Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1998)
Monadic second-order logic, graph coverings and unfoldings of transition systems Bruno Courcelle”, *, Igor Walukiewiczb%’ aLaborutoirr d’ hf&mutiyur bInstitute
of’ Infbrmutics.
(LaBRI), UniorrsitP Bordeaux I, 351, Cows de lu Lib&ration, F-33405 Tulence Cedex, Frunce Wursaw Unicersity, Bunacha 2. 02-097 Wursuw. Polund 18 July 1995; accepted
25 September
We prove that every monadic second-order property of the unfolding of a transition system is a monadic second-order property of the system itself. An unfolding is an instance of the general notion of graph covering. We consider two more instances of this notion. A similar result is possible for one of them but not for the other. @ 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Kqword~: Second-order Graph covering
logic; Rabin automaton;
Infinite tree; Semantics;
AMS cluss~jicution: Primary: 68455; secondary: 03C80, 03C85
1. Introduction A transition
system is a directed
the graph are called transitions can be seen as an abstract
graph (satisfying
some conditions);
the edges of
and its vertices are called states. A transition
form of a program,
and the infinite
tree obtained
system by un-
folding (or unravelling) of it can be seen as its behaviour. Since transition systems and their behaviours can be represented by logical structures, one can express their properties by logical formulas. We consider here monadic second-order logic (MSOL) as an appropriate logical language because it subsumes many other formalisms, like the kl-calculus in particular
or temporal
logics (see [6, 9]), and it is decidable
on infinite binary trees (by Rabin’s
on many structures
see [14]).
* Corresponding author. E-mail:
[email protected]; intemet: ‘courcell/ActSci.html. ’ Partially supported by Polish KBN grant No. 2 P301 009 06. Part of this work was done at Basic Research in Computer Science, Centre of the Danish National Research Foundation. 0168-0072/98/$19.00 PII SO 168-0072(
@ 1998 Published 97)000481
by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
B. Courcelle, I. Wulukiewicz I Annuls of’ Pure and Applied Loyic 92 (1998) 3542
We consider transition
the following
from Courcelle
[4]. Suppose 9 is a class of
systems defined by a MSOL formula. Define the class 9 of transition
R by 9={R:
where Un(R) denotes the unfolding
of R. The conjecture
is that the class 9 is defin-
able by a MSOL formula and this formula can be defining 9. This conjecture infinitely
was proved in [4] for deterministic
from the one transition
systems (possibly
many states) and we prove it here for the class of all systems with at most
countable This new proof is a notion of covering.
of that in [4] and uses a different technique, A covering of a transition
system (or more generally
G is a surjective homomorphism restriction of which to the “neighbourhood” isomorphism. We say that h is a k-covering if h-‘(x) each state or vertex x of G. For a transition
has a
based on
of a graph)
system if we take as the “neighbourhood”
transitions outgoing from it, then there exists a universal covering which is precisely the unfolding. The main lemma (Lemma 14) roughly says that for every MSOL formula 3X. q(X) there is an integer k, s.t., for every transition system R: if Un(R) /= 3X. q(X) then there exists a k-covering R’ of R and a subset S of R’ with Un(R’) k cp(Un(S)). In other words, one can find a sufficiently regular witness S for the existential
The notion of “neighbourhood” is a “parameter” of the notion of covering. In the case of graphs, we examine two more possibilities for defining coverings. The first possibility is to take the set of edges incident
to a vertex as its neighbourhood.
Then the results
concerning transition systems extend for this notion of covering but only when we allow quantification over edges: every monadic second-order property of the universal covering of a (finite or infinite) graph (relative to this notion of neighbourhood) can be expressed as a monadic second-order property of the graph provided we can quantify over edges of the graph. A second possibility is to take as neighbourhood of a vertex the subgraph induced by the vertices at a distance at most 1. There exists a corresponding notion of universal covering. However, we exhibit a finite graph G, the universal covering of which is the infinite grid. This shows that the result does not hold here because the monadic theory of the infinite grid is undecidable whereas that of G is decidable (because G is finite). Finally, we relate unfoldings of transition systems with a construction by Shelah [ 121 and Stupp [13], extended by Muchnik (reported in [l l]), about which we raise some questions that indicate possible developments of the present work. This paper is organised as follows. Section 1 deals with transition systems, their coverings and automata, Section 2 deals with monadic second-order logic, Sections 3 and 4 present some technical lemmas, Section 5 gives the main proof, Section 6
the Shelah-Stupp-Muchnik
graphs, and Section 2. Transition
7 concerns
8 reviews some open questions.
We consider directed graphs G, defined by means of sets: V, (vertices),
EG (edges)
and the source and target mappings, respectively, srco : EG + V,, tgt, : EG + VG. We will consider only graphs with finite or countable degrees of vertices. Transition systems are special (labelled) graphs as defined below. Let n,m be natural numbers and m > 1. A trunsition
of type (n,m)
is a
where G is a directed graph, x is a vertex
tuple R = (G,x, PIR, . . . ,Pn~, QIR, called the root of R from which all other vertices . . , QmR),
are accessible
by a directed
P,,R are sets of vertices and Q~R, . , Qrn~ is a partition of the set of edges. As in the case of graphs we will restrict to transition systems with vertices of at most
countable degree. We call such transition systems countably branching. A vertex of G is called a state of R and an edge is called a transition. in Q~R is said to be
A transition
oftype i. In order to have uniform notation, we let:
SR be the set of states of R, TR be its set of transitions, YootR be its root, P,R be the ith set of states, Q;R be the set of transitions of type i, srcR = {(t,s): t E TR,S ESR, s is the origin (or source) of t} and tgt, = {(t,s): tE TR,SESR,S is the target of t}. For convenience we shall also write in some cases s = srcR(t) (or s = t&(t)) (t,s)EsrcR (or (t,s)EtgtR, respectively). Let R and R’ be two transition systems of type (n,m). SR
rootR ER Q;R srcR
= =
We write R 2 R’ iff
n sR>
QIR~ =
TR, f? (TR
X SR).
tgtR = tgt,y f! ( TR X SR). A homomorphism h(&) c
h : R -+ R’ is a mapping
= srcR/(h(t))
for all tE TR,
= tgt,,(h(t))
for all tE TR,
SR U TR + SRI U TRY such that
h(r#OtR) = ro#tRt, SEP;R iff h(s)EPIRf,
for all SESR and i= l,...,rz,
tEQ,R iff h(t)EQs,
for all tETR and i=l,...,m.
B. Courcelle,
A homomorphism
I. Wulukiewic;!
h: R + R’ is a covering
of R’) if it is surjective outRt(h(.s)).
Annuls qf’ Pure und Applied Logic 92 (1998)
(we shall also say that R is u covering
and for every state SESR, h is a bijection
(We denote by outR(s) the set of transitions
We say that h is a k-covering if for every
of outR(s)
t of R such that srcR(t)=s.)
SESR/ the set h-‘(s)
has at most k
elements. A path in R is a finite
or infinite
of transitions
(tl, t2,. . .) such that
root,? = srcR(tl ) and for each i, tgtR(ti) = srcR(tj+l ). If this sequence is finite, the target of the last transition is called the end of the path. Fact 1. If h is u homomorphism R--f R’ then the image of every path of R is a path of R’. If furthermore, h is a covering, then every puth in R’ is the imuge by h of a unique path in R. We now define the unfolding Un(R) of a transition shall consider it as the hehaviour of R.
system R; this is a tree, and we
We let NR be the set of finite paths in R. We have, in particular, linking the root to itself. NR is the set of nodes of Un(R).
the empty path
If p and p’ ENR, we define an edge p -+ p’ (equivalently a transition) of type i iff p’ extends p by exactly one transition of R of type i. We let Q[* denote the set of such transitions. We let hR : NR - SR associate with every finite path its end. We let also e* denote the set defining:
= NR,
romh(R) PiUn(R)
Qf U ... UQ;, =
QiUn(R)= Qt. Fact 2. The map hR extends
in u unique wuy to u homomorphism
Un(R) + R which
is a covering. Fact 3. If m: R+R’ is u covering, then there Un(R) + Un(R’) such that hR
LI unique
rii :
Because of these properties, Un(R) will be called the universal covering of R. The terminology is borrowed from algebraic topology where the notion of universal covering of a topological space is a basic notion. A transition system of type (n,m) is deterministic if no two transitions with the same source belong to the same set Ql. It is complete deterministic if, in addition, each state has exactly m outgoing transitions.
