Moore-Penrose inverses in rings and weighted partial isometries in C*− algebras

Moore-Penrose inverses in rings and weighted partial isometries in C*− algebras

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Applied Mathematics and Computation 395 (2021) 125832

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Moore-Penrose inverses in rings and weighted partial isometries in C ∗ −algebras Ruju Zhao a,c,1,∗, Hua Yao b, Junchao Wei c a

College of Science, Beibu Gulf University, Qinzhou, Guangxi 535011, PR China School of Mathematics and Statistics, Huanghuai University, Zhumadian, Henan 463000, PR China c School of Mathematical Sciences, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225002, PR China b

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 26 May 2018 Revised 7 June 2020 Accepted 22 November 2020

a b s t r a c t We explore the existence of MP-inverse in rings with involution. In addition, we give some equivalent conditions for an element of a C ∗ −algebra to be a weighted-EP element and weighted partial isometry. © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

2010 MSC: 15A09 16U99 16W10 ∗−Regularity Moore-Penrose inverse Weighted-EP element Weighted partial isometry C ∗ −algebra,

1. Introduction Let R be an associative ring with unit 1R . As usual, denote by J (R ) the Jacobson radical of R, U (R ) the set of all invertible elements of R and E (R ) the set of all idempotents of R. An element a ∈ R is said to be regular if there exists b ∈ R such that aba = a. We denote the set of all regular elements of R by R− . For any element a ∈ R, we define the commutant of a by comm(a ) = {x ∈ R|ax = xa}. An element a ∈ R is said to be group invertible if there exists a# ∈ R such that aa# a = a, a# aa# = a# , aa# = a# a. Note that if a# exists, then it is unique by the above conditions [1]. We denote the set of all group invertible elements of R by R# . An element a ∈ R is group invertible if and only if a ∈ a2 R ∩ Ra2 [4,17]. An involution in R is an anti-isomorphism ∗ : R → R, a → a∗ of degree 2, that is, (a∗ )∗ = a, (a + b)∗ = a∗ + b∗ , (ab)∗ = b∗ a∗ .

Corresponding author at: College of Science, Beibu Gulf University, Qinzhou, Guangxi 535011, PR China. E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Zhao). 1 The research has been supported by the National Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 11471282, 11661014, and 11701499 and the High-level Scientific Research Foundation for the introduction of talent of Beibu Gulf University in 2020 under Grant No. 2020KYQD08. 0 096-30 03/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

R. Zhao, H. Yao and J. Wei

Applied Mathematics and Computation 395 (2021) 125832

Definition 1.1. Let R be a ring and a, b ∈ R. a is said to be right b−regular, if there exists x∗ = x ∈ comm(ba ), such that a = axba. Analogously, an element a is said to be left c−regular, if there is an y∗ = y ∈ comm(ac ) satisfying a = acya. If a is both left c−regular and right b−regular, then it is said to be (c, b)−regular. An element a ∈ R satisfying a∗ = a is said to be symmetric (or Hermitian) and an element p ∈ R is called a projection if 2 p = p = p∗ . Definition 1.2. An element a of a ring R is said to be well-supported if there exists a projection p such that ap = a, a∗ a + 1 − p ∈ U ( R ). The idempotent p is called the support of a. An element a is said to be left ∗−cancellable if a∗ ax = a∗ ay yields ax = ay, right ∗−cancellable if xaa∗ = yaa∗ yields xa = ya, and ∗−cancellable if it is both left and right ∗−cancellable. Note that a is left ∗−cancellable if and only if a∗ is right ∗−cancellable. The Moore-Penrose inverse (or MP-inverse) [16] of a ∈ R is the element a† ∈ R satisfying aa† a = a, a† aa† = a† , (aa† )∗ = aa† , (a† a )∗ = a† a. There is at most one a† satisfying the above equations [2,7,8]. Denote by R† the set of all MP-invertible elements of R. Actually, a is MP-invertible if and only if a is ∗−cancellable and a∗ aa∗ is regular [9]. An element a ∈ R† satisfying aa† = a† a is said to be EP. Denote by REP the set of all EP elements of R. An element a ∈ REP if and only if a ∈ R# ∩ R† and a# = a† . The Drazin inverse of a ∈ R is the element aD ∈ R satisfying aD aaD = aD , aaD = aD a, ak+1 aD = ak for some nonnegative integer k. The least such k is called the index of a, denoted by ind (a ). We denote the set of all Drazin invertible elements of R by RD . If ind (a ) = 1, then the Drazin inverse aD is the group inverse a# . Let A be a unital C ∗ −algebra with unite 1A . Actually, the unital C ∗ −algebra A is an associative ring with the addition and the multiplication of A. Thus, the definitions and conclusions mentioned above still work for A. Particularly, in C ∗ −algebra, every element is ∗−cancellable [2]. An element x ∈ A is said to be positive if there exists y ∈ A satisfying x = y∗ y. Alternatively, x ∈ A is said to be positive if x is Hermitian and σ (x ) ⊆ [0, +∞ ), where σ (x ) is the spectrum of x. Definition 1.3. [2,3] Let A be a unital C ∗ −algebra and let e, f be positive invertible elements in A. An element a ∈ A is said to be weighted MP-invertible with weights e, f if there exists b ∈ A such that aba = a, bab = b, (eab)∗ = eab, ( f ba )∗ = f ba. †

The unique such b is called weighted MP-inverse of a with weights e and f, and denoted by ae, f if it exists. Denote by †

Ae, f the set of all weighted MP-invertible elements of A with weights e and f .

