BOOKS, REVIEWS, SYMPOSIA Eberwine, J.H., Roberts, J.L.* *Columbia Univ Co11 Phys 6 Surg, Ctr Reprod Sci, New York, NY 10032, USA DNA 1983, 2 (1) 1 Analysis of pro-opiomeIanocortin gene structure and function (Review) Lefer, A.M., Schumer, W. (eds) Alan R Liss Inc (New York), 1983, 333 pages, $60.00, ISBN 0-84510111-0 Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Shock and Trauma - Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Vol 111. (United States of America_ Japan Binational Conf on Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Shock and Trauma, Kona, HI, June 21-24, 1982) includes chapters on:Endorphins in shock and spinal injury - therapeutic effects of naloxone and thyrotropin-releasing hormone; Effects of hemorrhagic shock and endotoxin shock on plasma levels of beta-endorphin and beta-lipotropin R&chard, S.M., Reynolds, D.G., Adams, H.R. (eds) Alan R Liss Inc (New York), 1983, 224 pages, $54.00, ISBN 0-84510609-0 Advances in Shock Research, 'Jo1 10 Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on Shock, Pt 2 (5th Annual Meeting of the Shock Sot, Smugglers Notch, VT, June 9-11, 1983) includes section on-Role of endogenous opiates in shock Imura, H., Nakai,Y., Nakao, K., Oki, S., Tanaka, I., Jingami, H., v Yoshimasa, T., Teukada, T., Ikeda, Y., Suds, M., Sakamoto, M. Dept Med, Kyoto Univ, Fat Med, Kyoto, Japan J ENDOCRINOL INVEST 1983, 6 (2) 139 Biosynthesis and distribution of opioid peptides (review) Smith, A.P., Lee, N.M., Loh, H.H. Univ Calif San Francisco, Langley Porter Neuropsychiat Inst, Dept Psychiat, San Francisco, Ca 94143, USA TRENDS PHARMACOL SC1 1983, 4 (4) 163 The multiple site beta-endoyphin receptor (TIPS Review) Holaday J.W. Jalter Reed Army Inst Res, Dept Med Neurosci, Dlv Neuropsychlat, Neuropharmacol Branch, Washington, DC 20012. USA 4NNU REV-PHARMACOL TOXICOL 1983, 23 541-94 Cardiovascular effects of endogenous opiate systems (Review)
JUNE 198' Iversen L.L. MRC Ctr, Neurochem Pharmacol Unit, Cambridge, England ANNU REV PHARMACOL TOXICOL 1983, -23 l-27 Nonopioid neuropeptides in mammalian CNS (Review) Bloom F.E. Salk Inst Biol Studies, Arthur V Davis Ctr Behav Neurobiol, San Diego, Ca 92138, USA ANNU REV PHARNACOL TOXICOL 1983, 23 151-70 The endorphins: A groWing family Of pharmacolOgiCally pertinent peptides (Review) Lewis R.V., Stern A.S. Univ Wyoming, Dept Biochem, Lsramie, WY 82071, USA ANNU REV PHARMACOL TOXICOL 1983, 3 353-72 Biosynthesis of the enkephalins and enkephalin-containing polypeptides (Review) Pliska V. Swiss Fed Inst Technol Inst Tierprod, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland J RECEPT RES 1983, 3 (l-2) 227 Displacement reacti&s employing heterologous tracer ligands in peptide receptor studies: A review Meisenberg G., Simmons W.H. Loyola univ, Stritch Sch Med, Dept Microbial, Maywood, I1 60153, USA LIFE SC1 1983, 32 (23) 2611 Peptides and the blood-brain barrier (Minireview) Skrabanek, P., Powell, D. Mater Misericordiae Hosp, Endocrine Unit, Dublin 7, Ireland OBSTET GYNECOL 1983, 61 (5) 641 Substance-P In obstetrics and gynaeco1ogy: review Systematic Role of Regulatory Peptides - 18th Symposium - Papers Hoechst. ISBN 3794508742. Oosterbeek, Netherlands. May 1982. Symposia Medica Hoechst No. 18 1982 Morrison, J.H., Magistretti, P.J. Salk Inst Biol Studies, Arthur V Davis Ctr Behav Neurobiol, La Jolla, Ca 92037, USA TRENDS NEUROSCI 1983, 5 (4) 146 Monoamine6 and peptides in cerebral cortex - contrasting principles of cortical organization (Review) GENERAL Gustafsson M.K.S., Jukanen A.E., Wikgren M.C. Swedish Unfv Abo, Xnst Biol, Porthansgatan 3-5, SF-20500 Abo 50, Finland
Z PARASITENK-PARASITOL RES 1983, _69 (2) 279 Activation of the peptidergic neurosecretory system in Diphyllobothrium dendriticnm (Cestoda) at suboptimal temperatures Skofitsch, G., Donnerer, J., Petronijevic, S., Saria, A., Lembeck, F.* *Univ Gras, Austrian Acad Sci, Pain Res Commiss, Dept Exptl 6 Clin Pharmacol, A-8010 Gras, Austria NAUNYN-SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCH PHARMACOL 1983, -322 (2) 153 Release of histamine by neuropeptides from the perfused rat hindquarter Gispen, W.H. State Univ Utrecht, Inst Molec Biol, Div Molec Neurobiol, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands SCAND J PSYCHOL 1982, SUPPL 1 16 Neuropeptides and behavior: ACTH NUTR REVS 1983, 3 (1) 20 Food intake, satiet and peptide hormones of the braK n-gut axis Stevens, C.F. Dept Physiol, Yale Univ Sch Med, New Haven, Ct 06510, USA NATURE 1983 303 (5915) 285 Complex proteins coordinate simple behaviour (News) Kerouac, R., Fournier, A., Barbea, St-Pierre, S., Rioux, F.* *Univ Sherbrooke, Fat Med, Dspt Pharmacol, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada JlH 5N4 NEUROPEPTIDES 1983, 2 (4) 285 Evaluation of the contribution of mast cell mediators to the hypotensive activity of various peptides in rats
Foreman J., Jordan C. Univ London Univ Coil, Dept Pharmacol, London WClE 6BT, England AGENT ACTION 1983, 13 (2-3) 105 Histamine release and vascular changes induced by neuropeptides de Groat, W.C., Kawatani, M., Hisamitst T., Lowe, I., Morgan, C., Roppolo, J., Booth, A.M., Nadelhaft, I., Kuo, D., Thor, K. Univ Pittsburgh, Sch Med, Dept Pharmacol, Pittsburgh, Pa 15261, USA J AUTONOM NERV SYST 1983, 2 (3-4) 335 The role of neuropeptides in the sacral autonomic reflex pathways of the cat Woodhams, P-L., Roberts, G.W., Polak, J.M., CROW, T.J. Inst Neural, MRC Dev Neurobiol Unit, London WClH 9QS, England NEUROSCIENCE 1983, 8 (4) 677 Distribution of neuropeptides in the limbic system of the rat - the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, septum and QrWQtiC area
@ICEPHALINS AND ENDORPHINS Shimohiagashi, Y., Stammer, C.H.* *Univ Georgia, Dept Chem, Athens, Ga 30602, USA J CHEM SOC PERKIN TRANS I 1983, (4) 803 Dehydro-enkephalins. Part 7. A potent dehydroleucine-enkephalin resistant to carboxypeptidase Rothman, R.B., Westfall, T.C.* *Univ Virginia, Dept Pharmacol, Charlottesville, Va 22908, USA NEUROCHEM RES 1983, j (2) 179 Multiple opioid receptors: an examinatiOn of the dissociation of [3H]le"cine enkephalin from rat brain membranes
Rust, M. Tech Univ Munich, Klinikum Rechts Isar, Inst Anaesthesiol, D-8000 Munich 80, W Germany INTENSIVBEHANDLUNG 1983, 8 (1) 1 Opiold agonists and antagonists concepts and clinical use (German) Green I.C., Ray K., Perrin D. Univ Sussex, Sch Biol Sci, Dept Biochem, Biochem Lab, Brighton BNl 9QG, E Sussex, England HORMONE METAB RES 1983, 11 (3) 124 Opioid peptide effects on insulin release and CAMP in islets of Langerhans Tang, J., Chou, J., Zhang, A.Z., Costa, E. St Elizabeths Hasp, NIMH, Preclin Pharmacol Lab, Washington, DC 20032, USA LIFE SC1 1983, 32 (20) 2371 MetS-enkephalin=&g6-phe7 and its receptor in lung
Yang. H.-Y.T.,
Stefano, G.B., Leung, M. State Univ New York, Old Westbury, Dept BIol Sci, Old Westbury, NY 11568, USA CELL HOLEC NEUROBIOL 1982, 2 (4) 347 Purification of opiold peptides from moll"scan ganglia Kandasamy, S.B., Williams, B.A. NASA, Ames Res Ctr, Div Biosyst, Moffett Field, Ca 94035, USA BRAIN RES 1983, 265 (1) 63 Peptide and non-peptide opioidinduced hyperthermis in rabbits Mager, P.P. Karl Marx Univ, Med Unit, Pharmacochem Res Grp, DDR-7010 Leipzig, E
Germany ACTIV NERV SUPER 1983, 25 (1) 66 Indirect discrimination of Type-l-mu and Type-l-delta opioid receptor properties using quantitative structure-activity relationships Neyeraon, B.J. Univ Ui ?mala. Dapt Med Phamcol,
S-75123 Uppaala, Sweden SCANU .JPSYCHOL 1982, SUPPL 1 85 Socio-•axual behaviora in rata after neonatal and adult beta-endorphin treatment
Aronin N., Krieger D.T. Univ Massachusetts, Ned Ctr, Dept Fled, Dlv Endocrine, Worcester, Ma 01605, USA CLIN ENDOCRINOL 1983, 18 (5) 459 Plasma immunoreactive %a-endorphin is elevated in uraemia Dodd6 W.N., Jones C.A., Murphy C., Jayson M.I.V., Rees J.M.H. Univ manchester, Ctr Rheumat Dis, Manchester Ml3 9PT, England ANN RHEUM DIS 1983, 42 (2) 228 Peripheral endorphin and enkephalin in rheumatic diseases - Preliminary observations (abstract)
Iotassium-modulated secretion of jmmunoreative melanocyte-stimulating Ionnone and endorphln from mouse neurointermediate lobes: evidence for stim"l"s-secretion uncoupling and rate sensitivity Petraglia, F., Facchinetti, F., Parrini, D., Micieli, G., De Luca, S., Genassani, A.R.* *Univ Modena, Dept Obstet 6 Gynecol, I-41100 Modena, Italy HORMONE RES 1983, 17 (3) 147 Simultaneous circadian variations of plasma ACTH, beta-lipotropin, beta-endorphin and cortisol
Kato, N., Higuchi, T., Friesen, H.G., Wsda, J.A. Snead, O.C. Unlv Manitoba, Dept Physiol, Chlldrens Hosp, Birmingham, Al Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3E 0W3 35233, USA LIFE SC1 1983, 32 (21) 2415 ANN NEUROL 19C3, 13 (4) 445 Changes of immunoreactive somatosSeizures induced by carbachol, tatin and beta-endorphin content in morphine, and leucine-enkephalin - 8 rat brain after amygdaloid kindling comparison Deeks, T., Crooks, P.A.*, Waigh, Khachaturian, H., Lewis, M.E., R.D. Hollt, V., Watson, S.J. *Univ Kentucky, Co11 Pharm, Lexington, Univ Michigan, Mental Hlth Res Inst, KY 40536, USA Ann Arbor, Ml 48109, USA J MED CHEM 1983, 26 (5) 762 J NEUROSCI 1983, 3 (4) 844 Synthesis and analgesic properties Telencephalic enkgphalinergic of two leucine-enkephalin analogues systems in the rat brain containing a conformationally restrained N-terminal tyrosine Srewczuk, Z., Siemion, I., residue Jankowski, A., Kowalczyk-Bronisz, S.H. Suvorov, N.F., et al Wroclaw B Beirut Univ, Inst Chem, ZH VYSSH NERV DEIAT 1982 22 (5) ~~-50137 Wroclaw, Poland 840-4 ARCH IMMUNOL THER EXP 1982, 30 (5-6) Role of enkephalin-reactive system 405 of the caudate nucleus in acquisEnkephalin-aso-albumin and its ition of alimentary conditioned immunological properties reflex in dogs (Russian) Rudman, D., Berry, C.J., Riedeburg, Zakusov, V.V., et al C.H., Holllns, B.M., Kutner, M.H., BIULL EKSP BIOL MED 1982 94 (12) Lynn, M.J., Chawla, R.K. 51-3 Emory Univ, Sch Med. Dept Med, Clin Effect of prostaglandins, cyclic Res Facil, Atlanta, Ga 30322, USA nucleotides and ions on the analgesic ENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 112 (5) 1702 =ffect of enkephalin analogs Effects of opioid peT;EIdesand opiate alkaloids on insulin secreGullner H.G., Kelly G.D. tion in the rabbit NHLBI, Hypertens Endocrine Branch, Bethesda, Md 20205, USA Chang, T.L., Loh, Y.P.* ARCH INT PHARMACODYN THER 1983, -262 *NICHHD, Dev Neurobiol Lab, Funct (2) 208 Neurochem Sect, Bethesda Md 20205, Dermorphin: Effects on anterior USA pituitary function in the rat ENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 112 (5) 1832 Characterization of proopiocortin-converting activity in rat anterior pituitary secretory granules Nussbaum, S.R., Carr, D.B., Bergland, R.H., Kliman, B., Fisher, J., Reiner, B. Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Endocrine Unit, Boston, Ma 02114, USA ENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 112 (5) 1877 Dynamics of cortisol and endorphin responses to graded doses of synthetic ovine CRF in sheep Keith, L.D., Allen, R.G., Stack, J., Robertson, L.M., Kendall, J.W. Vet Adm Ned Ctr, Res Serv, Portland, Or 97201, USA ENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 112 (5) 1886
Wright, D.J.M. Dept Microbial, Charing Cross Hosp, London W6 8RF, England LANCET 1983, L(8334) 1135 Endogenous opioid withdrawal in the Jarisch-Hersheimer reaction Parolaro, D., Sela, M., Crema, G., Spazzl, L., Cessna, R., Gori, E. Univ Milan, Fat Scl, Inst Pharmacol, I-20129 Milan, Italy PEPTIDES 1983, 5 (1) 55 Central and perpheral components of dermorphin's effect on rat intestinal propulsion in comparison to morphine
Davis, J.M., Lowy, M.T., Yim, G.K.W.", Lamb, D.R., Malve", P.V. *Purdue Univ, Dept Pharmacol 6 Toxicol, W Lafayette, In 47907, USA PEPTIDES 1983, 2 (1) 79 Relationship between plasma concentrations of immunoreactive beta-endorphin and food intake I" rats de Wald, D., Lewis, R.V. Unix Wyoming, Dept Biochem, Laramie, Wy 82071, USA PEPTIDES 1983, _4 (1) 121 Enkephalin-containing polypeptide levels in normal tensive and SHR rat adrenal glands Oouchi, M., Asaoka, H., Nitsutake, T., Miyagawa, M. Showa Univ, Sch med, Dept Physiol, Shinagawa Ku, Tokyo 142, Japan PEPTIDES 1983, 5 (1) 125 Endogenous opioid peptide effects 0" the guinea-pig biliary tract &ado E.S., De Carvalho L.P., AraujoVie1 M.S., Ling N., Rossier J. Escola Paulista Med, Dept Bioquim, BR-20372 Sao Paula, SP, Brazil BIOCHEM BIOPHYS RES COMMUN 1983, 112 (2) 366 A Met-enkephalin-co"Eai"i"g peptide, BAM 22P, as a novel substrate for glandular kallikreins Ll, C.H., Yamashiro, D., Ferrara, P., Tseng, L-F., Way, E.L. U~IV California, Hormone Res Lab, San Francisco, Ca 94143, USA INT J PEPT PROT RBS 1983, 21 (4) 331 Synthesis and properties of beeahendorphin analogs containing the dynorphin-(l-13) sequence Nadaadi, L., Yamashiro, D., Li, C.H.*, Huidobro-Tore, P. *Univ California, Hormone Res Lab, San Francisco, Ca 94143, USA INT J PEPT PROT RES 1983, 21 (4) 344 Enkephalin analogs: synthesis and properties of analogs with lipophilic or extended carboxyl-terminus. Quantitative structure-activity relationship of analogs modified in residue position 5 Sudha, T.S., Balaram, P.* *Indian Inst Sci, Molec Bfophys Unit, Banaglore 560012, Karnataka, India INT J PEPT PROT RBS 1983, 21 (4) 381 Stabilization of beta-turn conformations in enkephalins. Alpha-amlnoisobutyric acid analogs Yamashiro, D., Westphal, M., Hoey, K., Li, C.H.* *U"iv California, Hormone Res Lab, San Francisco, Ca 94143, USA INT J PEPT PROT RES 1983, 21 (4) 389 Beta-endorphln: synthesis and properties of analogs modified at position 6 Bentley &A., Newton S.H., Starr .I. Honash Univ. Dept Pharmacol, Clayton. Victoria 3168, Australia BR .I PHARMACOL 1983, 79 (1) 125 Studies on the aatinociceptive