Fact 4. Let R und R’ be complete
There is ut most one homomorphism
It exists ~jf there exists u muppiny ji)r every transition x +x’ oJ’ R there is in R’ II trunsition type, (c) ji)r every XESR and every i, ,z’r have xE&
2.1. Purity uutomuta
and trunsition
In this section we introduce
of the sume type.
is u covering. R + R’ und such u homomorphism h : S, ----tSR, such thut: (a) h(rootR) = rootRl. (b) h(x) 4 h(x’) oj the sume
parity automata
and prove a lemma about the runs of
such automata. This lemma will be used to prove the regularisation lemma (Lemma 14). We denote by .Y the infinite complete binary tree. Its nodes are (as usual) identified with words from { 1,2}*. It is a complete deterministic
system of type (0,2).
We denote by ,YR the set of tuples of the form (3, Pi,. . . , P,), where PI,. . . , P, are sets of nodes of .8. These tuples can be considered as infinite complete binary trees the nodes of which are labelled by subsets of { 1,. . , n}; they are complete deterministic transition systems of type (n, 2 ). A purity-uutomuton is a tuple SJ = (S, C, I, 6, Q), where 0 S is a finite nonempty set of stutes; l C is a finite set called the ulphubet; we will assume that it is the set of subsets of l l l
{ 1,. . , n} for some natural number I C S is the set of initiul stutes;
d C S x C x S x S is the trunsition relution; .Q : S + .,I is a function defining the acceptance the set of natural numbers.) A run of .d on a tree &E .Yn is a function
for every node x of .f
(We use
1 to denote
r : .F + S, such that, r(roo1.H) E I and
(i.e. x~{1,2}*):
(r(x),{i: Pig(x)},r(xl),r(x2))Eb;, here xl and x2 denote nodes obtained
from x by appending
the end of x, i.e., are the left and right successors
1 and 2, respectively,
of the node x.
To define when a run is ucceptiny let us introduce a notation. For an infinite sequence of natural numbers ml, ml,. . let Inf(m 1,m2,. . .) be the set of numbers appearing infinitely often in the sequence. We say that a run r is uccepting if for every sequence of nodes no,nl,. . forming a path in J, the smallest number in Inf(Q(r(no)), Q(r(nl )), . . .) is even. We say that .d uccepts a tree .D if there is an accepting run of .d on ~8’. The language recognized by .d is the set of trees accepted by .cr’. We are interested in parity automata because they capture the power of monadic second-order logic on binary trees while having a useful “regularity” property (see Lemma 6). (Monadic second-order logic is formally introduced in the next section.) Theorem 5 (Mostowski [7]). A subset uj’ .Ffl is the lunguuye recognised by u Rubin automaton $f it is the lunguugr recoynised b-v u purity uutomuton. Hence for every
jbrmt.410 a(X) , . . .,X0)
second-order logic there is a parity automaton ~2
such thut for every D f &
Parity automata
are easier to work with than Muller
or Rabin tree automata
because they admit regular runs, a notion we will define now. For a tree .%c~Y~ and a node XCB let B/X denote a subtree issued from 9. We will say that r is a regular run on 93 if for every two nodes x, y of B: if r(x) = r(y) and B/x is isomorphic node u of g/x,
to a/y
where h is the isomorphism:
then r(h(u)) = r(u) for every B/x -+ 2$/y,
Intuitively, a run is regular if it behaves identically on isomo~hi~ the states assigned to the roots of these trees are the same.
Lemma 6. For every parity automaton .d and every tree 28’: if .d accepts $9 then there is a regular accepting run
of.d on ;‘A.
Proof. The lemma follows from the results about games with parity conditions sidered in [8, 61. It was shown there that such games have memoryless
will briefly recall this result here and show how it applies in our case. AparitygameisabipartitegraphG=(V=I$U~i, ECF’xY, CJ:Y--+(l,...,n}) with vertices labelled by numbers from ( 1,. . . , n}. A play>from some vertex c’i E I$ is played as follows: first player I chooses a vertex v2 E I$i with E(vi,v2), then player II chooses a vertex 223E 9 with E(v2, v3), and so on ad infinitum unless one of the players cannot make a move. If a player cannot make a move he looses. The result of an infinite play is an infinite path vI, 23, v3,. . . . This path is ~~~~nn~ng for player I if in the sequence appearing
Q(vr ), Q(Q), s;)(t’s), . . . the smallest
often is even. The play from a vertex of fi;r is defined
number similarly
but this time player II starts. A strategy CJ for player I is a function ending
in a vertex
to every sequence
of vertices
Vi a vertex O(U)E I/;,, such that, E(v, C(U)). A strategy
u is
memoryless iff G(U) = o(w) whenever u and w end in the same vertex. A strategy is ~~~~z~ing iff it guarantees a win for player I whenever he follows the strategy. Similarly, we define a strategy for player II. and Jutla [6] and Mostowski [8]). In every parity game une of the players has a winning strategy. If a player has a winning strategy then he has a mem~ry~ess strateg>l.
Theorem 7 (Emerson
Now, we will show how to use this theorem in our case. We first construct a game that is a “product” of the automaton .clz and the graph obtained from ~2 by identifying isomorphic subtrees. Define the relation M on nodes of B by: m z n if the
B. CourceIIe. I. Wulukienicz I Anna1.s of Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1998)
issued from m and n are isomorphic.
by quotienting
:B by the M relation.
of a state of the automaton consisting
of a transition
Let V? be a transition
system obtained
Let 4 = SC/ x &, i.e., the set of pairs consisting
and a node of %. Let Pii = 6?, x &, i.e., the set of pairs
of the automaton
is an edge from a vertex (.r,[n])~e
(an element of S _,) and a node of $5. There
to a vertex ((s,a,sl,s2),[n])~
(we use [n] to denote the equivalence
I$ if a= {i: P,d(n)}
class of n with respect to the z relation).
are edges from a vertex ((s,a,sl,sz),[n])~ I+, to vertices (si,[nl]) and (.s?,[n2]); as before nl denotes the node obtained by concatenating 1 at the end of n. Observe that from vertices in 6 there may be many edges or there may be no edges at all. On the other hand, every vertex in &i has exactly two edges going from it. Finally, we define the function
Q by letting s2((s, [n])) = a(s),
i.e., we use the function
s2 of the
automaton .d. Theorem 7 applies to the game just defined. From the assumption that there is an accepting run of .d on 9? it follows that there is a winning strategy for player I from the vertex (so, [no]), i.e., the pair consisting of the initial state of .d and the equivalence class of the root of .W. This strategy is to take a transition suggested by the run. Hence, by Theorem 7 there exists a memoryless strategy in the game. This memoryless strategy induces a regular run of .c/ on ,4. C
3. Monadic second-order logic Let U be a finite set of relational U. Any two isomorphic
symbols. We denote by STR( U) structures of type are considered
as equal. Typically,
U will contain
a unary symbol rt and binary symbols src, tgt, Qi,. , Qm. We let .Y’2(n,m) be the set of MS formulas written with the relation
rt, src, tgt, Qi, . . , Qm (and of course & and E ) and with free variables in {Xi,. ,X,,}. In order to express properties of transition systems by monadic second-order (MS in short) formulas,
we represent
a transition
system R of type (n,m)
by the relational
structure: IRI2
. , Qrn~),
where rtR = {rootR}. We say that such a transition system has the type (n, m). We define ]Rlz + 2, where r E Yl(n, m). by taking PER, , Pn~ as respective values of X, , . . ,X,,. It will be convenient to restrict to the fragment of the logic without firstorder variables. First-order variables can be represented by set variables together with a formula restricting them to range over singletons. For this to work we extend the meanings of the relations rt, src, tgt, Qi, . . , Qn to hold for appropriate singleton sets. We omit the standard details (see [5]). The properties of the behaviour Un(R) of a system R as above can be expressed in a similar way by formulas of Yl(n, m) (since Un(R) is a transition system of type (n,m)). However, we shall use the following simpler representation: For a transition
B. Courcrlle.
I. Walukiewicrl
system R of type (n,m) IRII
Annals of Pure und Applied Logic 92 (1998) 35-62
we let
. .>&R),
where (x, y)E suc,R iff there is in e;R a transition
from x to y.