Assume that e, f ∈ A are positive and invertible. Define the mapping (∗, e ) : A −→ A, x −→ x∗e = e−1 x∗ e. It is easy to 1


check that the mapping (∗, e ) is an involution of A. Moreover, define x e = e 2 xe− 2 , for any x ∈ A. Then · e is a norm of A. We can show that Ae = (A, (∗, e ), · e ) is a unital C ∗ −algebra with the involution (∗, e ) and the norm · e . Consequently, the conditions of Definition 1.3 can be rewritten as aba = a, bab = b, (ab)∗e = ab, (ba )∗ f = ba. If f = λe, where 0 = λ ∈ C, then x∗e = x∗ f for any x ∈ A, where C is the complex field. In this case, the weighted MP† inverse ae, f is a special MP-inverse a† with the involution (∗, e ). In fact, mapping (∗, e ) is an involution and x∗e = x∗ f for †

any x ∈ A. Let ∗ = (∗, e ) and b = ae, f . From the definition of weighted MP-inverse, we get aba = a, bab = b, (ab)∗ = ab, and

(ba )∗

= ba. From the definition of MP-inverse, b = ae, f is the MP-inverse of a.

Define the mapping (∗, e, f ): A −→ A, x −→ x∗e, f = e−1 x∗ f, for all x ∈ A. In general, (∗, e, f ) is not an involution. But if f = e, then (∗, e, f ) is an involution, in this case x∗e, f = x∗ f,e for any x ∈ A. Theorem 1.4. [2] Let A be a unital C ∗ −algebra and let e, f be positive invertible elements of A. If a ∈ A− , then the unique † weighted MP-inverse ae, f exists and 1




ae, f = f − 2 (e 2 a f − 2 )† e 2 . †

Definition 1.5. [11] Let A be a unital C ∗ −algebra and let e, f be positive invertible elements in A. The element a ∈ A− is said to be weighted-EP with respect to elements e, f (or weighted-EP w.r.t. (e, f )) if both ea and a f −1 are EP (which is † † equivalent to aae, f = ae, f a). †

An element a ∈ A− satisfying a∗ f,e = ae, f is called a weighted partial isometry with respect to elements e, f (or a

weighted partial isometry w.r.t. (e, f )). The Moore-Penrose inverse in rings with involution and the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse in C ∗ −algebras have several important applications in matrices over an integral domain, bounded linear operators on Hilbert spaces and numerical computations [1,5,6,15]. 2

