Constants of Nitric Oxide Infrared Spectrum*
the Near
We are grateful to James L. Griggs of The Ohio State University for calling our attention to an error in the oleB terms of Eqs. (9) as they appeared in a previous paper (1). The eqrlat ioIls sh~~uld read :
AGI(z’) = V(,,CI,I+ v(--,201 l’ ,A + Ly,B + %zl); for Q;:!
AGz(o) = Y(“.o)s + z~(+>aa,~ -
+ wd.
The va111es of the vibrational constants listed in Table V of the paper (1) were originall) ralcrdated from the above equations and thus need not be recalculated. We have recently discovered that Dr. Chung’s perturbation treatment, which was tlsed to obtain the U dependence in Eqs. (8) of the previous paper (I), is not completely valid. ITsing the D dependence given by Favero, Mirri, and C;ordy (2) we have recalculated the B, and the .-L, The new values are well within the simultaneous confidence intervals of the values reported and are therefore not given here. (For example, the reported vallle of & for Xl40 was 1.69628 & 0.00013 and the corrected value is 1.69R2B f 0.00013.) REFERENCES I. RI. 11. 0~x1.4~. M. DOMINIC MCXELIS, AND C. I>. HAUSE, J. MO/. Spectry. 14, 62 (19&$). B. I’. (:. F~VEFV,, ,4. M. MIRRI, AND W. GORDY, Phys. Rev. 114, 1534 (1959).
Lkpurtment of Physics, Michigan State (Tniversity, h’ast Lansing, Michigan Received July 2, 1966 * SlIpported
in part
by a grant
from the National