BOOK REVIEWS genesis; (2) thermointegrative function of the hypothalamus; (3) the role of central aminergic transmission in the thermoregulation and hibernation and (4) neuromuscular transmission in a hibernator.
Invertebrate neurons and behavior. -- C.A.G. Wiersma (Editor) (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1975, 90 p., $ 2.95).
411 An atlas of tumours involving the central nervous system. -- R.O. Barnard, V. Logue and P.S. Reaves (Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1976, 158 p., $ 54.00). This beautifully illustrated atlas includes examples of all types of CNS tumors, in addition to notes on cytological methods.
Micro-electrode studies of neurons from various invertebrates.
Leukemia and lymphoma in the nervous system. -- C. Pochedly (Editor) (C.C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill., 1977, 229 p., $ 23.50).
Interaction of brain cells and viruses. - - H . M . Shein (Editor) (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1975, 62 p.,
This monograph provides a review of the clinical relevant aspects of leukemia and lymphoma as they affect the CNS and the pathophysiological mechanisms which give rise to these clinical manifestations. Histopathology is discussed in detail and cytological methods for CSF examination are outlined; EEG is only briefly mentioned in one paragraph.
$ 2.95). Emphasis on the chronic or slow viruses and oncogenesis.
Dynamics of synaptic modulation. -- F.E. Bloom (Editor) (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1975, 96 p., $ 2.95 ). Studies on biochemical aspects of synaptic events.
Molecular machinery of the membrane. - - G . M . Edelman (Editor) (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1975, 63 p., $ 2.95). Cell interactions especially with toxins and also mechanisms at the cell surface.
Regulatoring biochemistry in neural tissues. -- L. Sokoloff (Editor) (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1975, 79 p., $ 2.95). Emphasis on protein metabolism and also neurotransmitters.
Hormonal factors in brain function. -- D. Pfaff (Editor) (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1975; 9 9 p . , $ 2.95). Studies on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis.
Biochemistry and behavior. -- S.H. Snyder (Editor) (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1975, 86 p., $ 2.95). Biochemical correlates of behavior emphasizing catecholamines.
Sensory isolation and personality change. ---M. Kammerman (Editor) (C.C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill., 1977, 310 p., $12.75). This report is on the status of experimental sensory isolation, as a possible therapeutic instrument and as a method of exploring the 'unconscious mind'. EEG is mentioned only twice, as a technique of determining if a subject is in a waking or sleeping state.
Modem practical n e u r o l o g y . - P. Scheinberg (Editor) (Raven, New York, 1977, 255 p., $ 9.95 (paper), $ 1 7 . 5 0 (cloth)). This little book is intended to make available to non-neurologists a brief and practical review of the principles of diagnosis and management of the important neurologic disorders. EEG is briefly mentioned on 5 pages and epilepsy has 10 pages of description. Dr. JOHN R. HUGHES, Department of Neurology, University of Illinois Medical Center, 912 South Wood Street, Chicago, Ill. 60612 (U.S.A.).