Model-Shop Factory Design - Human Integrated Factory Planning and Process Optimization

Model-Shop Factory Design - Human Integrated Factory Planning and Process Optimization


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Copyright © IFAC Man-Machine Systems, Kyoto, Japan, 1998


Dr. Matthias Hartmann, J6rg Bergbauer Fraunhofer-Institutfiir Fabrikbetrieb und -automatisierung (Fraunhofer-Institutefor Factory Operation and Automation) Sandtorstr. 22, 39106 Magdeburg, Germany

Abstract: Aim to discuss of this paper is the method, the functionality and the experiences of industrial use of Virtual Reality to support the participative approach in the factory design. It describes the system developed at the Fraunhofer IFF and its use as basis for an innovative experimentation field to support the factory planning process. In this connection the speeding up and the optimization of the planning process by supplying all involved people a common environment for their decision making process will be pointed out. Copyright @19981FAC Keywords: Factory Planning, Virtual Reality, Participation, Experimentation Field, Model-based Cognition Process


quired. This necessity derives itself from the fact, that factories in their nowadays form are complex, crosslinked, intransparent and dynamic systems (Daenzer and Huber, 1992). Because of the multitude of different elements, e.g. machines as well as information and organizational rules, which are acting or reacting totally different in the case of environmental impacts, a complex system structure is derived which could be hardly understood by a single discipline. This state is complicated by the fact that, due of the relationships of these elements, a network is resulting which is of great importance for the functioning of the factory (Daenzer and Huber, 1992). Effects on the entire system as well as on individual subsystems which are resulting by manipulating and changing of a single element or the connection of the elements to each other are, due to the interplay of a multitude of different factors, partially or completely intransparent for the actor (Domer, 1993). However, system changes are resulting automatically because factories are no inflexible but high-dynamical systems, which have to adapt themselves permanent at the changing environmental impacts. I.e. they show a certain intrinsic dynamic. The success of planning regards mainly from the consideration of these factors. How-

1.1 Current situation

The current industrial situation could be specified by catchwords like »turbulent environment«, »flexibility and acceleration of processes« or »short product cyc1es« and »continuous optimization«. In view of the increased dynamic of the enterprise surroundings, concepts for the continuous adaptation of the enterprise structures are required (Hartmann, 1996). In this case, proactive acting and the ability to organizational learning is particularly important due to the fact that in the case of reactive adaptation to changes the possibilities are strongly restricted. The previous procedure to learn and optimize by real experiences according to the trial-and-error-principle can be realized no more because it represents often a painful, slow and high-cost way for enterprises. The planning and organization of modem production systems under this turbulent circumstances can no more be understood as isolated ranges of tasks of individual disciplines. Rather, an jointly operation of all in the planning process involved persons is re-


ever, in most cases the individual planning participants have no complete knowledge and/or a wrong idea of the essential system attributes. Only by integration of the knowledge and the ideas over all disciplines a solid realization of the planning task can be guaranteed (Hoffmann, 1996).

Factory Design« the approach, to make available an factory experimentation field for the planning participants that serves as platform for mutual dialog and the common generation of different solution alternatives. Therefore, the Fraunhofer-IFF sets Virtual Reality for the model formation and visualization onto the effort of an understandable representation of all elements and performing connections of a factory. In this case Virtual Reality is an alternative interface between human and machine which allows a new way of working with the computer. It realize a real-time interaction with three dimensional computer data and produce for the user with the aid of special immersive technologies a subjective sensation of an apparent real environment (Bauer, 1996). Has the planner only been up to now a simple observer of his models, now he will become to an active element of an artificial environment in which he can move around without restrictions and with which he can come in interrelation.

