Morphine excitation: Effects on field potentials recorded in the in vitro hippocampal slice

Morphine excitation: Effects on field potentials recorded in the in vitro hippocampal slice

Nruropharmocoloy~. Vol. 19. pp. 507 to 514 Pergamon Press Ltd 1980. Pnnfed m Great Britam MORPHINE EXCITATION: EFFECTS ON FIELD POTENTIALS RECORDED I...

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Nruropharmocoloy~. Vol. 19. pp. 507 to 514 Pergamon Press Ltd 1980. Pnnfed m Great Britam


of Physiology and Pharmacology, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, 300 S. Hawthorne Avenue, Winston-Salem. NC 27103, U.S.A. (Acceptrd

17 December


Summary-The hippocampal slice preparation was used to study the effects of morphine on CA1 field potentials recorded in vitro. Morphine sulfate (10-j M) produced two distinct excitatory effects when added to the bathing media or applied directly to the slice via a pressure pipette injection system. First, morphine produced an increase in amplitude and a reduction in’latency of the CAI population spike elicited by orthodromic stimulation of stratum radiatum, without any change in the amplitude of the synaptic field potential. This was accompanied by a pronounced shift to the left of the population spike input-output curve indicating an increase in excitability of the CA1 neurons. At higher stimulus intensities. orthodromic stimulation produced a series of multiple peaks following the original population spike where only a single spike had been present before morphine application. The increase in population spike amplitude was partially reversed by application of the morphine antagonist naloxone, but naloxone did not affect the number of peaks elicited in morphine-treated slices. Pentobarbital was effective in reducing the number of stimulus-elicited peaks but did not reduce the increase in the population spike. The possibility that these effects are mediated by morphine-induced inhibition of GABAergic synapses in the hippocampus is discussed.

Since the discovery of endogenous opioid peptides by Hughes, Smith, Kosterlitz, Fothorgill, Morgan and Morris (1975) opiates and opioid peptides have been shown to modulate directly or indirectly many of the physiological responses of mammalian nerve cells. The effects of these substances vary depending upon the region of the nervous system in which the opioid agents are applied (Bradley, Gayton and Lambert, 1978) the type of opiate receptor within a given region (Chang, Cooper, Hazum and Cuatrecasas, 1979; Della Bella, Casacci and Sassi, 1978; Martin, Eades, Thompson, Huppler and Gilbert, 1976). and the interaction between the opiates and other neurotransmitters (Algeri, Brunello, Calderini and Cosolazione, 1978; Brase, 1979; Iwamoto and Way, 1979; Llorens, Martres, Baudry and Schwartz, 1978). In addition, it has been shown that these agents exert powerful influences over various other nerve cell processes (Biggio, Casu, Corda, DiBello and Gessa, 1978; Tsang, Tan, Henry and Lal, 1978; Guerrero-Munoz. Guerrero-Munoz and Way, 1979; Guerrero-Munoz, Cerrata, Guerrero-Munoz and Way, 1979) which suggests that the presence of opiate receptors even in small quantities can significantly influence nerve cell activity. It is therefore, of interest to examine some of the characteristics of opiate-mediated neurophysiological changes which occur in brain systems which do not have high opiate receptor density. The possibility that such small opiate receptor populations mediate key events in some systems via strategic locations on Key words: potentials.






specialized neurons is another means whereby opiates could influence large changes in central nervous system activity. The hippocampus has recently been shown to be sensitive to the application of opiates and opioid peptides (Nicoll, Siggins, Ling, Bloom and Guilleman, 1977; Segal, 1977; Deadwyler and Robinson, 1979; Zieglgansberger, French, Siggins and Bloom, 1979). The excitatory effects of opiates on hippocampal pyramidal cells appears to be mediated via opiate specific receptors (Nicoll YTul., 1977). These effects are unlike those exhibited by most other central neurons which are inhibited by opiate application (Bradley et al., 1978). Hippocampal pyramidal cells increase their discharge frequency following opiate and opioid peptide administration. However, these excitatory influences are often erratic and difficult to demonstrate (Fry, Zieglgansberger and Herz, 1979). Recently it has been proposed that these excitatory effects may result from the release of tonic inhibition by inhibitory interneurons in the hippocampus (Zieglgansberger cr al., 1979). In a previous publication it was shown that morphine application to the in tiitro hippocampal slice produced an increase in the excitability of CA1 pyramidal cells (Deadwyler and Robinson, 1979). It was also demonstrated that the morphine-induced excitability changes were synergistic with depolarizing synaptic stimulation which produced intracellularly recorded after-discharges similar to those reported using other types of epileptic agents in this preparation (Schwartzkroin and Prince, 1978). The following report is a more detailed analysis of the excit507


Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the hippocampal slice preparation” Simultaneous recordings from the CA1 pyramidal cell layer (A) and the apical dendritic region (B) of stratum radiatum obtained from stimulation of the Schaffer collateral-commissural afferent fibers (S-C stimulus electrode). Recording from the apical dendrite region gives rise to the monopkasic negative “synaptic” potential (B): “population spike” is recorded at the CA1 pyramidal cell body layer (A). Antidromic activation of CA1 pyramidal cells is via stimulating electrodes positioned in the alveus (Anti). (Abbreviatjons: DGdentate gyrus; SC Sckaffer collateral; Anti-.ant~drom~c stimulator; S-C-Sckaffer collateral; commissural fiber stimulator.)

ability changes produced in the hippocampal slice by application of morphine to the bathing media. The results confirm previous findings and suggest that opiates change CA1 pyramidal cell excitability via mechanisms that are (1) independent of excitatory synaptic inputs, and (2) consistent with the notion of a decrease in tonic inhibitory influence on the CA1 pyramidal cells.

METHODS Male Sprague-Dawley rats (25s35Og) were killed by decapitation, the brain rapidly removed and placed in chilled (l-2°C) glucose-Ringers media (Yamamoto, 1972). Both hippocampi were dissected and placed on a McIlwain tissue chopper. Slices of hippocampus 4.5~6OO~m thick were cut at right angles to its longitudinal axis and immediately transferred to a specially designed incubation chamber for the duration of the experiment. In the chamber, the slices were positioned on a nylon net and partially submerged in 34-%X oxygenated medium, main-

tained at a constant temperature by means of a heated water bath. Warmed 957; O,-5”/, CO* gas was bubbled through the water bath and over the top of the slices. Tissue prepared and maintained in this manner remained viable for 6-8 hr. Further details on the preparation of hippocdmpal slices for electrophysiological study can be found in a number of prior publications (Lynch, Smith, Browning and Deadwyler, 1975; Deadwyler, Dunwiddie and Lynch, 197X; Spencer, Gribkoff, Cotman and Lynch, 1976; Deadwyler and Robinson, 1979). Slices were allowed to equilibrate in the chamber for at least 1 hr prior to any experimental manipulations. After this time, the slices were tested for hyperexcitability in response to orthodromic synaptic stimuIation in order to assure an appropriate baseline from which to test the effects of opioid substances applied to the bathing medium. This was necessitated by the observation that a small number of slices (l&l 5%) exhibited an inherent h~perexci~~bility prior to any experimental manipulation. Only those slices which disptayed normal synaptic excitability (as com-

Morphine excitation in hippocampal slices pared to in uieo recordings) were used in the following experiments. Figure 1 is a schematic representation of the hippocampal slice preparation. Extracellular field potentials were recorded simultaneously from the apical dendritic region (stratum radiatum) of CA1 pyramidal cells and from the CA1 cell layer (stratum pyr~midaIe) when the Schaffer collateral and hipp~ampai commissural aRerents were activated electrically (Fig. I, S-C). Activation of these afferent fibers produced the extracellular negative *‘synaptic” or “dendritic” field potential (Fig. I. B) in the apical dendritic region. Recordings from the CA1 cell layer (Fig. I, A) reflect the electrotonically conducted dipolar positivity of the synaptic potential along with a superimposed negative *‘population spike” or compound action potential from a number of synchronously discharging pyramidal cells (Andersen, Bliss and Skrede, 1971; Deadwyler, West, Cotman and Lynch, 1975a, b; Lynch et al.,1975). Single unit (intra and extracellular) recordings were aiso made from the CA1 cell layer (Deadwyler et al., 1978; Deadwyler and Robinson, 1979). Single unit discharges occurred spontaneously in some cells but were driven in every cell by orthodromic electrical stimulation of the Schaffer collateral afferents. When these cells were driven with antidromic stimulation (Fig. 1, Anti), they responded with short latency discharges and followed high frequency (10%200 Hz) stimulation, providing physiological evidence that they were CA1 pyramidal cells. In all the experiments reported here, extracellular recordings were obtained with glass pipettes filled with 2.0 M NaCl and the intracellular recordings were made from glass pipettes filled with either 2.0M