We let Pi (n, m) denote the set of MS formulas written with the symbols t-t, suci, . . . , sue, (in addition
to 5 and E ) and having their free variables
in {Xi,.
. ,X,}.
we define IR/l k u for !xE _Yi (n, m) by taking PER,. . . , P,,R as values of Xi,. . . ,X,, respectively. By the results of Courcelle [3], the same properties of trees can be represented by formulas Our objective
of ~;VZand Yp1.
is to prove the following
Theorem 8. Let n, m EM, a formula
m 2 1. For every jbrmula
cp~ S?l(n,m)
one can construct
$E .4”2(n,m) such that, jtir every countahly branching transition system R
of type (n,m):
1% I= $@ IWWI~ I= cp. We shall need the notion
of an MS-definable
that we now recall from [2]. This is nothing
pretation, modified so as to work for MS-logic. Let U and U’ be two finite ranked sets of relation of set variables,
called here the set of parameters.
assume that all parameters formulas of the form
where k>O,
are set variables.)
[k] denotes the set {l,...,k},
the arity of q}; ~EMS(U,?V’);
of relational
more than the notion of first-order symbols.
Let YY be a finite set
(It is not a loss of generality
A (U, U’)-definition scheme is a tuple of
for i= l,...,k;
{XI,. . . ,x,,(~)}) for w = (q,j) E (U’)*k. These formulas are intended to define a structure R’ in STR(U’) from a structure R in STR(U) and will be used in the following way. The formula cp defines the domain of the corresponding transduction; namely, R’ is defined only if cp is true in R. Assuming this condition fulfilled, the formulas define the domain of R’ as the disjoint union of the sets DI,. . . , Dk, where set of elements in the domain of R that satisfy &. Finally, the relation qR’ by the formulas 0, for w = (qJ) E( U’)*k. Here are the formal definitions. Let RESTR( U), let p be a ?V’-assignment in R. If (R, p) k cp then A (R,p) a U’-structure R’ as follows: (i) SR~={(~,~)I~ESR, (ii) for each q in U’ qR’={((dl,il),...,(dt,it))ES~,
and t=p(q).
$1,. . , & Di is the is defined dejnes
(By (RK~I,..., d,) k O(q,j), we mean (F&/J’) /= O(,i,, where /I’ is the assignment tending
ill, such that $(xi) =d,
(Rlu,d)!=&.) Since R’ is associated whenever
for all i = 1,. . , t; a similar
in a unique way with R,p and d whenever
(R, p) + cp, we can use the functional
The trunsduc.tiun defined by A is the relation
exis used for
it is defined, i.e.,
p) for R’.
&A : = { (R,R’) 1R’ = dc&(R,p)
some # ‘-assignment ,U in R} C STR( U) x STR( U’). A transduction _f 5: STR( U) x ~TR(~~) is ~S-~~~n~~l~~ if it is equal to d& for some (U, ~‘}-de~nition scheme
A. In the case when $V‘= v), we say that
is MS-&fiiutahle
without purameters (note
that it is functional). We shall refer to the integer k by saying that &$A is k-copying; if k = 1 we say that it is non-copying and we can write more simply A as (47, $, ( fjq)qE (,I ). In this case:
and for each q in U’ qR’={(dl,....At)ED~,: We give an example automaton
(R,p,dt ,..., d,)bGH,}, concerning
,d by a ,fixed finite-state
automata automaton
where t=p(q).
on words: the product 3.
A finite-state
of a finite-state
is defined
as a 5-tuple .d = (S, X,1,6, F) where: S is a finite set of states; C is a finite input alphabet (here we shall take C = {CZ,6)); I & S is a set of initial states; 6 is a transition relation which is here a subset of S x C x S (we consider nondete~inistic automata without e-transitions); F C S is the set of of final states. The language recognized by .r/ is denoted by L(.d). The automaton .d is represented by the relational structure: I.dl = (S, I, F, tram,, tvansh) where trans, and transh are binary relations
trans,( p,q) holds if and only if (p, a,q)E ci. @ai& p. q) holds if and only if (p. b, q) E rj. Let .F = (9, Z, I’, 8, F’) be a similar automaton, and .d x .F = {S x S’, C, I x I’, fs”, F x F’) be the product automaton intended to recognise the language QB’) n L(F). We assume that S’ is {l,..., k} (let us recall that .P is fixed). We let d be the k-copying I.F}
(cp, tji . . . . , I/Q,( t)bv),vE(I!’ j*/; ), where
and: rp is the constant true (because every st~cture
u’ = {~?YzY~.s~,, transh,
in .WR( U’) represents an automaton
which may have inaccessible states and useless transitions); $i, . . . , I),,. are the constant true; (j~,ra,~s,,.,,,)(~I,~2)is the formula trans,(xl,xz) if (i,a,j) is a transition
of 3,
is the constant fh1.w otherwise; 4 t?YMunsr. i. , ) is defined similarly; O~c.,j(~ij is the formula 1(x, ) if i is an initial state of 9,
and is j&e
O(F.i)(xl ) is defined similarly. It is not hard to check that 1.d x .Fl =dt?fA(Ic~I). Note that the language recognised by an automaton is nonempty if and only if there is a path in its graph from some
B. CowwIle,
I. Wulukieuiczl
Annals of’ Purr and Applied Logic 92 (1998) 3542
state to some final state. This later property
order logic. Hence, language
it follows
from Proposition
K, the set of structures
is definable.
This construction
Let d be a definition
for the values
{R: R+3X
of parameters
in monadic
that, for a fixed rational .d
such that L(.&)n in Courcelle
K is
is MS-definable.
scheme as in the general definition
We recall that Yk- is the set of parameters. defined
10 below automata
is used systematically
Fact 9. The domain of an MS-dejmable Proof.
is expressible
with w=
{Xl,. . . ,X,}.
The image of a structure R under def,
that satisfy
cp. Hence,
the domain
of defd is
The following proposition says that if R’ = def,(R,p), i.e., if R’ is defined in (R,p) by A, then the monadic second-order properties of R’ can be expressed as monadic second-order
properties of (R, p). The usefulness
of MS-definable
is based
on this proposition. (&,),,,,~,.k) be a (U, U’)-definition scheme, written with a set Let A = (cp, $1, . . . , 1c/k, of parameters %p. Let V“ be a set of set variables disjoint from YK For every variable X in V’, for every i = 1,. . , k, we let X; be a new variable. We let V’ := {Xl: X E V”, i=l
For every mapping
we let nTk:Y”-+B(SR
x [k]) be
defined by (q T k)(X) = n(X) ) x {l} U . U q(&) x {k}. Note that, even if R’ is well defined, the mapping q T k is not necessarily a V.-assignment in R’, because (9 r k)(X) is not necessarily a subset of the domain of R’ which is a possibly SR x [k]. With these notations we can state:
proper subset of
Proposition 10 (Courcelle [2]). Let A be a (U, U’)-dehnition scheme with the set of parameters %“. For every formula b in MS(U’,V) one can construct a jormula y in MS(iJ,Y”
U W‘)
such that, for every R in STR(U),
and for every assignment
for every assignment
p: $4” + R
n : 3 “ + R, we have:
deji(R, p) is defined (if it is, we denote it by R’), n T k is a V-assignment and (R’, n T k) k j3 if and only tf (R, n U p) b y. From this proposition, Proposition
in R’,
we get easily [2]:
11. (1) The inverse image of an MS-deJinable
an MS-de$nable transduction is MS-definable. (2) The composition of two MS-dejinable transductions
class of structures is MS-dejinable.
