Transportation Research Part D 6 (2001) 179±198
Modelling of vehicular exhausts ± a review Prateek Sharma a, Mukesh Khare b,* a
School of Environmental Management, GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi 110 006, India Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, 110 016, India
Abstract A review of the air pollution studies carried out to study the dispersion of vehicular exhaust emissions (VEEs) has been made. The review includes the modelling studies in the domain, primarily, of analytical modelling ± deterministic mathematical models and numerical models, and statistical models. Various model performance evaluation and comparative assessment studies have also been discussed. Further, the studies conducted to model VEEs at the urban road intersection and urban street canyons have also been reviewed. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Line sources; Vehicular exhaust emissions; Analytical models; Numerical models; Statistical models; Street canyon; Urban road intersection
1. Introduction A comprehensive review of the existing status of the general atmospheric dispersion modelling of the pollutants emitted from various point, line and area sources was presented by Turner (1979). The air pollution from industrial and domestic sources, generally speaking, has markedly decreased due to passage of various Acts by dierent governments in most of the countries. However, there has been a substantial growth of road trac over the years and consequently, of air pollution caused by the vehicular exhausts, which is now been considered as one of the primary source of urban air pollution. Many studies have been conducted in the past to model the vehicular exhaust emission (VEE). Considering the magnitude of problem and, the importance of these studies, it becomes quite relevant to have an assessment/review of the existing modelling studies carried out in this area. Thus, the present study gives a review of the existing literature in the area of modelling of VEEs.
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2. Studies on modelling of vehicular exhausts 2.1. General The motor vehicle exhaust is the most predominant source of air pollution in the urban centres, the world over. As such many studies, ranging from simple measurements and reporting to sophisticated rigorous modelling exercise in complex urban environments, have been reported in literature. For instance, Waller et al. (1965) estimated air pollution in a city street; Chovin (1967) did the exhaust gas (CO) investigation in Paris; Clayton et al. (1960) studied the relationship of street level CO concentration to trac accidents; Fussel (1970) reported atmospheric pollution from petrol and diesel vehicles; the relationship between the highway and the ambient air quality has been reported by Noll and Miller (1975a,b), Noll et al. (1974, 1975). Kondo (1973) presented the eorts of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering (JSME) to develop an air pollution prediction system (APPS) around a trunk road or an intersection; Ellis et al. (1978) determined the vehicle cold and hot operating conditions for estimating highway emissions; Eccleston and Hurn (1974), Heinmillar (1978), Ostrouchov (1978), Chang et al. (1980) carried out studies to investigate the impact of ambient temperature on VEEs; Noll et al. (1977) reported an air monitoring programme to determine the impact of highways on ambient air quality; the characteristics of turbulence and dispersion of pollutants near major roads was studied by Rao et al. (1979a,b), Middelton et al. (1979), Brennan and McCrae (1988). McCrae and Hickman (1989) reported vehicular air pollution studies in complex motorway interchange and topographically complex locations; Ashdown Environment Limited (1989), a TRRL report gives a literature review of the perceived nuisances associated with VEEs; Eskridge and Hunt (1979), Eskridge and Rao (1983) discuss the prediction of trac induced turbulence and velocity ®elds near roadways. A number of case studies for various regions in dierent countries related to impact of vehicular emissions to the air quality have been reported by Longhurst et al. (1994), Heida et al. (1994), Suleiman et al. (1994). 3. Modelling studies The mathematical models are widely used to evaluate the air quality near the roadways. Many models have been devised to describe the pollutants from roadways (e.g. Beaton et al., 1972; Dabberdt et al., 1973; Ward, 1975; Darling et al., 1975). These models provide theoretical estimates of air pollution levels as well as temporal and spatial variations for present and proposed conditions. The estimates are a function of meteorology, highway geometry, and downwind receptor location (Noll et al., 1975). The models vary in complexity, namely from a simple Gaussian line source approach to numerical solutions of ¯uid dynamics equations (Rao et al., 1980). In the US, the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 initiated modelling of pollution due to vehicles. A number of highway air pollution models were developed in the early 1970s, such as CALINE (Beaton et al., 1972), EGAMA (Egan et al., 1973), and HIWAY (Zimmerman and Thompson, 1975). However, historically as far as modelling of vehicular air pollutants is concerned, the work of Sutton (1932) may be regarded as ®rst of its kind. Sutton (1932) presented an expression for the case where the wind is perpendicular to the in®nite line