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Various characterizations of Moore-Penrose inverse in rings with involution were given in [10,18]. Weighted-EP matrix was defined and a number of conclusions about it were presented using various formulas for a rank of a complex matrix in [19]. The reverse order law for the Moore-Penrose inverse and the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse in C ∗ −algebras were investigated [6,14]. Many achievements have been made in weighted-EP elements and weighted partial isometries of C ∗ −algebras [11–13]. In this paper, we study the Moore-Penrose inverse in rings with involution, weighted-EP element and weighted partial isometry in C ∗ −algebras, extending the results from [2,11,12]. In Section 2, we prove that an element a of a ring R is right a∗ −regular if and only if a is well-supported or MP-invertible. In addition, we also present other equivalent conditions for an element to be MP-invertible. Under the condition that a∗ a = a2 , a is EP if and only if a is group invertible, if and only if a is Drazin invertible and left ∗−cancellable. In Section 3, letting A be a C ∗ −algebra, a ∈ A− and e, f be positive invertible † † elements of A, we give an example to show that the equality (a∗e, f ) f,e = a(a∗ f,e a ) f, f is not true in general. And then we present some equivalent conditions for an element a ∈ A to be a weighted-EP element w.r.t (e, f ) and weighted partial isometry w.r.t (e, f ) by means of E (A ), J (A ), and the solutions of equation x = xaa∗ f,e . 2. ∗− Regularities and MP-inverses In this section, we work in a ring with involution unless otherwise stated. We first present some equivalent conditions for an element a of a ring R to be well-supported, left ∗−cancellable and right a∗ −regular. Denote r (a ) = {x ∈ R|ax = 0}, for any a ∈ R. For convenience, here we set 1R = 1. Lemma 2.1. Let R be a ring and a ∈ R. If a is well-supported, then a is left ∗−cancellable. Proof. If there is an y ∈ R such that a∗ ay = 0, then we have (a∗ a + 1 − p) py = 0, where p is the support of a, because ap = a and p2 = p. From the hypothesis a∗ a + 1 − p ∈ U (R ), we obtain py = 0. Consequently, ay = apy = 0.  Theorem 2.2. Let R be a ring and a ∈ R. Then a is right a∗ −regular if and only if a is well-supported. Proof. “⇒” By assumption, we know that there exists x∗ = x ∈ comm(a∗ a ) such that a = axa∗ a. Taking p = xa∗ a, we obtain p∗ = a∗ ax∗ = a∗ ax = xa∗ a = p, a = axa∗ a = ap, p2 = xa∗ axa∗ a = xa∗ a = p, pa∗ = (ap)∗ = a∗ . It is easy to check that (a∗ a + 1 − p)( px + 1 − p) = a∗ apx + a∗ a(1 − p) + 1 − p = a∗ ax + 1 − p = p + 1 − p = 1. The equality px(1 − p) = xa∗ a(x − x2 a∗ a ) = xa∗ a(x − xa∗ ax ) = xa∗ a(1 − xa∗ a )x = p(1 − p)x = 0 implies ( px + 1 − p)(a∗ a + 1 − p) = pxa∗ a + px(1 − p) + (1 − p)a∗ a + 1 − p = p + 1 − p = 1. That is, a∗ a + 1 − p ∈ U (R ). From the definition of well-supported element, the proof is completed. “⇐” According to the hypothesis, there exists p ∈ R such that a = ap, p∗ = p = p2 , and a∗ a + 1 − p = u ∈ U (R ). Applying involution to the above equalities, we get a∗ = p∗ a∗ = pa∗ and u∗ = (a∗ a + 1 − p)∗ = a∗ a + 1 − p = u. This gives (u−1 )∗ = u−1 . Furthermore, it is easy to check that ua∗ a = (a∗ a + 1 − p)a∗ a = a∗ aa∗ a = a∗ a(a∗ a + 1 − p) = a∗ au, which implies u ∈ comm(a∗ a ). Thus, u−1 ∈ comm(a∗ a ). Finally, we only need to show that a = au−1 a∗ a. In fact, up = (a∗ a + 1 − p) p = a∗ ap + (1 − p) p = a∗ ap = a∗ a, which leads to p = u−1 a∗ a.  From the proof of Theorem 2.2, we have the following corollary. Corollary 2.3. Let R be a ring and a ∈ R. Then a is right a∗ −regular if and only if there is a projection p such that a∗ a + 1 − p ∈ U (R ), and one of the following conditions holds: (1) r (a ) = r ( p); (2) Ra = Rp; (3) a∗ R = pR. Proof. From Theorem 2.2, we only need to prove that the equation ap = a is satisfied. (1) Since p is a projection, we have p∗ = p = p2 and p − 1 ∈ r ( p). From the hypothesis, we get a( p − 1 ) = 0, that is, ap = a. (2) From the equation Ra = Rp, there exists x ∈ R such that a = xp. Since p is a projection, we conclude that ap = xp2 = xp = a. (3) From the hypothesis, there exists y ∈ R such that a∗ = py. Since p is a projection, we have a = y∗ p∗ = y∗ p. It follows that ap = y∗ p2 = y∗ p = a.  An element a of a ring R is said to be weakly left ∗−cancellable, if a∗ ax = 0 implies ax2 = 0 for any x ∈ R. Obviously, if a is left ∗−cancellable, then a is weakly left ∗−cancellable. But the converse of this statement is not true from the following example. 3