Definition 12. Let x‘ and X’ be two classes of structures 3”’ C STR(U’), and let f be a transduction from X to X’.
with X C STR(U) and We say that f is MS-
compatible if there exists an algorithm that associates with every MS-formula U’ an MS-formula $ over U such that, for every structure R E .X” R b G iff R’ b cp for some R’ E f (R).
cp over
B. C’ourwlle. 1. Walukiewirz I Annals of‘ Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1998) 3542
It follows from Proposition
10 that every MS-definable
is MS-compa-
tible. Our main compatible
for R ranging
We will use MS-definable following
8) says that the transduction
over countably
lR[l H IlJn(R)II
for constructing
is MS-
systems of type (n,m).
of graphs. The
will be used in Section 5 in the proof of Theorem
Proposition 13. Let k, m 3 1, let n 3 0. There exists an MS-definable transduction associating with every transition system R of type (n, m) the set of its k-coverings (Itlhere a system
R is represented
by a structure
system of type (n, m) and h : R’ + R be a k-covering.
Proof. Let R be a transition
By choosing an arbitrary linear ordering of each set h-‘(x), x E S,, we can assume that SR/ C S, x [k] and h(x, i) = x for every i such that (x, i) E SR/. We can assume that rootp = (rootR, 1). For each iE[k], we let Y={xESR:
For i,jE[k],
we let
Z,., = {t E TR: h(t’) = t for some t’ E TRY with source (srcR(t),i) and target (t&(t),
Since h is a bijection of outRl(x) onto outR(h(x)) for every x E SR/ it follows that for every t E Zi.j, there is a unique t’ E TRY, with source (srcR(t),i) and target (tgtR(t),j) such that h(t’) = t. We shall identify t’ with the triple (t, i,j). Hence.
SR’ =
TRY= U{Zi,j
x {i}: x
{(i, j)}:
This gives a description
i, j E [k]}.
of (R’Iz as the output of a definable
input (R/Z and the parameters Specifically, we have:
state in rtk,
i,j E [kl, t E Zi.1,
taking as
Yi,. . . , Yk,Zi.i,. . .,Zk,k.
TtR’= {(x, l)} where x is the unique
= {((t, i,j), (x, j)):
j’): tEeiRnZj,j~,j,j’E[k]},
E tgtR}>
n, i= I,..., M.
(6) (7)
In this construction, we have assumed that the parameters Yi, . . , Yk,Z,,, , . . ,Zk,k are defined from a k-covering R’ of R. In order to ensure that the constructed transduction only dclfines k-coverings of the input transduction systems we must find a formula q(Yi ,..., Yk,ZI,I ,..., Zk,k) which verifies that the structure defined by ( l)-(7) is actually
of the form IR’lz for some k-covering
R’ of R.
B. Courcelle, I. Walukiewiczl Annals of’ Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1998)
We consider
the following
TR = IJ{Zi,j:
i>j E [k]}.
For every i E [k], every x E Y, every transition
t E outk(x)
there is one and only one j E [k] such that t E Zi,j, Every state of R’ is accessible
by a path from rootRl.
Conditions (8)-( 11) can be written as an MS-formula cp in parameters Yi, . . , Yk, Z,,, , . . ) Zk,k to be evaluated in IR12. Let us review them: (8)-(9) state that the mapping h : SRI U TRJ + S, U TR defined by if (X, i) E Sk’
h((x,i))=x and
h((t, (i,j))> = t if (6 (iA> E TRY is surjective. From its definition it is a homomorphism. Condition 11 states that it is a covering. Condition 11 states that R’ is indeed a transition system. Hence, cp(Y,, . proof. 0
, Yk,Z1,1,.
4. A regularisation
If R is a transition
is the
system of type (n, m) and Y 2 Sk, we denote by R * Y the system
of type (n + 1, m) consisting of R augmented with Y as the (n + 1)th set of states. The following lemma is a crucial step for the main theorem. Lemma 14. Let n 30 and CIE _%‘I(, + 1,2). One can find an integer k such that, for every (possibly
]Un(R)]i /= Ur,+i . a, then there exists such that IlJn(R’* Y)I, + LX.
a k-covering
R of type (n,2),
R’ of R and a subset
Y of SRI
Proof. The idea of the proof is the following. If T = ]Un(R)]i /= Ur,+i . CYthen an appropriate meaning of Xn+i can be represented as a run of an automaton on T. Then one can also find a suitable meaning for X,,+I that can be represented as a regular run on T. For every subtree, a regular run on this subtree is determined by the state assigned to the root of the subtree and the isomorphism class of the subtree. As there are finitely many, say k, states, the corresponding regular run can be defined in the unfolding of a k-covering R’ of R. Hence, the set X,+1 C Un(R) satisfying CI can be replaced by the set resulting from the unfolding of a subset of R’.
B. CourceNe. I. Walukiewicl Annals qf‘ Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1998)
Let R E Yn be as in the assumption canonical
By Theorem
of the lemma.
Denote by hi : Un(R) + R the
a path to its endpoint.
5 there exists a parity
.d = (S,.Y({ 1,. . ,n + l}),l, S,Q)
the set of trees: L(&) = {u E .Ffi+l : 1Ull
.d’ = (9, .Y({ 1,.
, n}),I’,
/= cc}. Define the automaton
8, Q’), where:
SES, i=O,l},
((s, O), 0, (~1, ii 1,(s2,
i2 ))
if (s,a,si,sz)
E 6’
if (s,aU {n+ ((~~11, a 61, ill, 02, i2 1) E 6’ Q’(s, i) = Q(s) for i E (0, l}.
E 6 and iI,& E (0, l}, I},s~,s~)E~
and il,i2E{O,l},
It is easy to see that L(.c9’) = {U E *Z: lU/i k ELX,+i ct}. Hence, Un(R) EL(.~‘). So, by Lemma 6, &’ has a regular run r : Un(R) + S’ on R. We are going to define the system R’ required in the lemma. a folding
of Un(R)
the run Y, i.e., if two nodes
different states then they are not identified l
of Un(R)
R’ is
are assigned
in the folding.
Let R’ = (SR/, T,/, fiRI, SrcR’, tgt,!, PIR~, . , P,,R~,@Rt, &RI), where SR, is the set of elements (n,(s,i)) E SR x S’ such that there exists x E Un(R) with hR(x) = n and Y(X) = (s, i).
We have a transition from (n,(s,i)) to (n’,(s’,i’)) if there exists x E Un(R) such that hR(x) = n, r(x) = (s, i), and, in Un(R), there is a transition from x to some x’ with hR(x’) = n’ and I = (s’, i’). The type of the transition the transition from x to x’.
is the same as the type of
0 TtR’ is (TtR,!(ttR)). 0 P;Rf(n,(s,i)) iff
Claim 15. R’ is u complete Proof.
It is easy to see that all states of R’ are accessible.
from every state there is exactly one transition of SR’ there is x E Un(R)
We are left to show that
of each type.
