K. IKEHARA Marine Geology Department, Geological Survey of Japan, Higashi 11-3, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305 (Japan)
ABSTRACT Modern sedimentation off San'in district in the southern Japan Sea is discussed on the basis of the distribution of surface sediments, composition of sediments, bedform morphology and seismic records. The sediments are transported, by the Tsushima Current, eastward on the shelf and southeastward on the marginal terrace at the east of the Oki Islands and the Oki Ridge. The wave and current actions prevent mud deposition on the shelf. Muddy sedimehts are transported from the land over the shelf to the marginal terrace and are deposited above the marginal terrace and in the trough through the slowly flowing Japan Sea Proper Water. Low temperature and high oxygen concentration of the Japan Sea Proper Water forms the oxidizing bottom condition and dissolves the calcium carbonates in the surface sediments. Therefore, there is close relationship between modern sedimentation and oceanographic conditions. 1 Introduction The Japan Sea is a marginal sea between the Japanese Islands and the Asian continent. Geological, sedimentological and paleontological works have been conducted by many workers. For example, the genesis of the Japan Sea has been discussed by many authors in various fields of geological and geophysical sciences. Also on the surface sediments in the Japan Sea, there have been many studies (e.g. Maritime Safety Agency, 1949; Sato, 1961; Iwabuchi, 1968; Ikehara, 1989) and the size distribution of surface sediments have already been known. The oceanography of the Japan Sea has been investigated by many workers and the main water masses have been discussed (e.g. Yasui et al., 1967). Most of the Japan Sea water is homogeneous and consists of deep and bottom Water with temperatures of 0 - 1 ' C and salinities of about 34.1%~. In the southern Japan Sea, above
the deep and bottom water mass is a surface water mass which belongs to the Tsushima Warm Current (Asaoka et al., 1985). The main thermocline between these two water masses occurs at the water depth of around 200 m. These oceanographic conditions are very different from those of the Pacific side of Southwest Japan where a strong ocean current, Kuroshio, is prevailing along the coast. The difference in the oceanographic conditions may be clearly reflected on the modern sedimentation. Few studies, however, have been carried out regarding the relationship between sedimentation and oceanographic conditions such as currents, waves and sea water stratification around the Japanese Islands (e.g. Hoshino, 1952, 1958; Ikehara, 1988a). This paper reports the results of four geological and sedimentological survey cruises off San'in district in the southern Japan Sea. The surveys were carried out during R/V Hakurei-Maru cruises GH86-2(June-July, 1986), GH864(September-October. 19861, GH87-2(June-July, 1987) and GH87-4 (September-October, 1987) of the Geological Survey of Japan. At first, I shall describe the characters of surface sediments and bedforms distributed off San'in district. Next, I shall s h o w the relationship between modern sedimentation and oceanographic conditions. 2 Physiography and oceanography The major morphological features in the study area are the Oki Spar in the west, a marginal terrace, several ridges and troughs and the Yamato Basin in the north (Fig.1). The Oki Spar is a relief which extends in the north-south direction from the Shimane Peninsula through the Oki Islands and further to the north. There are three ridges extending east-northeastward. These are, from the south to the north, the Echizen Bank Chain, the Wakasa Sea Knoll Chain and the Oki Ridge. The Oki Trough lies between the last two ridges. The marginal terrace is a wide terrace 200-400 m deep. The shelf is narrow off Tottori with a width of less than 10 km at the narrowest part and is wide only on the Oki Spar. The shelf edge is about 140-150 m deep. A short but distinct slope forms the boundary between the shelf edge and the marginal terrace (Fig.1-b). The slope between the marginal terrace and the trough is 2-10". The southern Japan Sea water is divided lnto the surface water and the deep and bottom water at the water depth of around
Fig.1 Submarine topography of the study area (a) and cross section between A and B (b).
200 m (Fig.2). According to Asaoka et al. ( 1 9 8 5 ) . surface water with high temperature, high salinity and low oxygen concentration belongs to the Tsushima Current. The Tsushima Current inflows through the Tsushima Strait and flows eastward in the region of the present study (e.g. Kawabe, 1 9 8 6 ) . One of the oceanographic features of the Japan Sea i s the occurrence of homogeneous Japan Sea Proper Water (JSPW) having low temperatures (0-1 ' C ) , rather low salinities (34.0-34.l%) and high oxygen concentration ( 5 . 0 to more than 7.0 ml/l) (Suda, 1932; Nitani, 1 9 7 2 ) . The origin of JSPW is considered to be off the Siberian coast at the time of ice formation in winter (Nitani, 1972).