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source (when a receptor is located close to a line source, then this source can be treated as an in®nite line source and the resultant diusion equation is greatly simpli®ed). Turner (1970) extended this relation to oblique winds when the angle between the wind and the line source is greater than 45°. Calder (1973) showed that Turner's equation gave incorrect results for very oblique winds. He derived an approximation formula, which he showed, gave accurate results for wind angles down to 15°. Prior to that, a model was developed by Csanady (1972) for ®nite line source but it is applicable only when the wind is perpendicular to the roadway. However, for ®nite line sources one must account for edge eects. Sutton (1932) and Mikkelsen et al. (1982) have done this for a wind-oriented perpendicular to a ®nite line source. But for a ®nite oblique line source (the general case) no simple solution to the diusion equation exists (Esplin, 1995). Since an explicit solution to the general ®nite line source (GFLS) problem is not available, it has to be approximated as a series of point sources. This point source approximation signi®cantly increases the amount of time required to run an atmospheric dispersion model for those cases where there are large number of line sources and/or area sources. Esplin (1995) presented a computationally ecient approximate solution to the GFLS problem of ®nite length and oblique wind angle, based on the work of Calder (1973) who derived the solution for the in®nite, oblique line-source problem. The solution is reported to be valid for wind angles greater than 15°; for wind angles below this value a point± source approximation is presented. Prior to that Luhar and Patil (1989) presented a general ®nite line source model (GFLSM), wherein by adopting a suitable co-ordinate transformation, the model could be used for all wind angles. Khare and Sharma (1999) evaluated this GFLSM for Delhi trac and meteorological conditions and suggested some modi®cations in the model. One of the popular models for estimating pollutant concentrations due to vehicles is a Gaussian dispersion model ± the HIWAY (Zimmerman and Thompson, 1975), developed by the US EPA. For an ``at grade'' road con®guration, highway emissions, according to this model, are considered to be equivalent to a series of ®nite line sources; each lane of trac is modelled as if it were a straight continuous, ®nite line source with uniform rate. However, investigations by Chock (1977a,b), Noll et al. (1978), Sistla et al. (1979)) and Rao et al. (1980) indicated that the EPA± HIWAY model overestimates pollutant concentrations adjacent to the highway. This over-estimation was found to be more signi®cant under stable atmospheric conditions and for parallel wind-road orientation angles with low wind speeds (Rao and Keenan, 1980). Peterson (1978) used the wind ¯uctuation data in a modi®ed version of the original HIWAY model, which speci®ed the dispersion parameters as a function of wind ¯uctuation statistics and found that there was signi®cant improvement in the model performance over the existing version of the HIWAY model. Rao and Keenan (1980) made some suggestions for improvement of the EPA±HIWAY model and presented a new set of dispersion curves applicable for pollutant dispersion estimation near roadways based on the data collected in the general motors (GM) study (Cadle et al., 1976) and in the New York State (NYS) study (Rao et al., 1978a,b). The study found that when the original Pasquill±Giord (P±G) curves used in the HIWAY model are replaced by these new dispersion curves and the aerodynamics drag factor is included, the performance of the HIWAY model improved signi®cantly. Later, Petersen (1980) presented an updated version of the HIWAY model ± the HIWAY-2, released by the EPA in May of 1980. The dierence between the original and improved version is that the latter model gives more realistic (lower) concentration estimates, due to updated dispersion algorithm. Instead of using the six P±G dispersion curves presented by
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Turner (1970), HIWAY-2 uses only three stability regimes (unstable, neutral and stable) for which new distance dispersion curves have been developed. HIWAY-2 allows the user to simulate multiple highways and multiple hours, thereby facilitating the modelling of intersection situations and the performance of sensitivity analysis. Chock (1978) developed a Gaussian based highway dispersion model ± the GM model, based on the experimental data obtained in the GM dispersion study on a test track (Cadle et al., 1976). This model avoids the cumbersome integration necessary for conventional Gaussian model that makes point source assumption but uses an in®nite line source approach and speci®es one dispersion parameter as a function of wind road orientation from the source. Another Gaussian based line source model is the California model ± CALINE (Beaton et al., 1972), that uses separate equations for calculating pollutant concentration under crosswind and parallel wind conditions. Later a series of improved versions of CALINE model were developed. CALINE-2 model, developed from the California model based on the Gaussian plume theory together with concepts of a box model, is described by Ward et al. (1977). The model assumes that pollutants are well mixed over the roadway upto ®xed height ± mixing cell concept, as assumed in the original version, but calculates concentrations dierently. CALINE 3 (Benson, 1979) is a state-of-the-art Gaussian Plume line source model that allows for the speci®cation upto 10 ®nite length line source and upto 20 receptors; it automatically sums the contribution to each receptor from each link. This model has features not found in the HIWAY models (Cohn and McRoy, 1982). Among these are explicit considerations of averaging time, surface roughness, deposition velocity, elevated highway sections, and mixing cell volume. CALINE 4 on the other hand uses semi-empirical solution to the Gaussian diusion equation (Benson et al., 1986; Benson, 1989). It is a computer-based model developed from tables and nomographs used to predict CO concentrations. However, it can now be used for several pollutants (CO, NOx , inert