1.2 The participative approach

The complexity of the planning task and the pressure on the development speed are leading to the necessity for a better utilization of unused potentials and to a systematic production of ideas, impulses and concepts (Damer, 1993). New innovative solutions which innovative factories are demanding form the planners only can be created by intensive creative efforts. In this connection the creativity is a product of knowledge and the ability of imagination (Higgins and Wiese, 1996). From this results the fact that a productive creativity is impossible without knowledge; the extensive the knowledge the bigger is the probability to think up al lot of patterns, variants of combination and new ideas. For the realization of the altematives and solutions worked out together there is a lack of imagination by all individual disciplines; the common knowledge remains mostly unused and sterile. The efficiency of the creative productivity depends to what extent the planning team is able to unite knowledge and imagination ability. However, in order to be able to integrate all the different disciplines into the organization process, a certain basic knowledge of systematical mastering of the planning task must be provided. Basis for this kind of interdisciplinary working is a general dialog platform which helps to develop different solutions and to reach clear and expressive decisions. Only this allows to make sure that the common knowledge will be processed for practical and active using. In this case, a vivid and understandable representation of the planning intention as well as of the actuating variables is required. An essential principle to illustrate these complex connections as well as the »real« system, exists in the use of models in the course of socalled »factory experimentation fields« (Bergbauer, 1998). With the aid of computer generic models the process of learning could be activated by playful thinking over and testing of consequences of specific strategies and measures as well as by confrontation with other strategies and results.

Fig. 1: Participant in the factory experimentation field Especially for the planning and design of factories the immersion, i.e. the dive in into the virtual world, discloses new possibilities to increase the efficiency of the development process. The clear and impressive visualization of the problem task and the different possible solutions can be used excellently for the development of alternatives. Abstract data and information which have been not comprehensible for the planner up to now and which are very important for the planning process can be visualized by insertion of icons and graphics as well as by using colors with different intensities. By it the degree of the visual perception of the user could be increased highly. This is in so far of importance as the human sense does


2.1 Virtual Reality as an user interface

To support these participative procedure the Fraunhofer-IFF pursues with its »Model-Shop


respond more creatively to pictures than to words or other sensory perceptions; 70 percent of the impressions which the human brain is picking up are things what the man sees, 25 percents are things what he hears and the last 5 percent of impressions are distributed to the other senses like smelling, touching and feeling (Hoffmann, 1996). By using Virtual Reality this fact can be made utilizable by visualizing every thing, i.e. objects, information etc., which should be noted by the brain.

Looking exactly on this procedure it could be notified that the working method within the experimentation field is divided into tow major parts. One is the »knowledge acquisition« part, in which experiences can be made and information defects are shown in an early stage. Through discovery and experience knowledge is generated within the virtual model to build up a knowledge database. The »knowledge utilization« part is to transfer the benefits, if needed, into the real system.

2.2 The model-based cognition process

The fundamental idea of the factory experimentation field of the Fraunhofer-IFF is based on the modelbased cognition process (Wiendahl, 1996). This process starts with the mode ling of the real system. To understand how the factory should be organized (organization units), how it should be run (operations, control) and how it should look (layout) an integrated modeling of the factory (plants and buildings) and the processes is necessary for a successful realization. For that purpose an universally valid and general model of the future factory will be created and visualized in Virtual Reality by extracting all necessary information from all the different models used by the involved planning disciplines. A homogeneous model results as a platform for the interdisciplinary dialog and the discussion of all participants. These VR-model serves as a common planning basis over all planning stages and can be used continuously for all involved disciplines (Mezger, et al., 1996).

Fig. 2: The model-based cognition process

3. Moo!FACT Basis of the factory experimentation filed of the Model-Shop Factory Design is the innovative software MOD!FACT, developed by Fraunhofer-IFF. The subrack panels suffice for projecting different layout variants up to the integrated organization of complex factories and plants, inclusive for the evolution of alternative development concepts within the framework of general development from the first one.