action of alpha-agonist drugs and their interactions with opioid mechanisms
Stone T.W. Univ London, St Georges Hosp, Sch Med, Dept Physiol, London SW17 ORE, England BR J PHARMACOL 1983, 79 (1) 305 A comparison of the effects of morphine, enkephalln, kyotorphi" and D-phenylalanine on rat central "eurones
Rodbard D., Costa T., Shimohigashi Y., Krumins S. NICHHD, Endocrinol & Reprod Res Branch, Biophys Endocrinol Sect, Bethesda, Md 20205, USA J RECEPT RES 1983, 2 (l-2) 21 Dimeric pentapeptide and tetrapeptide enkephalins: New tools for the study of delta opioid receptors
Schulz, R., Gramsch, C., Wuster, M. Mac Planck Inst Psychiac, Dept Neuropharmacol, Kraepelinstr 2, D-8000 Munich 40, W Germany NEUROPEPTIDES 1983, 2 (4) 271 Multiple endorphins in neuronal hybrid cell lines
Kuhn, J-M., Bertagna, X., Seurin, Gourmelen, M., Girard, F. Hop Trousseau, INSERM, U142, Physiol Endocrinienne Infantile Lab, F-75571 Paris 12, France J CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB 1983, 56 (6) 1338 Plasma lipotropin increase in man after growth hormone administration. Comparison between extractive and biosynthetic hormones
Chen, C.L.C., Dionne, F.T., Roberts, J.L. Rockefeller Univ, Populat Res Council, Neo York, NY 10021, USA PROC NAT ACAD SC1 US-BIOL SCI, 1983, 80 (8) 2211 cgulation of the pro-opiomelanocortin messenger RNA levels in rat pituitary by dopaminergic compounds Codd E.E., Scholten H., Wolterink G., Verhoef J.C., Van Ree J.H., Witter A. Univ Utrecht, Fat Med, Rudolf Magnus Inst Pharmacol, 3521 GD Utrecht, Netherlands EUR J PHARMACOL 1983, g (4) 365 In vlvo interaction of gamma-type endorphins with dopaminergic ligands in rat brain Summy-Long, J.Y., Keil, L.C., Sells, G., Kirby, A., Chee, O., Severs, W.B. Penn State Univ, Milton S Hershey Med Ctr, Co11 Med, Dept Pharmacol, Hershey, Pa 17033, USA AMER J PHYSIOL 1983, 244 (4) R522 Cerebroventriculer sites for enkephalin inhibition of the central actions of angiotensin Ribstein, J., Humphreys, M.H. Univ Calif San Francisco, Div Nephrol, San Francisco, Ca 94143, USA AMER J PHYSIOL 1983, 244 (4) F392 Endogenous opioids. and electrolyte excretion after contralateral renal exclusion Goldstein, A. Addict Res Fdn, Palo Alto, Ca 94304, USA DRUG ALCOHOL DEPEND 1983, " (1) 11 Some thoughts about endogenous cpioids and addiction Kay, E.L. Univ California, Dept Pharmacol, San Francisco, Ca 94143, USA DRUG ALCOHOL DEPEND 1983, fi (1) 23 Some thoughts about opiope$&s, peptides with opiate-like activity
Morley, J.E., Levine, A.S., Yamada, T., Gebhard, R.L., Prigge, W.F., Shafer, R.B., Goetz, F.C., Silvis, S.E. Vet Adm Med Ctr, Neuroendocrine Res Lab, Special Dlagnost & Treatment Unit, Minneapolis, Mn 55417, USA GASTROENTEROLOGY 1983, 84 (6) 1517 Effect of exorphins on gastrointestinal function, hormonal release and appetite Gillman, M.A., Lichtigfeld, F.J. Rietfontein Hasp, Transvall, S Africa ANESTHESIOLOGY 1983, 58 (5) 483 Nitrous oxide interacts with opioid receptors: more evidence (Letter) Bixby, J.L., Spitzer, N.C. Univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Physiol, San Francisco, Ca 94143, USA J NEUROSCI 1983, 2 (5) 1014 Enkephalin reduces calcium action potentials in Rohon-Beard neurons in viva S AFR MED J 1983, 63 (19) 713 Opioid peptides and the clinician (Editorial) Scallet A.C., Rush D.R., Kalin N.H., Risch S-C., Suomi S.J., Zaas T. Washington Univ, Sch Med, Dept Psychiat, St Louis, MO 63110, USA PEPTIDES 1983, 4 (1) 19 Shuttlebox avoi&nce in rhesus monkeys: Effects on plasma cortisol and beta-endorphin Furness, J-B., Costa, M., Miller, R.J. Flinders Univ S Australia, Ctr Neurosci, Bedford Pk, SA 5042, Australia NEUROSCIENCE 1983, 5 (4) 653 Distribution and projections of nerves with enkephalin-like illrmunoreacti immunoreactivity in the guinea pig small intestine
A., Buena, L.* *INRA, Pharmacol Toxic01 Stn, 180 Chemi" Tournefeuille, F-31300 Toulouse, France AM J VET RES 1983, 64 (5) 802 A posalble central opiate mechanism involved in the inhibition of food intake and reticular motility by duodenal DGlactic acid infusion in sheep
Gronov, L.A., Krivorotov, S.V., Skryma, R.N. Minlst Pub1 Hlth UKSSR, Inst Pharmacol C Toxicol, Kiev, UKSSR NEUROSCIENCE 1983, i (4) 855 Effects of morphine and opioid peptides on sensitivity to acetylcholine of dialyaed snail neurons
Tseng L.F. Vet Adm Med Ctr, Toxic01 Res Lab, Wood, Wi 53193, USA LIFE SC1 1983, 32 (22) 2545 Partial cross tolerance to D-ala2-Dleu5-cnkephalin after chronic spinal morphine infusion Mosberg H.I., Hurst R., Hruby V.J., Galllgan J.J., Burks T.F., Gee K., Yamemura H.I. Univ Arizona, Dept Chem, Tucson, AZ 85721. USA LIFE SC1 1983, 32 (22) 2565 Conformationally constrained cyclic enkephalin analogs with pronounced delta opioid receptor agonist selectivity Chou J., Tang J., Costa E. St Elizabeth6 Hasp, NIMH, Preclin Pharmacol Lab, Washington, DC 20032, USA LIFE SC1 1983, 21 (22) 2589 Mets-enkephalin-arg6-phe7 content of human and rabbit plasma Suda M., Nakao K.*, Yoshimasa T., Ikeda Y., Sakamoto M., Yanaihara N., Numa S., Imura H. *Kyoto Univ, Sch Med, Div Internal Med 2, Sakyo ku, Kyoto 606, Japan LIFE SC1 1983, 32 (24) 2769 A novel opioid peptide, leumorphin, acts as an agonist at the k opiate receptor Szucs M., Benyhe S., Borsodi A., Wollemann M., Jancso G., Szecsi J., Medzihradszky K. Hungarian Acad Sci, Biol Res Ctr, Inst Blochem, POB 521, H-6701 Szeged, Hungary LIFE SC1 1983, 21 (24) 2777 Binding characteristics and analgesic activity of l+ala2-leu5- enkephalin chloromethyl ketone Gosnell B.A., Levine A.S., Morley J.E. Vet Adm Med Ctr, Neuroendocrine Res Lab, Minneapolis, Mn 55417, USA LIFE SC1 1983, 32 (24) 2793 The effects of aging on opioid modulation of feeding in rats Lynch W.C., Clark S. Montana State Univ, Dept Psychol, Bozeman, Mt 59717, USA LIFE SC1 1983, 32 (24) 2801 Endogenous opioids: Naloxone disrupts learned performance in rets NEUROTENSIN Geese. R.. Heuberger. S. Univ &az; Dept Pharmecol, A-8010 Graz, Austria NEUROSCI LETTERS 1983, 36 (1) 87 Release of neurotensln from rat spinal cord in vitro Minagawa H.. Shlosaka S., Inagaki S. et al oseke Univ, Sch Med. Inst Higher Nervous Actlv. Dent Neuroanat. Klta ku, Osake 530; Ja&x~ NEUROSCI 1983, s (3) 467 Ontogeny of neurotensln-containing neuron system of the rat-immunohistochemical analysis. 2. Lower brain stem
Inagaki, S., Shlnoda, K., Kubota, Y., Shiosaka, S., Matsuzaki, T., Tohyama, M. Osaka Univ, Sch Med, Inst Higher Nervous Activ, Dept Neuroanat, Osaka 530, Japan NEUROSCIENCE 1983, g (3) 487 Evidence for the existence of a neurotensin-containing pathway from the endoplriform nucleus and the adjacent prepiriform cortex to the anterior olfactory nucleus and nucleus of diagonal band (broca) of the rat Kelivas, P.W., Burgess, S.K., Nemeroff, C.B., Prange, A.J. Louisiana State Univ, Med Ctr, Dept Pharmacol, New Orleans, La 70112, USA NEUROSCIENCE 1983, 8 (3) 495 Behavioral and neur%hemical effects of neurotensin microinjection into the ventral tegmental area of the rat
Bloom, S.R., Lee, Y.C., Lacroute, J.H., Abbass, A., Sondag, D., Baumenn, R., Weill, J.P. Hemmersmith Hasp, Royal Postgrad Med Sch, Dept Med, London W12 OHS, England GUT 1983, 24 (5) 448 Two patients with pancreatic apudomas secreting neurotensin and VIP SUBSTANCE P Cascieri, M.A., Llang, T. Merck Sharp 6 Dohme, Res Labs, Merck Inst Therapeut Res, Dept Biochem Endocrinol, Rahway. NJ 07065, USA J BIOL CHEM 1983, 258 (8) 5158 Characterization ofhe substance P receptor in rat brain cortex membranes and the inhibition of radiollgand binding by guanine nucleotides
Kakudo, K., Vacca, L.L. Hyogo Co11 Med, Dept Pathol Hasp, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663, Japan J SUBMICROSC CYTOL 1983, 15 (2) 563 Immunohistochemical study of -: McDermott, J.R., Smith, A.I., Dodd, substance P-like immunoreaccivity in P.R., Hardy, J.A., Edwardson, J.A. Newcastle Gen Hasp, MRC, Neuroendocrlno human thyroid and medullary carcinoma of the thyroid Unit, Newcastle Tyne NE4 6BE, Tyne h Wear, England Vacca, L.L. PEPTIDES 1983, _4 (1) 25 DJniv Kansas, Ned Ctr, Dept Anat, Mechanism of degradation of LH-RH and neurotensin by synaptosomal Kansas City, KS 66103, USA J SUBMICROSC CYTOL 1983, 15 (2) 569 peptidases Substance P appears reduced in Huntingdon's disease: immunocytochemical findings in substantia Reches, A., Burke, R.E., Jiang, D., nigra and substantia gelatinosa Wagner, H.R., Fahn, S. Columbia Univ Co11 Phys 6 Surg, Dept Treptow, K., Oehme, P.*, Gabler, E., Neurol, New York, NY 10032, USA Bientert, M. PEPTIDES 1983, 5 (1) 43 *Acad Scl GDR, Inst Wirkstofforsch, Neurotensin interacts with dopamiAlfred Kowalke Str 4, DDR-1136 nergic neurons in ret striatum Berlin, E Germany REGULAT PEPTIDES 1983, 2 (4) 343 Bloom S.R., Peart W.S., Unwln R.J. Modulation of locomotor activity by Royal Postgrad Med Sch, Duane Rd, substance P in rats London W12 OHS, England BR J PHARMACOL 1983, 79 (1) 15 Lorez, H.P., Haeusler, G., Aeppli, Neurotensin and antinzriuresis in L. the conscious rabbit F Hoffman La Roche & Co Ltd, Dept Pharmsceut Res, CH-4002 Basel, Sherman K.I.J., Sheppard H.C. Switzerland Univ Briminghem, Queen Elizabeth NEUROSCIENCE 1983, d (3) 507 Hasp, Dept Med Birmingham B15 2TH, Substance-P neurones in medullary England baroreflex areas and baroreflex J ENDOCRINOL 1983, 97 (1) 105 function of capsalcin-treated rats Neurotensin releasefrom ret comparison with other primary bypothalemus invitro afferent systems Theodorsson-Norheim, E., Resell, S. Leger, L., Charnay, Y., Chayvialle, Karollnska Inst. Dept Pharmecol, J.A., Berod, A., Dray, F., Pujol, J.F., Jouvet, M., Dubois, P.M. Fat Med Lyon Sud, Histol Embryo1 of fatty acids, triolein, liquid Lab, F-69600 Oullins, France oaraffin and lecithin on olasma beurotensin-like immunoreictivity NEUROSCIENCE 1983, 8 (3) 525 (p-NTLI) in the rat Localization of substance-P-like and enkephalin-like ilsarnoreactivity in relation to catecholemine-containing Kerouac, R., St-Pierre, S., Manning, cell bodies in the cat dorselateral M., Rloux, F.* *Univ Sherbrooke, FPC Med, Dept pontine tegmentum - en i-n0 fluorescence study Pharmacol, Sherbrooke. Quebec, Canada Jltl 5N4 NEUROPEPTIDES 1983, 3 (4) 295 LANCET 1983 1 (8335) 1198 Hot peppers Xnd substance P (Editorial) Partial blockade of iieurotensin-induced hypotension in rats by nephrectomy captopril and sarelasin. Possible mechanisms
Pfister C., Gorne R.C. Humboldt Univ, Bereich Med Charite,
Inst Anat, DDR-1040 Berlin, E Germany ACTA HISTOCHEM 1983, 72 (1) 127 Substance-P-like immu~fluorescence in the adrenal medulla of the rat Hall, M.E., Stewart, J.M. Univ Colorado, Sch Ned, Dept Biochem, Denver, Co 80262, USA PEPTIDES 1983, 2 (1) 31 Substance P and sntfnociception Papka, R.E., Matulionis, D.H. Univ Kentucky, Med Ctr, Dept Anat, Lexington, Ky 40536, USA CELL TISSUE RES 1983, 230 (3) 517 Association of substan=P-fmmunoreactive nerves with the murineolfactol‘Y mLlC"Sa Kulakowski, E.C., Lampson, E.G., Schaffer, S.W., Lovenberg, W. NHLBI, Hypertens Branch, Biochem Pharmacol Sect, Bethesda, Md 20205, USA BIOCHEM PHARMACOL 1983, 32 (6) 1097 Action of subsrance P on the working rat heart Resell, S., Bjorkroth, U., Xu, J.C., Folkers, K. Karolinska Inst, Dept Pharmacol, S-10401 Stockholm 60, Sweden ACTA PHYSIOL SCAND 1983, 117 (3) 445 The pharmacological profile of a substance P (SP) antagonist. Evidence for the existence of subpopulations of SP receptors Fandriks, L., Delbro, D. uocnenourg ""l", uepr.rnyauJA, S-41124 Gothenbutg, Sweden ACT/, P:!'(SICL "CA"" In??, 117 (1: L73 Cholinergic excitatory motor responses of the feline colon elicited by high-strength sympathetic nerve stimulation or by intra-arterial administration of substance P
Liesi P. et al DeIt Orthopaed & Traumatol, Univ Crr Hoop, 00260 Helsinki 26, Finland LAIJCET 1983. I (8337) 1328 Substance P: a "europeptide involved in low back pain? (Letter) Li" C.W., Musacchio J.M.* *NYU Ned Ctr, Dept Pharmacol, New
York, NY 10016, USA MOL PHARMACOL 1983, 23 (3) 558 The determination ofTissociation constants for substance P and substance P analogues in the guinea pig ileum by pharmacological procedures
Lee C.M., Javitch J.A., Snyder S.H. Howard Univ, Co11 Liberal Arts, Dept 2001, Washington, DC 20059, USA MOL PHARMACOL 1983, z (3) 563 3H-substance P binding to salivary gland membranes: Regulation by guanyl "ucleotides and divalent cations Eriksso", M., Gerdin, B., Salden, T. Univ Uppsala, Inst Forens Med, S-75105 Uppsala, Swede" INT J MLCROCIRC CLIN EXPTL 1983, -2 (1) 53 Enhancement of the permeability increasing effect of bradykinin and substance P by a peptide derived from fibrinogen ANGIOTENSIN Tonnaer J.A.D.M.. Engels G.M.H.. Voshart K., Wiegant V.M., DeJong W. Organon Int BV, Dept CNS Pharmacol, Sci Dev Grp, POB 20, 5340 BH 066, Netherlands BRAIN RES BULL 1983, '0 (3) 295 Binding of angiotensins to rat brain tissue: Structure activity rela relationship
Irmanflorjanc T., Erjavec F.