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Example 2.4. Let R = Z4  Z4 . Define a mapping ∗ : R −→ R, (x, y ) −→ (y, x ). It is easy to check that the mapping ∗ is an involution of R. Take a = (2, 3 ). Then a∗ = (3, 2 ) and a∗ a = (2, 2 ). If a∗ a(x, y ) = 0, then (x, y ) ∈ {(0, 0 ) = 0, (0, 2 ), (2, 0 ), (2, 2 )}, which gives a(x, y )2 = 0. But if (x, y ) = (0, 2 ), then a(x, y ) = (0, 2 ) = 0. That is, a is weakly left ∗−cancellable, but it is not left ∗−cancellable. In the following, we explore the existence of MP-inverse in rings by means of weakly left ∗−cancellation, ∗−regularity, Hermitian element, and idempotent. Theorem 2.5. Let R be a ring and a ∈ R. Then the following statements are equivalent: (1) a ∈ R† ; (2) R = a∗ aR  r (a∗ a ) and a is weakly left ∗−cancellable; (3) R = a∗ aR + r (a∗ a ) and a is weakly left ∗−cancellable. Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) It follows from the hypothesis that a† exists and a is left ∗−cancellable, which yield a is weakly left ∗−cancellable and r (a ) = r (a∗ a ). On the other hand, from [20, Theorem 3.11(2)], we obtain R = a∗ aR  r (a ). Thus, R = a∗ aR  r ( a∗ a ). (2) ⇒ (3) It is straightforward. (3) ⇒ (1) According to the condition R = a∗ aR + r (a∗ a ), we have a∗ aR = a∗ aa∗ aR. Write a∗ a = a∗ aa∗ ab, where b ∈ R. Then ∗ a a(1 − a∗ ab) = 0. Since a is weakly left ∗−cancellable, we deduce that a(1 − a∗ ab)2 = 0, which leads to a = aa∗ a(2b) − aa∗ aba∗ ab ∈ aa∗ aR. Therefore, a ∈ R† by [20, Theorem 3.1(3)].  Theorem 2.6. Let R be a ring and a ∈ R. Then a ∈ R† if and only if a is (a∗ , a∗ )−regular. Proof. “⇐” Since a is (a∗ , a∗ )−regular, we conclude that there are y∗ = y ∈ comm(aa∗ ) and z∗ = z ∈ comm(a∗ a ) satisfying a = aa∗ ya = aza∗ a. Fix x = yaz. Then aa∗ xa∗ a = aa∗ yaza∗ a = aza∗ a = a. Let u, v ∈ R satisfy a∗ au = 0 = vaa∗ . Then au = aa∗ xa∗ au = 0 and va = vaa∗ xa∗ a = 0. Thus, a is ∗−cancellable. On the other hand, we have a∗ aa∗ = a∗ aa∗ xa∗ aa∗ , which yields a∗ aa∗ is regular. From [9, Theorem 5.4(xi)], we get a ∈ R† . “⇒” Using the assumption, we get a = aa† a. Write y = a† (a† )∗ and z = (a† )∗ a† . Then it is easy to verify that y∗ = y ∈ comm(a∗ a ), z∗ = z ∈ comm(aa∗ ), and a = aa∗ za = aya∗ a. That is, a is both left and right a∗ −regular. Therefore, a is (a∗ , a∗ )−regular.  Theorem 2.7. Let R be a ring and a ∈ R. Then a ∈ R† if and only if a is right a∗ −regular. Proof. “⇒” It follows from a ∈ R† that a† exists. Write x = a† (a† )∗ . Then x∗ = x, xa∗ a = a† (a† )∗ a∗ a = a† (aa† )∗ a = a† a, a∗ ax = a∗ aa† (a† )∗ = a∗ (a† )∗ = (a† a )∗ = a† a, which show that x∗ = x ∈ comm(a∗ a ) and axa∗ a = aa† a = a. Hence, a is right a∗ −regular. “⇐” Let x∗ = x ∈ comm(a∗ a ) satisfy a = axa∗ a. Taking b = xa∗ , we get ab = axa∗ , ba = xa∗ a, (ab)∗ = ax∗ a∗ = axa∗ = ab, (ba )∗ = a∗ ax∗ = a∗ ax = xa∗ a = ba, aba = axa∗ a = a, bab = xa∗ axa∗ = x(ax∗ a∗ a )∗ = x(axa∗ a )∗ = xa∗ = b. Consequently, a ∈ R† and a† = xa∗ .  Theorem 2.8. Let R be a ring and a ∈ R. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (1) a ∈ R† ; (2) there is an x ∈ R such that a = axa∗ a, and a∗ ax is Hermitian. Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Write x = a† (a† )∗ . Then a∗ ax = a∗ aa† (a† )∗ = a∗ (a† )∗ = a† a, which proves that a∗ ax is Hermitian. Furthermore, we have axa∗ a = aa† (a† )∗ a∗ a = (a† )∗ a∗ a = aa† a = a. (2) ⇒ (1) Let y ∈ R satisfy a∗ ay = 0. Then ay = (axa∗ a )y = ax(a∗ ay ) = 0. That is, a is left ∗−cancellable. Taking the involution on a = axa∗ a, we obtain a∗ = a∗ ax∗ a∗ . Post-multiplying by a, we have a∗ a = a∗ ax∗ a∗ a, which gives a = ax∗ a∗ a = a(a∗ ax )∗ = aa∗ ax, because a is left ∗−cancellable and a∗ ax is Hermitian. Applying the involution to axa∗ a = a = ax∗ a∗ a, we deduce that a∗ ax∗ a∗ = a∗ = a∗ axa∗ , which leads to ax∗ a∗ = axa∗ . Moreover, taking b = x∗ a∗ , we get ab = ax∗ a∗ = axa∗ . Applying the involution to the above equality, we see that (ab)∗ = (axa∗ )∗ = ax∗ a∗ = ab. From the hypothesis, we conclude that ba = x∗ a∗ a = (a∗ ax )∗ = a∗ ax, which shows that (ba )∗ = ba. It is left to prove that aba = a and bab = b. Actually, it is easy to check that aba = axa∗ a = a and bab = a∗ axx∗ a∗ = (a∗ ax )∗ x∗ a∗ = x∗ a∗ ax∗ a∗ = x∗ (axa∗ a )∗ = x∗ a∗ = b. 4

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Therefore, a ∈ R† and a† = x∗ a∗ .

