Describes the development of s.e.c. (sand enveloped cement) shotcrete, whereby mortar is added to the aggregates at the r~zzle instead of water. The s.e.c, mortar was developed to produce maximum strergth, minimmu segregation ani bleeding, minimu~ strength variation and efficient fluidity when delivered by a pump. It is claimed that the method oveTcomes the weak points of the conventional dry and wet processes and the s.e.c, shotcrete should really be considered as a new material.
VIBROFLOTATION OF CALCAREOUS SANDS Ar~Iraws, D C; Mclnnes, D B Proc 3rd Australia-New Zealand Conference on Geomeahamics, Wellington, 12-16 May 1980, V1, P~5-52. Publ Wellington: New Zealand Institution of Engineers, 1980 A vihroflotation field trial was conducted on loose, calcareous sards in order to: (i) evaluate She effectiveness of the method in densifying urderlying, loose, silty saxrls, and (2) examine the impact of the vibrations on adjacent buildings. Results indicated little ground im~ovement occurred due to vibroflotation, the possible reason being weak cemented bonds between the soil particles ar~/or the development of liquefied sand zones.
Bolts and anchors 8251~
FULL-SCALE TESTS ON GROUND ANCHORS IN FINE SAND Davis, A G; Plumelle, C J Geotech Engng Div ASCE, V108, NGTS, March 1982, P335-353 A series of ground anchors of varying length were installed in a medium dense sand to sttrly factors influencing anther bahaviour ani load transfer. The anchor tie-bars, bulbs and the surroumdlng sand were instrmnented using strain gauges, load cells and marker bands. Step loading tests were carried out on the anchors. Critical anchor loads were found to increase linearly with anchor lergth. Creep curves were linear below the critical load.
OF MARINE ANCHORS WITH PLANAR FLUKES IN SAND LeLievre, B; Tabatabaee, J Can Geotech J, V18, ~ , Nov 1981, I~20-521
The embedment process for a marine a~mhor is discussed, including the role of each anchor component. An analytical procedure to estimate the holding capacity of a marine ancher with planar flukes as a function of soil properties and depth of penetration into the soil is then presented. Results fro~ this are compared with laboratory and published field tests. The method of aralysis is able to predict the relationship between holding capacity and depth of penetration, but not the ultimate holding capacity.
Model tests to investigate the behaviour of vertical anchor plates buried in clay and subJected to horizontal loads were carried out. The tests were done using different size plates at various depths. Development of failure surfaces during various stages of pull was observed in order to study the failure mechanism of the anchors. Results were compared with results from other investigators and with theories.
Grouting 825198 CHEMICAL GROUTING IN BISHOPSGATE Civ Engng, London, June 1982, P28 Presents a brief case histc~j fcr the construction of a building basement in Bishopsgate, London, UK. Chemical grouting was carried out to ensure safe excavation of the basement and to underpin the adjacent buildings. 825199 JET GROUT COMES TO UK CivEngng, London, April 1982, P66-68 Describes Jet grouting as a method of ground treatment. A high l~ressure air and water Jet is used to form a void at the base of a pre-bored hole. As the Jet is raised the spoil produced is brought to the surface and the void crested is simultaneously filled with a following Jet of grout.
825200 APPLICATIONS OF GROUTING Carleton# A W Civ Engng, London, March 1982, P25-33 Briefly reviews the uses of grouting: filling, s t r e r ~ e n i n g , and sealing (against leakages). These applications are then illustrated with several examples, b(f~h offshore and onshore.
Groundwater control 825201 GROUNDWATER CONTROL White, J K Civ Engng, London, Dec 1981 , P27-31 Two situations exist when groundwater control is required: when a foundation excavation goes below the water table in a saturated permeable material, and where the excavation is in dry impermeable strata overlying a saturated permeable material with water pressure enough to reach above the excavation level. Two approaches to groundwater control can be adopted: a physical cut-off (sheet piles or diaphragm walls) cr an hydraulic cut-off usir~ deep wells or well-points. Well-points are discussed in detail.
825197 MODEL
S~2UDIES ON ANCHORS UNDER HORIZONTAL PULL IN CLAY RanJan, G; Arora, V B Proc 3rd Australia-Ne~ Zealard Conference on Geomechanics, Welli~ton, 12-16 May 1980, VI, P65-70. Publ Wellington: New Zealand Institution of Er4~Ineers, 1980
Latham, J D Civ Engng, London, Jan 1982, P22-25 Discusses methods of soil (and other bourd and unbourd materials) compaction in use, with emphasis on the UK.