3 General remarks on the surface sediments and bedforms
The sediment distribution map (Fig.3) indicates a predominance of muddy sediments. In general, the surface sediments become finer in grain size with increasing water depth. That i s , sandy sediments are distributed on the shelf. Silt and clayey silt are present on the marginal terrace. Finer silty clay
Water Depth Om
autumn coastal water seasonal thermocline
0 min. layer
02 maw. layer
Fig.2 Schematic diagram of oceanographic conditions off Bay (modified from Asaoka et al., 1985). 133%
Fig.3 Median diameter distribution off San'in district. occurs in the trough. Brown clay covers the sea floor below the water depth of 1000 m. Sub-bottom volcanic ash layers of known age in core samples from the marginal terrace and the trough show
that the sedimentation rates were 10-25 cm/1000 years during the late Quaternary (Machida and Arai, 1983; Ikehara et al., 1990a). The percentage of clay fraction in sediments becomes higher with increasing water depth (Fig.4). Two inflection points are recognized in Fig.4. The first occurs at the water depth of 2 0 0 m and the clay content increases to 20-30%. Mud content also increases clearly at this depth. The second occurs at 800 m depth. Between the first and the second, clay content increases gently, but beyond the second point, the clay content is more or less stable at 60-70%. The characteristics of the grain composition of the coarse fraction off Tottori i s summarized as follows (Fig.5; Ikehara et al., 1990a). The dominant constitucnts of the sandy shelf sediments are quartz and rock fragments. Iron-coated quartz grains occur at a water depth of 50-110 m (mid-outer shelf). Ijeavy mineral compositions of the shelf sediments are classified
Mud content (%) Clay content (%) o
-j 7 000-
Fig.4 Depth distribution of mud and Tottori. Arrow with 1 or 2 shows the point.
clay contents offshore position of inflection
into two groups (Fig.6; Yokota et al., 1990). Group I contains hypersthene, oxyhornblende and brown hornblende and is distributed on the inner shelf. Group I1 is composed o f green hornblende, clinopyroxene and olivine and is distributed on the mid-outer shelf (Yokota et al., 1990). Sand grains of the surface sediments on the marginal terrace are composed of remains of several kinds of planktonic and benthic organisms, pumice, volcanic glass shards and quartz. Those of the trough sediments are composed of quartz, pumice, volcanic glass shards and bcnthic foramini fer s . Muddy sediments are diatomaceous, which are more clearly marked below a water depth of 700 m because of dissolution of CaC03. The assemblages of planktonic remains such as calcareous nannoplanktons (Tanaka, 19871, foraminifers (Oda and Ikehara, 1987), diatoms (Tanimura. 1981) and silicoflagellates (Shimonaka et al., 1970) are warm water assemblages living in the territory of the Tsushima Warm Current. The values of the oxidation-reduction potential ( O R P ) are
Fig.5 Province of the coarse fraction of the offshore Tottori.
Fig.6 Province of heavy mineral and the biotite distrtbution the surface sediments (modified from Yokota et al., 1990).
positive on the shelf and the trough, and negative on the marginal terrace (Fig.7: Ikehara et al., 1990a). Values of more than + 5 0 mV occur where the brown clay is distributed in the trough. Therefore, i t seems that the shelf and trough are now under oxidizing conditions but the marginal terrace is under reducing ones. Bedforms are observed only on the sandy shelf in the Oki Strait. I n the Oki Strait, three kinds of bedforms, sandwaves, megaripples and ripple marks, are recognized by the bathymetric survey using a 12kHz echosounder, sea floor mapping using a sidescan sonar and sea bottom photography (Ikehara et al., 1987: Ikehara and Katayama. 1987). The morphology of bedforms is briefly described below. Sandwaves have 50-490 m wavelengths, 1.6-7.4 m waveheights and 13-104.8 wavelength-to-wavehcight ratios. Vertical profiles of sandwaves show asymmetrical forms with steeper eastern slopes. Plan patterns of sandwaves show straight or gently undulating and rarely branched. The
Fig.7 Distribution of the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) anL brown clay (hatched area). wavelengths of megaripples are 8-20 m , but their waveheights are unknown because of their low relief. Plan patterns of megaripples are straight or weakly undulating and occasionally branched. Ripple marks are of straight form in plan patterns, rounded crest and 10-20 cm wavelengths. Geographical distributions of these bedforms are shown in Fig.8. Sandwaves are found at water depths of 70-100 m in the eastern part of the Oki Strait. Megaripples are distributed on the eastern side of the sandwave fields. Ripple marks are found only at one station in the Strait. 4 Discussions
4.1 Shelf sediments - relationship between sedimentation and wave and current conditions Coastal sediments in zones shallower than 50-60 m depth off Tottori are well- to moderately well-sorted sandy sediments
151 7
30 13
Fig.8 Bedform distribution in the Oki Strait.