gases, and particulates) and in various road conditions including intersection, bridge and depression. The Gaussian equation used is based on two assumptions: a uniform horizontal wind ¯ow and steady-state meteorological conditions. These assumptions mean, its use in complex terrain, where wind channelling eects can occur, should be approached with care (Benson et al., 1986; Benson, 1989). The model requires meteorological data and mixing height. Pasquill stability classes are used with spreading coecients derived from a series of nomographs. It is primarily designed as a short-term model for calculating 1-h average pollutant concentration and thus requires hourly emissions and meteorological data. The development and application of these two later versions of CALINE model viz. CALINE-3 and ± 4 has been reviewed by Benson (1992). Carpenter and Cleman~a(1975) developed AIRPOL-4 model based on the techniques of segmentation in conjunction with an appropriate numerical scheme to evaluate the Gaussian integral. The roadway co-ordinate, according to this model, is translated onto a receptor co-ordinate system. The two co-ordinate system and this transformation have the advantage that they permit the Gaussian equation to be directly applied to each roadway point to determine the contribution of that point source to the pollution at the receptor. The model is capable of predicting concentrations for both upwind and downwind of a roadway at any desired sampling interval. The intersection midblock model (IMM) (EPA, 1978) is an operational regulatory model in the US that can predict CO concentrations at selected receptor locations which are based on line emission rates and hourly unit data. Extra CO emissions that are generated due to acceleration, deceleration or idling are also taken into account for various kinds of vehicles at the intersection. The dispersion parameters used in the IMM codes consist of the ambient dispersion
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and dispersion due to movement of trac which is obtained from the GM experiments (Rao and Keenan, 1980; Cadle et al., 1976). Hickman and Colwill (1982) of the Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), UK describe a simple and eective method of estimating pollutant concentrations around highways, which uses the Gaussian dispersion theory with empirical modi®cations so that it accurately represents the roadside situation. The inputs for the model have been con®ned to information readily available to the highway engineer, namely trac ¯ow, trac speed and road layout with simple meteorological data viz. wind direction and speed. This work followed the work of Hickman et al. (1979). Another method developed at TRRL uses a set of graphs developed from computer model and takes into account vehicle ¯ow, vehicle speed and distance of receptor from the roads (Water®eld and Hickman, 1982). Meteorological and other variables, which also have a large eect on pollutant concentrations, are not considered independently in this method because it provides an estimate of the maximum concentration likely to occur. Another screening model derived from a Gaussian dispersion model developed at the TRRL is the design manual for roads and bridges (DMRB) model (DMRB, 1994). It was developed to determine approximate pollutant concentrations for current and new road schemes. The model thus, indicates as to whether further air quality assessments are required or not. Initially it was developed to cover other pollutants with the assumptions that their dispersion will be equivalent to CO. Recently the DMRB and CALINE 4 model have been reportedly used for predicting concentrations of NOx at an interchange in UK (Burden et al., 1997). However, according to the study both the models are unlikely to provide satisfactory predictions of NOx levels due to trac volumes at the interchange. This is because of the speculative nature of future trac and meteorological scenarios and the uncertainties in predictions of known levels from known input data identi®ed in the study. Although a number of models exist for predicting concentrations under dierent atmospheric conditions and roadway con®gurations, there have been only a few experimental studies to provide a valid data base for model veri®cation (Sistla et al., 1979; Rao et al., 1980). In the ®eld experiments conducted by Stanford Research Institute (SRI), GM Corporation and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS), suciently detailed pollutant, trac, and meteorological data were collected to be used for model validation. Of particular value in these studies, has been the inclusion of tracer release experiments (Sistla et al., 1979). All three experiments were conducted on ``at-grade'' roadway in relatively ¯at terrain. A major contribution to the highway dispersion modelling came through the tracer experiments conducted by the NYS study along the long Island Expressway near Huntington, New York, reported by Sistla et al. (1979), wherein the tracer gas concentrations observed downwind of the line source have been compared to those predicted by numerical models (numerical models, commonly used for modelling vehicular air pollutants have been discussed below). The study also analysed the wind ¯ow characteristics adjacent to the roadway to identify how trac modi®es the ¯ow due to turbulent eddy generation and changes in eective roughness. The trace data collected from a well-conceived and controlled highway experiment conducted at the GM test facility (Cadle et al., 1976) in 1975 by the GMs with co-operation of Ford Motor, the Chryster and the US EPA are, however, regarded to furnish, for the ®rst time, an outstanding data set for model evaluation and validation (Rao et al., 1986). Many numerical models have also been used for modelling highway dispersion. Some of them have been discussed here.