K-citrate or 4.0 M K-acetate. The intracellular recordings provided a means of verifying changes which occurred in extracellular events, and supplied corroborative evidence that the changes were reflective of postsynaptic events (Deadwyler and Robinson, 1979). Opiates and opioid peptides were applied to the slice by one of two methods: (I) addition to the bathing medium (in various concentrations), or (2) by localized application directly to the slice via a large (broken tip, 20/l) micropipette. Both methods produced similar results with the same drug and drug concentrations (Deadwyler and Robinson, 1979). Drugs employed in this study were: morphine sulfate (Merck Co.); naloxone hydrochloride (Endo Labs); and pentobarbital sodium (Sigma). All drugs were applied in molar concentrations calculated from salt weights, RESL’LTS

Morphine sulfate applied in moderate doses (50jiM-l.OmM) to the bathing medium of the hippocampa1 slice had two major influences on orthodromic CA1 field potentials. The initial effect at low (5&2OOpM) or high (200 PM-1.0 mM) concentrations of the drug was to increase the amplitude and decrease the latency of the CA1 cell layer population spike. These population spike amplitude increases were most frequently observed at or near threshold stimulus intensities. The second effect of morphine on the hippoc~pal slice was the induction of muhiple discharges (extra spikes or muttiple peaks) following sustained low frequency synaptic activation. These changes are shown in Figs 2 and 4. Figure 2 shows







Fig. 2. Effect of morphine (f.OmM) on inp~t~utput curve for both the synaptic potential and population spike recorded simultaneously from the same hipp~ampal slice. Pm- (solid circles) and postmorpdine (open circles) values represent the average of 8 stirnut& presentations at each stimulus voltage Bars over dots represent largest and smallest standard errors. Calibration: 10 mV and IO msec.



4.0 -


zi P a IX


20. 0 Morphine 1.0 -

Fig. 3. Simultaneous intracellular and extracellular recordings from the CA1 cell layer after addition of morphine sulfate (1.0 mM) to the bathing medium show the peaks in the extracellular potential correspond to small fluctuations in membrane potential during the stimulus elicited depolarizing after potentials (arrows). Calibration: 3 mV and 2 msec.

the effect of l.OmM morphine sulfate on simultaneously recorded population spikes from the CA1 cell layer, and synaptic potentials from the apical dendrites, elicited by stimulation of the Schaffer collateral-commissural afferents. It is quite evident that concentrations of morphine as high as 1.O mM had little or no effect on the input-output (I/O) curve (a function which relates the amplitude of the field potential to the degree of stimulus intensity) for the dendritic synaptic potential. However, there was a pronounced shift to the left in the population spike I/O curve following morphine exposure, indicating a










so-100uM (12)




Fig. 4. different posure limited nificant



II0 (Pre

mM) MorphIneI

Mean amplitude of the population spike at five stimulus intensities (voltage) before and after exto 1.O mM morphine sulfate. Effect of morphine is to lower stimulus intensities. Asterisks indicate sigdifferences at the P < 0.01 level using Student’s r-test. Error bars indicate SEM.

marked increase in hippocampal cell excitability. Figure 4 demonstrates the fact that the amplitude increase in the population spike recorded from the cell layer was significant only at threshold and intermediate stimulus intensities. At higher stimulus voltages the amplitude of the population spike was not significantly increased across all slices tested (Fig. 4). The second major effect ofmorphine on hippocampal field potentials was the induction of multiple peaks (Figs 2 and 5) which continued to develop in a linear



(2) (61 (33)



4 &l”L”S2



Fig. 5. Dose-response input-output curves relating the number of “peaks” in the CA1 cell layer field potential to stimulus voltage at different concentrations of morphine in the bathing medium. The number of slices tested at each concentration is shown in parentheses. Error bars indicate SEM where appropriate. No SEM is shown for 500 PM concentrations since only 2 slices were used.