(medium to coarse sand) or moderately to poorly sorted gravelly sand with little amount of mud and contain hypersthene, oxyhornblende and brown hornblende (heavy mineral Group I). Off the City of Tottori. well-sorted medium sand with little mud amount occurs. In shallow water, muddy sediments can be distributed where the amount of the suspended load supply is greater than that by the reworking by wave action (Saito, 1988). Therefore, present wave actions are strong enough to remove the muddy sediments from the bottom, which i s confirmed by low mud content in the coastal sediments. From offshore wave data measured at Tottori (Sugawara et al., 1986) and an equation for calculating the critical depth for sand to move in the wave direction (Sato et al., 1963). it i s found that medium sand is unable to be moved by the storm wave if the depth is greater than 40-50 m. This supports that present wave actions are able to agitate the sandy bottom sediments distributed in the coastal area. Depths of 40-50 m are almost equal the depths of offshore
mudline in the Sendai Bay (50-60 m , Saito. 1989a. b) and the Akita Bay (50-70 m, Saito, 1989~).Gravelly or rocky bottoms are recognized in the coastal area off Daisen Volcano and offshore area between the City of Tottori and Kasumi. It is thought that these are residual deposits due to sea bottom erosion by present wave action, because the depths of gravelly or rocky bottoms are almost equal to the depth of wave-base in Iceland (50 m. Sunamura, 1990) and to the critical water depth for bedrock abrasion which is the maximum water depth beyond that no abrasion can extend at a site off the Niijima Island ( 4 0 m. Sunamura, 1986), and because sandy sediments around the gravelly or rocky bottoms have been affected by storm waves as discussed above. The sand grains are derived from volcanic rocks exposed on nearby land based on heavy mineral compositions (Yokota et al., 1990) and may be transported by waves or wave-induced currents. Therefore, the coastal sediments are presently being formed and are distributed where the sea bottom has been influenced by storm waves. The shelf sediments on the mid-outer shelf are moderately to poorly-sorted sandy sediments (medium to fine sand) with little amount of mud and contain green hornblende, clinopyroxene and olivine (heavy mineral Group IJ). It is thought that they are old (relic) sediments because the quartz grains coated by iron oxides occur and finer modern sediments occur closer to the shore (e.g. in the Miho Bay). Heavy mineral content of these sediments is similar to that near the Oki Strait (Fig.6; Yokota et al., 1990). The geographical distribution of grain size of the surface sediments (Fig.3) and the vertical profiles of sandwaves at the Oki Strait as mentioned earlier (Ikehara et al., 1987) indicates eastward movement of the sediments. The sediment transportation direction inferred in this way is concordant with the direction of the current in the Strait (Japan Oceanographic Data Center, 1979) which is the first branch of the Tsushima Current (Kawabe, 1986). Therefore, the sediment transportation and bedform formation are certainly accounted f o r by a current related to the Tsushima Current. The present current velocity observed in the Oki Strait (Minami et al., 1984) is, however, only about 0.6-0.8 knots and is insufficient to transport the sand grains. Ripple marks are observed only at a limited area in the Oki Strait (Fig.8). Its occurrence in the Oki Strait is quite different from that where the sediment
transportation is active under present hydraulic conditions in European and Japanese shelves (Belderson et al., 1982; Ikehara, 1988a). That is, the bedform arrangement in the Oki Strait lacks in rippled sand sheet. The occurrence of ripple marks in the O k i Strait suggests that the currents are not strong enough to form the ripple marks. They are not strong enough, either, to form larger bedforms such a s sandwaves and megarlpples under normal flow condition because the velocity necessary t o form larger bedforms is greater than that of smaller ripple marks (Simons et al., 1965). Then, it is inferred that the sediment transport rate is small under present hydraulic conditions. On the other hand, little amount of mud fraction I n the shelf sediments show that the muddy sediments can not be deposited: the amount of mud removed by wave and current actions is greater than that of mud SUPPlY * 4.2 Deposition of muddy sediments - relationship between sedimentation and water stratification Muddy sediments are distributed on the marginal terrace and trough (Fig.3). A s mentioned above, muddy sediments from land can not be deposited on the shelf by wave and current actions. The Japan Sea Proper Water (JSPW) exists below water depths of around 200 m (Fig.2) and forms a quiet condition. The percentage of clay fraction in sediments increases at this boundary (the first inflection point in Fig.4). Therefore, muddy sediments transported to this zone begin settling down, whereas
s e d i i n t input
Fig.9 Schematic district.