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Danard (1972) developed a two-dimensional Eulerian model ± DANARD, which solves the mass conservation equation according to numerical methods outlined by Dufort and Frankel (1953). RAGLAND (Ragland and Pierce, 1975) solves the continuity equation for either of two classes (parallel or non-parallel) using an ecient matrix inversion technique using the same boundary conditions as imposed by Danard (1972) except that Danard's cross-road diusivity value is replaced by the more appropriate cross-wind diusivity. The model predicts concentrations for oblique and perpendicular cases by ignoring lateral diusion; for the parallel case, the model solves the equation in three-dimensions including lateral diusion. Kirsch and Mason (1975) developed the MROAD-2 model, which is also an Eulerian two-dimensional grid model that numerically solves the mass conservation equation. The size of the grid can be speci®ed by the user and model allows the existence of several line sources (all assumed to be perpendicular to the plane of the model), including elevated roadways. Pitter (1976) describes ROADS model, which is a two-dimensional conservation model. The model determines the steady-state concentrations of pollutants by numerically solving the equation (using the Lax±Wendro ®nite dierence scheme) governing atmospheric advection±diusion and chemical reactions. Another important model is ROADWAY (Eskridge and Thompson, 1982). This is a ®nite dierence model, which predicts pollutant concentration near a roadway. It assumes a surface layer describable by surface layer similarity theory with the superposition of the eects of vehicle wakes. The unique part of the ROADWAY model is the vehicle wake theory, which was originally developed by Eskridge and Hunt, and modi®ed by Eskridge and Thompson (1982), and Eskridge and Rao (1983, 1986). The model can also be used to predict velocity and turbulence along the roadway. ROADCHEM (Eskridge and Thompson, 1982) is a version of ROADWAY, which incorporates the chemical reactions involving NO, NO2 and O3 as well as advection and dispersion. It uses surface-layer similarity theory to produce vertical angle turbulence pro®les. Other relevant models are PAL (Peterson, 1978) and PALDS (Rao, 1982; Rao and Snodgrass, 1982). CAR±FMI (H ark onen et al., 1995, 1996a,b) is a road network dispersion model that models the vehicular sources and has been developed by the Finnish Meteorological Institute. A recent study (Karppinen et al., 1997) describes the application of this model in estimating the contributions from mobile sources in predicting the emissions, dispersion and chemical transformation of NOx in an urban area. A number of studies based on dispersion model calculations were carried out in the streets of Amsterdam by Heida et al. (1989, 1992). These studies used the Calculation of Air pollution from Road trac (CAR) model developed by the Dutch National Institute of Environmental Health (RIVM) and Dutch Institute of Applied Scienti®c Research (TNO) (Van den Hout et al., 1989) for estimating the CO and NOx concentrations in a number of streets in downtown Amsterdam. The CAR model has been extensively described and analysed by Eerens et al. (1993). The model has been tested calibrated on many occasions, not only in the wind tunnel experiments (Van den Hout et al., 1989) but also under street conditions (Elskamp, 1989; Heida et al., 1989). Corresponding to the US EPA HIWAY-2 model Petersen (1980), the Norwegian Institute of Air Research (NILU) has developed ROADAIR and CONTILENK models for open roads and NERI OSRM (Hertel and Berkowicz, 1989a,b,c) for street canyon, respectively, which are used to estimate sub-grid concentration close to roads within square grid. Thus, several dispersion models for motor vehicle exhaust emissions have been reported in the literature. However, only few dispersion models are applicable to urban streets (Kono and Ito, 1990a,b), and almost all recent extensive automobile air pollution studies including a large-scale ®eld programme have
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concentrated on highways outside highly built-up urban areas (Okamato et al., 1996). Studies carried out by Karim and Matsui (1995) and Karim et al. (1996) indicated that in an urban street canyon, the turbulent property of wind, which aects the trac pollutant concentrations, was very intricate to simulate. With the result that pollutant concentration became signi®cantly elevated under low wind speeds (worst case scenario). This might be due to the fact that wind data in real world were being collected at the meteorological stations which did not represent the street canyons or moving vehicle eects. In an another study, Karim and Matsui (1998) and Karim et al. (1998) developed a computer model consisting of wind distributions, emission dispersion and modi®ed Gaussian equation to identify street canyon and vehicle wake eects on the transport of air pollution from urban road microenvironments. The computer model simulates and analyses the wind ¯ow and their components in the street canyon considering a two-dimensional street canyon ¯ow pattern. Vehicle wake turbulence were also estimated in microenvironments. Subsequently, the turbulent parameters were integrated in Gaussian equations to estimate CO and NOx concentrations. Later in another study, Karim (1999) developed a trac pollution inventory and modelled dispersion of vehicular pollutants in an urban environment. An alternate category of models that are quite useful, especially in real-time, short-term forecasting are the statistical models. An attempt at predicting hourly and daily maximum CO concentration in the Los Angeles basin was undertaken by McCollister and Wilson (1975) using antecedent CO concentrations as predictors in a linear stochastic model. This one-dimensional