Univ Ljubljana, Fat Med, Dept Pharmacol YU-61000 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia AGENT ACTION 1983, 13 (2-3) 138 Compound 48180 and substance-P induced release of histamine and serotonin from rat peritoneal mast cells Yamamoto, K., Matsuyama, T., Shiosaka, S., Inagaki, S., Senba, E., Shimizu, Y., Ishimoto, I., Hayakawa, T., Matsumoto, M., Tohyama, M. Osaka Univ, Sch Mad, Dapt Neurosurg, Kita ku, Osaka 530, Japan J COW NEUROL 1983, 215 (4) 421 Overall distributionof substance P-containing nerves in the wsll of the cerebral arteries of the guinea pig and its origins Fssmer, O.B., Berge, O.G., Hole, K. Univ Bergen, Inst Physiol, N-5000 Bergen, Norway NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 1983, 22 (4) 485 Similar behavioural effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine and substance P injected intrathecally in mice
Nicolaidis S., Ishibashi S., Gueguen B., Thornton S.N., De Beaurepaire R. Co11 France, CNRS, Neurobiol Regulat Lab, F-75231 Paris 05, France BRAIN RES BULL 1983, g (3) 357 Iontophoretic investigation of identified SF0 angiotensin responsive neurons firing in relation to blood pressure changes
Lewicki, J.A., Prints, J.M., Prints, M.P. Univ Calif San Diego, Dept Med, Div Pharmacol, La Jolla, Ca 92093, USA AMER J PHYSIOL 1983, 244 (4) H577 Clearance of rabbit plasma angiotensi" and relationship to CSF angiotensinoge Schelling, P., Muller, S., Clauser, E. Univ Fribourg, Inst Rech Cardio Angeiol, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland AMER J PHYSIOL 1983, -244 (4) R466 Regulation of angiotensinogen in csrabrospinal fluid and plasma of rats VASOPRESSIN Kawata, H., Hashlmoto, K., Takahara, J., Sano, Y. Kyoto Prefectural Univ Med, Dept Anat, Kamikyo ku, Kyoto 602, Japan CELL TISSUE RES 1983, 230 (2) 247 Differences in the distributional patter" of CRF-, oxytocin-, and vasopressin-immunoreactive nerve fibers in the median eminence of the rat Robinson, A.G., Seif, S.M., Verbalis, J.G., Brownstein, M.J. Univ Pittsburgh, Sch Med, Dept Med, Pittsburgh, Pa 15261, USA NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 36 (5) 347 Quantitatio" of changes in the content of neurohypophyseal peptides in hypothalamic nuclei after adrenalectomy Sahgal A. Newcastle Gen Hasp, MRC, Internal Med 2 Unit, NewcasCle upon Tyne NE4 6BE, England REGULAT PEPTIDES 1983, 1 94) 317 Vasopressin retards the acquisition of positively reinforced level pressing in homozygous Brattleboro rats Kok, T.P., van der Sluis, P.J.*, Boer, G.J. *Netherlands Inst Brain Res, Ijdijk 28, 1095 KJ Amsterdam, Netherlands NEUROPEPTIDES 1983, 2 (4) 255 Chemical identification of the vasopressin immunoreactive material present in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus
Appel, N.M., van Loon, G.R.* *Vet Adm Med Ctr, Lexington, Ky 40511, USA PEPTIDES 1983, 5 (1) 59 Activation of angiotensin II receptors in brain potentiates the stimulating effect of endogenous opioid neurons on central sympathetic outflow
up", A., Proux, J. CNRS, Ctr Immunol, INSERM, Case 906, v-1?2** %rseille 9, France NEUROPEPTIDES 1983, 2 (4) 309 Biochemical characterization of a vasopressin-like neuropeptide in Locusta migratoria. Evidence of high molecular weight protein encoding vasopressin sequence
Takishita, S., Ferrario, C.M. Cleveland Clin Educ Fdn, Div Res,
Davis, J.L., Pica, R.M., Cherkin, A. Vet Adm Med Ctr, Aging 6 Behav Biol Res Lab, Sepulveda, Ca 91343, USA BRAIN RES 1983, 266 (2) 355 Dose-dependent and time-dependent
Cleveland, Oh 44106, USA AMER J PHYSIOL 1983, 244 (4) H471 Lack of interaction b=en a hypertonic NaCl stimulus and the brain renin-angiotensin system
action of oxytocin on chick memory
OTHFRS ffiwata, M., Hashimoto, K., Takahara, J.,
Kyoto Prefectural Univ Med, Dept Anat, Kamikyo ku, Kyoto 602, Japan CELL TISSUE RES 1983, 230 (2) 239 Immunohistochemical idzification of neurons containing corticotropin-releasing factor in the rat hypothalamus
Dokas, LA., Zwiers, H., Coy, D.H., Gispe", W.H. Med Co11 Ohio, Dept Biochem, Toledo, Oh 43699, USA EUR J PHARMACOL 1983, s (2-3) 185 SOmatOstati" and analogs inhibit andogenous synaptic plasma membrane protein phosphorylation in vitro Watson, W.H., Augustine, G.J., Benson, J.A., Sullivan, R.E. Univ New Haqshire, Dept Zool, Durham, NH 03824, USA J F.XP BIOL 1983, -103 55 Troctolin and a" endogenous proctolinlike peptide enhance the contracti1itY of the Limulus heart Ji, A.X., Li, C.X., Ye, Y.H., Lin, Y., Xing, Q.Y., Liu, S.Y., Zhang, W.Y., Wang, Z.H., Dai, X.J. Beijing Univ, Dept Chem, Beijing, Peoples R China SC1 SINICA SER B 1983, 26 (2) 174 Synthesis of delta-sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) and its physiological activity Gomez, S., Morel, A., Nicolas, P., Cohen, P. Univ Pierre & Marie Curie, Neurobiochim Cellulaire 6 Molec Grp, F-75006 Paris, France BIOCHEM BIOPHYS RES COMMUN 1983, -112 (1) 297 Regional distribution of the Mr 15,000 somatostatin precursor, somatoststin-28 and somatostatin-14 in the rat brain suggests a differential intracellular processing of the high molecular weight species
Jennes, L., Stumpf, W.E., Tappas, M.L. Univ N Carolina, Dept Anat, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA EXP BRAIN RES 1983, 50 (1) 91 Anatomical relationships of dopaminergic and GABAergic systems with the GnRH-systems in the septohypothalamic area. Immunohistochemical studies Olgiati, V.R., Guidobono, F., Netti, C., Pecile, A. Univ Milan, Sch Med, Chair 3, Dept Pharmacol, I-20129 Milan, Italy BRAIN RRS 1983, 265 (2) 209 Localization of calcitonin binding sites in rat central *ervou* system: evidence for Its neuroactivity
Immunoreactive thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) association with synaptosomally-rich fractions in the rat hypothalamus Morin, M.P., De Marchi, P., Champagnat, J., Vanderhaeghen, J.J., Rossier, J., Denavit-Saubie, M. CNRS, Dept Neurophysiol Appl, Physiol Nerveuse Lab, F-91190 Gif sur Yvette, France BRAIN RES 1983, 265 (2) 333 Inhibitory effectsof cholecystokinin octapeptide on neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius Beal, M.F., Martin, J.B. Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Dept Neural, Boston, Ma 02114, USA BRAIN RES 1983, 266 (1) 67 Effects of lesions on somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in the rat striatum Richardson, S.B., Greenleaf, P., Hollander, C.S. Vet Adm Med Ctr, Dept Med, Div Endocrine, New York, NY 10010, USA BRAIN RES 1983, 266 (1) 83 Somatostatin release from dispersed hypothalamic cells - effects of membrane depolarization, calcium and glucose deprivation Sahgal, A., Wright, C., Edwardson, J.A., Keith, A.B. Newcastle Gen Hosp, MRC, Neuroendocrinol Unit, Newcastle Tyne NE4 6BE, Tyne 6 Wear, England NEUROSCI LETTERS 1983, 36 (1) 81 Corticotrophin releasingfactor is more potent than some corticotrophin-related peptides in affecting passive avoidance behaviour in rats Zarbin, N.A., Innis, R.B., Wamsley, J.K., Snyder, S.H., Kuhar, M.J.* *Johns Hopkins Univ, Dept Neurosci, Baltimore, Md 21205, USA J NEUROSCI 1983, 3 (4) 877 Autoradiographic iocalisatio" of cholecystokinin receptors in rodent brain Peters A., Miller Ft.,Kimerer L.M. Boston Univ. Sch Med, Dept Anat, Boston, Ma 02118, USA NEUROSCI 1983, 8 (3) 431 Cholecystokinin=like immunoreactive neurons in rat cerebral cortex Merche"thaler I
Vigh S., Petruss P., Sch,;ly A.V. Univ N Carolina, Dept Anat, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA REGULAT PEPTIDES 1983, 1 (4) 295 The paraventriculo-infundibular corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) pathway as revealed by immunocytochemistry in long-term hypophysectomized or adrenalectomiaed rats
Aggestrup, S., Uddman, R.*. Sundler, F.. Fahrenkrun. J.. Hakanson. R.. Sorensen, H.R.; Haibraeus, G: . llojvat, s., Anderson, J., Nishimura, lUniv Lund, Malmo Gen Hosp, Dept N., Baker, G., Kirsteins. L., Lawrence, Otolaryngol, S-21401 Malmo, Swede" A.&l.* GASTROENTEROLOGY 1983, 84 (5) (PT.l) *vet Mm Host. Res Erv. Hines. I1 ^^, 'IL4 60141, USA .' Lack of vasoactive intestinal BRAIN RES 1983, -265 (2) 259 polypeptide nerves in esophageal achalasia
Kobayashi S., Olschowka J.A., Jacobovitz D.M.* *NIMH, Clin Sci Lab, Bldg 10, Rm 3D-48, Bethesda, Md 20205, USA BRAIN RES BULL 1983, 10 (3) 373 Bovine pancreatic polypeptide-like immunoreactive nerves in the rat major cerebral arteries Peters A., Miller M., Kimerer L.M. Boston Univ, Sch Med, Dept Anat, Boston, Ma 02118, USA NEUROSCI 1983, 8 (3) 431 Cholecystoki"in=like immunoreactive neurons in rat cerebral cortex Masek, K., Kadlec, 0. Inst Pharmacol, Csechoslovak Acad Sci, 12800 Prague 2, Czechoslovakia LANCET 1983, 1 (8336) 1277 Sleep faCtOr,-muramyl peptides, and the serotoninergic system (letter) Johnston, M.F., Kravitz, E.A., Meiri, H., Rahamimoff, R. Dept Neurobiol, Harvard Med Sch, Boston, Ma 02115, USA SCIENCE 1983, 220 (4601) 1071 AdrenocortiCOti%$C hormone Causes long-lasting potentiation of transmitter release from frog motor nerve terminals Yuwiler, A. Neurobiochem Res, Vet Adm Med Ctr, Brentwood, Los Angeles, Ca 90073, USA SCIENCE 1983, -220 (4601) 1082 Light and agonists alter pineal N-acetyltransferase induction by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide Rajyalakshmi, M., Arunasmithsri, S., srinivas, v., Muralidhar, K. Univ Hyderabad, Sch Life Sci, Hyderabad 500134, India FEBS LETT 1983, 154 (2) 301 Incorporation of=dioactive 35504into immunoreactive pituitary 1utropin Wright, A., Wilson, J.F.* *U"iv Wales Welsh Nat1 Sch Med, Dept Pharmacol b Therapeut, Cardiff CF4 4KN, S Glam, Wales PEPTIDES 1983, 5 (1) 5 Absorption of alpha-MSH from subcutaneous and intraperitoneal sites in the rat Deschodt-Lanckman, M., Bui, N.D., Koulischer, D., Paroutaud, P., Strosberg, A.D. Univ Libre Bruxelles, Sch Med. Dept Biochem b Nutr, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium PEPTIDES 1983, j (1) 71 Cholecystokinin octa- and tetrapeptide degradation by synaptic membranes. II. Solubilization and separation of membrane-bound CCK-8 cleaving enzymes Myers, R.D., Hepler, J.R., Holahan, W. Univ N Carolina, Sch Med, Dept Psychiat, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA PEPTIDES 1983, 4 (1) 85 Action of anore;igenlc paptide injected into the brain: dissociation of effect on body weight and feeding in the rat
