Modern chemical processes. Vol. 4. By the editors of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1956. v + 202 pp. 21 × 29 cm. Price $5

Modern chemical processes. Vol. 4. By the editors of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1956. v + 202 pp. 21 × 29 cm. Price $5

Book Notices Catalysis. Vol. 4 . By PAULH. EMMETT. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1956. vi 570 pp. 15.5x 23.5 cm. Price $12.50. This 4th ...

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Book Notices

Catalysis. Vol. 4 . By PAULH. EMMETT. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1956. vi 570 pp. 15.5x 23.5 cm. Price $12.50. This 4th volume is of particular interest to the petroleum and coal industries. It is devoted entirely to the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, and covers such important topics as the hydrogenatiou of carbon monoxide and related reactions, methanation catalytic hydrogenation of coal and tar, and catalytic cycliition and aromatization of hydrocarbons. The first two volumes in this series cover all of the general approaches and the tools used to gain a better understanding of both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Volume 3 summarizes existing knowledge on hydrogenation and dehydrogenation. These have been described more in detail in THIS JOURNAL, 43, 446(1954) and 44, 320 and 777(1955), respectively. Other volumes, now in preparation, will cover the mechanics of reduction by hydrogen, oxidation, hydration, dehydration, halogenation, isomerization, alkylation, polymerization, cracking, decomposition, and many miscellaneous reactions. Chemists engaged in many different fields of research will find this series usually valuable for reference to all phases of catalytic processing.


to furnish information useful in orienting seniors and graduate students in research in organic chemistry. I t contains adequate descriptions of methods for the quantitative analysis and characterization of organic compounds. Semimicro methods are liberally employed, but macromethods are not neglected. The methods described have been selected from numerous articles in the literature and rewritten and modified so as to be of maximum usefulness to students inexperienced in analytical and characterization methods. References to the original literature are given a t the end of each chapter. The manual is divided into five parts covering general principles; analysis for elements; molecular weight determinations; functional group analysis; and problems. The book is further subdivided into thirty-nine chapters and a functional subject index is provided. This new laboratory manual should serve adequately as an introduction to an important phase of training for research in organic chemistry.

Modern Chemical Processes. Vol. 4. By the editors of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1956. v 202 pp. 21 x 29 cm. Price $5. This book is the fourth volume in a series preBiology of the Laboratory Morse. Edited by GEORGE pared under the auspices of the editors of Industrial D. SNELL.Dover Publications, Inc., New and Engineering Chemistry. It contains nineteen York, 1956 (Reprint of first edition, 1941). chapters, each of which is contributed b y authors viii 497 pp. 16 x 24.5 cm. Price $6. closely associated with the subjects covered. ReThis book compiled by the staff of the Roscoe cently developed chemical processes are described, B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory was originally beginning with their commercial-and technical hispublished in 1941. Because the first edition ap- tory and followed by descriptions of plant installapeared a t the beginning of World War I1 it never tions, process and operation of plants, and future attained widespread publicity or circulation. De- prospects. This volume, as well as those which prespite this, it deserves attention as a standard guide ceded it, will appeal especially to the practicing for biologists, biochemists, bacteriologists, pharma- industrial chemist and the chemical engineer. cognosists and others who have occasion to use laboratory mice in experimental work. The scope The Chemistry and Technology of Waxes. New 2nd of the book can best be indicated by listing the ed. By ALBIN H. WARTH. Reinhold Publishing titles of the thirteen chapters: the early embryCo., New York, 1956. vii 940 pp. 16 x ology of the mouse; reproduction; histology; 23.5 cm. Price $18. spontaneous neoplasms in mice; gene and chromoThe f i s t edition of this book was published in somes mutations; the genetics of spontaneous tumor formation ; the genetics of tumor transplan- 1947. Since then there have been many developtation; endocrine secretion and tumor formation; ments in wax research and technology. As a rethe milk influence in tumor formation; inbred and sult, the second edition has been greatly expanded hybrid animals and their value in research; para- and includes complete up-to-date information on sites; infectious diseases of mice; and care and the entire wax industry from the natural to the applied sciences. This information is supplerecording. The publishers have reprinted the 1941 edition mented by many new illustrations, charts, tables, and the purpose of this description is to indicate and literature and patent references. Chemists and others in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic that the book is available. industries who require a knowledge of waxes in their work will find this book an excellent reference The Examination of New Organic Compounds. By source. It brings together and collates much valuWALTERT. SMITH,JR. and RALPHL. SHRINER. able information not otherwise obtainable except John Wiley and Sons, Inc.. New York, 1956. by an intensive search of the original literature. vii 136 pp. 21.5 x 29 cm. Price $3.50. The book should also appeal to teachers of pharmacy This paper-bound laboratory manual is designed and graduate students engaged in research leading