Because of the three dimensional visualization of these model by using Virtual Reality as an user interface all participants are able to enter the new building and facilities already long time before the realization and to have experience with the new factory even though it is not really existing. Due to this fact the observer has the option to give up his position as passive onlooker and to cause active changes. The observer can interact with and within the factory model. By seeing, hearing and feeling, the actor can discover and interpret the model and make decisions out of experiences. This allows the development of an information potential by verification through interaction of all participants. As a result, many knowledge carriers are linked into the extraction and the processing from information on decision-making, which leads for an efficient workmanship of distributed knowledge. Mistakes in the model are uncovered by common experiments and simulations. This allows to reach unambiguous statements and the derivation of unequivocal decisions. Interpreting these results, the model could be validated or the consequences transferred into the real system to improve it.

Fig. 3: Functionality of MOD!FACT Essential sign of MOD!FACT is - in addition to the effort of Virtual Reality - an integrated concept overall, that the usual procedure for layout design and improvement units with innovative methods for the formation of spatial-organizational structures to a continuous tool. In this case, improvement in the information and communication relationships is in the foreground in addition to the optimization of the flow of materials and an afterwards arrangement and structuring of the resources. Effects after this, according to the design of the building, one can vary and check it in a conditional manner. The results won in the respective stages are available for all planning stages.


tion flow) as well as on restrIctIons (formation of spatial-organizational structures) defmed by the user. With the aid of the usual procedures for layout planning and optimization, which are integrated in MOD!FACT, as well as with intuitive methods for structuring, the optimization of the material flow with arrangement of the resources on the one hand and the improvement of communication and information connections on the other hand are in the foreground. In addition, MOD!FACT has an integrated structure simulator which accepts the data from model formation and values them dynamically. The link-up of simulation and animation directly with Virtual Reality allows a clear and significant representation of complex processes. In the scenery, progressing processes not only can be judged by qualitative criteria but also be evaluated to quantitative factors. In this case, the use of Virtual Reality as an interactive user interface allows manipulating acting processes directly in the model. Modifications immediately become visible and can be analyzed and evaluated without further expenditure.

Fig. 4: Structuring with MOD!FACT Substantial part of MOD!FACT are specific intelligent model libraries, e.g. for resources, buildings, conveyer, in which all objects required by planning are filed. In addition to pure graphical data, further information as weight, load, hygienical stage or output as well as important details for planning like attractor fields and their strength are saved there. Within the framework of the separate planning states the corresponding objects can be called up by the user and brought by intuitive interaction into the planning environment. Essential relationships between the elements which result only on account of their arrangement can be determined and specified directly in the experimentation field. In this case, the selection and grouping of the objects is actively checked by MOD!FACT. So the system will not allow to the user to place e.g. a machine into a production field with adequate load or in which already are placed other types of machines with opposite attractivity respectively.

Fig. 6: Structure simulation with MODIFACT After structure generation the users has the possibility to interact with the objects directly in the experimentation field. Therefore he could change the layout as well as move or delete parts of the building, like walls or windows, to make better conditions for an optimal configuration. Manner and scope of interaction depends of implemented possibilities of interaction in Virtual Reality. In the same way he can create different alternatives. A specific effect in this case is, that all the time the structure simulator is running in the background. If the user modifies the situation or the characteristics and qualities of some objects direct in the experimentation field and/or he inserts new ones or deletes some, the effects are considered instantly in the process simulation. The user can observe immediately the effects of his action and receives for qualitative valuation the respective keys from the system.

Fig. 5: Library and object insertion with MOD!FACT After insertion of all objects structure formations begins. The orientation on that occasion is lying in the process tasks, which are defmed by different relationships (material, information and communica-


verify it together with all planning participants and to modify if necessary.

To sum it up it can be said that MOD!FACT provides an interactive factory experimentation field which allows by the aid of computer generic models in the technology Virtual Reality to activate learning processes by thinking over and investigating of consequences of specific strategies and measures as well as of confrontation with other strategies and results. Due to the intensive collection of information about the prevailing state of the system as well as the extensive acquisition of knowledge about the systems structure, the persons involved in the factory planning process are able to predict the future state of the system on the one hand side and to estimate the effects of practicable interventions on the other.