Sundler, F., Moghimsadeh, E., Hakanson, R., Ekelund, M., Emson, P. Univ Lund, Dept Histol, S-22362 Lund, Sweden CELL TISSUE RES 1983, 230 (3) 487 Nerve fibers in the gu=nd pancreas of the rat displaying neuropeptide-Y immuncreactivity. Intrinsic and extrinsic origin Roth K.A., Evans C.J., Lorenz R.G., Weber E., Barchas J.D., Chang J.K. Stanford Univ, Med Ctr, Sch Med, Dept Psychiat 6 Behav Sci, Nancy Pritsker Lab Behav Neurochem, Stanford, Ca 94305, USA BIOCHEM BIOPHYS RES COMMUN 1983, -112 (2) 528 Identification of gastrin-releasing peptide-related substances in guinea pig and rat brain Nadasdi, L., Yamashiro, II., Li, C.H.*, Izdebski, J. *Univ California, Hormone Res Lab, San Francisco, Ca 94143, USA INT J PEPT PROT P.ES 1983, 21 (4) 364 Synthesis and properties of equine beta-melanotropin analogs with substitution in residue position 1 Tartara, A., Bo, P., Savoldi, F., Said, S.I. Univ Pavia, Neural Cli", I-27100 Pavia, Italy PHARMACOL RES COMMUN 1983, 2 (3) 307 Centrally administered VIP increases spindle activity in unanaesthetised rabbits Bollengier, F., Foriers, A., Lauwereys, M., Mahler, A. Vrije Univ Brussel, Fysiopathol Zenuwstelsel Lab, B-1090 Brussels, Belgium NEUROPEPTIDES 1983, 3 (4) 243 Further biochemical 'Fharacteriration of the polyneuropeptide h3 recently isolated from human brain material, and its identification in human liver Bollok, I., Vecsel, L., Telegdy, G.* *Univ Fled Sch Sseged, Dept Pathophysiol, H-6701 Sseged, Hungary NEUROPEPTIDES 1983, 3 (4) 263 The effects of inter&tion between propranolol and somatostatin on the active avoidance behavior, open-field activity and electroconvulsive shock-induced amnesia of rats Hendry, S.H.C., Jones, E.G., Beinfeld, M.C. Washington Univ, Sch Med, James L Oleary Div Exptl Neural 6 Neural Surg, St Louis, Mo 63110, USA PROC NAT ACAD SC1 US-BIOL SCI, 1983, g (8) 2400 Cholecystokinin-immunoreactive neurons in rat and monkey cerebral cortex make symmetric synapses and have intimate associations with blood VSSSdS
M., Hashimoto K., Takahara J.,
San0 Y. Kyoto Prefectural Univ Med, Dept Anat, Kamlkyo Ku, Kyoto 602, Japan ARCH HISTOL JPN 1983, 5 (2) 183
Immunohistochemical identification of the corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)-containing nerve fibers in the pig hypophysis, with special reference to the relationship between CRF and posterior lobe hormones Ohtsuka M., Yamamoto Y., Daikoku S.* *U"iv Tokushima, Sch Med. Dept Anat, Tokushima 770, Japan ARCH HISTOL JPN 1983, 46 (2) 203 Topography and ultrastructure of LHRH- and somatostatin-containing axonal terminals in the median eminence of rats
TECHNIQUES Antonov, A.A., Krisy", E.P., Karelsky, V.N., Lukashina, I.V., Kashirin, I.A. All Union Blood Subst 6 Hormonal Preparat Res Inst, Moscow, USSR KHIM PRIR SOEDIN SSSR 1983, (1) 78 The use of N-carboetoxy-2-etoxy1,2-dihydroquinolines as condensing agents in the synthesis of the 20-24 ACTH sequence (Russian)
Cahill, C.A., Matthews, J.D., Akil, H. Univ Michigan, Mental Hlth Res Inst, Ann Arbor, Mi 48109, USA J CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB 1983 56 (5) 992 Human plasma beta-endorphin-like peptides: a rapid, high recovery extraction technique and validation of radioimmunoassay
Lloyd, R.V., Gikas, P.W., Chandler, W.F. Univ Michigan, Med Ctr, Dept Pathol, Ann Arbor, Mi 48109, USA AM J SURG PATHOL 1983, 7 (3) 251 Prolacti" and growth ho&ne-producing pituitary adenomas - a" immunohistochemical and ultrastructural MeUriS, S., Svoboda, M., Vilamala, study M., Christophe, J., Robyn, C. Univ Libre Bruxelles, Hop St Pierre, Li", M.T., Ghan, H.K., Chen, C.F., Human Reprod Res Unit, B-1000 Teh, G.W. Brussels, Belgium Nat1 Def Med Ctr, Dept Physiol 6 FEBS LETT 1983, 154 (1) 111 Biophys, Taipei, Taiwan Monomeric pituitzy growth hormone NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 1983, 12 (4) 463 and prolactin variants in man Involvement of both opiate and characterized by immunoperoxidase catecholaminergic receptors in electrophoresis the behavioural excitation provoked by thyrotropin-releasing hormone: Carraway, R.E., Ruane, S.E., Ritsema, comparisons with amphetamine R.S. Costa, M., Furness, J.B. Univ Massachusetts, Sch Med, Dept Flinders Univ S Australia, Ctr Physiol, Worcester, Ma 01605, USA Neurosci, Bedford Pk, SA 5042, PEPTIDES 1983, f! (1) 111 Australia Radioimmunoassay for Lys8, Asn9, NEUROSCIENCE 1983, 8 (4) 665 neurotensin 8-13: tissue and subcellular The origins, pathways and termination distribution of immunoreactivity in of neurons with VIP - like chickens immunoreactivity in the guinea pig small intestine Hublau P., Segheraert C., Ballester Deschepper C., Lotstra F., Vandesande F., Vanderhaeghen J.J.* *Univ Libre Brwelles, Brugma"" Univ Hosp, Neuropathol & Neuropeptide Res Lab, B-1020 Brussels, Belgium LIFE SC1 1983, 32 (22) 2571 Cholecystokinin~aries in the posterior pituitary and external median eminence of the rat according to factors affecting vasopressin and oxytoci" Fellmann D., Gouget A., Bugnon C. Fat Med C Pharm Besancon, Histol h Embryo1 Lab, F-25030 Besancon, France C R ACAD SC1 SER III-VIE 1983, -296 (10) 487 Immunocytochemical demonstration of a novel peptidergic neuronal system with a" anti-hpGRF44 antiserum in the brain of the garden dormouse (French) Crernik A.J., Petrack B. CIBA Geigy Corp, Div Pharmaceut, Dept Res 6 Dev, Ardsley, NY 10502, USA J BIOL CHEM 1983, 258 (9) 5525 Somatostati" receptor binding in rat cerebral cortex. Charactetlsation using a nonreducible somatostatln analog
L*, Dautrevaw M. Univ Droit 6 Sante Lille, Fat Pharm, Chim Organ Lab, F-59045 Lille, France EUR J MED CHEM-CHIM THER 1983, -18 (2) 131 Labeling of biologically active peptldes with metallocenes -Substance-P Zamboni, G., Jones, C.A., Hughes, J.* *U"iv London Imperial Co11 Sci 6 Technol, Dept Biochem, London SW7 2A2, England ANAL BIOCHEM 1983, -130 (1) 83 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for leucine and methionine enkephaline van Amsterdam, J.G.C., "a" Buuren, K.J.H., Dik, J., Wynne, H.J. Univ Amsterdam, Dept Pharm, Div Pharmaceut Chem, 1018 TV Amsterdam, Netherlands J CHROMATOGR 1983, 258 (Mar) 165 Determination of Lexnkaphalin degradation by a soluble-enzyme preparation from calf-brain striatum using reversed-phase high-performance liquf8 chromatography
Dockrsy, C.J., Williams, R.G. Mscinnes, D.G., Green, D.K., Hsrmsr, Univ Liverpool, Physiol Lab, Liverpool A., Nsirn, E.G., Fink, G. L69 3BX, Werseyside, England Unlv Edinburgh, Dept Phsrmscol, MRC, BRAIN RES 1983, 266 (2) 295 Brain Metsb Unit, Edinburgh EHB 9JZ, FMRFsmide-like immunoresctivity in Midlothisn, Scotland rat brain: development of s radioimmunoassay J NEUROSCI METHOD 1983, 7 (4) 309 and
Neuropeptide-receptor studied
Brinton, R.E., Deshmukh, P.P., Chen, A., Davis, T.P., Hsiso, S., Ysmsmurs, H.I.* *lJnivArizona, Arizona Hlth Sci Ctr, Dept Phsrmscol, Tucson, AZ 05724, USA BRAIN RES 1983, 266 (2) 344 A non-equilibria4-hour vssopressin radioimmunoassay: basal
development the
fluorescence-activated intensification
SHEFFIELD SlO 2TN, ENGLAND BOOKS. REVIEWS, SYMPOSIA Koella. W.P. Buchenetr 1, CH-4104 Oberwil, Switzerland TRENDS PHARHACOL SC1 1983, 4 (5) 210 Polypeptides and sleep (TIPS Review) von Almen, T.K., Olson, G.A., Olson, R.D.* *Univ New Orleans, Dept Psychol, New Orleans, La 70148, USA NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV 1983, 1 (2) 257 Behavioral effects of melanocyte stimulating hormone relesse-inhibiting factor-l (MIF-1) (Review) Morley, J.E., Levine, A.S., Yim, G.K., Lowy, M.T. Vet Adm !4ed Ctr, Neuraendocrine Res Lab, Minneapolis, Mn 55417, USA NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV 1983, L (2) 281 Opioid modulation of appetite (Review) Pitmsn Books (London) 1982, 360 pp. $25.00 ISBN: O-272-79655-7 Substance P In the Nervous System Ciba Foundation Symposium 91 Ham, M.T.W., Regnier, P.E., Wehr, C.T. (Ed.) Academic Press (New York), 1983, 267 pp, $27.50 ISBN: o-12-335780-2 High-Performance Liquid Chromstogrsphy of Proteins and Peptides 1st Int Symp on High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Proteins and Peptides, Washington, DC, November 16-17, 1981 Josefsson, L. Unlv Copenhagen, Dept Biochem C, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark INT J PEPT PROT RES 1983, 21 (5) 459 Invertebrate neuropeptide hormones (Review) Track, N.S. Univ Toronto, Dept Surg, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S lA8 CAN J SURG 1983, 26 (3) 211 Regulatory peptides of the gut and brain (review) Constsntinidis J., Bourss C., Richard J. Univ Geneva, Sch Med. Dept PFychist, Div Morph01 Psychopsthol. CH-1225 Geneva, Switzerland CLIN NEUROPATHOL 1983, L(2) 47 Putative peptide neurotransmitters in human neuropathology: A review of topography and clinical implications Ysrbrough G.G. Merck Sharp 6 Dohme, Res Labs, Merck Inst Therapeut Res, W Point, Pa 19486, USA LIFE SC1 1983, 3 (2) 111 Thyrotropin releasing hormone and CNS cholinergic neurons (Minireview)
July 1983 GENERAL Tinklenberg, J.R., Thornton, J.E. Vet Adm Med Ctr, Clin Psychopharmscol 6 Psychophysiol Lab, Palo Alto, Ca 94304, USA PSYCHOPHARMACOL BULL 1983, E (2) 196 Neuropeptides in geriatric psychopharmacology Kimura, S., Ukada, M., Sugits, Y., Kanazawa, I., Muneksta, E. Univ Tsukubs, Inst Basic Med Sci, Dept Biochem, Sakura, Ibsraki 303, Japan PROC JPN ACAD B lYt)J,59 (4) 101 Novel neuropeptides, neurokinin alpha and beta, isolated from porcine spinal cord Newmark, P. NATURE 1983, 303 (5919) 655 An embarrassment of peptides (News) McCulloch J. Wellcome Surg Inst, Univ Glasgow, Garscube Estate, Bearsden Rd, Glasgow G61 lyH, Scotland NATURE 1983, 304 (5922) 120 Peptides and the microregulation of blood flow in the brain (News) Rosenfeld M.G., Mermod J.J., Amara S.G., Swanson L.W., Sswchenko P.E., Rivier J., Vale W.W., Evans R.M. Eukaryotic Regulat Biol Prog, Sch Med, Univ Calif San Diego, La Jolla, Ca 92093. USA NATURE 1483, -304 (5922) 129 Production of a novel neuronentide . . encoded by the cslcitonin gene via tissue-specific RNA processing Matsas R.. Fulcher I.S., Kenny A.J., Turner A.J. Univ Leeds, Dept Biochem, Leeds LS2 9JT, W Yorkshire, England PROC NAT ACAO SC1 US-BIOL SC1 1983, &I (10) 3111 Substance-P and (Leu)enkephalin are hydrolyzed by an enzyme in pig caudate synaptic membranes that is identical with the endopeptidase of kidney microvilli ENKEPHALINS AND ENDORPHINS Beuley. T.A., Li, C.H. Univ California, Hormone Res Lab, San Francisco, Ca 94143, USA BIOCHEMISTRY USA 1983, 2 (11) 2671 Evidence for tertiary structure in aqueous solutions of human betaendorphin ss shown by difference absorption spectroscopy Nishimura, E., Kwok, Y.N., McIntosh, C.H.S.. Itrown, J.C. Univ British Columbia, Dept Physiol, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6'T lW5 CAN J PHYSIOL PHARMACOL 1983, 61 (4) AXViii Characterization of gastric opioid peptides (Abstract) Kawsi, K., Ishii, ii., Okanishi, S., Doi, T., Tsmura, S., Kuzuns, S., Fujino, M.