Let (n, (s, i)) E SR,. We will show that it has exactly definition
qf‘ type (n,2).
one transition
of type 1. By
such that /?R(x) = II and Y(X) = (s, i). Because
is complete deterministic there exists exactly one node x’ E Un(R) to which there is a type 1 transition from x. We have that (hR(x’), I) E sR( and there is a transition of type 1 from (n, (s, i)) to (AR(x), r(d)). To see that there is only one transition
of type I from (n,(s,i))
some node
y E Un(R) such that /@(_y) =/Q(X) =n. In particular, subtrees Un(R)/x and Un(R)/y are isomorphic. Let y’ be the target of the type 1 transition from y. We have hR(y’) = hR(x’). By the definition
of the regular run we have Y(y’) = Y(x’).
Claim 16. R’ is a k-covering ton .d’.
of R, where k is the number
qf stutes of the automa-
B. Courcelle, I. Walukiewiczl Annals of’ Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1998) 3542
Proof. Define the mapping extends to a homomorphism
h’ : RI-+ R by h’(n,(s,i)) of transition
It is easy to check that it
systems. By Fact 4 it is a covering.
By the
of h’, the inverse image of a state of R can have at most k elements.
To finish the proof of Lemma
14 we must find a set Y such that JUn(R’* Y)li + ~1.
E &t: i = 1). We define a run Y’ of d on Un(R’* Y) by: r’(u) = s if u is a path ending in a node (n, (s, i)) E SR~, for some n and i. It is easy to check that this is an accepting run. Hence, Un(R’ * Y)EL(&) and we get IlJn(R’ * Y)li Define Y = {(n,(s,i))
We consider Lemma 14 as a regularisation contains a set Z satisfying do then it contains form, defined from the unfolding
lemma because it says that if IUn(R)Ii another one having a special “regular”
of a k-covering
of R.
5. Edge contractions and the proof of the main result Our next aim is to extend Lemma
14 to transition
systems that are not deterministic.
We first consider systems of type (n, 1). If R is a transition system of type (n, 1 ), then each node of the tree Un(R) has some unordered set of successors. In case R is countably branching, Un(R) can be represented in the binary tree in way that we now describe. We define a transformation
that makes a tree T E yn+l (which is a system of type
(n + 1,2)) into a tree c(T) of type (n, 1). Let TE.%+i be defined by an (n + 1)-tuple
of subsets
of { 1,2}*,
We let c(T) be the tree such that:
. &(T)=({1,2)* \pIT)u {E}; x + y in c(T) iff there is in T a path of the form x -+ zi --+z2 ---f . . + zp + y with
p 20
and zi,z2,.
. ,zp E PI T (x + y is a shorthand
for “there is a transition
from x
to y”); l
Pi_lc(~)=Pi~flSc(~) for i=2,...,n+ 1. Our next aim is to define a similar operation Un(c(R))
on transition
systems so that
= c(Un(R)).
A special transition system is a system R of type (n + 1,2), for some n, such that (1) R is complete deterministic; (2)
rOOtR $ PIR;
We now define a transformation c that transforms any special transition type (n + 1,2) into one of type (n, 1). We let c(R) be such that l
SC(R) =sR
\ PIR;
root,(R) = rootR;
= Pi+lR
n &(R)for i = 2,. . . , n;
system R of
B. Courcelle, I. Walukiewicrl
x + y is a transition .x+zr+z:!+
Annals of’ Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1998) 3542
of c(R) iff x, y E Seer) and we have a path in R of the form
... +zp+y
zI,z2 ,..., z,EP,~,
Lemma 17. If R is speciul then we have c(Un(R)) Proof. Easy verification.
cun construct u special c(Bin(R)) = R.
= Un(c(R)).
Lemma 18. For every countably
We let R’ be the transition
(1) we add a new “sink” state I
system of type
R of type (n, 1) one (n + 1,2)
system of type (n + 1,2) defined as follows: and two transitions
I + I:
one of type 1 and one
of type 2, (2) for each state s E SR we do the following: (a) if outR(s)=@,
we add two transitions s + I of types 1 and 2; (b) if outR(s) = {t}, we add a transition s --+ I of type 2 (note that the transition t is necessarily of type 1); (c) if outR(s) consists of two transitions,
we make one of them a type 2 transition,
the other transition continues to be of type 1. (d) if outr((s) consists of at least three transitions tl, 2.42,.. , , u&l.
. , tk then we add new states
For i = 2,. . , k - 1 we change the source of ti to Ui. We also
change the source of tk to Q-2. We add new transitions s + ~2, u, -+ U,+I for i = 2 , . . . , k - 1. All added transitions as well as the transition tk become transitions
tl ,...,tk_l
of type 2. Transitions
(e) if outR(s) is infinite but countable
then we enumerate
to be of type 1; the transitions
tl, t2,. . .
and proceed similarly to the previous case. consist of all “new states” (the state I and the states intro(3) We let PIBin duced in the steps 2c and 2d above) and we let PI+[~;O(R)= PR for every i = 11..., n. 0 Lemma 19. [f’R is a special transition K is also special and c(K)
is LI k-covering
Proof. We let h: K + Bin(R)
and K is a k-covering
of Bin(R)
of R.
be a k-covering.
We first check that K is a special
system. Condition 1 of the definition of a special system (saying that K is complete deterministic) holds because every covering of a complete deterministic system is complete deterministic. Conditions 2 and 3 hold easily. It remains to prove that c(K) is a k-covering of R. Let us consider h : SccK)-+ SR. It is the desired covering. This follows from the observations establishing that K is a special system. 0 Proposition 20. Let n 2 0 and CIE Y, (n+ l,l). One can find an integer k, such thut for every countably brunching transition system R of type (n, 1) if IUn(R)Ir /= ?I&+, .a
B. Courcelle, I. Walukiewic I Annals of’ Pure and Applied Logic 92 (I 998) 3542
then there exists a k-covering R’ of R and a subset Y of SRI such that IUn(R’ * Y)li \ fX Proof. We first construct a formula p E yi((n+2,2)
such that for every tree T in &+2
we have ITI, kp
iff PI~~(P~TU...UP,+IT)=~
and lc(T>li +a.
This is possible because the mapping from lrli of structures. We let k be the integer associated
to Ic(T)Ii is a definable with /? by Lemma 14.
Let R be a transition system of type (n, 1) such that (Un(R)Ii set Z &&n(R) we have thus lUn(R) * 41
+ Ur,+l .a. For some
I= a.
Bin(R) is a special transition
Un(R) = c(Un(Bin(R))).
It also follows
from Lemmas
17 and 18 we have:
that Z C SUn(Bin(R)) and Z n RiUn(Bin(R))= 8.
Hence, IUn(Bin(R)) By Lemma
* ZII + P.
14 we have some k-covering
K of Bin(R) and some Y C Sk such that
IWK * UI I= P. It holds in particular
that P~Kn Y = 8. By Lemma
19, c(K) is a k-covering
of R and
Y c SC(K). Hence, c(K) is the desired system R’ since Ic(Un(K *
U)II k u
and c(Un(K
* Y)) = Un(c(K * Y)) = Un(c(K)
Proof of Theorem 8. Let us first consider
* Y).
the case of the systems
of type (n, 1).
We want to show that for every formula cpE 21 (n, l), one can construct @ E _f?z(n, 1) such that, for every transition system R of type (n, 1):
a formula
1% I= ? ifi lWWI1 I= cp. The proof proceeds by induction
on the structure of cp. We assume that cp is a closed
formula. This is not a restriction as two formulas are equivalent iff the closed formulas obtained by substituting unary relational symbols for free variables are equivalent. If cp is a closed atomic formula then + = cp. The cases for conjunction and negation are obvious. Assume cp= 3x .a(X). By Proposition 20 there is an integer k such that for every transition system of type (n, 1): (Un(R)Ii k 3X. cc(X) iff there exists a k-covering R’ of R and a subset Y of &I, such that, IUn(R’ * Y)li k a[P,+,/X].