Fig. 7: VR-model of a honey production site 4.


Results - In short term succeeding workshops and in an iterative procedure (check up - modification check up - etc.) a precise and verified planning state was achieved, which was borne by all participants. A knowledge increase that led to a sufficient state of cognition at shortest time was implemented by the interpretation of the results elaborated into the workshops, to derive consequences for the organisation of the new factory and to take secured decisions within the framework of the current organisation process.

4. 1 Honey factory - Planning a new production site Objectives - Aim of this project was to support the design and realisation process for a new factory for the treatment of honey by the Model-Shop Factory Design. The models to be elaborated should represent the different solution alternatives worked out by all people involve to the planning process (architect, utility planer etc.) in an understandable way. They could be used like a platform for a dialogue between the different disciplines of planning in which new ideas could be discussed and worked out Moreover they should offer the possibility, to allow diverse experiments by modifications of partial aspects (moving machines, changing the material flow, etc.), in order to develop and correct the current models.

4.2 Pharmaceutical Enterprise - Redesign of a production unit Objectives - The goal of this project was in the redesign of an available production field of a pharmaceutical enterprise. A part of the production should be shifted into another already existing manufacturing hall. To increase the acceptance of a future solution as well as of its consistent transformation the present solution should be judged and improved by including the affected employees. The result should be a layout, elaborated together. In this case, the development of the motivation factor by integration of all employees was considered to be essential.

Realization - Modelling the new factory formed the basis for the common design of the factory by investigating every knowledge carrier as every architect, utility planer, plant supplier, decision maker but also the own employee. Therefore, the integrated illustration of the new factory was in the foreground in order to be able to represent the future situation vividly and to allow an evaluation with regard to building equipment, room use, operations and systems engineering.

Realization - For the carrying out of the project the relevant information (physical dimension of machines, operating cycles, necessary equipment etc.) for modelling was gathered and analysed, starting from the real system, by integration of the employees as soon as the goal were determined. The information and results fixed together with the employees represented the basis for modelling the future production field with the aid of the Model-Shop Factory Design and MOD!FACT. The level of detail necessary for model formation and the communication degree were defmed on this basis. In addition it was essential for an exact layout planning to generate authentic illustration with precise

Starting point for the model preparation was the reunion and preparation of the plans and of the information elaborated in the different planning groups. On the basis of this material, the generation of a first coarse model in V irtual Reality occurred. Therefore the planned building substance in connection with the already available buildings was to be visualised on the one hand as soon as to represent the required machines and plants in accordance with the planning state. In the following process of the project the information from the current factory organisation process was treated and integrated into the model correspondingly. The achieved planning state was valid to check it and to


D6rner, D. (1993). Die Logik des Mif3lingens Strategisches Denken in komplexen Situationen. Rowohlt Verlag, Hamburg.

dimensions. The VR-model was generated in such a way that it could be measured by means of communication of the shared team members on the formulated aims. Different solution scenarios were tested by communication of all shared collaboration with the model, whose results represented statements about the model. The interpretation of this results lead to consequences concerning the modelling of the future system.

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Fig. 8: VR-model of a pharmaceutical production unit Results - Due to the use of Virtual Reality as tool for factory planning a multitude of different layout variants could be generated with the help of the affected employees. Therefore it was important to represent the future concept in an easy understandable way and to give the participants the possibility to modificate the VR-model on their own. The overcome of employees inhibition could increase the motivation for co-operation significant. Because of the willingness to realise the experiment together the experiences and knowledge of every individual employee was integrated in the planning process. In contrast to the common planning process the use of Virtual Reality as tool for factory planning achieved more realisation and also more security in planning process.


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Daenzer, W.F. and Huber, F. (1992). Systems Engineering - Methoden und Praxis. Verlag Industrielle Organisation, Zurich.