Takeda Chem Ind Ltd. Biol Labs, 17-85 Jusohonmachi, 2-Chome, Yodogswa Ku, Osaka 532, Japan EUR J PHARMACOL 1983, E (l-2) 125 Physical dependence-producing properties of tetrapeptide acylhydrazide analogs of enkephalin in rate Ensinger, H.A. tloehringer Ingelheim KG, Uept Biochea, D-6507 Inyelheim, W Germany EUR J PdARMACOL 1983, z (1-L) 143 13HJ$r 2034 labels a high affinity opioid kappa-receptor not accessible to naloxazone Daras, C., Cantrill, R.C., tiillman, M.A.* *Univ tiitwatersrand, Sch Med. Dept Clin b Exptl Pharmacol, Johannesburg 2193, South Africa EUR J PHARMACUL 1983, s (1-Z) 117 [3H]naloxone displacement: evidence for nitrous oxide as opioid receptor agonist Jefferys, D.B., Volsns, G.N. Guys Hasp, Poisons Unit, London SE1 9RT, England HUM TOXICOL 1983, 2 (2) 227 An investigation of the role of the specific opioid antagonist naloxone in clinical toxicology Forma, L.J., Sonntag, vl.E.,Heites, J. Michigan Atate Univ, Dept Physiol, E Lansing, Mi 48624, UsA PROC SOC EXP BLOL NED LY83, 17) (1) 14 Elevation of plasma LH in response to systemic injection of beta-endorphin antiserum in adult male rats c;osselin, R.A., Blankstein, J., Dent, D-W., Hobson, W.C., Fuller, G.B., Keyes, F.I., Winter, J.S.U., Faimsn, C. * *Univ Manitoba, Hlth Sci Ctr, Fat Med, Endocrinol h Metab Sect, Winnipeg, Hanitoba, Canada R3E 023 ENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 112 (6) 2168 '$ffects of naloxone and an enkephalin analog on serum prolactin, cortisol, and gonadotropins in the chimpanzee Donaldson, D., Kroening, R., Lee, T.W. Univ British Columbia, Dept Restorat Dent, Vancouver, BC. Canada V6T 127 ANRR J ACUPUNCTURE 1983, " (2) 14Y Measuring acupuncture-induced endorphins by flicker fusion threshold technique PawliK, W.W., Walue, K&l., Fondacaro, J.U., Konturek, S.J. Nicholas Copernicus Med Acad, Inst Physiol, Dept Clin Physiol, Grzegorzecka 16, PL-31531 Cracow, Poland HEPATOGASTROENTdKOL 1983, -\o (L) 6b Local gastrointestinal vascular effects of methionine-enkephalin Clark, rl.G., Pang, I.H., Bernardini, G.L. llnlv Texas, Hlth Sci Ctr, Dept Phsrmacol, Dallas. TX 75235, USA PtlA&.lACOL BIOCHEM BE&V 1983, g (5) 741
Evidence against involvement of beta-endorphin In thermoregulation in the cat White, J-M., Hoitzman, S.G.* *Emory Univ. Sch Med, Dept Pharmacol, Atlanta, Ga 30322, USA PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1983, 80 (1) 1 Three-choice drug discrimination phencyclidine-like stimulus effects of opioids Geller, E.B., .Hauk, C., Keinath, S.H., Tallarida, R.J., Adler, M.W. Temple Univ, Hlth Sci Ctr, Sch Med, Dept Pharmacol, Philadelphia, Pa 19140, USA J PHARMACOL EXP THER 1983, 225 (2) 391 Subclasses of opioids based on body temperature change in rats - acute subcutaneous administration Brantl, V., Teschemacher, H. Boehringer Ingelheim KG, Med Abt, D-6507 Ingelheim, W Germany TRENDS PHARMACOL SC1 1983, 4 (5) 191 Opioids in milk Kobayashi S., Uchida T., Ohashi T., Fujits T., Imura H., Mochizuki T., Yanaihara C., Yanaihara N. Yamanashl Med Sch. Dept Anat, Yamanashi 40938, Japan BIOMED REs 1983, 4 (2) 201 Met-enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu-like immunoreactivity in adrenal chromaffin cells and carotid body chief cells of the dog and monkey Kayser, v., Guilbaud, G.* *INSERM, Ul61, Unite Rech Neurophysiol Pharmacol, 2 Rue Alesia, F-75014 Paris, France BRAIN RES 1983, 267 (1) 131 The analgesic effects of morphine, but not those of the enkephalinase inhibitor thiorphan, are enhanced in arthritic rats Lewis, J.W., Terman, G.W., Watkins, L.R., Mayer, D.J., Liebeskind, J.C.* *Univ Calif Los Angeles, Dept Psychol, Los Angeles, Ca 90024, USA BRAIN ReS 1983, 267 (1) 139 Opioid and non-opioid mechanisms of footshock-induced analgesia: role of the spinal dorsolateral funiculus Saland L.C., Van Epps D.E., Ortiz g-9 Samora A. Univ New Mexico, Sch Med, Dept Anat, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA BRAIN RES BULL 1983, g (4) 523 Acute injections of opiate peptides into the rat cerebral ventricle: A macrophage-like cellular response Xie G.X., Han J.S., Hollt V. Beijing Med Coil, Dept Physiol, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China INT J NEUROSCI 1983, &8_ (3-4) 287 Electroacupuncture analgesia blocked by microinjection of anti-betaendorphin antiserum into periaqueductal gray of the rabbit
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AM J PSYCHIAT 1981, 140 (5) 658 Neuroreasin, schizophrenia, ano common sense (Letter) Widerlov E. et al AM J PSYCHIAT 1983, 140 (5) 658 Neurotensin, schizophrenia, and common sense (Reply) Adcock. J.E., Hernandes, D.E., Nemeroff, C.B., Prange, A.J. Univ N Carolina, Sch Med Biol Sci Res Ctr, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA LIPe SC1 1983, 32 (25) 2905 Effect of prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors on neurotensin and sodium salicyiate-induced gastric cytoprotection in rats Nemeroff, C.B., Luttinger, D., Hernandes, D.E., Mailman, R.B., Mason, C.A., Davis, S.D., Widerlov, E., Frye, G.D., Kilts, C.A., Beaumont, K., Breese, G.R., Prange, A.J. Univ N Carolina, Sch Pied, Biol Sci Res Ctr, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA J PHA&MACOL EXP IHER 1983, L25 (2) 337 Interactions of neurotensin with brain dopamine systems - biochemical and behavioral studies Zeytinoglu, F.N., &gel, R.P., Tashjian, A-H.*, Hammer, R.A., Leeman, S.E. *Harvard Unio, Sch Pub1 Hlth, Toxicol Lab, 8oston, Ma 02115, USA ENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 112 (4) 1240 Regulation of neurotensin release by a contin"o"s line of mammalian C-cells: the role of biogenic amines stansione, P., Zieglgansberger, W." *Max Planck Inst Psychiat, Dept Neuropharmacol, Kraepelinstr 2, D-8000 Munich 40, W Germany BRAIN RES 1983, E (1) 111 Action of neurotensin on spinal cord neurons in the rat Shulkes A., Allen R.D., rlardy K.J. Austin Hasp, Dept Surg, Melbourne, Victoria 3084, Australia AUST N Z J SURG 1Y83, 53 (L) 149 Meal stimulated neurotensin release following gastric partitioning for morbid obesity Sheppard, Iy.C.,Askew, R.D., Sherman, K.I.J., Franks, S., Ramsden, U.B. Univ Birmingham, Dept Med, Birmingham B15 LTH, W Midlands, England BIOCHEM BIOPHYS RBS COMMUN 1983, 113 (1) L48 Neurotensin regulation of TSH secretion in the rat Sheppard, H.C., Sherman, K.I.J. Univ Birmingham, Queen Elizabeth Hosp. Dept Med, Birmingham B15 2TH, England ENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 112 (6) 1996 The effect of thyroid hormones in vitro and in viva on hypothalamic neurotensin release and content
bLlBSTANCEP Yashpal, i., Henry, J-L.* *McCall Liniv, i)ept Physioi, AoncrcdL, Quebec, Canada HX Ifb CAN .J PHYSIOL PHAKriACOL 19&J, !$ (4, 303 Endorphins mediate overshoot of substance P-induced facilitation of a spinal nociceptive reflex Phipps, B.S., Maciewicz, R., Sandrew, B.B., Poletti, C.E., Foote, W.E. Massachusetts Gen Hasp, Stanley Cobb Lab Psychiat Res, Boston, Ma 02114, USA NEUROSCI LETTERS 1983, a (2) 125 Edinger-Westphal neurons that project to spinal cord contain substance P Chassaing, G., Lavielle, S., Marquet, A. Univ Paris Ob, Chim Organ Biol Lab, E& 823, Y-75230 Paris 05, France J ORC CHEM 1983, K (LO) 1751 Transformation of methionine into S-tert-butylhomocystaine. Application to a methionine-containing peptrde: suostsnce P loske, I., Oehme, P.*, Yoppei, M., Hecht, K. *Acad Sci GDR, Inst Wirkstofforsch, Alfred Kewalke btr 4, DDR-1136 Berlin, E Germany PHARMAZIE 1983, 38 (4) 253 Zffect of substance-P on the blood pressure of rats with and without exposure to hypokinesia stress Siems, W.E., Komissarowa, N.W., Gomaskow, O.A., Oehme, P., Jentzsch, K.D., Chernukh, A.M. Acad Sci GDR, Inst Wirkstofforsch, Alfred Kowalke Str 4, DDR-1136 Berlin, E Germany PHARMAZIE 1983, 38 (4) 256 Studies on the action of substance-P and partial sequences of this compound on the anpiotensin-I converting enzyme activity
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Central and peripheral sites of action for the protective effect of opioids of the rat stomach
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CIRCULAT RES 1983, 1z. (4) 460 Evidence for the existence of a family of biologically active angiotensin I-like peptides in the dog central nervous system VASOPRESSIN Kasting, N.W., Carr, D.B., Martin, J.B., B~UIX, H., Bergland, R. Massachusetts Gen Hasp, Dept Neural, Boston, Ma 02114, USA CAN J PHYSIUL PHAKrlACOL lY83, s(4) 427 Changes in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma vasopressin in the febrile sheep Nohring. J., Schoun, J., Kints, J., Robinson, I.C.A.F., McNeil, J.R.* *Univ Saskatchewan, Dept Pharaacol, Saskatoon, Sask, Canada S7N OWG NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 36 (6) 457 Vasopressin and oxytocin content are decreased in the brain stems of spontaneously hypertensive rats Prechel, M.M., Audhya, T.K., Schlesinger, D.H." *NYU med Ctr, Dept Med, Div Endocrinol, New York, NY 10016, USA ENDOCRIdOLOtiY 1983, -112 (4) 1474 A seasonal variation in arginine vasotocin immunoactivity in rat pineal glands Culler, M.D., Turkelson, C.M., Thomas, C.R., Arimura, A. Tulane Univ, Hebert lea Ctr, Molec Neuroendocrinol Lab, Belle Chasse, La 70037, USA PROC SOC 2KP BIOL MEU lY83, e (2) 264 ArginineB vasopressin potentiates the beta endorphin-releasing activity of ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (oCRF) in vitro OTHERS Lechan.. R.M.._ Goodman. R.H.. Rosenblatt, M., Reichlin, S., Habener, J.F. Tufts Univ, New England Med Ctr, Dept Med, Div Endocrinol, Boston, Ma 02111, USA PROC NATL ACAD SC1 USA BIOL SC1 1983, 80 (9) 2780 Prosomatostatin-specific antigen in rat brain - localization by immunocytochemical staining with an antiserum to a synthetic sequence of preprosomatostatin I
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Aronin N., Cooper P.E., Lorenz L.J., Bird B.D., Sagar S.M., Leeman S.E., Martin J.B.* *Massachusetts Gen HOsp, Dept Neural, Boston, Ma 02114, USA ANN NEUROL 1983, 12. (5) 519 Somatostatin is increased in the basal ganglia in Huntington disease Antoni, F.A., Palkovits, M.*, Makara, G.B., Linton, E.A., Lowry, P.J., Kiss, J.2. *NIMH, Cell Biol Lab, Bldg 10 Rm 41322, Bethesda, Md 20205, USA NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, z (6) 415 Immunoreactive corticotropinreleasing hormone in the hypothalamoinfundibular tract Onofrio, B.d., Yaksh, R.L. Mayo Fdn, Dept Neurol Surg, Rochester, Mn 55905, USA LANCET 19&3, 1. (1338) 1306 Intrathecal delta-receptor ligand produces analgesia in man (Letter)
REEGULPEYTIDES 1963, 5 (1) 71 Functional receptors for VeSOsctiVe intestinal polypeptide in cultured astroglia from neonatal rat brain Daikoku S., Tsuruo Y. Univ Tokushima, Sch Med, Dept Anat, Tokushima 770, Japan DEVELOP BIOL 1983, 97 (1) 81 Ontogenesis of hypothalamic immunoreactive ACTH cells in viva and in vitro: Role of Rathke's pouch Schreibman, M.P., Halpern-Sebold, L., Ferin, M., Margolis-Kasan, II., Goes, H.J.T. City Univ New York, Brooklyn Coil, Dept Biol, Brooklyn, NY 11210, USA BRAIN RES 1983, 267 (2) 293 The effect of hypophysectomy and gonadotropin administration on the distribution and quantity of Ltl-RH in the brains of platyfish: a combined immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay study
Engel, U.K., Siddique, T.. Nicoloff, J.T. Dept Neurol, Univ So California, Sch Med, Los Angeles, Ca, USA LANCRT 1983, 2 (8341) 73 Effect on weakness and spasticity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis of thyrotropin-releasing hormone
Mori, M., Pegues, J., Prasad, C.", Wilber, J.F. *Louisiana State Univ, Med Ctr, Dept Med, Endocrinol Sect, New Orleans, La 70112, USA BRAIN RES 1983, 268 (1) 181 Fasting and feeding-associated changes in cyclo(his-pro)-like immunoreactivity in the rat brain
Peterfreund, R-A., Vale, W.W.* *Salk Inst Biol Studies, Peptide Biol Lab, POB 85800, San Diego, Ca 92138, USA ENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 112 (4) 1275 Ovine corticotropin-releasing factor stimulates somatostatin secretion from cultured brain cells
Beinfeld, M.C., Trubatch, J.R., Brownstein, M.J. St Louis Univ, Sch Med, Dept Pharmacol, St Louis, MO 63104, &A BRAIN RES 1983, 268 (1) 192 Cholecystokinin peptides in the brain and pituitary of the bullfrog Rana catesbiana: distribution and characteriLation
Pedersen, R.C., Brownie, A.C. SUNY Buffalo, Sch Med, Dept BiNhem. Buffalo, NY i4214. USA ENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 112 (4) 1279 LYS-gamma3-melanotropin binds with high affinity to the rat adrenal cortex
Neylan, D., Smyth, P.P.A. Nat1 Univ Ireland, Univ Co11 Dublin, Dept Ned, Dublin, Ireland IRISH J MED SCI 19&J, g (5) 221 An ultrasensitive oioassay for thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TBB) (Abstract)
Schorr-Toshav, N.L., Gurr, H-A., Catterall, J.F., Kourides, I.A.* *Mem Sloan Kettering Cant Ctr, Molec Endocrinol Lab. 1275 York Ave. New York, NY 10021, USA ENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 112 (4) 1434 Thyrotropin and alpha-subunit in the brain: evidence for biosynthesis within the pituitary
Murphy M.T., Richards D.B., Lipton J.M. Dept Physiol h Anesthesiol, Southwestern Ned Sch, Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr, Dallas, TX 75235, USA SCIENCE 1983, 221 (4606) 192 Antipyretic potency of centrally administered alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone
Knuth, U-A., Sikand. G.S., Casanueva, F.F., Friesen, H.G.* *Unix!Manitoba, Fat Med, Dept Phvsiol, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3iI 0U3 ENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 112 (4) 1506 Changes of somatostatin-like activity in discrete areas of the rat hypothalamus during different stages of proestrus and diestrus and their relation to serum gonadotropin, prolactin, and growth hormone levels
Chauvet, MT., Hurpet, D., Chauvet, J., Acher, R. Univ Paris 06, Biol Chem Lab, F-75006 Paris, France PROC NATL ACAD SC1 US BIOL SC1 1983, 80 (10) 2839 Identification of human neurophysins - complete amino acid sequences of MStiL-neurophysin and VLDV-neurophysin
Magistretti, P-J., Manthorpe, M., Bloom, F.E., Varon, S. Univ Geneva, Ctr Med, Dept Pharmacol CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Kiso, Y., Kitagawa, K., Kawai, N., Akita, P., Takagi, H., Amano, H., Fukui. K. Univ Tokushima, Fat Pharmaceut SCL, Tokushima ?7U, Japan FEBS LETT lYr(J,-155 (2) 281