of mud
finer clay particles are transported farther from land. A s a result the sediment particles become finer with increasing water depth Fig.9). P anktonic remains (foraminifers, diatoms, calcareous nannoplanktons, etc.) which were living in the surface water (the Tsushima Warm Current water) settle down to the bottom. Therefore, terrigenous muddy sediments and planktonic remains constitute the hemipelagic mud distributed on the marginal terrace and the trough (Fig.9). The calcium carbonate compensation depth (CCD) in the Japan Sea (about 2 0 0 0 m) is shallower than that in the Pacific (Ichikura and Ujiii?. 1976). This estimate is based on the preservation of calcareous fossils in the surface sediments. In the study area, calcareous planktonic remains such as calcareous nannoplanktons and planktonic foraminifers are absent or very poorly preserved where the water depth is deeper than 700-1000 m (Tanaka, 1987: Oda and Ikehara, 1987). Also, benthic foraminifers change their assemblages from calcareous assemblage on the marginal terrace to the agglutinated assemblage on the trough (Nomura and Ikehara, 1987). Brown clay layer distributed in the trough below 1000 m is considered to be the oxidizing layer from its colour and high ORP (Fig.7). The bottom layer of JSPW located deeper than 2000 m has highest oxygen concentration in the JSPW (Gamo et al., 1986). Although the water depth of brown clay is shallower than that of the bottom layer, the low temperature and high oxygen bottom layer of JSPW makes the oxidizing layer and dissolves calcium carbonates. 4.3 Lower limit of the influence of the current As
the Tsushima Current flows in the surface water, i t is believed that the current can not affect the bottom sediments below about 2 0 0 m depth. The sandy sediments, however, are distributed on the marginal terrace to the east of the Oki Islands (Fig.3). which indicate the southeastward transportation of the sediments. The transportation in the same direction is found in the distribution of biotite east of the Oki Islands (Fig.6: Yokota et al., 1990), in the distribution o f the turbid bottom water zone on the marginal terrace observed by sea bottom photography and in the distribution of the volcanic glass shards from the western part of the Oki Ridge to the Oki Trough in the composition of sand grains (Fig.5; Ikehara et al.. 1990a). Since
Japan Oceanographic Data Center (1979) shows that the surface current (the Tsushima Current) flows southeastward in this area, the transportation is probably due to the current related to the Tsushima Current. On the western end of the Okl Ridge (st.196 in Fig.51, water depth: 557 m , the volcanic ash layer named the Aira-Tn Ash (AT) was deposited during the last glacial age (22000 years B.P.. Machida and Arai, 1983) just beneath the sea bottom (18cm from the sea bottom, Ikehara et al.. 1990a). This fact shows the sea bottom have been eroded since the inflowing of the Tsushima Current to the Japan Sea at 10000 o r 8 0 0 0 years B . P . (Oba, 1987). Sediment accumulation on the marginal terrace and in the trough Muddy sediments are deposited in the sedimentary basins which have various shapes and sizes on the marginal terrace and the troughs. These basins have been formed by local tectonic movements. The largest basin on the marginal terrace is located offshore of Kasumi (Fig.10). In general, each sediment layer recognized in seismic records (Fig.1 1 ) becomes thicker offshoreward reflecting the northward tilting movements (Yamamoto et al.. 1.989).Although the sediment layers are deposited from homogeneously suspended water mass and become thicker with 4.4
Fig.10 Depth terrace.