B. Courcelle, I. Walukiewicz I Annals oj’ Purr and Applied Logic 92 (1998)
By induction
we have a formula z[P,+i /Xl, such that, for every transition
I,1 ):
system K of type (n +
It remains
to show that the property: R’ of R such that R’ + X
there exist a k-covering
is MS-definable. By Proposition 13 we know that the transduction associating with R the set of its k coverings is MS-definable. (This transduction has parameters Y, , . . . , Yk, Zl,l, . . . , Zk,k; each admissible choice of parameters gives us a k-covering). Proposition 10 gives us the desired formula
We now prove the theorem for systems of the general type (n,m) with m 3 1. We define a transformation z making a transition system R of type (n,m) into a transition
x(R) of type (n + m, 1) such that the transduction
is MS-definable, to transition MS-definable
and a transformation
systems and
/I from transition
of type (n,m)
such that the transduction
[RI2 H
lR[l H
system R of type (n,m).
general case of Theorem proved. Definition
of LX.Let R be a transition , (x,m)
such transformations
reduce the
8 to the case of systems of type (n, 1) which we have just
system of type (n,m)
of cc(R) is to replace
The idea of the construction (x, l),
WR) = B(W4R))) for every transition
of type (n + m, 1)
in R’ and to replace
a transition
with m 22.
a state x of R by m states
y +x
of type i by m transitions
from ( y, 1 ), . , (y, m) to (x, i) all of type 1. (If there is no transition to x then we need not put in cc(R) the state (x,i).) Here is the formal definition
of type i from y
of a(R). Suppose
R= (SR, TR,SrCR,tgtR,rOOtR,P~R,. .,Pn~,Q~~,...,Qrn~). Recall that [m] denotes the set { 1,. . ,m}. First we define the system R’ which is the 5-tuple (&‘, TRf.SrCRJ,tgt,,, rOOfRl,PiR’, .
where SRI =sR x
TRY= TR x [m], (s,i) = srcR’(t,j)
iff s = srcR(t) and i = j,
(s, i) = tgt,,(t, j)
iff s = tgt,(t)
and t E Q;R,
. . ,P&),
B. Courcelle. I. Walukiewicz I Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1998)
t-o&,(, = (rootR, l), &‘(.&j)@~E&
for i= I,...,
for i= l,...,n.
Then R’ is “almost”
a transition
system of type (n + m, 1): “almost”
states may be unreachable. One obtains a(R) by restricting R’ to the reachable states and transitions. It is clear from this definition that lcc(R)/2 is definable from [RI1 by a definable
We omit the details.
Definition of j?. Let R’ be a transition (SR’,TR’,SrCRf,tgtRf,YOOtR’,PIRf
system of the form
PnRt,P; R,,...,
where Pip, . . , P,,p, Pi,,, . . . , PhRI are properties of states. Then we define a transition system b(R) iff (P,‘,,, . . . , Pk,, ) forms a partition of SR~. If this is the case we let P(R’ ) = R where SR = SR,, TR = Tp, srcR = SrcRl, tgt, = tgt,, , rOOtR= rootp, 8~ = pip for i = 1,...,n and Q~R={~ET~ It!&(t)EP&} for i= l,...,n. is definable from lRl{ by a definable transduction. It is also clear from the construction that b(Un(a(R))) transition system of type (n,m) and that
This completes
the proof of Theorem
6. The Shelah-StuppMuchnik
It is clear that l/?(R)11
is well defined
for every
We recall a construction and a result from Shelah and Stupp [12, 141 extended by Muchnik. The result by Muchnik is stated without a proof in Semenov [l l] and a new proof is sketched in [15]. We establish that it yields an improvement
of our main
result. We let U be a finite set of relational symbols where each symbol r has a finite arity p(r). We recall that we denote by STR(U) the class of all U-structures, i.e., of tuples of the form M = (DM, (Y,+,),.~u) where D M is a nonempty set (the domain of M) and r-~ Z D$’ for every r E U. We let son and cl be two relation symbols, binary and unary, respectively, which are not in U. We let U+ = U U {son, cl}. We let D& and (0~ )+ stand for the set of finite sequences over DM and the set of finite nonempty sequences, respectively. With M E STR( U) we associate the U+-structure:
B. Courdr,
I. Wulukiewicrl
of’ Pure und Applied Logic 92 (1998) 3542
where ?-MM-
dM * ={wdd:
Intuitively, M+ is a “tree built over M”; solz is the corresponding successor relation and cl is the set of clones, i.e., of elements of ML that are “like their fathers” (if son(x,y)
we also say that x is the father of y; it is unique).
Theorem 21 (Muchnik computible.
[l l] and Walukiewicz
In words, for every formula
$ in MS(U),
[ 151). The mapping
cp in MS(U’)
M wM+
one can construct
is MSu formuh
such that, jtir every M E STR( U):
It is stated (without
a proof)
in Shelah [12] and Thomas
[14] that, if a structure
M has a decidable monadic theory then so has the structure M+ with respect to the language MS( U+ - {cl}). This statement weakens Theorem 21 in two respects: the “clone” relation is omitted and the statement only concerns decidability of theories and not translations of Theorem
of formulas.
From Theorem
2 1, one gets the following
Theorem 22. For every n, m E ,,I/‘ with m 2 1, the transduction: IRII H IWR)II is MS-compatible,
where R ranges over simple trunsition
A transition system is simple if no two distinct target and type. Since some properties
of simple graphs are MS-expressible
of type (n, m).
have the same source, with edge set quantifica-
tions but not without them, the result of Theorem 22 is an improvement
of Theorem
(The property that a simple directed graph has a directed spanning
tree of out-degree
no bigger than some constant
the existence
is an example
circuit is another example;
of such a property;
of a
see [3, p. 1251.)
Theorem 22 follows from Theorem 21 because the unfolding of R is MS-definable in IRI: (see Proposition 24). Before showing this we will introduce a useful definition. If Q is a binary relation on DM, then we let Q” and Q’“’ (respectively, and the rotation of Q) be defined as follows: Q”={(wd,wd’): Qrot={(wd,wdd’):
wED;,(d,d’)EQ}, wED;,(d,d’)EQ}.
(Note that Q” is defined from Q like YM is from T,M.)
the trunslution
B. Courcelle,
I. Wulukiewiczi
Claim 23. If Q is MS-definable
Annals qt’ Pure und Applied Logic 92 (1998)
in A4 then so are Q” and Q’“’ in A4+.
Proof. To prove this for Q” it is enough to observe that:
iff Wom-(z,~)
A son,ttlby)
where (p’(z,x, y) is the relativization of the formula Qrof(x, y)
cp(x,y) defining iff
22 is an immediate
24. For
to the set of sons of z (sons in the sense of M+)
Q in M. For Q’O’, we have
Zlz(sonM+(x,z) A sonM+(x, y) A cl~+(z) A Qtr(z, y))
which proves the claim. Theorem
A cp’kx,~)),
n,m E _M,
where R is a simple transition
m 3 1, the
([RI>)+ H IUn(R)II,
of type (n, m), is MS-dejinable.
PrOOf. Assume M = [RI, = (SR,YOO~,J+ SUCIR,. relation w on (sR)+ as follows:
w= w, u...u w,,
. . ,SUC,R,P~R,.
. . ,
P,,R). We define a binary
where for each i, Wi = (SUCiR)rot.
We let N C (SR)+ be defined as follows: y E N iff there exists x E (sR)+ such that rootM-(x) A(x,y)
A (Vz ~son~+(z,x))
E w*.
