Chemical Fhysics 69 (1982) 155-163 Korth-Holland PubIishinr Company
Received 19 November 1981; in tinai form 22 March 1982
A new mokcula~ dynamics method is described which enables the simultaneous simulation of hard sphere collisions in the presence of “soft” forces. Calculations show that the Debye-Hiickel theory, DHX, describes well the equation of state of clzrged hard spheres up to an equivalent electrolyte concentration of 1 hf. This results from a cancellation of errors, rather than the validity of the underlying assumptions. Better agreement for higher concentrations up to 2 M is obtained with previous Mor.teCarlo simulationsand higher order theories such as MSA and HNC. A two-. three- and four-particleresolution of the specificheat revealsthat the four-ptiicle tern is mainly responsible for the poor statistin of this quantity. Below3 M s&diffusion is well describedby Enskog’stheory. However,there is an approximately 15% detiatiop. from the NernstEinstein equation.
1. Introduction The computer simulation techniques of molecular dynamics, MD, and Monte Carlo, MC, have been used to investigate the thermodynamic and dynamical properties of ionic solutions [1,2] . There are technical problems associated with the MD calculations that do not arise with the simulation of the pure solute (i.e. a molten salt) [3]. As the reorientational motions of the water molecules are much faster than simple translation of tha species, tie solute and solvent evolve on essentially two different time scales. As a result, the satisfactory exploration of phase space is computationally expensive. Heinzinger and co-workers [!] have simulated aqueous alkali halides by MD using a five-interaction centre model for the water molecule. The combination of light and heavy mass centres necessitated a time step of duration 2 X IO-l6 s, which is roughly an order of magnitude smaller than iS normally used in MD [3] _ The model solutions were evoived for only several picoseconds and consequently a limited region of phase space was explored. As the atomic masses do not enter expiicitly in the procedure for MC equilibration better statistics can be achieved [2]. The limitations on MD simulation are being overcome, however, with the use of array processors 141, which can achieve an order of magnitude in-
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crease in simulation time and the development of simpler effective three interaction centre models for water [S] , in which a time step equivalent to I X IO-l5 s can be used. A less rigorous model for ionic solutions has been implemented which permits a more acceptable MD time step of 4 X IO-l5 s by eliminating the atomic components of each solvent molecule [S] _The ionic species interacted together with soft short range potentials and in addition each solute ion was subjected to a stochastic force in order to represent the random buffetings of the solvent molecules. Although it is doubtful whether it was valid to use brownian dynamics for solute and solvent particles having similar masses. In this work the process of simplifying the solvent LTcontinued further 2s the aim is to assess only those effects produced by the solute-solute Coulomb interactions on the thermodynamic and dynamical behaviour of the ions in solution. The solvent is represented by a cont*buum of uniform dielectric constant and zero viscosity. It is obvvous that this gross over simplification invalidates any attempt to calculate absolute thermodynamic and dynamical quantities of the reai system. However, as the solvent-solvent and ion-solvent interactions are aIso present at Siiite dilution then, to a first approximation, they should not contribute appre-
ciably to those changes on the solution’s thermodynamits and dynamics which are introduced only by the solute-solute Coulomb interactions. Debye and Hiickel proposed a model for dilute eIeCuol_yte solutions which accounts satisfactorily for the deviations from ideal behavioru for concentrations below ~1 molar, mainly in terms of the electrostatic solute-soInte interactions [7]. They represented the complex system of ions and polar solvent molecules by a distribution of hard spheres with point charges at their centres which move in a continuum with a uniform dielectric constant. In order to express analytically the statistical mechanics of this restricted primitive model, RPM, system certain mathematical approximations were made [i] _ The effectiveness of these assumptions for this system has been tested by Monte Carlo calculations [8,9] which numerically determined the equation of state of the particles. This is continued here with the complementary method of molecuIar dynamics, which also enables an assessment of the effect of the Coulomb forces on the dynamics of the RPM model in the dilute regime to be made. Here an infinitely hard repulsive interaction is favoured as it ciearly distinguishes between the success of the mathemztical approximations in the Debye-Hiickel theory (and its related succe~ors [9]) and the uncertainties of the ion-solvent interaction. Any softer repulsive interaction would be arbitrary and would obscure the effect of the electrostatic contributions. In addition, the length of the time step is determined primarily by the form of the repulsive part of the potential, as the degree of energy conservation is used as the criterion. Hard spheres do not contribute to the potential energy. Thus a much larger time step of 25 X IO-l4 s becomes acceptable ar,d enables a greater region of phase space to be covered. Any more realissic solvent which accounted for its granularity would limit the number of model ions in the MD cell and would require a parallel dynamical evolution. Also the time step would necessarily be =10-i’, s. Such a solvent representation would produce poorer statistics for the solute behaviour and would be a costly indulgence. This is particularly important for ion self-cliffusion coefficients which decrease in real solutions by only severai percent over the concentration ranges studied below [lo,1 I] _ In order to perform these calculations, two methodologically different forms of MD have been combined in the same MD program. This allows the perfectly elastic
collisions ofhard spheres to take place While also eva& uating the forces and velocity changes due to a smoothly vargig continuous interaction potential. The details of the model and its computational implementation are discussed in the next section.
2. The model A cubic MD cell of volume Vcontained N hard spheres of diameter o; N/7, with charge +q and N/2. with charge -q. The RPM potential energy between particles i andj separated by a distance r is, q&(r) = Z,ziEor-1 , r>l7; 0)