Neo-kyotorphin (Ihr-set-lys-tyr-aro) a new analgesic pepcide Haldar-Misra, C., Pevet, P.* *Netherlands Inst Brain Res, Ijdijk 28, lU95 hT Amsterdam, Netherlands CELL TISSUE RES lYUJ, 231 (1) 73 Inf1uence of melatonin~ the proces? of protein and/or pepttde secretion in the pineal gland of the rrltand hamster. An in vitro study Srikant C.B., Coy D.H., Pate1 Y.C. McGill Univ, Fraser Labs, rlontreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 3Gl LIFE SC1 1983, e (2) 2Ol Position 4 substituted sorsatostatin analogs: Increased binding to somatostatin receptors in pituitary and brain Nagal Y., Narumi S., Miyamoto Me, daji Y., Nagawa Y. Takeda Chem Ind Ltd, DiV Cent Res, Juso Honmachi, rodoyawa Ku, Osaka 532, Japan JPN J PHARMACUL lYtl3,-\3 (3) 035 A T&i analog (DN-1417): Effects on local cerebral glucose UtilisatiOn in conscious and pentobarbitalised rats determined by the autoradiographic 2-deoxy-(14C)glucose method lees W.L., McArthur N.H., Farr K.L., Culier M.D., Harms P.G. univ Texas, Hlth Sci Ctr, SW Med Sch, Dept Physiol, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75235, USA BIOL RePROD 1983, g (5) 1066 Effects of ethanol on rat hypothalamic luteinising hormone releasing hormone. A study utilizing radioimmunoassay Terubayashi H., Tsuto T., Fukui K., Obata H.L., Okamura H., Fujisawa H., It01 rl.,Yanaihara C., Yanaihara d., Ibata Y.* *Kyoto Prefectural Univ Med, Dept Anat, Kamikyo Ku, Kyoto 6U2, Japan EXP EfE R&S 1983, E (5) 743 VIP(vasoactive intestinal po1ypeptide)- like imrnunoreactive amacrine cells in the retina of the rat F~xe K., Agnati L.F., Ce1ani M.F. Karlinska Inst, Dept Histol, S-10401 Stockholm 60, Sweden ACTA PHYSIOL SCAND 1983, G (1) 75 Evidence for interactions between striatal cholecystokinin and glutamate receptors. CCK-8 in vitro produces a marked downregulation of 3H-glutamate binding sites in striatal membranes Agnati L.P., celani M.F., FUX~ K. Univ Modena, Dept Human Physiol, I-41100 Modena, Italy ACPA PHYSIOL SCAND 1983, 118 (1) 79 Cholecystokinin peptides in vitro modulate the characteristics of the striatal 3H-N-propylnorapomorphine sites
Suda, T., Toaawa, F., Mauri, T., Demura, Ii., Shizume, K. Tokyo Women8 Med Coil, Dept Med, Shinjuku ku, Tokyo 162, Japan J CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB 1983, 57 (1) 225 Presence of immunoreactive corticotropin-releasing factor in human cerebrospinal fluid Hokfelt, T., Lundberg, J.M., Lagercrantz, H., Tatemoto, K., Mutt, V., Lindberg, J., Terenius, L., Everitt, B.J., Fuxe, K., Agnati, L., Goldstein, M. Karolineka Inst Dept Histol, S-10401 Stockholm 60, Sweden NEUROSCI LETT 19'33,g (3) 217 Occurrence of neuropeptide Y I (NPY)-like lmmunoreactivity in catecholamine neurons in the human medulla oblongata
FORTHCOMING EYENTS University of London Royal Postgraduate Medical School Current Advances in Laboratory Techniques Regulatory Peptides 23-L7 January 1984 Further information from: Dr J.M. Polak, Department of Histochemistry, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road. London, W12 OHS
TECHNIQUES Jaffe H.. Haves D.K. US ARS, inst-Agr Environm Qual, Livestock Insects Lab, Beltsville, Md 20705, USA J LIQ CHROMATOCR 1983, 5 (6) 993 Analysis of invertebrate neuropeptides by RP-HPLC
Bayliss and Starling Society National Scientific Meeting, 19-20 December 1983, Newcastle upon Tyne Regulatory Peptides in the Brain and Gastrointestinal Tract For details contact Prof J A Edwardson, MRC Neuroendocrinol Unit, Newcastle Gen Hasp, Nevcastle upon Tyne NE4 6BE, England
BOOKS, REVIEWS, SYMPOSIA Hendler NH., Long D.M., Wise T .N , John Wright PSG Inc (Littleton), 1982, 257 pp $22.50 ISBN 0 7236 7011 0 Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Pain Includes chapter on the following: Opioid receptors and peptides in pain control Blaha, K., Malon, P. (Eds) Walter de Gruyter (Hawthorne), 1983, 846 pp, $128.00, ISBN: 3-11-009574-2 Peptides 1982 17th European Peptide Symp, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 29-September 3, 1982 Includes sections bn the following: Structure-activity relations: opioid peptides; Structure-activity relations: substance P; other biologically active peptides Rose S.R., Orlowski .I. Cleveland Clin Educ Fdn, Dept Reprint, 9500 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, Oh 44106, USA J DEVELOPBEHAVPEDIAT 1983, i (2) 131 Review of research on endorphins and learning Murray, R .B ., Adler, M.W., Korcsyn, A .D . Biosearch Inc, POB 8598, Philadelphia, Pa 19101, USA LIFE SCI 1983, 33 (6) 495 The pupillsry effects of opioids (Minireview) Mains, R.E ., Eipper, B.A., Glembotski, C.C., Dares, R.M. Johns Hopkins Univ, Sch Med, Dept Neurosci, Baltimore, Md 21205, USA TRENDS NEUROSCI 1983, 6 (6) 229 Strategies for the biosynthesis of binactive peptides (TINS REV~W) GENERAL Bugnon, C ., Cardot, J., Gouget, A., Fellmann, D. Univ Franche Comte, Fat Mad & Pharm. Histol 6 Embryo1 Lab, F-25030 Besancon, France C R ACAD SC1 SER III-VIE 1983, -296 (15) 711 Immunocytochemical study of the peptidergic “eurone system revealed by CRF41 antibodies in the teleost fish brain (French) Teensan, G .W., Lewis, J .W., Liebeekind, J.C. Unlv Calif, Dept Psychol, Los Angeles, Ca 90024, USA PRoC W PHARMACoLSOC 1983, 26 49 The sensitivity of opioid mediated stress analgesia to narcotic antagonists
SHEFFIELD SlO 2TN, ENGLAND AUGUST 1983 J .W., Terman, Shavit, Y . , Lewis, G.W., Gale, R.P., Liebeskind, J .C . Univ Calif, Dept Psychol, Los Angeles, Ca 90024, USA PROC W PHARMACOL SOC 1983, 26 53 EndogenouS opioids may mediate the effects of stress on tumor growth and immune function Remy, C. Univ Bordeaux 1, Neuroendocrinol Lab, CNRS, ERA 850, F-33405 Talence, France J PHYSIOL PARIS 1982, 2 (6) 514 Immunochemical relationships between vertebrate and invertebrate “europept ides Marchand, C.R., Dubois, M.P. Fat Sci Besancon, CNRS, 2001 6 Embryo1 Lab 040310, F-25030 Besa“co”. France J PHYSIOL PARIS 1982, 2 (6) 595 Immunocytological detection of different vertebrate peptide-like material in the brain of the snail (Helix-Aspersa Muller) Card, J.P., Brecha, N., Moore, R.Y. State Univ New York Stony Brook, Hlfh Sci Ctr, Dept Neural, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA J COMPNEUROL1983, 217 (2) 123 Immunohistochemical localization of avian pancreatic polypeptide-like immunoreactivity in the rat hypothalamus Adams,H.E., O’Shea, M. Dept Pharmacol h Physiol Sci, Univ Chicago, ChicaRo. 11 60637. USA SCIENCE 1983, 22i (4607) 286 Pentide cotranztter at a “euromuscular junction
Electrical responses of salivary gland cells of the gastropod molusc Philine aperta to putative neurotransmitters-III. Amino acids and peptides Pickel, V.M., Miller, R., Chan, J ., Sumal, K.K. Cornell Univ, Med Ctr, Cull Med, Dept Neural, Neurobiol Lab, New York, NY 10021, USA REGULPEPTIDES 1983, 2 (2) 121 Substance P and enkephalin in trans -ected axons of medulla and spinal cord Adrian T.E ., Bloom S .R., Gillham B ., Jones H.T., Nicholson S.A. St Thomas Hasp h Med Sch, Dapt Obstet 6 Gynaecol, London SE1 7EH, England J PHYSIOL LONDON1983, 339 (June) 50P The effect of various hypothalamic neuropeptides on adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) release from the rat anterior pituitary in vitro (abstract) Al-Noaemi M.C ., Biggins J .A ., Fdwardson J .A., McDermott J.R., Smith A.I. Newcastle Gen Hasp, MRC, Neuroendo -crinal Unit, Newcastle Tyne NE4 6BE, England J PHYSIOL LONDON1983, 339 (June) 52P Intermediate lobe peptides in the adult human pituitary gland (abstract) Kuljis, R.O., Karten, H.J. State Univ New York, Dept Neorol, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA J COMPNEUROL1983, 217 (3) 239 Modifications in the?&inar organisation of peptide-like immunoreactivlt~ in the anuran optic tectum following retinal deafferentation
Buko, A.M., Phillips, L.R., Fraser, B.A.* *US FDA, Nat1 Ctr Drugs & Biol, Div Biochem 6 Biophys, Off Biol, Bethesda, Md 20205, USA BIOMEDMASS SPECTROM1983, 10 (6) 307 Peptide studies using a fast atom bombardment high field mass spectrometer and data system: 3-negative ionization: mass calibration, data acquisition and structural character -1zation
Fuxe, K., Agnati, L .F ., McDonald, T ., Locatelli, V., Dalsgaard, C.-J ., Battistini, N., Yanaihara, N., Mutt, V., Cuello, A.C. Karolinska Inst, Dept Histol, S-10401 Stockholm 60, Sweden NEUROSCILETT 1983, 37 (1) 17 Immunohfstochemical zdications of gastrin releasing peptide - bombesin-like immunoreactivity in the nervous system of the rat. Codistrl -bution with substance P-like immune -reactive nerve terminal systems and coexistence with substance P-like immunoreactivity in dorsal root ganglion cell bodies
Ulyashin, V.V ., Deigin. V.I., Ivanov. V.T., Nejedov, P.P., Ehmakina, T.P ., Belenky. B .G. MMShemyakin Bioorgan Chem Inst, Moscow 117312, USSR BIOORG KHIM 1983, 2 (5) 616 High performance liquid chromatw -graphy of protected peptidea on soft and semirigid gels (Russian)
T., Dnckray, Sklrboll, L ., Hokfelt, G., Rehfeld, J., Brownstein, M., Buello, A .C . NIMH. Clin Neurosci Branch, Bldg 10, Rm 31256, Bethesda, Md 20205, USA J NEUROSCI 1983, 2 (6) 1151 Evidence for periaqueductal cholecystokinin-substance P neurons projecting to the spinal cord
Barber. A. Univ Munich, Inst Physiol, D-8000 Munich 2, w Germany COMPBIOCHEMPHYSIOL PT C 1983, -75 (1) 161
Drouhault, R., Valero, D., Bsghdiants, A., Blanquet, 9. XNSEBM, Unite 53, Domaine Carteire, Rue Camille St Saens, F-33077 Bordeaux, France J ENDOCBINOL1983, 97 (3) 447
Invivo hypocalcaemic, hypophosphataemic and hyperlipaemic activities in the common peptide sequence of adrenocortlcotrophin, melanocyte- stimulating hormone and lipotrophin
PROC W PHARMACOL SOC 1983, 26 305 Beta-endorphin receptors in the brain
Erspamer, V. Univ Rome 1, Inst Med Pharmacol, I-00100 Rome, Italy TRENDS NEUROSCI 1983, 6 (6) 200 Amphibian skin peptides in mammals looking ahead (News)
USA . PROC W PHARMACOL SOC 1983, -26 309 Is dynorphln a K-ligand
Poor", P., Buijs, R.M.* *Netherlands Inst Brain Res, Ijdijk 289, 1095 KJ Amsterdam, Netherlands BRAIN RES 1983, 270 (1) 169 A" immune-electronmicroscopical study comparing vasopressin, oxytwin, substance P and enkephalin containing nerve terminals in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the rat ENKEPHALINS AND ENDORPHINS Gafford, J.T., Skidgel, R.A., Erdos,
E.G.", Hersh, L.B. *Univ Texas, Hlth Sci Ctr, Dept Pharmacol, Dallas, TX 75235, USA BIOCHEMISTRY USA 1983, 7.2 (13) 3265 Human kidney "enkephalizse", a neutral metalloendopeptidase that cleaves active peptides Sanchezblazquez, P., Garzon, J ., Lee, N.M. Univ Calif, Sch Med, Dept Pharmacol, San Francisco, Ca 94143, USA PROC W PHARMACOL SOC 1983, -26 85 Opioid peptides derived from pre-proenkephalin-B sequence - biological evaluation in guinea pig ileum and mouse vas deferens Davis, T.P., Schoemaker, H .,
Culling, A.J., Yamamura, H.I. Univ Arizona, Arizona Hlth Sci Ctr, Co11 med, Dept Pharmacol, Tucson, AZ 85724, USA PROC W PHARMACOL SOC 1983, -26 89 Isolation and characterization of invitro central beta-endorphln metabolism in schizophrenia Nynes, M.R., Culling, A.J., Galligan, J.J., Burks, T.F., Schoemaker,
H ., Yamamura, H.I., Davis, T.P. Unlv arizona, Arizona Hlth Sci Ctr, Co11 ?-led, Dept Phsrmacol, Tucson, AZ 85724, USA PROC W PHARMACOL SOC 1983, -26 95 Processing of beta-endorphin in the dog intestine - regional specificity Garzon J., Sanchezblazquez P., Lee N .M. Univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Pharmacol, San Francisco, Ca 94143, USA PROC W PHARMACOL SOC 1983, 26 299 Dynorphin inhibition of opiate binding - specificity and revers -ibility invitro Loh H.H., Smith A.P. univ Calif San Franc1sc0. Dept ~~Armacol, San Fzancisco, Ca 94143.
Plasma levels of catecholamines, cortisol, and beta-endorphins in male athletes after running 26.2, 6, and 2 miles
Lee N.M.
univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Pharmacol. San Francisco. Ca 94143,
Idei M., Grof J., Menyhart J . . Pajor A. Hungarian Acad Sci, United Res Org, H-1361 Budapest 5, Hungary ACTA PHYSIOL ACAD SC1 HUNG 1982, -60 (3) 121 Elevated opioid activity in sera of chronic schizophrenics Smith S.S., Awoke S., Wade A., Recant L. Univ Cincinnati, Dept Anat 6 Cell Biol, Cincinnati, Oh 45267, USA HORMONE METAB RES 1983, c (5) 257 Opiate peptides are released by the perfused rat ileum-jejunum in response to chemical and physical stimuli Johansson, F., Vonknorring, L., Oreland, L. Umea Univ, Dept Neural, S-90187 Llmea, Sweden MED BIOL 1983, 61 (2) 101 Platelet MAO activity in patients with chronic pain syndrome - Rela -tionship to personality traits, endorphins in CSF and plasma tort -isol Rupreht, J., Dworacek, B., Ducardus, R., Schmitz, P.I.M., Dzoljlc, M.R.* *Erasmus Univ, Sch Med, Dept Pharm -acol, 3000 DR Rotterdam, Nether -lands ANESTHESIOLOGY 1983, 58 (6) 524 The involvement of thFcentra1 cholinergic and endorphinergic systems in the nitrous oxide with -drawl syndrome in mice Seizinger, B.R., Bovermann, K., Maysinger, D., Hollt, V., Herz, A Max Planck Inst Psychiat, Dept Neuropharmacol, Kraepelinstr 2, D-8000 Munich 40. W Germanv PHARMACOL BIOCHEfi BEHAV 19i3, -18 SUPPL 1 361 Differential effects of acute and chronic ethanol treatment on part -icular opioid peptide systems in discrete regions of rat brain and pituitary Penalva A., Villanueva L., Casanueva F., Cavagnini F., Gomez-Pan A., Muller E-E.* *UnLv Milan, Sch Med, Dept Pharma -col, I-20129 Milan, Italy PSYCHOPHARMACOL 1983. 80 (2) 120 Cholinergic and histamGergic involvement in the growth hormone releasing effect of an enkephalln analog FK 33-824 in man
McGivern, R.F., Mousa, S., Couri, D., Berntson, G.G. Univ California, Inst Neuropsychiat, Alcohol Res Ctr, Los Angeles, Ca 90024, USA
LIFE SC1 1983 33 (1) 47 Prolonged intermittent footshock stress decreases Met and Leu enkephalin levels in brain with concomitant decreases in pain threshold Sapun-Malcolm, D., Farah, J.M., Hueller, G.P. Uniformed Serv Univ Hlth Sci, Dept Physiol, Bethesda, Md 20814, USA LIFE 5CI 1983 33 (1) 95 Evidence for serotonergic stimulation of pituitary beta-endorphin release: preferential release from the anterior lobe in viva Roques, b.P., Lucassoroca, E., Chaillet, P., Costentin, J., bourniezaluski, M.C. Fat Pharm Paris, Dept Chim Organ, CNRS, ERA 613, INSERM, X21, 4 Ave Observ, F-75270 Paris 06, France PROC NATL ACAD SC1 USA BIOL SC1 1983, 80 (11) 3178 Complete differentiation between enkephalinase and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition by retro -thiorphan Saito, E., Odell, W.D.* *Univ Utah, Sch Med, Dept Med, Div Endocrinol 6 Metab, Salt Lake City, Ut 84132, USA PROC NATL ACAD SC1 USA BIOL SCI 1983, 80 (12) 3792 Corticotropi"/lipotropin common precursor-like material in normal rat extrapituitary tissues Tang, F., Costa, E., Schwartz, J.P." *St Elizabeths Hosp, NIMH, Preclin Pharmacol Lab, Washington, DC 20032, USA PROC NATL ACAD SC1 USA BIOL XI 1983, 80 (12) 3841 %&ease of proenkephalin mRNA and enkephali" content of rat striatum after daily injection of haloperidol for 2 to 3 weeks Notake, M., Tobimatsu, T., Watanabe, Y., Takahashi, H., Mishina, M., Numa, s.* *Kyoto Univ. Fat Med, Dept fled Chem, Sakyo ku, Kyoto 606, Japan FEBS LETT 1983, 156 (L) 67 Isolation and characterization of the mouse corticotropin-beta-lipotropin precursor gene and a related pseudogene Possenti, R., de Marco, V., Cherubini, O., Roda, L.G. Univ Rome, Cattedra Teen Fisiol,
Dearman J., Francis K.T. Univ Alabama, Dept Phys Therapy,
1-00100 Rome, Italy NEUROCHEM RBS 1983, 2 (4) 423 Enkephalin-binding systems in human plasma
Birmingham, Al 35294, USA .I SPORT MED PHYS FITNESS 1983, -23 (1) 30
Sabol, S.L., Yoshikawa, K., Hong, J-S.