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Theorem 2.9. Let R be a ring and a ∈ R. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (1) a ∈ R† ; (2) there are g, f ∈ E (R ) such that aR = gR, R f = Ra, 1 + (g∗ − g)∗ (g∗ − g) ∈ U (R ), and 1 + ( f ∗ − f )∗ ( f ∗ − f ) ∈ U (R ). Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Fix g = aa† and f = a† a. Using the equality a = aa† a, we have g∗ = g = g2 and f ∗ = f = f 2 . It is evident that aR = aa† aR = gaR ⊆ gR = aa† R ⊆ aR, Ra = Raa† a = Ra f ⊆ R f = Ra† a ⊆ Ra, 1 + (g∗ − g)∗ (g∗ − g) = 1 ∈ U (R ), 1 + ( f ∗ − f )∗ ( f ∗ − f ) = 1 ∈ U (R ). (2) ⇒ (1) Write s = 1 + (g∗ − g)∗ (g∗ − g) ∈ U (R ) and t = 1 + ( f ∗ − f )∗ ( f ∗ − f ) ∈ U (R ). Then we get sgg∗ = gg∗ gg∗ = gg∗ s, s∗ = s, sg = gg∗ g = gs, t f ∗ f = f ∗ f f ∗ f = f ∗ f t , t ∗ = t , t f = f f ∗ f = f t. Take p = gg∗ s−1 and q = f ∗ f t −1 . By the above, we obtain a series of precious equalities as follows: p2 = gg∗ s−1 gg∗ s−1 = (gg∗ gg∗ )s−1 s−1 = gg∗ s−1 = p, q2 = f ∗ f t −1 f ∗ f t −1 = ( f ∗ f f ∗ f )t −1 t −1 = f ∗ f t −1 = q, p∗ = (s∗ )−1 gg∗ = s−1 gg∗ = gg∗ s−1 = p, q∗ = (t ∗ )−1 f ∗ f = f ∗ f t −1 = q, pg = gg∗ s−1 g = (gg∗ g)s−1 = gss−1 = g, gp = g(gg∗ s−1 ) = gg∗ s−1 = p, f q = f f ∗ f t −1 = f t t −1 = f, q f = f ∗ f t −1 f = f ∗ f f t −1 = f ∗ f t −1 = q. Since aR = gR and R f = Ra, we infer that a = ga = a f . It is immediate that pa = p(ga ) = ( pg)a = ga = a and aq = (a f )q = a( f q ) = a f = a. Set g = ax and f = ya, where x, y ∈ R. Write c = qyaxp. Then we conclude that ac = aqyaxp = ayaxp = a f xp = axp = gp = p = p∗ = (ac )∗ , ca = qyaxpa = qyaxa = qyga = qya = q f = q = q∗ = (ca )∗ , aca = pa = a, cac = qc = q(qyaxp) = qyaxp = c. Consequently, a ∈ R† and a† = qyaxp.  In general, an element a of a ring R is not EP, if only a ∈ R# . In the following theorem we assume that a∗ a = a2 . Then the EP element and the group invertible element are equivalent. Theorem 2.10. Let R be a ring and a ∈ R. If a∗ a = a2 , then the following conditions are equivalent: (1) a ∈ REP ; (2) a ∈ R# ; (3) a is left ∗−cancellable and a ∈ RD . Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) The proof is straightforward. (2) ⇒ (3) Since a ∈ R# , it follows that a ∈ RD , in this case ind (a ) = 1. Let y ∈ R satisfy a∗ ay = 0. Then a2 y = a∗ ay = 0, which gives ay = a# a2 y = 0. (3) ⇒ (1) Using the assumptions, we see that there is an nonnegative integer k such that ak+1 aD = ak . If k = 1, then a ∈ R# and a# = aD . If k ≥ 2, then a∗ ak aD = a∗ ak−1 , because a∗ a = a2 . By the hypothesis, we assert that ak aD = ak−1 . Repeating the above process, we have a2 aD = a, which yields a ∈ R# . Summarizing, we have a ∈ R# . Applying the involution to a = aa# a, we conclude that a∗ = a∗ (a# )∗ a∗ . Post-multiplying by a, we have a∗ a = a∗ (a# )∗ a∗ a, which implies that a2 = a∗ (a# )∗ a2 . Post-multiplying by (a# )2 , we get aa# = a∗ (a# )∗ aa# = (aa# )∗ aa# . This gives (aa# )∗ = aa# . Therefore, a ∈ R† and a† = a# . That is, a ∈ REP .  At the end of this section, we give an equivalent condition for an element to be EP. Theorem 2.11. Let R be a ring and a ∈ R. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (1) a ∈ REP ; (2) there is an g ∈ E (R ) such that Ra = Rg, aR = gR, gg∗ = g∗ g and 1 + (g∗ − g)∗ (g∗ − g) ∈ U (R ). Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) The conclusion is proved by taking g = a† a, because a† a = aa† . (2) ⇒ (1) Write s = 1 + (g∗ − g)∗ (g∗ − g) ∈ U (R ). Then sg∗ g = sgg∗ = gg∗ s = g∗ gs, s = s∗ , and sg = gg∗ g = gs. Take p = gg∗ s−1 . Then we have p = g∗ gs−1 , p2 = p, p∗ = p, pg = g, and gp = p, which imply g∗ p = p and p = p∗ = (g∗ p)∗ = p∗ g = pg = g. Since Ra = Rg and aR = gR, it follows that a = ga = ag. Fix g = ax = ya, where x, y ∈ R. Then a = axa = aya. Set b = yax. Then we can verify that ab = ayax = ax = g = p = p∗ = (ab)∗ , ba = yaxa = ya = g = p = p∗ = (ba )∗ , which give ab = ba. Moreover, we have aba = ga = a and bab = gb = yayax = yax = b. Consequently, a ∈ R# ∩ R† and a# = b = a† . That is, a ∈ REP .  5

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3. Weighted-EP elements and weighted partial isometries In this section, we study some equivalent conditions for an element to be a weighted-EP element and weighted partial isometry in C ∗ −algebras. Lemma 3.1. [11] Let A be a unital C ∗ −algebra and let e, f be positive invertible elements of A. For each a ∈ A− , the following is satisfied: † † (1) (ae, f ) f,e = a; †

(2) (a∗ f,e ) f,e = (ae, f )∗e, f ; †

(3) a∗ f,e = ae, f aa∗ f,e = a∗ f,e aae, f ; (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

