1004 the Krebs cycle was poisoned the animal’s resistance was better than he that mice and men were different, but he likewise depressed. Therefore it...

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1004 the Krebs cycle was poisoned the animal’s resistance was better than he that mice and men were different, but he likewise depressed. Therefore it seemed that the observed justified the choice of a different animal when the change in susceptibility might be explained by (a) lack of question to be answered by the experiment was specific cellular glycogen, or (b) decreased glycogenolytic activity and sufficiently limited. by the cell, or (c) lowered levels of polycarboxylic acid in the tissues. All these effects led to impaired clearingNew Inventions power of the reticulo-endothelial system, decreased bactericidal power of the tissues, and decreased resistance A MODIFIED THROAT SPRAY to bacterial toxins. Impaired antibody formation could not be cited, for mice had no natural immunity to IN throat sprays used for spraying the throat before Friedlander’s bacillus. endotracheal intubation or instrumentation, the bulb Professor Dubos made three Summing up, points : is joined to the nozzle by a flexible tube, with the result operator has to use both hands, and may need (1) susceptibility to infection in mice can change rapidly services of an assistant. The throat spray illustrated the a result of various the effect is in as stresses ; (2) rapid and and the factors cononset, (3) rapidly reversible ; cerned seem to be independent of those taking part in the host’s normal physiological processes. Prof. A. A. MiLES discussed the vascular phenomena during the earliest stages of infection. He had found that the local reaction to the subcutaneous inoculation of organisms could be abolished by adrenaline, and that if this was done survival of the inoculum was enhanced tenfold. The effect could be obtained only if adrenaline was injected locally within four hours of the bacterial inoculum. Similar results were observed when the complement was inhibited by’Liquoid.’ When the here can be operated single-handed. It is simple and experiments were repeated using the vole bacillus, adren- sturdv in construction, inexpensive, and effective. The aline was found to have little effect, but liquoid greatly nozzle is long enough to be introduced between the enhanced survival in the local lesions. By using histamine vocal cords for local preparation of the trachea. The or a globulin permeability factor the local lesion was Macintosh-type container keeps the volume of local anaesthetic within safe limits and has the additional reduced in size to that of one produced by a tenth of the advantage of being unbreakable. With a shorter nozzle, inoculum in untreated animals. the spray should also prove valuable in otolaryngology. Dr. D. A. LONG spoke on hormone balance in allergy The instrument can be obtained from Medical & Industrial and immunity. He emphasised the importance of choosing Equipment Ltd., for whose cooperation I am grateful. a laboratory animal which showed similar immune and MARK SWERDLOW allergic reactions to man and which responded similarly to hormones, if the results were to be extended to man. Manchester M.D., B.SC. Mane., Mane., F.F.A. R.C.S., D.A. He described a series of experiments by which he had MODIFICATION OF HUMBY KNIFE shown that the guineapig was a suitable animal. He went on to show that significant variation in allergic response THERE have been several modifications of the original was obtained with several hormones. Anti- and proHumby knife, with the aim of making it lighter and diabetic factors exerted an effect, and significant desensienabling the blade to be readily replaced and adjusted. In a new model, made at my suggestion by Messrs. tisation of tissues had been obtained with a recently Hanburys, these modifications have been isolated and quick-acting thyroid derivative. Sensitivity Allen & combined, and in this model the instrument need not be to tuberculin could be related inversely to blood-sugar dismantled to replace the blade. Ease of sterilisation and levels, and partial pancreatectomy prevented the storage havealso been considered. increased response seen after treatment with thyroxine, This new modified Humby knife is light and well which therefore acted through the islets of Langerhans. balanced. Adjustment between the roller and the blade He concluded that immunity was probably due to the from 0-01 mm. to 1-0 mm. is made by two knurled balance between insulin and cortisone at anyone time. collars (A) mounted on the back of the knife. The blade, Dr. G. G. MEYNELL discussed the protective function of the gastrointestinal tract against infection. He had found that Salmoiiella typhintitriiinb was killed at pH2 in two to three minutes. He had also shown that if the gastro-intestinal flora in mice were modified by the administration of streptomycin, their resistance to an oral dose of S. typhimurium was decreased, and also that the organisms given by mouth could be recovered from the large gut. This type of effect might be important 61/4 in. long, is of the wafer-razor type and is locked in man. securely in a leaf-spring holder (B). To fit a new blade is only necessary to move a safety catch (c), open the During the discussion, Dr. BRIAN LACEY wondered it and insert the blade under the roller, and replace’ leaf whether sufficient attention had been paid to the genetic the safety catch. and sex of the mice and Dr. A. constitution, age, used ; The knife without the blade can be sterilised by Felix, F.R..s., asked whether Professor Dubos’s results boiling, without risk of damage, and the blade sterilised were to be explained solely in terms of local cellular in the same manner as the standard interchangeable effects, or whether antibodies could account for some of scalpel blades. Since the blade can be fitted and removed them. Professor DUBOS felt that all the observed effects quickly and easily, no protective cover is necessary for sterilisation or storage. were probably mediated through a common channel, FENTON BRAITHWAITE which facilitated both local tissue reactions and antibody O.B.E., M.A., M.B. Camb., the results of of the On question applying response. M.SC. Mane., F.R.C.S. Victoria Infirmary, Royal animal experiments to man, he said that no-one knew Plastic Surgeon Newcastle upon Tyne

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