NHLBI, Biochem Genet Lab, Bethesda, Md 20205, USA BIOCHBM BIOPHYS RES COMNUN 1983, -113 (2) 391 Regulation of methionine-enkephalin precursor messenger RNA in rat striatum by haloperidol and lithium
Kandasamy, S.B., Williams, B.A. NASA, Ames Res Ctr, Dlv Biosyst, Mail Stop 239-6, Moffett Field, Ca 94035, USA NEIJROPHARNACOLOGY 1983, 22 (5) 621 Hyperthermic responses to central injections of some peptide and non-peptide "plaids in the guinea
Epton, R., Max, G., Willmore, G.A. Wolverhampto" Polytech, Dept Phys Sci, Wolverhampton NV1 lLY, England INT J BIOL MACROHOLEC 1983, 2 (3) 135 Polymer-supported biopolymer synthesis: 3. Preparation of fully and partially protected beta h-endorphi" segments with a new phenolic poly[N(2-methoxyethyl)acrylamide]-based support
Boh", M.C., Kessler, J.A., Golightly, L., Black, I.B. Cornell Univ. Med Ctr, Co11 Med, Dept Neural, Div Dev Neural, New York, NY 10021, USA CELL TISSUE RES 1983, 231 (3) 469 Appearance of enkephalGimmune -reactivity in rat adrenal medulla following treatment with nicotinic antagonists or reserpine Kasakov, L., Venkov, L. Bulgarian Acad Sci, Inst Physipl, Regenerat Res Lab, BU-1113 Sofia, Bulgaria CELL MOL BIOL 1983, 29 (2) 153 The effect of enkephalins on the acetylcholinesterase activity in rat brain synaptosomes Mark", M., Romer, D. Sandoz Ltd, Dept Preclin Res, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland LIFE SC1 1983, 33 (3) 233 Inhibitory effect of a new opioid agonist on reproductive endocrine activity in rats of both sexes Deutch, A.Y., Martin, R.J. Univ Georgia, Dept Foods d Nutr, Athens Ga 30602, USA LIFE SC1 1983, 33 (3) 281 Mesencephalic dopamine modulation of pituitary and central beta-endorphin: relation to food intake regulation Ghan. J.S.D., Seldah, N.G., Chret -ien, H.* *Clin Res Inst Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2W lR7 CANCER RPS 1983, 43 (7) 3066 Human NH2 terminal of pro-opiomelanocorti" as a potential marker for pulmonary carcinoma Graybeal, M.L. Univ Chicago, Chicago, I1 60637, USA N ENGL J NED 1983, 309 (1) 52 Beta-endorphin and the endocrine pancreas. Letter Feldman, n. Vet Mm Ned Ctr, Dallas, TX 75216, USA N BNGL J MED 1983, -309 (1) 52 R=PlY
Lim, A.T.W., Oei, T.P., Funder, J.W.* "Prince Henrys Hosp, Ned Res Ctr, Melbourne, Vie 3004, Australia NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 37 (1) 48 Prolonged foot-shock induced a"algesia: glucocorticoids and "on-pituitary opioids are involved Me", T., Gramsch, C., Inan, R., Hollt, V., Weber, E., Hers, A., Riethmuller, G. Inst Pasteur, Unite Immunogenet, 25 Rue Docteur Roux, F-75724 Paris 15, France
PROC NAT ACAD SC1 US-BIOL SC1 1983, 80 (13) 4084 Monoclonal antibody to the message sequence Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe of opioid peptides exhibits the specificity requirements of mammalian opioid receptors Desiderio, D.M., Yamada, S. Univ Tennessee, Ctr Hlth Sci, Dept Neural, Memphis, Tn 38163, USA BIOMED MASS SPECTROM 1983, g (6) 358 Field desorption mass spectrometric measurement of picomole amounts of leucine enkephali" in canine spinal cord tissue Giles, T.D., Sander, G.E. Vet Adm Med Ctr, New Orleans, La 70146, USA PEPTIDES 1983, 4 (2) 171 Mechanism of thg cardiovascular response to systemic intravenous administration of leucine-enkephali" in the conscious dog Puett, D., Giedroc, D.P., Tollefson, S., Ling, N. Vanderbilt Univ, Dept Blochem, Nashville, Tn 37232, USA PEPTIDES 1983, 4 (2) 191 Des-(1-13)human-beta-endorphin interacts with calmoduli" Feurstei", G., Molineaw, C.J., Rosenberger, J.G., Fade", I.A., Cox, B.M. Uniformed Ssrv Univ Hlth Sci, Neurobiol Res Unit, Bethesda, Nd 20814, USA PEPTIDES 1983, i (2) 225 Dynorphins and leu-enkephalin in brain nuclei and pituitary of wlcl and SHR rats Dorsa, D-H.. Majumbar, L.H. Vet Adm Mad Ctr, Ctr Geriatr Ras Educ L Clin, Seattle. Wa 98108, USA LIFE SC1 1983, 33 (4) 337 Localization andidentification of gamma-endorphf" and beta-endarphmlike and
peptides ventral
hypothalamus of
Hermans, B., Gommeren, W., De PoLter, W.P., Leysen, J.E. Instelling Univ Antwerp, Dept Med, Div Pharmacol ~-2610 Wilrijk, Belgium ARCH INT PHARMACODYN THER 1983, 263 (2) 317 Interaction of peptldes and morphinelike narcotic analgesics with specifically labelled mu- and deltaopiate receptor binding sites Preziosi, P., Vacca, M., Cerrlto, F. Catholic Univ Sacred Heart, Fat Med, Inst Pharmacol, I-00168 Rome, Italy ARCH INT PHARMACODYN THER 1983, -263 (2) 325 Serotonergic and endogenous opiates interplay in the control of ACTH and prolactin release Vindrola, O., Asai, M., Zubieta, M., Lineares, G. Inst Nacl New01 6 Neurocirug, Unidad Invest Cerebrales, Insurgentes Sur 3877, Mexico City 14410, OF, Mexico EUR J PHARMACOL 1983, 90 (1) 85 Brain content of immunoreactive (Leu5le"kephalin and [Met5]enkephali" after pentylenetetrazol-induced co"v"lsio"s Zajac, J.M., Ling, N., Rossier, J., Roques, B.P.* *UER Sci Pharmaceut & Eiol, CNRS, ERA 613, Dept Chim Organ, 4 Ave Observ, F-75006 Paris, France EUR J PHARMACOL 1983, 90 (1) 147 k-receptor specificity of [Met5]enkephalylArg-Gly-Leu and [Met5]enkephalylArg-Gly-Leu-Lys Yamamoto, Y., Yanaihara, C., Katsumaru, Y., Mochizuki, T., Tobe, A., Egawa, M., Imura, H., Numa, S., Yanaihara, N .* *Shizuoka Co11 Pharm, Bioorgan Chem Lab, Shizuoka 422, Japan REGUL PEPTIDES 1983, 5 (2) 163 Synthesis of porcine leuaorphin and s"me of its biological activities Gilman S.C., Ackerman M.J., Hallenbeck J.M., Faden A. USN, Inst Med Res, Bethesda, Md 20814, USA UNDERSEA BIOMED RES 1983, &l (2) 89 Failure of naloxone or beta-endorphin to affect pressure-induced trem"r in guinea pig Broderick, P.A., Blaha, C.D., Lane, R.F. Yeshiva Univ, Albert Einstein Co11 Med, Dept Psychiat, Bronx. NY 10461, USA BRAIN RES 1983, 269 (2) 378 In viva electrochemical evidence for an enkephalinergic modulation under -lying stereotyped behavior: reversibility by "alaxone Glntzler, A.R., Scalisi. J.A. State Univ New York Downstate Med Ctr, Dept Biochem 6 Psychiat, Brooklyn, NY 11203, USA BRAIN RES 1983, -269 (2) 391
Opioid-mediated acute responses to alcohol: ethanol potentiates opioid actions on the guinea pig ileum Nabeshima, T., Hiramatsu, M., Amano, M., Furukawa, H., Kameyama, T. Meijo Univ, Fat Pharmaceut Scl, Dept Chem Pharmacol, Nagoya, Aichi 468, Japan NEUROSCI LETT 1983, 22 (1) 69 Chronic phencyclidine increase methionine-enkephalin level in mouse striatum Izquierdo, I., Dias, R.D. Dept Bioquim, Inst Biociencias, Univ Fed Rio Grade do Sul, 90,000 Porte Algere, RS, Brazil ARQ BIOL TECHNOL 1983, 26 (3) 337 Memory modulation by posttraining tyramide and guanethidine and their interaction with alpha-methyl-Ptyrosine, naloxane and beta-endorphin Sullivan S.N. Western Ontario, Victoria Hasp, Dept Med, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 4G5 ANNAL OPHTHALMOL 1983, 15 (6) 497 Inhibition of salivary and lacrimal secretion by an enkephalin analogue (FK33-842) (Editorial)
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Ferrler, I.N., Roberts, G.W., Crow, T.J., Johnstone, E.C., Cwens, D.G.C.. Lee, Y.C., O'Shaughnessy, D., Adrian, T.E., Polak, J.H., Bloom, S.R. MRC, CLin Res Ctr, Div Psychiat, Watford Rd. Harrow HA1 3UJ, Middx, England LIFE SC1 1983, 33 (5) 475 Reduced cholecystokinin-like and somatostatin-like lmmunoreactivlty in limbic lobe is associated with negative symptoms in schizophrenia Panerai, A.E., Martini, A., Derosa, A., Digiulio, A.M. Univ Milan, Dept Pharmacol, I-20133 Milan, Italy HORMONE METAB RES 1983, 15 (6) 284 Beta-endorphi" concentrations in pituitary and brain areas of animals bearing pituitary hormone secreting tumors Baird, A., Kan, K.W., Solomon, S.* *Royal Victoria Hosp, Endocrine Lab, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1Al J ENDOCRINOL 1983, 97 (3) 357 Role of pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptldes in the regulation of steroid production by human fetal adrenal cells in culture Mitsuma, T., Nogimori, T. Aichi Med Univ, Dept Internal Med 4, Aichi 48011, Japan ACTA ENDOCRINOL 1983, 103 (3) 359 Dynorphin (l-13) effectsof thyrotrophin- releasing hormone and thyrotrophi" secretion in rats Izquierdo, I., Dias, R.D. Univ Fed Rio Grade Sul, Inst Biociencias, Dept Bioquim, BR-90000 Porte Alegre, RS, Bra&l BRAZ J MED BIOL RES 1983, 16 (1) 55 Endogenous state-dependency=
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Evidence for a role of endogenous optoids in the nigrostriatal system: influence of naloxone and morphine on "igrostriatal dopaminergic supersensitivity Lewis, J.W., Cannon, J.T., Liebeskind, J.C.* *u"iv Calif Los Angeles, Dept Psycho1, Los Angeles, Ca 90024, USA BRAIN RES 1983, 270 (2) 289 Involvement of central muscerinic cholinergic mechanisms in opioid stress analgesia Massanet, F.A. Univ La Laguna, Hasp Gen & Clin Tenerife, Fat Med, Dept Med, Interna, Serv Med Interna, La Laguna, Spain REV CLIN ESP 1983, 169 (2) 83 Opioid peptides in the regulation of pituitary function (Spanish) Floras P., Bidabe A.M., Caille J.M., Simonnet G., Lecomte J.M., Sabathie M. Hop Pellegri" Tripode, Dept Neuroradial, F-33076 Bordeaux, France AM J NEURORADIOL 1983, + (3) 653 Double-blind study of effects of enkephalinase inhibitor on adverse reactions to myelography Zola E.M., McLeod D.C." *Childrens Hosp, Cli" Pharmacol & Toxic01 Sect, Columbus, Oh 43205, USA DRUG INTEL CLIN PHARM 1983, 1' (6) 411 Drug selection perspectives:Comparative effects and analgesic efficacy of the agonist-antagonist opioids NEUROTENSIN Ibata. Y.. Fukui. K.. Okamura. H.. Kawakami,~T., Tanaka; N., Oba;a, H.L., Tsuto, T., Terubayashi, H., Yanaihara, C., Yanaihara, N. Kyoto Prefectural Univ Med, Oept Anat, Kyoto 602, Japan BRAIN RES 1983, 269 (1) 177 Coexistence of dopamine and neurotensin in hypothalamic arcuate and periventricular neurons Tischler, A.S., Lee, Y.C., Slayton, V.W.. Bloom. S.R. Tufts Univ, Sch Med, L!eptPathol, Boston, Ha 02111, USA LIFE SC1 1983, 33 (4) 347 Kinetics of regxation of "eurotensi" content in PC12 cells Zeytinoglu, F.N., Brazeau, P., Mougin, C. Salk Inst Biol Studies, Neuroendocrinol Labs, POB 85800, San Diego, Ca 92138, USA REGUL PEPTIDES 1983, a (2) 147 Regulation of neurotensin secretion in a mammalian C cell line: effect of dexamethasone Zeytinogly, F.N., Brazeau, P., Culki", M.K. Salk Inst Biol Studies, Nemroendocrinol Labs, POB 85800, San Diego, Ca 92138, USA RBGUL PEPTIDES 1983, 2 (2) 155
Regulation of neurotensin in mammalian c cell lines: and norepinephrlne affect release of the peptfde
secretion potassium the rapid
Reinecke. M., Forssma”“, W.G., Thiekotter, C., Tripel, J. Unlv Heidelberg, Dept Anat 3, D-6900 Heidelberg 1, W Germany NEUROSCILETT 1983, 37 (1) 37 Localisation of neurotensin-immunoreactivity in the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system of the guinea pig Konturek, S.J., Jaworek, J., Ciess -ekowski, M., Pawlik, W., Kania, .I., Bloom, S .R. Med Acad Krakow, Inst Physiol’, Krakow, Poland AM J PHYSIOL 1983, 244 (6) G590 Comparison of effectsof neurotensi” and fat on pancreatic stimulation in dogs Lee, T.F., Myers, R.D.* *Univ N Carolina, Sch Med, Dept Psychiat, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA BRAIN RES BULL 1983, 10 (5) 661 Analysis of the thermaytic action of ICV neurotensin in the rat at different ambient temperatures SUBSTANCEP Adams, P.R., Brow”, D.A., Jones, S.W. SUNY Stony Brook, Dept Nenrobiol 6 Behav, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA BRIT J PHARMACOL1983, 79 (2) 330 Substance P inhibits the M-current in bullfrog sympathetic newones Watson, S .P. MRC Ctr, NRC Neurochem Pharmacol Unit, Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 ZQH, England BRIT J PHARMACOL1983, ‘9 (2) 543 Rapid degradation of [3H]-substance P in guinea-pig ileum and rat vas deferens in vitro Hartung, H.P., Toyka, K.V. Univ Dusseldorf, Dept Neural, Neuroimmunol Lab, D-4000 Dusseldorf 1, w Germany EUR J PHARMACOL1983, E (3-4) Activation of macrophages by substance P: induction of oxidative burst and thromboxane release Jonsso”, G., Hallma”. H. Karolinska Inst, Dapt Histol, S-10401 Stockholm 60, Sweden MBD BIOL 1983, 61 (2) 105 Effect of substance-P on the 5, ‘I-dlhydroxytryptamine induced alteration of the postnatal develop went of central serotonin neurons Reiner, A., tCarten. H.J ., Solina, A.R. State Univ New York, Dept Neurobiol 6 Behav, Stony Brook, NY 11794. USA NBUROSCI 1983, 2 (1) 61 Substance P: Localization within paleostriatal-tegmental pathways in the pigeon
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Henry, J .L. McGill Univ, Dept Physiol, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G lY6 BRAIN RES BULL 1983, 10 (5) 727 Naloxone fails to block substance P-induced excitation of spinal nociceptive units Hayashi, H ., Ohsnmi, K., Fnjlwara, M., Mizuno, N. Kyoto Univ, Fat Med, Dept Pharmacol, Sskyo Ku, Kyoto 606, Japan BRAIN RES 1983, 270 (1) 178 Do the substanceP_ergic vagus afferents in cats reinnervate the deafferented superior cervical ganglion?