† † a∗ f,e (ae, f )∗e, f = ae, f a; (a†e, f )∗e, f a∗ f,e = aa†e, f ; (a∗ f,e a )†f, f = a†e, f (a†e, f )∗e, f ; (aa∗ f,e )†e,e = (a†e, f )∗e, f a†e, f ; † † † ae, f = (a∗ f,e a ) f, f a∗ f,e = a∗ f,e (aa∗ f,e )e,e . †

In addition, there is seemingly still a equality (a∗e, f ) f,e = a(a∗ f,e a ) f, f . But, in fact, it is not true in general according to the following example. Example 3.2. It is well-known that the complex field C is a unital C ∗ −algebra with involution ∗, the conjugate of complex numbers, and norm · , the absolute value (or modulus) of complex numbers. Take a = 2 + i, b = 15 (2 − i ), e = 2 and f = 5 in C. Then aba = a and e, f are√positive invertible. It is obvious that √ 1 1 e∗ = 2, e 2 = 2, e− 2 = 22 , √ √ 1 1 f ∗ = 5, f 2 = 5, f − 2 = 55 . Using the existence of weighted MP-inverse and the definition of (∗, e, f ), we obtain a∗e, f = 52 (2 − i ), a∗ f,e = 25 (2 − i ), √ √ 10 10 5 ( 5 (2 +

ae, f =

i ).

i ))† =

√ 10 10 5 [ 10 (2 − i )]

Furthermore, we have † a(a∗ f,e a ) f, f = (2 + i ) 15 (2 − i ) 12 (2 + i ) = †

1 5 (2


1 2 (2

− i ) = b. †

+ i ), (a∗e, f ) f,e = [ 25 (2 − i )]5,2 =

√ 10 5 10 2 [ 4 (2

− i )] † =

√ 10 2 10 2 [ 125 (2

+ i )] =

2 25 (2 +

Consequently, (a∗e, f ) f,e = a(a∗ f,e a ) f, f .

Lemma 3.3. Let A be a unital C ∗ −algebra and let e, f be positive invertible elements of A. If a ∈ A− , then (a∗ f,e )†f,e = a(a∗ f,e a )†f, f = (aa∗ f,e )†e,e a. 1




Proof. Write x = e 2 a f − 2 . Since a is regular, there exists b ∈ A such that a = aba. Take y = f 2 be− 2 . Then xyx = 1










e 2 a f − 2 f 2 be− 2 e 2 a f − 2 = e 2 aba f − 2 = e 2 a f − 2 = x. It means that x is also regular. From Theorem 1.4, we deduce that 1










a(a∗ f,e a )†f, f = a f − 2 ( f − 2 a∗ e 2 e 2 a f − 2 )† f 2 = a f − 2 (x∗ x )† f 2 = e− 2 xx† (x∗ )† f 2 1








= e− 2 ( x† )∗ f 2 = e− 2 ( x∗ )† f 2 = e− 2 ( f − 2 a∗ e 2 )† f 2 , 1










(aa∗ f,e )†e,e a = e− 2 (e 2 a f − 2 f − 2 a∗ e 2 )† e 2 a = e− 2 (xx∗ )† e 2 a = e− 2 (x∗ )† x† x f 2 1








= e− 2 ( x† )∗ f 2 = e− 2 ( x∗ )† f 2 = e− 2 ( f − 2 a∗ e 2 )† f 2 , and









(a∗ f,e )†f,e = e− 2 ( f 2 a∗ f,e e− 2 )† f 2 = e− 2 ( f − 2 a∗ e 2 )† f 2 . 

Let A be a unital C ∗ −algebra and let e, f be positive invertible elements in A. If a ∈ A# , then a ∈ A− , because a = aa# a. That is, if a ∈ A# , then the unique weighted MP-inverse of a also exists. In the following theorem, we give the conditions to ensure that a is weighted-EP w.r.t. (e, f ), extending the results from [11]. Theorem 3.4. Let a ∈ A# and let e, f be positive invertible elements in A. Then the following statements are equivalent: (1) a is weighted-EP w.r.t. (e, f ); † † (2) ae, f + a# = 2ae, f aa# ; †

(3) aae, f = (ae, f )2 a2 and ae, f a = a2 (ae, f )2 ; †

(4) an+1 (ae, f )n = a = (ae, f )m am+1 , for any/some integers m, n ≥ 1; 6

R. Zhao, H. Yao and J. Wei †

Applied Mathematics and Computation 395 (2021) 125832

(5) ae, f a2n ae, f = an (ae, f )2 an , for any/some integers n ≥ 1. †

Proof. If a is weighted-EP w.r.t. (e, f ), then a# = ae, f by [11, Theorem 2.2(xi)]. It is not difficult to prove that conditions (2)-(5) hold. † † Conversely, in order to conclude that a is weighted-EP w.r.t. (e, f ), we only need to show that the condition ae, f a = aae, f is satisfied by [11, Theorem 2.2(viii)]. † † † (2) From the equality ae, f + a# = 2ae, f aa# , pre-multiplying by a, we have aae, f = aa# . On the other hand, post†

multiplying by a, we get ae, f a = a# a. Hence, ae, f a = aae, f . (3) Post-multiplying the hypothesis