model predicted extreme events poorly. Tiao et al. (1975) modelled the variations in CO in downtown Los Angeles by examining trac densities, wind speeds and inversion heights. Aron and Aron (1978) forecasted daily maximum CO concentrations throughout the Los Angeles area and found that preceding days' CO concentration, pressure dierences between nearby stations, surface temperature, day of the week, length of daylight, solar radiation and inversion height, were the most important variables. Jakeman et al. (1991)used a hybrid deterministic/stochastic model to predict seasonal extremes of one-hour average urban CO concentrations. Miles et al. (1991) discovered that the stochastic models are accurate in predicting high-percentile extreme events of vehicular pollutants in an urban area in comparison to the deterministic models. Bardeschi et al. (1991) noted the importance of times series of concentrations, emissions, and meteorological conditions during the hours prior to the high CO concentrations. Liu et al. (1994) used Monte Carlo simulation method to predict personal exposure levels to CO in Taipei. Glen et al. (1996) developed an empirical model of monthly CO for long-term trend assessment. The reviewed literature, however, reveals that the statistical models such as time-series analysis have scantily been applied for modelling air pollution where the primary source is vehicular exhaust. Karim and Matsui (1998) developed a stochastic method in an urban street canyon for predicting maximum concentration of CO and NOx in road microenvironments. The model takes trac data, emission rates, meteorological data, vehicle dimensions and canyon geometry. Fomunung et al. (1999) developed a statistical model for forecasting NOx emissions from light duty motor vehicles. The tree regression technique is used as a tool for determining relationship among variables in the data, with main focus on identifying useful interactions among discrete variables. Comrie and Diem (1999) developed multivariate regression models using variables and interaction terms related to anticipated nocturnal stability as well as time series of CO. The models were evaluated using a range of error statistics. It was found that the models provide accurate daily forecasts of CO with explained variances approaching 0±9 and errors under 1 ppm. Sharma et al.
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(1999) used the extreme value theory for predicting the number violations of the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for an urban road intersection where the primary source of pollution was VEEs. For the same intersection Sharma and Khare (1999, 2000a,b) used the BoxJenkins modelling techniques to, respectively, investigate the impact of a legislation to control vehicular pollution (intervention analysis); and provide short-term, real-time forecast of the ambient air pollution levels due to vehicular sources. Recently, statistical tools such as arti®cial neural networks (ANN), fuzzy logic theory (FLT) etc. are reportedly being used as an alternative tool in modelling the pollutants from vehicular trac. Some of the relevant studies are reported here. Raimondi et al. (1997) report an APM based on FLT, which allows to take into account model uncertainties and describes daily dynamics of a variable-dosage area product (DAP) ± representative of ground level pollution produced by vehicular trac in urban areas of complex topography. Air pollution being an imprecise and variable event, the application of FLT seems to be a valid tool for improving the description of air pollution and is an area worth venturing in for future research. Other applications of FLT in air pollution have been reported by Tanaka et al. (1992) and Bacci et al. (1981). Moseholm et al. (1996) argue that neural networks are an eective and ecient method for exploring complex relationships between trac, wind, and short-term CO concentrations near intersections. A neural network-based model for the analysis of CO contamination in the urban areas of Rosario due to vehicular trac has been reported to be developed by Drozdowicz et al. (1997). Gualtieri and Tartaglia (1997) have used a street canyon model for estimating NOx concentration due to trac. Garner and Dorling (1998, 1999) developed multilayer perceptron model for forecasting hourly NOx and NO2 concentrations in an urban area of London city. Tao and Xinmiao (1998) considered trac environment quality assessment methods in the context of their application as a part of the Anshan City's comprehensive transportation planning project. It involved applying multistage fuzzy clustering analysis, wherein after an initial setting up of an assessment system, assessment criteria, formulae for the sub-ordination function, allocating weights and modelling design programme have been established. 4. Model performance evaluation and comparative assessment Many models have been devised to describe the dispersion of pollutants from roadways. The degree of accuracy in simulating the temporal and spatial distributions of pollutant concentration depends, in general, on many factors, which have been elaborated in Benarie (1980), Juda (1989), and Zannetti (1990). A number of studies involving review, evaluation, assessment and upgradation of existing models have been reported in the literature. These have been discussed here. Noll et al. (1978) compared three idealised line source models ± EPA±HIWAY (Zimmerman and Thompson, 1975), the original CALINE (Beaton et al., 1972), and CALINE 2 (Ward, 1975) ± that predict CO concentrations near highways. The sensitivity analysis indicated overprediction by EPA-HIWAY model than the two CALINE models for oblique and crosswind conditions; for parallel wind conditions, the CALINE model was found to predict higher pollutant concentrations. A comparison of predicted and measured concentrations reportedly showed that all models overestimated concentrations for parallel wind conditions and underestimated concentrations for oblique and crosswind conditions. A good comparative account of Gaussian and numerical