Note that the first two conjuncts of the above condition define x uniquely since r##tR consists of a unique state (x is r where r##tR = {r}). We use W* to denote the transitive closure of W. Hence, N is the set of elements this x by a directed path with edges in W.
of Si that are accessible
Claim 25. IUn(R)Ii = (N, P’,‘,. . ., Wi,P[ ,..., P,‘), where
for every i= l,...,
m and j=
Proof. We define a bijection be a path in Paths(R), say (SR)+ where SO is the initial t, and s; is the target of ti. Since R is simple, h is ~((SO~~~~~Si)~(SO~~~ .3Si+l))
and $=
h of Paths(R) (the set of nodes of Un(R)) onto N. Let p p = (t,, . . ., tk), tl,. . . , tk E TR. We let h(p) =(sg,. . .,sk) E state of R and for each i = 1,. . ,k, S/_-l is the source of one-to-one. If Si +s;+i is a transition holds. Hence, h maps Paths(R) onto N.
of type j then
It is then easy to verify that every y E N is the image by h of some path p (the proof is by induction on the least integer k such that (x, y) E Wk where x is the element of (SK)+ used in the definition of N). Finally, h is an isomorphism. We omit the details. 0
B. Courcrllr,
I. Wulukielvic
I Annals of’ Puw und Applird
It is clear from the definition formula IUn(R)I,
that N is a definable
on IV+) and that the relations can be obtained
subset of (SR)+ (by an MS-
W,‘,. . . , WA,e’, . . . ,p,’ are MS-definable.
from (IRli )+ by a definable
The proof of this proposition
Logic 92 (1998)
is due to W. Thomas (private communication).
Example. Let U = 0, M = ({ 0, 1)) . Consider Mf = ({ 0, 1}+, SUPZ~., cl~ L) One can define the complete binary tree B = (N, suci, sucz) in Mf as follows: one lets x be an arbitrary element of M+ having no father; one lets N be the set of elements (0, l}’ such that (x, y) E (son,+ )*, one lets then suc,(u,c)
v of
A ~(.l(.(V).
There are only two choices for x and the corresponding
structures are both isomorphic
to B. It follows that the monadic theory of B reduces to that of M+. The later is decidable since the monadic theory of M is decidable (as A4 is finite).
7. Graph coverings We have seen that the mapping MS-compatible question
for graphs. We consider
the answers are completely
7.1. Bidirectional We consider
from a transition
(where a system R is represented actually
system to its universal
by lR[z or IRll). We ask the same
two different notions
of covering
for which
directed graphs G, defined by means of sets: V, (vertices),
EG (edges)
and the source and target mappings respectively srco : EG -+ VG, tgt, : EG -+ VG. For convenience we restrict here to connected graphs. The extension of the results to disconnected graphs is easy. For x E V, we denote by inc(x)
the set of edges of G with target x; we denote by
outc;(x) the set of edges with source x. Definition 26 (Bidirectional covering). Let G, G’ be connected graphs. A homomorphism h : G’ + G is a bidirectional covering iff it is surjective and for every x E V&, h is a bijection of inct(x) onto inc(h(x)) and of outot(x) onto outo(h(x)). For short, we shall write h-covering b-coverings
treat incoming
for bidirectional
edges exactly as outgoing
B. Courcelle, I. Walukiewiczl Annals of’ Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1998)
27 (Signed
and n E {+, -}.
edges, walks).
A signed edge of G is a pair (e, q), where e E Eo
We define srco and tgto for signed edges as follows:
srco(e, +) = srco(e),
srco(e, -) = tgt,(e), tgto(e, -) = srco(e).
tgto(e, +) = t&(e),
We let suco be the binary relation suco((e, q), (e’, n’))
on signed edges:
tgto(e, r) = srco(e’, n’) A (e = e’ * r = II’).
A walk in G is a finite sequence of signed edges w = ((ei, ni ), . . . , (ek, Q )) such that suc((e;,qi),(e,+i, yIi+i)) holds for all i = 1,. . . , k - 1. We say that w is a walk from srcG(el,
Intuitively, a walk is a path in G traversing edges in either direction. A signed edge (ei, Q) represents a traversal of ei in the standard direction if Q = + and in the reverse direction
if q; = -.
A walk is not allowed to take the same edge twice consecutively
in opposite directions. Fact 28. If’ h: G’--+ G is a homomorphism from
x to y in G’ then the image
is a walk in G from
and w =((el,n~),...,(ek,nk))
of w defined
as the sequence
is a walk ..,
h(x) to h(y).
Fact 29. Zf h : G’ + G is a b-covering, x’ E Vo,, h(x’) =x and w is a walk from x to y in G, then there is a unique walk w’ in G’ from x’ to some y’ such that h(w’) = w. Vertex
y’ satisjes
h(y’) = y.
We now construct a b-covering of a graph G in terms of walks. Let G be connected, let s E Vo. Denote by W(s) the set of all the walks from s to arbitrary vertices. We put in W(s) the empty walk E and assume that it goes from s to s. We let H be the graph such that VH= W(s), If
En = a disjoint for some
copy of W(s) - {E}.
we let
tgtH(w.(e,V]))=W.(e,q) if q=+ and srcH(w.(e,~))=w.(e,vl) otherwise. We now let h : H + G be the homomorphism such that h(E) = s, h(w) =x
such that w goes from s to x, w E Vn - {E},
h(w) = e
where w E En is of the form w’ . (e, II).
Fact 30. h : H --f G is a b-covering.
and tgtH(W.(eY~))=w
B. C’ourcelle, I. Walukiewiczl Annals qf’ Pure and Applied Logic, 92 (1998)
Proposition 31. For every h-covering k : K t G there is a surjective homomorphism m : H + K such that k am = h which is u h-covering. For every two such homomorphisms m, m’ : H + K, there is an automorphism Proof.
Easy consequence
of Facts 28 and 29.
We shall call H the universal b-covering Theorem 32. The trunsduction
i of H, such thut, m’ = m Q i. 0
of G and denote it by UBC(G). ICI2 to 1UBC(G)II
,for connected
graphs G
is MS-computihle. Proof. We first recall that the structure
G is ( VGU EG, r-srclG12, r-tgtlciz)
jG12 defining
where: r-srclq, = {(e,srcc(e)):
e E EG},
r-tgtlG12= {(e,tgb(e)):
e E EG}.
(In order to avoid confusions
between functions
the binary relation
with the unary function
and relations we use r-srclG12 to denote srcG : EC + VG, and similarly
r-tgtjol:.) In order to handle signed edges by logical formulas, 1613 =
we shall consider
the structure
x {+, -), r-src~~l,,r-tqGli, dir~l,,dir~l,),
dir&,,= {(e, +): e E EG}, r-srclGl, = {(f, srcc(f)): r-tgti,l,=
It is easy to construct
f E EC
is MS-definable
= {(e, -):
e E EG},
x {+, -}},
)): .f EEG x 1-t. -11. an MS-transduction
Next, we show that UBC(G) by a MS-transduction.
is MS-definable
in [Cl:,
1612 into IGls. hence is definable
First, observe that suco is MS-definable
from IG(T
in IGls, hence (suco)‘Ot
in ICI: by Claim 23.
The elements of the domain of IGIl are nonempty sequences of elements of IGi3. We shall select a subset N of them corresponding to the walks from some vertex s to all the vertices of G. Such a set can be characterised by the following conditions: (1) N is closed under (suc~)~‘~ (i.e., if x E N a n d (suc~)~‘~(x, y) holds then y EN); holds; (2) if x E N and y EL+-,; and sonlcl;(y, x ) holds then y E N and (suco)‘“‘(y,x) (3) there is a unique element s,y E Dlcl:, such that, r-srclGIT (X,SN) holds for every x EN for which there is no y with sonIcI; (y,x). A set N U {SN} will be the set of nodes of UBC(G) we are constructing. Different choices of N correspond to different choices of the root vertex SN in the condition (3) and will yield the same covering
up to isomorphism.