† aae, f


(a†e, f )2 a2

by a# ae, f , we obtain

a# a†e, f = a(a# )2 a†e, f = aa†e, f a(a# )2 a†e, f = aa†e, f a# a†e, f = (a†e, f )2 a2 a# a†e, f = (a†e, f )2 aa†e, f = (a†e, f )2 , †

which yields a# aae, f = a(ae, f )2 . Post-multiplying by a, we can verify that a# a =

† a# aae, f a


† a(ae, f )2 a

= (aae, f )ae, f a = (ae, f )2 a2 ae, f a = (ae, f )2 a2 = aae, f . †

Similarly, using the equality ae, f a = a2 (ae, f )2 , we deduce that †

a# a = a(ae, f )2 a = aae, f (ae, f a ) = aae, f a2 (ae, f )2 = a2 (ae, f )2 = ae, f a. † ae, f a

† Therefore, = a# a = aae, f . † † (4) The condition an+1 (ae, f )n = a = (ae, f )m am+1 (m, n ≥ 1) gives † † † † † † a# a = a# an+1 (ae, f )n = an (ae, f )n = an (ae, f )n aae, f = a# a2 ae, f = aae, f , † † † † † † # m m +1 # m m m m 2 # aa = (ae, f ) a a = (ae, f ) a = ae, f a(ae, f ) a = ae, f a a = ae, f a. † † Consequently, ae, f a = a# a = aae, f . † † † † † (5) Pre-multiplying and post-multiplying the equality ae, f a2n ae, f = an (ae, f )2 an by a, we have a2n ae, f = an+1 (ae, f )2 an and † † ae, f a2n = an (ae, f )2 an+1 . It follows that † † † † a2n−1 ae, f = a# a2n ae, f = a# an+1 (ae, f )2 an = an (ae, f )2 an , † † † † † † ae, f a2n−1 = ae, f a2n a# = an (ae, f )2 an+1 a# = an (ae, f )2 an , which lead to a2n−1 ae, f = ae, f a2n−1 . From [11, Theorem 2.2(lv)], we † † obtain ae, f a = aae, f . 

Motivated by [12], we present some novel equivalent conditions for an element a ∈ A to be a weighted partial isometry w.r.t. (e, f ) by means of E (A ), J (A ) and the solutions of certain equations. Proposition 3.5. Let a ∈ A− and let e, f be positive invertible elements in A. Then the following statements are equivalent: (1) a is a weighted partial isometry w.r.t. (e, f ); (2) aa∗ f,e ∈ E (A ); (3) a∗ f,e a ∈ E (A ). †

Proof. If a is a weighted partial isometry w.r.t. (e, f ), then a∗ f,e = ae, f . It is easy to check that conditions (2) and (3) hold.

Conversely, in order to show that a is a weighted partial isometry w.r.t. (e, f ), we only need to prove that the condition a∗ f,e = a∗ f,e aa∗ f,e is satisfied by [12, Theorem 2.1(v)]. † (2) Since aa∗ f,e ∈ E (A ), it follows that aa∗ f,e = aa∗ f,e aa∗ f,e . Pre-multiplying by ae, f , we have †

a∗ f,e = ae, f aa∗ f,e = ae, f aa∗ f,e aa∗ f,e = a∗ f,e aa∗ f,e . †

(3) From the hypothesis a∗ f,e a ∈ E (A ), we get a∗ f,e a = a∗ f,e aa∗ f,e a. Post-multiplying by ae, f , we obtain †

a∗ f,e = a∗ f,e aae, f = a∗ f,e aa∗ f,e aae, f = a∗ f,e aa∗ f,e .  An element w of C ∗ −algebra A is called a semi-idempotent, if w − w2 ∈ J (A ), where J (A ) is the Jacobson radical of A. Corollary 3.6. Let a ∈ A− and let e, f be positive invertible elements in A. Then a is a weighted partial isometry w.r.t. (e, f ) if and only if the following statements hold: (1) aa∗ f,e is semi-idempotent; † (2) ae, f − a∗ f,e ∈ E (A ). †

Proof. If a is a weighted partial isometry w.r.t. (e, f ), then a∗ f,e = ae, f . It is straightforward that aa∗ f,e − aa∗ f,e aa∗ f,e = 0 ∈ †

J (A ) and ae, f − a∗ f,e = 0 ∈ E (A ). 7

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Applied Mathematics and Computation 395 (2021) 125832 †

Conversely, write aa∗ f,e − aa∗ f,e aa∗ f,e = x ∈ J (A ). Pre-multiplying by ae, f , we have a∗ f,e

− a∗ f,e aa∗ f,e

† ae, f x.


Pre-multiplying the above equality by (ae, f )∗e, f , we conclude that † aae, f

− aa∗ f,e =

by the hypothesis.

(a†e, f )∗e, f a†e, f x, which implies a†e, f − a∗ f,e = a†e, f (a†e, f )∗e, f a†e, f x † † Thus, ae, f − a∗ f,e ∈ E (A ) ∩ J (A ). Hence, ae, f = a∗ f,e . 

