict the expected microstructure signatures. After the microstructure measurements, Kunze (1987) noted that the AS^'^ flux law fitted to laboratoly data is based on fingers extending completely through the interfaces. Although it was apparent from earlier CTD observations that the steps were several meters thick, compared with





4.151, 35.0 I



10.2 -0.12



35.2 35.1 1000 x s I







35.3 0.09 I



v I m s-l





o, I kg m-3 Fig. 12. Fine-scale salt-stabilized temperature inversion within a layer. 10-30 cm expected for fingers, this contradiction had not been considered. Assuming a Richardson number constraint on the fastest-growing fingers, Kunze (1987) obtained fluxes an order of magnitude smaller than those given by the

law and thus much closer to the observed micro-

structure levels. The structures observed in the interface have yet to be reconciled with the strong shear. Linden (1974) demonstrated that in the presence of shear the fingering instability forms twodimensional sheets aligned in the direction of the mean shear. For linear shear in a unidirectional flow, the sheets are vertical and are aligned "downwind." The horizontally layered structures observed with MSP,with the horizontal tows (Marmorino et al., 1987; Lueck, 1987), and with shadowgraph profiles (Kunze et al., 1987) are not consistent with sheets. Other recent experiments (N. Larson, personal communication, 1987) demonstrate that both sheets and tilted fingers can occur in sheared flows. For the C-SALTinterfaces, Kunze (1987) estimates fingering velocities of 0.1 mm s-' and maximum finger lengths of 0.3 m. The observed interfacial shears would make such a finger nearly horizontal at the end of its trajectory, consistent with the C-SALT observations.


The combined C-SALT observations starkly demonstrate how little is known about salt fingering in the ocean. Resolution of the contradictions requires understanding the physics of salt fingering layers to a degree comparable with our knowledge of thermal convection. Direct measurements of fluxes, of dissipation rates, and of the fingers and convective cells are needed. Sheared regimes are necessary to simulate the ocean. This is an order of magnitude greater effort than made to date, but not more than is being devoted to stratified turbulence experiments. If the oceanic fluxes are as low as presently estimated from the microstructure, it is possible that staircases develop only in locations of low mean flows, where the fluxes can act for long periods. The alternative is formation in confined localities where the fluxes are much larger, followed by weaker mixing, perhaps driven by the ambient internal waves, that can maintain the layers over a large area. For the C-SALT staircases, using floats to define the mean flow is an essential first step in resolving this issue. Until this accessible, well-defined staircase is understood, we are unlikely to determine the fluxes of salt fingering in the subtropical thermocline. Acknowledgments. The MSP C-SALT work was conducted jointly with Tom Sanford on a project funded by the National Science Foundation, Grant OCE 8410741. Valuable comments were received from D. Kelley, E. Kunze, C. Gibson, J. Riley, E. D’Asaro, R. Schmitt, and G. Marmorino. School of Oceanography Contribution No. 1730. 9 REFERENCES

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