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models can be found in Sistla et al. (1979) wherein the results obtained in the tracer experiments conducted by the NYS study (Rao et al., 1978b) are reported. The concentration predicted by four Gaussian models, viz. HIWAY (Zimmerman and Thompson, 1975), GM (Chock, 1978), AIRPOL-4 (Carpenter and Cleman~ a, 1975), CALINE-2 (Ward et al., 1977) and four numerical models, viz., DANARD (Danard, 1972), MROAD 2 (Kirsch and Mason, 1975), RAGLAND (Ragland and Pierce, 1975), and ROADS (Pitter, 1976), were compared with the tracer gas concentrations downwind of the line source. The simulation capability of each model has been discussed and the displacement parameters in two of the Gaussian models (GM and HIWAY) were compared to those obtained by solving the Gaussian equation for known source strength, meteorological conditions and measured concentrations of tracer gas. Of the models tested, GM and HIWAY reportedly performed better compared to other Gaussian models. The numerical models performed about the same as the above two Gaussian models. However, the GM model was reported to provide a better simulation for parallel cases than any of the other models tested. Rao et al. (1980) evaluated some of the commonly used highway dispersion models. The models evaluated were four Gaussian models, viz., GM (Chock, 1978), HIWAY (Zimmerman and Thompson, 1975), AIRPOL-5 (Carpenter and Cleman~a, 1975) and CALINE-2 (Ward et al., 1977) and three numerical models, viz. DANARD (Danard, 1972), MROAD-2 (Kirsch and Mason, 1975) and ROADS (Pitter, 1976). The data used in the analysis were the tracer gas experiment data collected by the GM Corporation, the experimental details of which are given in Cadle et al. (1977). The study revealed that for the given data set the model with the best performance in accurately predicting the measured concentration was the GM model, followed in order by AIRPOL-2, HIWAY, CALINE, DANARD, MROAD-2 and ROADS. The GM model however, was found to be skewed towards underprediction; HIWAY model was suggested to be useful as screening tool for regulating purposes since it had the highest percentage in the category of overprediction if the concentration data in the range of 50th percentile through 100th percentile are included in the analysis. Further, some suggestions for improvement were made in the then version of HIWAY model for the stable and parallel wind road conditions. Later, Rao et al. (1986) presented a statistical evaluation of the improved version of CALINE and HIWAY namely CALINE-3 (Benson, 1979) and HIWAY-2 (Rao and Keenan, 1980) and the ROADWAY model (Eskridge and Thompson, 1982) using GM tracer data. Comparison of the model predictions, paired and unpaired in time with measurements, suggested that HIWAY-2 and ROADWAY perform best, while the performance of CALINE-3 was reported to be acceptable. The application of extreme value theory (EVT) and the bootstrap re-sampling procedure to the modelled and measured data (unpaired) showed all three models capable of predicting extreme concentrations within the model performance criteria. Prior to that Rao and Keenan (1980) made suggestions for improvement of the EPA±HIWAY model, wherein the overestimation in the pollutant concentration for stable atmospheric conditions, especially under parallel wind-road orientation angles with low wind speed by the HIWAY model (Zimmerman and Thompson, 1975) was reported to be due to the trac induced turbulence near roadways, which the model's dispersion parameters did take into account. A use of modi®ed P±G curves that quanti®ed the nature of the trac induced turbulence and its in¯uence on the pollutant dispersion in the near ®eld was suggested. The results showed that the model performance signi®cantly improved when these new dispersion curves in conjunction with an aerodynamic drag factor, which in a rough way accounts for the change in the mean wind ®eld due to the moving vehicles are used in the HIWAY model. The
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performance of EPA HIWAY model was also assessed by Chock (1977a), Chock (1977b) and its various limitations and de®ciencies have been reported in Chock (1978). Yamartino and Wiegand (1986) developed simple models for the ¯ow, turbulence and pollutant concentration ®elds within urban street canyons. These models for ¯ow and turbulence were then used as input to a comprehensive urban canyon pollutant dispersion model ± Canyon Plume-Box Model (CPBM). The CPBMs performance was compared for CO concentration data with SRI street canyon APRAC sub-model (STREET) of Johnson et al. (1973) and MAPS model of Sobottka and Leisen (1980a,b) under the full range of meteorological conditions, and also with STREET under the full range of meteorological conditions for which the STREET model was speci®ed and designed. A comparison between SF6 concentrations and values estimated using the OMG VOLUME SOURCE model (Kono and Ito, 1990a) and three line source dispersion models ± JEA model (Japan Environmental Agency), Tokyo model (Tokyo Metropolitan Goverment, 1983) and EPA HIWAY-2 model Petersen (1980) ± was presented by Kono and Ito (1990b). The OMG VOLUME-SOURCE model was reported to provide the most precise and accurate representation of the actual gas dispersion. Okamato et al. (1990) undertook a comparative study of various estimation methods for NOx emissions from roadway. Chan et al. (1995) compared and evaluated some simple and popular air dispersion models for street canyons. The models were: the empirical model used in APRAC (Johnson et al., 1973), Guangzhou empirical model (GZE) (Qin and Kot, 1993), CALINE-4 (Benson, 1989), and the Parallel Wind and In®nite Line source Gaussian model (PWILG) (Qin and Kot, 1993). The study revealed that the models, in general, were comparatively accurate in predicting maximum ground concentrations. The accuracy of CO prediction was much in¯uenced by the assumption of vehicular composition, while the uncertainty of emission sources other than vehicular emissions was an important error source in predicting NOx concentration. 