∈ J (A ). On the other hand, ae, f − a∗ f,e ∈ E (A )

Corollary 3.7. Let a ∈ A− and let e, f be positive invertible elements in A. Then a is a weighted partial isometry w.r.t. (e, f ) if † and only if aae, f − aa∗ f,e ∈ E (A ). †

Proof. If a is a weighted partial isometry w.r.t. (e, f ), then a∗ f,e = ae, f , which leads to aa∗ f,e ∈ E (A ). It is easy to see that

(aa†e, f − aa∗ f,e )2 = aa†e, f − aa∗ f,e − aa∗ f,e + aa∗ f,e = aa†e, f − aa∗ f,e . Conversely, by the hypothesis, we have † † † aae, f − aa∗ f,e = (aae, f − aa∗ f,e )2 = aae, f − 2aa∗ f,e + aa∗ f,e aa∗ f,e , which shows that aa∗ f,e = aa∗ f,e aa∗ f,e . That is, aa∗ f,e ∈

E (A ). From Proposition 3.5, we deduce that a is a weighted partial isometry w.r.t. (e, f ).

In order to consider the relation between weighted partial isometry and the solutions of equation, we need to introduce † † (e, f ) a set χa = {a, a# , ae, f , a∗ f,e , (ae, f )∗e, f }. Corollary 3.8. Let a ∈ A# and let e, f be positive invertible elements in A. Then a is a weighted partial isometry w.r.t. (e, f ) if (e, f ) and only if the equation x = xaa∗ f,e has at least one solution in χa . †

Proof. “⇒” From the assumption ae, f = a∗ f,e , it is proved by writing x = ae, f . “⇐” (1) If x = a, then a = a2 a∗ f,e . Pre-multiplying by † ae, f aa#


† ae, f a# a2 a∗ f,e


† ae, f aa∗ f,e


† ae, f a# ,

we have

a∗ f,e . †

Post-multiplying the above equality by a, we get ae, f a = a∗ f,e a, which yields ae, f = a∗ f,e by [12, Theorem 2.1(iii)]. (2) If x = a# , then a# = a# aa∗ f,e . Pre-multiplying by † ae, f aa#

From (3) If (4) If

† = = ae, f aa∗ f,e = a∗ f,e . † the proof of (1), we get ae, f = a∗ f,e . † † † x = ae, f , then ae, f = ae, f aa∗ f,e = a∗ f,e . x = a∗ f,e , then a∗ f,e = a∗ f,e aa∗ f,e . It follows

† ae, f a,

we can verify that

† ae, f aa# aa∗ f,e

from [12, Theorem 2.1(v)] that ae, f = a∗ f,e .

† † † (5) If x = (ae, f )∗e, f , then (ae, f )∗e, f = (ae, f )∗e, f aa∗ f,e . Pre-multiplying the above † † † † a = a(ae, f a ) = aa∗ f,e (ae, f )∗e, f = aa∗ f,e (ae, f )∗e, f aa∗ f,e = aae, f a2 a∗ f,e = a2 a∗ f,e . † That ae, f = a∗ f,e follows from the proof of (1). 

equality by aa∗ f,e , we see that

Example 3.9. The complex field C is a unital C ∗ −algebra with involution ∗, the conjugate of complex numbers, and norm

· , the absolute value (or modulus) of complex numbers. Take a = 2 + i, e = 2 and f = 5 in C. From Example 3.2, we have † a2,5 = 15 (2 − i ). It is easy to check that a# = 15 (2 − i ). Then a is weighted-EP w.r.t. (2,5). Example 3.10. The set of all matrices over complex field is  1 pose of matrices, and Frobenius norm · F . Take A = 1 0

a unital C ∗ −algebra with involution ⎛ ∗, the ⎞ conjugate trans   3 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 ⎠. It follows from 1 , M= 0 1 0 , and N = ⎝ 1 3 0 0 0 2 2 2

Proposition 3.5 that A is not a weighted partial isometry w.r.t. (M, N ). In fact, the SVD of A has the form as

⎛ A = UDV ∗ = ⎝

√1 2 √1 2


⎛ where U =

√1 2 ⎝ √1 2


√1 2 − √12

√1 2 − √1 2






0 2 0⎠ 0 0 1

0⎠ and V = ⎝

0 0 0

⎛ √1


√1 2

√1 2

√1 2

√1 2

− √1

√1 2

− √12

⎞ ⎠,

⎞ ⎠ are unitary matrices.



R. Zhao, H. Yao and J. Wei

Applied Mathematics and Computation 395 (2021) 125832

 On the other hand, M = U D1


and N = V D2

V ∗,

where D1 =

Then M and N are positive. Moreover, we get

1 2

1 2

M = U D1 U ∗ =

1 0 0

⎛√ N 2 = V D2 V ∗ = ⎝ √ 1 2


3 4

− 41

− 41

3 4

and N −1 = ⎝

 † AM,N



1 4


0 1 0 2+1 2 2−1 2

0 − 12 ∗ − 12 √0 , M = U D1 U = 2 √

2−1 2 2+1 2


1 0 0


⎠, N− 12 = V D2 V ∗ = ⎝ √ − 12

0 1 0

0 1 0

0 0

0 0 2

 and D2 =

2 0

0 1

are diagonal matrices.

√1 2

2+2 4

√ 2−2 4

2−2 4

√ 2+2 4


⎞ ⎠,

⎠. By direct computation, we have 0

 and A∗N,M =


1 0 0


1 2








Then AM,N = A∗N,M . Acknowledgements The authors thank the anonymous referees for their valuable comments. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]

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