and Alt iic Series (abbreviated: UAS) will be discussed. (Indiana University Bloomington, & Mouton & Co,, The Hague). .tVlERI LEHTINEN,Basic Course in Finnish. UAS, Vol. 27, 1963. X X X I I I + 657 pp. Price: $15.00. This is such a detailed textbook of Finnish that hardly any additions or adjustments are feasible. There are m a n y exercises, the answers l o which are given on the same page. The same kind of dedicati,, a and industry is expected from the student as was shown by the ~ ,~thor when preparing this book. It serves as an additional proof of Finnish thoroughness, this time provided by an American Finnish scholar. KALM£N KERESZTES, Morphemic and Semantic Analysis o]
the Word Families: Finnish ETE- and Hungarian EL'lore-'. UAS, Voi. 4i, i964. Price: $ 3.00. This is a contrastive study on the use of the above indicated cognate roots in Finnish and Hungarian. In order to reach more general conclusions, such studies should not be restricted to Finnish and Hungarian alone. Some consideration should be given also to synonymous expressions and to the 'semantic fields' involved. ROBERT T. HARMS, Finnish Structural Sketch. UAS, Vol. 42, 1964. XIV + 105 pp. Price $ 3.00. As the author states, the book otfers a partially ordered set of rales concerning stem formation, allomorph selection, morphoF,honeme combination, and allophone selection. This being the first essay of its kind, differing interpretations ~re well feasible. The inclusion of some colloquial features is new. The selection of the latter should be based on a systematic treatment o5 colloquial Finlfish; unfortunately such a work does not seem to exist in plint. K2~ROLY R~DEI, Northern Ostyak Chrestomathy UAS, Vol. 47, 1965. VII + 132 pp. Price: $ 3.00. This is the extended translation of the author's 'Ostzj~k nyelvtanulmAnyok (Muzsi nyelvjAi~s)', published in Nyelvtudomdnyi K6:zlem~nyek LXIII, and as Nyelvtudomdnyi l~rtekez~sek 31, Budapest, 1961. Bibliography and texts have been added, but one glossary of Northern Ostyak, including all the variants occurring in the text,