5. Air quality near urban intersection The air quality near urban intersections has been a subject of a number of publications (Kunzelman et al., 1974; Dabberdt and Sandys, 1978; Dabberdt et al., 1995). It has been observed that pollution concentrations are higher near trac junctions, where queuing occurs, than at the links (Claggett et al., 1981). This is because vehicles spend longer periods of time near junctions, in driving modes that generate more pollutants viz. queuing, decelerating or accelerating, than the steady cruise. Dabberdt and Sandys (1978) published a procedure for calculating CO concentrations near congested intersections. In 1985, Transport Research Board (TRB) developed a hybrid methodology (CAL3Q) based upon the signalised intersection analysis and the deterministic queuing theory (Nevell, 1982; Schattanek et al., 1990). Schattanek et al. (1990) revised CAL3Q to adequately model under- and over- saturation roadway trac scenarios, i.e. CAL3QHC. In 1989, the USEPA commissioned a performance evaluation of several methodologies that combined emission, trac, and dispersion models to identify the modelling approach that best estimated CO concentrations near congested intersections. The result of the evaluation showed that of the eight models tested, CAL3QHC performed well in predicting CO concentrations in the vicinity of a congested intersection (Schattanek et al., 1990). Claggett et al. (1981) presented a methodology for identi®cation of the air quality levels near intersections based on
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diusion model predictions with little supporting measurements of model validation. This study provided an analysis of CO data collected near a signalised urban arterial intersection. The model used in the study was the HIWAY model (Zimmerman and Thompson, 1975). Claggett and Miller (1979) reported CO monitoring and line source model evaluation study for an urban freeway and intersection prepared for the Illinois EPA. 6. Air quality in urban street canyons Some of the most severe air pollution caused by automobile emissions may occur along the road surrounded by tall buildings. This type of con®guration is called ``street canyon''. Air dispersion in street canyon is dierent from that in open ¯at region or a complex terrain region. The vertical and horizontal turbulence intensities, for instance, have similar values in the street canyon and are much weaker than those in open ¯at land (Qin and Kot, 1993). The scale of turbulence in¯uencing concentration ¯uctuation is limited in street canyons (Csanady, 1973). The ®eld studies by De Paul and Sheih (1986) provided a major leap in the understanding of the mechanisms by which pollutants are transported from street canyons under ambient winds perpendicular to the street. A research group from Stanford Research Institute (SRI) has been involved in studying the air pollution in this situation; Johnson et al. (1973) has proposed the SRI street canyon model for predicting air quality within a street canyon. Kondo (1973) presented the eorts of the JSME to develop an air pollution prediction system (APPS) around a trunk road or intersection (Okamato et al., 1996). Models for predicting pollutant concentrations within a street canyon have been developed by Johnson et al. (1971), Ludwig and Dabberdt (1972), Hotchkiss and Harlow (1973) and Nicholson (1975). The modelling of air quality at street, by Johnson et al. (1971) and Ludwig and Dabberdt (1972) was done by assuming that the wind speed at street level can be extrapolated linearly from the wind speed at the roof level, that the concentration for the downwind side of the canyon is linearly related to height and is proportional to wind speed and street width, and that the bulk concentration can be determined by dividing the source term by the product of street width and wind speed. The model developed by Nicholson (1975) calculates the mean concentration for the street level air as a function of the mean updraft velocity at roof level when a secondary ¯ow pattern develops within the street canyon (Hotchkiss and Harlow, 1973; Hoydysh et al., 1974). In the past two decades, simple models have been developed to simulate dispersion of vehicular emissions in street canyons, for example, empirical models (Johnson et al., 1973; Simmon, 1981), box models (Nicholson, 1975) and Gaussian dispersion models (Benson, 1989). However, vehicular exhaust emission is not a stable and continual source. Controlled by trac lights, trac ¯ow in urban streets exhibits platoon movements; vehicle emissions vary with trac and ambient conditions, which these simple models have not considered. More complicated models (EPA, 1975 EMFAC, California Air Resources Board, 1986; COPERT, Eggleston et al., 1989; Trinity Consutants, 1991) were developed taking into account more parameters such as ambient temperature, vehicle speed, mileage accrual rates, calendar year, and operating cycle. Chan et al. (1995) compared and evaluated some simple and popular APMs for street canyons. Other important air pollution studies in street canyons include Sobottka and Leisen (1980a,b), Potenta et al. (1982), Hov and Larssen (1984), Yamartino and Wiegand (1986), Hoydysh and Dabberdt
