Monoclonal Antibody Test for Meningitis-Causing Bacteria A mon0clonal antibody kit to detect Neisseria meningitidis group B as a possible cause of meningitis has been introduced by Becton Dickinson Co., Paramus, N J, U.S.A. It contains antibody-coated latex beads that agglutinate if bacterial antigen is present in'the patient's spinal fluid. Positive and negative controls are provided. The new kit costs $60 and suffices for 30 tests. It completes a set for detecting 5 bacterial strains causing meningitis; a kit for the remaining 4 strains, based on conventional antibodies, was brought out by the same company over a year ago.
International Seminar on the Immunological System as Target for Toxic Damage: Present Status, Open Problems and Future Perspectives L u x e m b o u r g , N o v e m b e r 6 - 9 , 1984
Organized jointly by CEC and IPCS (WHO, ILO, UNEP) with the participation of EPA and NIEHS Aims of the Seminar will be to review current knowledge on the effect of xenobiotics on animal and human immunity, to discuss mechanisms underlying these effects, to critically analyze methods for assessing immune damage and to examine the human health implications of immunotoxicology. The P r i a m will consist of invited speakers, panel discussions and poster sessions. Deadline for poster abstracts is June 1, 1984. Official languages will be English anal French with simultaneous translation. For further information contact: Federico Spreafico, M.D., Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri" Via Eritrea, 62, 20157 Milano, Italy. Tel. (2) 35.54.546," Telex 331268 NEGRI 1.