B. Courcellr,
I. Wulukietviczl Annals oj Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1998)
We define the edge relation (1) if x,y~N
Q C N x N as follows:
and son,,,+(x,y),
we put an edge (x,y)~Q
if dir&(y)
and put an
edge (YP) E Q if dirt,;; (2)
if y EN and son,o,,(x,
y) for no x EN, then we put an edge (SN, y) E Q if dir&(y)
and an edge (y,sn) E Q if dir+(y). It is easy to check that (N, Q) is isomorphic
We obtain thus that the transduction it can be written as the following PI2
+-+ PI3
to UK(G).
IGlz H 1UK(G)1
1 is MS-compatible
where the first and the third transformations are MS-definable, MS-compatible by Theorem 21. This completes the proof. 0
whereas the second is
Open problem: Can one change 1612 to IGI 1 in the statement of Theorem 32 for simple graphs G? (It is false for nonsimple
graphs as multiple
edges are identified
in ICI 1.)
7.2. Distance-l-coverings For every graph G and every x E V,, we denote by BG(x) by {x} U V, where V is the set of vertices adjacent to x. A distance-l-covering (a dl-covering for every y E Vp, h is an isomorphism: Example.
G’ is dl-covering
the subgraph of G induced
for short) is a b-covering Bp(y) -+ BG(h(y)).
of G where G and G’ are presented
h : G’ --+ G such that
in Fig. 1 and h maps
x’ and x” to x for x E {a,b,c,d}. The graph GJ is a b-covering of the graph Gi presented in Fig. 1. But G2 is not a dl-covering. Clearly, G1 is isomorphic to all its dl-coverings since Gi = BG, (x) for some x.
4 -==--=-...
Fig. I. Example
of dl-covering
and b-covering
B. Courcelle.
We shall now construct universal
a universal
of Pure and Applied
We let H = UBC(G)
of a graph G as a quotient
(see Fact 30 above) and h : H + G be the canonical
of its
relation defined as
v ) an d u, 11belong to a connected
for some x}.
We let H’ be the quotient homomorphism
92 (1998)
We let E C ( V, x VH) U (EH x EH ) be the equivalence {(a,~):
graph H/E, we let k : H + H’ be the canonical
such that h = h’o k. It is not hard to see that h’ is a dl-covering
of G and that every dl -covering m : G’ + G factors into h’ o ml, where m’ : G’ + H’ is a surjective homomorphism and furthermore a dl-covering. We shall call H’ the universul-dl-covering
of G and denote it by UDC(G).
Proposition 33. The muppiny ICI* H 1UDC( G)I 1 is not MS-compatible restricted to finite connected graphs of’decqree ut most 6.
even if G is
Proof. We construct a finite connected graph G of degree 6, such that, UDC(G) is the infinite grid (augmented with diagonals on each square). Since the monadic theory of UDC(G)
is undecidable
(even if MS-formulas
do not use quantification
over sets
of edges), and since the monadic theory of ICI2 is decidable (since G is finite) it follows that MS-formulas expressing properties of UDC(H) cannot be translated into equivalent MS-formulas on IHI* in a uniform way, for all finite connected graphs H, even of bounded degree at most 6. The infinite grid with diagonals is the graph H such that V,, = Int x Int, EH
= {((x>_Y),(x',y')):
x, y,x’,
y’ E
Znt, x
+ 1,
(X,,V)#(X’,.Y’~). tnt denotes the set of integers.
Fig. 2 shows a portion of H.
For x,x’ E Int we let x - x’ iff x - x’ is a multiple of 4. For (x, y), (x’, y’) E VH we let (x,y) N (x’, y’) iff x-x’ and y-y’. For e,e’ E EH linking, respectively, zt to z2 I and z{ to zi, we let e - e ’ iffzl -vz{ andz2 N z1. We let G be the quotient graph HI N. Then G is the graph partially shown on Fig. 3. We let h be the canonical surjective homomorphism h : H + G. Furthermore, h is a dl-covering of G. In order to prove that H = UDC(G) it is enough to prove that if So let k : K + H be x, J) E V, such that x # are at minimal distance, (e,,q,)). nj=((el,‘lt),..., from z = k(x) to itself.
k : K 4 H is a dl-covering then k is an isomorphism. a dl -covering of H. If k is not an isomorphism, there exist y and k(x) = k(y). Let us select such a pair where x and y say n. Hence, in K there exists a walk from x to y of the form Its image under k is a walk k(wJ)=((k(el),gl),...,(k(e,,),q,))
B. Courcelle. I.
Wulukiewicl Annuls
of’ Pure und Applied Logic 92 (1998)
Fig. 2. A portion of H
Fig. 3. Graph G.
The intermediate cause otherwise,
on this walk are pairwise
and distinct
with z be-
would not be the distance between x and y or one could find a pair
x’, y’ E VK such that k(x’) = k(y’), x’ # y’ and the distance
x’ and y’ is less
than n. Consider now k(w). It defines a cycle on the planar graph H (where edges can be traversed in either direction). This cycle is simple (it does not cross itself) and has a certain area namely, the number of triangles forming its interior part. We shall prove that we can replace w by a walk w’ from x to y of the same length and such that the area of k(w’) is strictly smaller than that of k(w). This will give us a contradiction and prove that k is an isomorphism. Let u be the unique vertex of k(w) having a maximal first component among those that have a maximal second component. We first assume that u #k(x) =k(y). Let u = (us, ui ). Let u and u’ be the two neighbours of u on the circular walk k(w). Up
B. Courcelle, I. Walukiewicz I Annals of’ Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1998) 3542
to exchanges conditions
of u and v’ we have the following
cases (by the maximality
on uo and ~1):
Cusr 1: C’(2.Q - l,U,), Case 2: v=(zlg,zli Case 3: u=(ug However,
- l,U, - 1).
- l), u’=(ua
- 1,Ui - 1).
- l,U,),
case 1 cannot
u’=(u(),u, happen
- 1). because
w is minimal.
Let us check this. Let U
be the vertex of w with k(ii)=u. Since k is an isomorphism between By and BH(u) since u,u’EBH(u) and are adjacent, so are r?=k-‘(u) and i?=k-‘(u’) in By. It follows that w can be replaced by a shorter walk, which connects directly
6 and t;’ and skips ii. This contradicts
the hypothesis
that w has a minimal
length. Case 2 cannot happen for a similar reason. In case 3 we cannot connect
V and ~7’but we can link them via the unique
vertex E’(uo - I,ui - 1) in By (note that u,v’ and (UO - l,ut - 1) belong all to BH(u)). The resulting walk w’ is such that k(w’) has a smaller area than k(w) (smaller by 2). If u =k(x) =k(y) we use a similar argument by replacing u by the unique vertex of k(w) having a minimal first component among those that have a minimal second 0 component. The argument goes through with +1 instead of - 1 everywhere.
8. Conclusions We have shown the main conjecture of [4] (see Theorem 8) saying that the unfolding operation is MS-compatible provided graphs (or transition systems) are represented in a way making
it possible
to quantify
in particular
that the unfolding
still has a decidable
over sets of edges (or of transitions).
of a graph or a transition
system having
It follows a decidable
A stronger form of this result follows from Theorem 21. We have also considered “bidirectional unfolding” of graphs. Although it is very close to unfolding, we could extend the main theorem only for the logic with the power to quantify over edges of a graph. Whether one can strengthen the theorem and get the result for the logic with quantification limited to vertices is an open question. These unfoldings have been defined as instances of the very general topological notion of covering (for appropriate notions of neighbourhood). The two notions correspond to neighbourhoods of increasing strengths. For the next step (distance l-coverings), we loose the MS-compatibility we have for the unfolding. In particular, the transformation of a graph into its universal-dl-covering does not preserve decidability
of the MS-theory.
B. Courcelle. I. Walukiewic I Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 92 (I 998) 3542
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Wolfgang significant
Thomas and Suzanne
for many
in the proofs.
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