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(1988, 1994), Dabberdt and Hoydysh (1991),Kono and Ito (1990a,b),Qin and Chan (1993),Qin and Kot (1993), Eerens et al. (1993), Lee and Park (1994), Okamato et al. (1994, 1996). Yamartino and Wiegand (1986) developed simple models for the ¯ow and turbulent ®elds within an urban street canyon, which served as input to a comprehensive urban canyon pollutant dispersion model, named the Canyon Plume-Box Model (CPBM). The CPBM was evaluated using trac and pollutant data from an extensive monitoring programme; the paper also presents a comparison of CPBMs performance for CO with the SRI street canyon APRAC sub-model (STREET) of Johnson et al. (1973) and the MAPS model of Sobottka and Leisen (1980a,b). CPBM is reported to perform better than the predecessor models and contains no canyon speci®c tuning parameters that would inhibit applying it to variety of street canyon geometry. Hoydysh and Dabberdt (1988) studied the kinematics and dispersion characteristics of ¯ows in asymmetric street canyons. Based on the concepts developed previously by Yamartino and Wiegand (1986), Hertel and Berkowicz (1989a,b,c), Hertel et al. (1990) and Berkowicz et al. (1997) and Berkowicz (1998) developed a robust and simple operational model called operational street pollution model (OSPM). The OSPM model was successfully tested with hourly concentration of vehicular pollutants in selected cities of Denmark, Norway and Netherlands. A version formulated by Buckland (1998) was applied satisfactorily to two canyon sites in the United Kingdom. Many model runs were then made where street geometry, trac speed and trac ¯ow were varied. Subsequent to this Buckland and Middleton (1999) successfully used the results of the previous models runs in developing a street canyon nomogram, called AEOLIUS. Kono and Ito (1990a) presented the development of the OMG VOLUME-SOURCE model for use in concentration estimates from roadway emissions in the vicinity of urban street canyon situations. In the followup paper (Kono and Ito, 1990b), the performance of OMG VOLUME-SOURCE model was compared with three line source dispersion models viz. JEA model (Japan Environmental Agency, 1982), TOKYO model (Tokyo Metropolitan Goverment, 1983), and EPA HIWAY-2 model Petersen (1980). The performance of the OMG VOLUME SOURCE model was reported to be better than the other three models. Lee and Park (1994) developed a sound parameterisation scheme whereby the pollutant concentration in a city street canyon can be estimated from source term, meteorological conditions, and street canyon geometry using a two-dimensional, timedependent ¯ow model. Recently, a dispersion model aimed at forecasting NOx concentration due to vehicular trac within a street canyon has been reported (Gualtieri and Tartaglia, 1997) using the semi-empirical approach. The NOx model performance showed a precision degree comparable with respect to analogue semi-empirical models currently used to forecast inert pollutant levels. Prior to this, Tartaglia et al. (1995) developed and validated an urban street canyon model based on CO experimental data. Almost all recent extreme automobile air pollution studies including a large-scale ®eld programme have concentrated on highways outside built-up urban areas. HIWAY-2, CALINE-3 and many other roadway pollutant models were developed, not for road surrounded by buildings but for a highway of at-grade or cut-o sections (Rao et al., 1980; Rao and Visalli, 1981; Okamato et al., 1996). Liu et al. (1993) developed a practical air quality simulation model, which can be applied to a street canyon; the model contains two sub-models: one is a wind-®eld model, the other is a diusion model based on a Monte Carlo particle scheme. However, this model, a two-dimensional numerical model can be applied only to the cross-section of street canyon under perpendicular wind conditions. For complicated street canyon, two-step procedure is adopted, the details of which have been reported by Okamato et al. (1994). Okamato
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et al. (1996) have evaluated this two-dimensional model and compared its performance with SRI model and the APPs three-dimensional model; the predictive performance of this model is reported to be comparable to the SRI model and superior to APPS three-dimensional model.
7. Conclusions The passage of various Government Acts to control the source emissions from various industrial sources and the increase in the vehicular trac in the urban areas have brought an important shift with respect to the contribution to the urban pollution of various sources. Vehicular sources are now considered to be the predominant sources of urban air pollution. Air quality models can provide signi®cant insight to study the impact of the vehicular sources on the urban air quality. The role that APMs play in air pollution abatement strategies makes it all the more imperative that the models must give, as far as possible, reliable and accurate estimates of air quality in the vicinity of roads. A review of the existing modelling studies relevant to the VEEs was discussed in the present paper. The reviewed literature suggests that there have been very few applications of the stochastic modelling to model the vehicular exhausts. These techniques provide a useful tool, especially where the short-term real-time forecast is required and where the impact of certain ``intervention'', say in the form pollution control legislation is required to be studied. Further, statistical tools such as ANN and FLT provide an alternative to the conventional and classical dispersion models. Not much work has been done in this area and it provides an interesting proposition in the ®eld of vehicular exhaust modelling. Thus, for better model predictions a consistent model evaluation and further improvement by collection and critical assessment of various model comparisons with measured air quality are warranted.
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