of the first reflector
Fig.11 Typical example Of the seismic (3.5kFlz) record on marginal terrace. Note the scdimentary layer between the bottom and firct reflector becomes thicker northward.
the sea
jncreasing water depth (Inouchi, 3 9 8 8 ) , here, tectonic movcments probably excrt stronger influence on the offshoreward Change in the thickness of a scdimentary layer than cedimentological processec. Thic is inferred from the fact that the geographical thickness distributions in each sedimentary layer are more concordant with the geological structures such as depth of the acoustic basemcnt rather than the water depth. Also, all of scdimentary unitc deposited after the Miocene become thicker offchoreward (Yamamoto et al., 1989) and then. the thicknecses of thc sedimentary layerc müy be controlled by tectonic movcments after the Mioccne (Yamamoto et al., 1989). In modern environments, most of terrigenous Sediments, espccially coarser than silt particles are trapped in the basinc on thc marginal terrace and only clay is transported to the deeper trough. Seismic records obtained from the Oki Trough chow a remarkable development of acoustically chaotic layers (Yamamoto et al., 1989; Ikehara et a l . , 1990a. b), which are formcd b y slope failures between the marginal terrace and the trough and are submarine debris flow dcposits (Nardin et al., 1979; Damuth, 1980; Chough et al., 1985; Ikehara et al., 1990a, b). The triggering mechanism of these slope failures ic considered to be the differential tectonic movements between the acoiistic bacements (ridges) and sedimentary layerc (basinc) (Yamamoto et al., 1989; Ikehara et al., 1990b). The tectonic movements are closcly related to the filling up processes of the Oki Trougti. 5 Summary
There are close relationships between modern sedimentation and oceanographic conditions such as wave, current, water stratification and water properties in the southern Japan Sea (Fig.12). That is, the Tsushima Current transports the sediments eastward on the shelf and southeastward on the marginal terrace east of the Oki Islands and on the Oki Ridge. Wave and currcnt actions prevent mud deposition on the shelf. Muddy sediments are deposited under quiet condition of the JSPW. The low tcmperature and high oxygen concentrated bottom layer of JSPW forms the oxidizing condition and dissolves the calcium carbonates in the surface sediments in the trough. On the other hand, local tectonic movements are forming the sedimentary basins and are closely related to the filling up processes of the trough. A s mentioned first, on the Pacific side of Southwest Japan, a strong ocean current, Kuroshio, is prevailing along the coast and makes a quite different sea condition. Modern sedimentation of the Pacific shelf, slope and basin is highly influenced by the Kuroshio (Okamura et al., 1986; Ikehara. 1988a, b , 1990). The difference of the oceanographic conditions are clearly reflected
by wave and curre
Fig.12 Schematic representation of the mcdern sedimentation off San'in district.
158 on the modern sedimentation. For example, the distribution of sandy sediments is limited on the shelf and the bedforms are poorly developed in the Japan Sea where the current flows slowly along the shelf, while the sandy sediments are widespread from the shelf to the upper slope and several types of bedforms are found in the Pacific where the strong current is prevailing along the shelf. Regarding further work, the comparative study of modern sedimentation in different oceanographic environments would provide the most important clues to understanding the marine sedimentology around the Japanese Islands. Acknowledgements I express my hearty thanks to the officers, crew and scientists of the R/V Hakurei-Maru for kind help throughout the surveys. I am grateful to Dr Yoshihiko Shimazaki of Nikko Exploration and Development Co. for his critical reading of an early version of the manuscript. Thanks are due to Dr Masafumi Arita and Mr Yoshiki Saito of the Geological Survey of Japan for their instructive discussions and encouragement. I would like to thank Prof Hiroshi Machida of Tokyo Metropolitan University for identification of volcanic ash and Mrs Hirofumi Yamamoto, Hajirne Katayama and Mikio Satoh of the Geological Survey of Japan for their cooperation in the field and laboratory works and fruitful discussions. Acknowledgements are also due to anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions. This work was supported by the special research program, "geological mapping on the continental shelf areas i n Japan". of the Geological Survey of Japan. 6 REFERENCES
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