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Winter E . , Keen P +* *Univ Bristol, Sch Med, Dept Pharma -col, Bristol BS8 LTD, Avon, England NAUNYN-SCHMIED ARCH PHARMACOL 1983, 323 (2) 173 Effects of synthesis inhibition and nervous activity on concentrations of “euronal substance P Murakoshi, T., Yanagisawa, M., Kitada, C., Fnjlno, M., Otsuka, M. Tokyo Med h Dent Univ, Fat Med, dept Pharmacol, Bnnkyo k”, Tokyo 113, Japan EUR .I PHARMACOL 1983, 90 (1) 133 The role of the N-terminus in the active conformation of the substance P analogues Nilsso”, S., Leaoder, S., Vallgren, S ., Hakanson, R.* *Univ Lund, Inst Farmakol, Dept Pharmacol, S-22362 Lund, Swede” EUR J PHARMACOL 1983, 90 (2-3) 245 Gastrins and cholecystokinins release acetylcholine but not substance P from neurons in the guinea-pig taenia co11 Lindh, B., Dalsgaard, C.-J., Elfvin, L.-G., Hokfelt, T.. Cuello, AX. Karolinska Inst. Dapt Anat. Box 60400, S-10401 Stockholm 60, Swede” BRAIN BES 1983. 269 (2) 365 Evidence of subs=ce P isssnnoreactive “enrons in dorsal root ganglia and vagal ganglia projecting to the guinea pig pylorus
ANGIOTENSIN Mnller, O.A., Werder, K. Univ Munich, Med Innenstadt Klin, I)-8000 Munich 2, W Germany DEUT MF.DWOCHENSCHR 1983, -108 (26) 1033 Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis tissue hormones and peptidergic transmission - endocrinology of seriously ill patients. Meeting report
VASOPRESSIN Baskin. D.G., Petracca, F., Dorsa, D.M.* *Vet Adm Med Ctr, Ctr Gerlatr Res Educ & Clin 182B, Seattle, Wa 98108, USA EUR J PHARMACOL1983, 90 (1) 155 Autoradiographic localiratlon of specific binding sites for [3H][Arg8 ]vasopressin in the septum of the rat brain with tritium-sensitive film Kawata, M., Ueda, S., Sane, Y. Kyoto Prefectural Univ Med. Dept Anat, Kamikyo ku. Kyoto 602. Japan ACTA ANAT 1983, 116 (3) 193 Two types of oxy=in and vasopresaln nerve fibres in the intraand extrahypothalamic neuronal systems as revealed by fmmunohfstochemistry Gash, D.M., Thomas, G.J. Univ Rochester, Sch Med 6 Dent, Dept Anat, Rochester, NY 14642, USA TRENDSNEUROSCI 1983, 5 (6) 197 What is the importance of vasopressin in memory processes? (News)
A., Zimmermann
E.A., Hayward J.N.* *Univ N Carolina, Dept Neural, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA NEUROSCI LETT 1983, 21 (2) 137 Supraoptic neurons in the rat hypothalamo-neurohypophysial explant: double-labeling with Lucifer yellow injection and immunocytochemical identification of vasopressin- and neurophysin-containing neuroendocrine cells OTHERS Brown, E., Sheppard, R-C.*, Williams, B .J . *MRC Ctr, Molec Biol Lab, Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 2QH, England J CHEM SOC 1983 (6) 1161 Peptide synthesis. Part 5. Solid --phase-synthesis of [15-leucine]little gastrin Ivarie R., Morris J. Univ Georgia, Dept Molec L Populat Genet, Athens, Ga 30602, USA DNA 1983, 2 (2) 113 Phenotypicswitching in GH3 rat pituitary tum"r cells: linked expression of growth hormone and another hormonally responsive protein Hochberg, Z., Kuten, A., Hertz, P., Tatcher, M., Kedar, A., Benderly, A. Technion Israel Inst Technol, Rambarn Med Ctr, Dept Pediat, Haifa, Israel RADIAT RES 1983, 94 (3) 508 The effect of sin&-dose radiation on cell'survival and growth hormone secretion by rat anterior pituitary cells Cook H., Cook A.F., Peter R.E., Wilson S.W. Univ Alberta, Dept Zool, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E9 GEN COMF'ENDOCRINOL 1983, 50 (3) 348 Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry of growth hormone cells in the goldfish pituitary gland Schultzberg, M., Dalsgaard, C-J. Karolinska Inst, Dept Histol, S-10401 Stockholm 60, Sweden BRAIN RES 1983, 269 (1) 190 Enteric origin ofbombesin immune -reactive fibres in the rat coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglion Westendorf, J.M., Schonbrunn, A.* *Harvard Univ, Sch Pub1 Hlth, Toxic01 Lab, Boston, Ma 02115, USA J BIOL CHEN 1983, 258 (12) 7527 Characterization ofombesin receptors in a rat pituitary cell line Frasier S.D. Univ So California, Los Angeles Cty Med Ctr, Los Angeles, Ca 90033, USA ENDOCRINE REVS 1983, i (2) 155 Human pituitary growth hormone (hGH) therapy in growth hormone deficiency Rruseman, A.C.N., Bats, G.T.A.M., Roelfsema, F., Frolich, M., Van Dulken, H. Leide" State Univ Rasp, Dcpt Endo-
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CLIN ENDOCRINOL 1983, 19 (1) 1 Immunocytochemical growth hormone and prolactin In pituitary adenomas causing acromegaly and their relationship to basal serum hormone levels and the growth response to thyrotrophin hormone Schroder, H.D. Aarhus Kommune Nosp, Dept Neural, Neural Labs, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark .I COMP NEUROL 1983, 217 (2) 176 Localization of cholecystokininlike immunoreactivity in the rat spinal cord, with particular reference to the autonomic innervation of the pelvic organs Makara, G.B., Palkovits, M., Antoni, F.A., Kiss, J.Z. Hungarian Acad Sci, Inst Exptl Med, PF 67, H-1450 Budapest, Hungary NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 1983, 22 (1) 1 Topography of the somatostatinimmunoreactive fibers to the stalk-media" eminence of the rat Fahrenkrug, J., Gammeltoft, S., Staun-Olsen, P., Ottese", B., Sjoquist, A. Cent Hosp, Dept Clin Chem, DK-3400 Hilleroed, Denmark PEPTIDES 1983, i (2) 133 Multiplicity of receptors for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP): differential effects of apami" on binding in brain, uterus and liver Bokisch, A.J., Osborne, N.N., Walker, R.J. Univ Southampton, Sch Blochem & Physiol Sci, Southampton SO9 3TU, England COMP BIOCHEM PHYSIOL PT C 1983, -75 (1) 171 Actions of cholecystokinin on neurones in the central nervous system of the snail. Helix apersa Dettimar, P.W., Lynn, A.G., Metcalf, G., Morgan, B.A. Reckitt h Coleman Ltd, Dlv Pharluaceut, Dept Pharmacol, Hull HU8 7DS, England J PHARN PHARMACOL 1983, 35 (6) 399 Brain TRH receptors are iT;e same as pituitary TRH receptors Salerno, F., Bonato, C., Panerai, A.E., Martini, A., Malesci, A. Univ Milan, Ned 3 Clin, I-20133 Milan, Italy LIFE SC1 1983, 33 (4) 377 Brain cholecystokinln-8 immunore -activity in rats with experimental liver cirrhosis Willis, E.A., Ottesen, B.*, Wagner, G.. Sundler, F., Fahrenkrug, J. *Unlv Copenhagen, Panum Inst. Inst Med Physiol B, DK-2200 Copenhagen, Derrmark LIFE SC1 1983, 33 (4) 383 Vasoactive Intestinal polypeptide (VIP) as a putative neurotransmitt5r in penile erection
Ram, J.L. Wayne State Univ, Dept Physiol, Detroit, Mi 48201, USA BRIT J PHARMACOL 1983, 79 (3) 631 Forskolin activation of% identified peptlde-sensitive motoneurone in Aplysia Glaser, T., Besson, J.*, Rosselin, G., Hamprecht, B. *Univ Wurzburg, Inst Physiol Chem, D-8700 Wurzburg, W Germany EUR .J PHARMACOL 1983, 90 (1) 121 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide presence in neuroblastoma X glioma hybrid cells Widerlov, E., Kalivas, P.W., Lewis, M.H., Prange, A.J., Breese, G.K. Univ Uppsala, Ulleraker Hosp, Psychiat Res Ctr, S-75017 Uppsala, Sweden REGUL PEPTIDES 1983, 5 (2) 99 Influence of cholecystokinin on central monoaminergic pathways Gazes, I., O'Connor, D.T., Bloom, F.E. weizmann Inst Sci, Dept Hormone Kes, 11-76100 Rehovot, Israel REGUL PEPTIDES 1983, fi (2) 111 A possible high molecular weight precursor to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide sequestered into pheochromocytoma chromafffin granules Wehrenberg, W.B., henoit, R., baird, A., Guillemin, R. Salk Inst Biol Studies, Neuroendocrinol Labs, POB 85800, San Diego, Ca 92138, USA REGUL PEPTIDES 1983, 6 (2) 137 Inhibitory effects of cysteamine on neuroendocrine function Bakhit, C., L!enoit, R., Bloom, F.E. Salk Inst Biol Studies, AV Davis Ctr Behav Neurobiol, La Jolla, Ca 92037, USA RBGUL PEPTIDES 1983, 5 (2) 169 Effects of cysteamine on pro-somatostatin related peptides Leranth, C., Antoni, F.A., Palkovits, M. Semmelweis Unlv Med, Sch Ned, Dept Anat I, H-1450 Budapest, Hungary REGUl PEPTIDES 1983, 6 (2) 179 Ultrastructural demonstration of ovine CRF-like immunoreactivity (&RF-LI) in the rat hypothalamus processes of magnocellular neurons establish membrane specializations with parvocellular neurons containing &RF-L1 Kaji, H., Chihara, K., Minamitan,N., Kodama, H., Yanaihara, N., Fujlta, T. Kobe Univ, Sch Med, Dept Med, Div 3, Chuo ku, Kobe 650, Japan BRAIN RES 1983, 269 (2) 303 Release of vasoaxve intestinal polypeptide into the cerebrospfnal fluid of the fourth ventricle of the rat: involvement of cholinergic mechanism Vincent, S.R., Johansson, 0.. B"kfelt, T., Skirboll, L., Elde, R.P., Terenius, L., Kimmel. J., Goldstein, M.
Univ British Columbia, Dept Physiol, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T lW5 J COMP NRUROL 1983, 217 (3) 252 NADPH-diaphorase: a selective histochemical marker for striatal neurons containing both somatostatin- and avian pancreatic polypeptide (APP)-like immunoreactivities
Graybiel, A.M., Elde, R.P. MIT, Dept Psycho1 & Brain Sci, Cambridge, Ma 02139, USA J NEUROSCI 1983, 2 (6) 1308 Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity characterized neurons of the nucleus reticularis thalami in the cat and monkey
Vincent, S.R., Johansson, 0. address as above J COMP NEUROL 1983, 217 (3) 264 Striatal neurons con;&ing both somatostatin- and avian pancreatic polypeptide (APP)-like immunoreactivities and NADPH-dlaphorase activity: a light and electron microscopic study
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Ferrier, I.N., Roberts, G.W., Crow, T .J., Johnstone, E.C., Owens, D.G.C., Lee, Y.C., O'Shaughnessy, D., Adrian, T.E., Polak, J.M., Eloom, S.R. HRC, CLin Res Ctr, Div Psychiat, Watford Rd, Harrow HA1 3UJ, Middx, England LIFE sCI 1983, 33 (5) 475 Reduced cholecystokinin-likeand somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in limbic lobe is associated with negative symptoms in schizophrenia Sane, T., Saito, Ii..Inaba. H., Hlaawa, K., S&to, S., Yamanoi, A., Miaunuma, Y., Matsumura, M., Yuasa, M., Hiraishi, K. LJnivTokushima, Sch Med, Dept Pathol, Tokushima 770, Japan CANCER 1983, 52 (2) 282 Immunoreactive somatoscatin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in adrenal pheochromocytoma:A" immune -chemical and ultrastructural study Zimmerman, A.E. Queens Univ, Dept Physiol, Kingston, Ontario. Canada K7L 3N6 HORMONE MRTAB RBS 1983, 15 (6) 294 Characterization of the ‘%a11 ACTH activity of the neurointermediate lobe of the porcine pituitary Aratanspire, S., M&lane", K., Czernlchow, P. Hop Necker, INSERM, U30, F-75730 Paris 15, France J ENDOCRINOL 1983, 97 (3) 409 Postnatal development pattern of thyrotrophin releasing hormonedegrading activity In rat plasma, hypothslamus and liver role of tri-iodothyronine Fuxe, K., Agnatl, L.F., Harfstrand, A.. Zlni, I., Tatemoto, K., Pith, EM., Hokfelt, T., Mutt, V., Tere -nlus, L. Karoliaska Inst, Dept Histol, S-10401 Stockholm 60. Sweden ACTA PWSIOL SCAND 1983, 118 (2) 189 Central administration of-&ropeptldc Y induces hypotension bradypnea and EEC synchronization in the rat Richardson, S.B., N@ye", T., Iiollander,C.S.
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FORTHCOMING EVENTS Symposium On Opioid Peptides In Periphery Rome, Italy Nay 23-25, 1984 Participants wishing to give a lecture are kindly requested to submit the complete text (20 minutes talk) to the Organizing Secretariat: deadline November 30, 1983. Cottrell G.A., Schot L.P.C., Dockray All accepted papers will be published G.J. either by a prominent Publishing Dept Physiol b Pharmacol, Univ St House or in a special Supplement of Andrew, Fife KY16 9TS, Scotland an International Journal NATURE 1983, 304 (5927) 638 Free communications and poster Identificationnd probable role of sessions with be organized as usual. a single neurone containing the The deadline for submitting abstracts neuropeptide Helix FMRFamide is December 31, 1983. The official language is English. Itah N., Obata K., Yanaihara N., All interested investigators are Okamoto H.* kindly requested to contact the *Dept Biochem. Toyama Ned h Pharm Organizing Secretariat for further Univ Sch Med, Toyama 930-01, Japan information: APE - Via Giorgio NATURE 1983, 304 (5926) 547 Vasarl, 4 - 00196 Rome, Italy Human preprovasoactive intestinal polypeptide contains a novel PHI-27-like peptide, PHM-27 HORMONE BEHAV 1983, " (2) 139 Localized and discrete changes in neuropeptide (LHRH and TRH) and neurotranamitter (NE and DA) concentrations within the olfactory bulbs of male mice as a function of social interaction