2.0- PRE ) _

0 0


0 : 12


in hippocampal

MORPHINE (1.0 mM) 1 I I c 3 11 24

j : aa*





NALOXONE (0.1 mM) 10 2 1 I 60


Minutes Fig. 6. Time-course ofdevelopmentof the increase in population spike amplitude produced by morphine in CA1 cell layer. Each point represents the mean amplitude of IS individual population spikes elicited once every 5 set and averaged every 2 min. Morphine (1.0 mM) was infused into the bathing medium at I2 min, removed at 46 min and replaced by naloxone (0.1 mM) which effectively reduced the population spike amplitude increase and eliminated the single “extra peak” produced by morphine. Largest and smallest SEM for all points is indicated by each of the two vertical bars.

fashion, over time, after the first population spike reached maximum amplitude. Figure 5 shows the dose dependency of the multiple peak development as a function of stimulus intensity. Bath concentrations of morphine of less than 1OOpM did not produce an increase in the number of peaks even at high stimulus voltages. However, with 200 PM concentrations, morphine produced multiple peaks at both the medium and high voltage ranges on individual I/O curves. At concentrations above 200 ,uM, additional peaks became noticeable at low as well as high stimulus intensities. Simultaneous intracellular and extracellular recordings showed that these multiple peaks were related to small depolarizing oscillations on the stimulus elicited depolarizing after potentials (DAP) of pyramidal cells exposed to morphine (Fig. 3). These oscillations are the underlying membrane changes that lead to secondary and tertiary discharges in hyperexcitable CA1 pyramidal cells (Schwartzkroin and Prince, 1978). These data indicate that for a given population of CAI cells activated synaptically over a wide range of stimulus values the field potential recorded exhibited (1) an increase in the amplitude of the population spike at lower stimulus intensities, and (2) multiple peaks at higher stimulus intensities. The fact that both phenomena were independent, however, was demonstrated by the finding that the higher morphine concentrations produced an increase in the number of peaks for a given stimulus intensity independent of changes in amplitude of the first population spike (Figs 4 and 5). The specificity of the morphine-induced changes was tested by the exchange of naloxone (1OOpM) for morphine in the bathing medium. The timecourse of the reversal of the morphine effect is illustrated in Figure 6. The population spike elicited by near threshold stimulation increased gradually over the


15 min

(1.0 mM).






The population spike increased to maximum over the next 40 min. Naloxone (1OOpM) was then infused (morphine removed) into the bathing medium and the response amplitude monitored for another 3WlOmin. Naloxone decreased the amplitude of the population spike from its maximum level in morphine by 60-75% (Fig. 6). However, a complete reversal of the morphine effect was not demonstrated with any slice tested. This agrees with earlier findings in which naloxone M:ISshown to antagonize only partially morphine-induced increases in CA1 cell discharges recorded intracellularly (Deadwyler and Robinson, 1979). Naloxone was ineffective in reducing the number of additional peaks elicited in moderate concentrations (0.2-I .OmM) of morphine although, at threshold stimulus intensities, a small extra peak could be eliminated concomitant with the reduction in initial population spike amplitude (see Fig. 6). Although not decreased by naloxone, the number of “morphine” peaks in the CA 1 cell layer field potential was substantially reduced by the addition of pentobarbital sodium to the bathing medium. The number of peaks at all stimulus voltages was reduced significantly by this treatment. Figure 7 shows the change in number of peaks following the application of 200,nM pentobarbital to the bathing medium of 6 slices previously made hyperexcitable by exposure to l.OmM morphine. The reduction in the number of peaks was independent of any change in the amplitude or latency of the initial population spike, suggesting that pentobarbital did not produce its suppressive influence by (1) reducing membrane permeability to sodium, (2) decreasing synaptic current, or (3) decreasing the number of afferent fibers activated by a given stimulus voltage. However, while much more effective than naloxone, pentobarbital also did not completely suppress the morphine peaks since there remained a significant increase in the number of field potential









F1g 7 Elfaxive JWCJSd by pentohilrhitai aod1unt \u.z mMI of’multiplc peaks in CA 1 cell layer Reid potential. Addition of pe~tob~rhital sodium m Ihe bathing medium reduced the mean number of peaks elicited at aI1 stimulus voitagcs but did not affect the aInpiitLld~ of the primary p~pu~ti~n spike. Error bars represent SEM.

peaks in pentobarbitai-tre~tteri “morphmtzed” comparison to those not previously exposed phine (Figs 4 and 7).

shces in to mor-

~~~rplli~~ produced a significant &et-ation in CA1 cell layer field potentials. The increase in ~~rnplit~l~~ of the cell layer popul~~tion spike and the appearance of multipie peaks confirmed previous results in which ~ntr~~ce~l~lar measures showed excitability changes in CA I wurms foi~~wjng morphine exposure (Deadwyler and Robinson. 1979). In the present study, measures of the ext~~ceiluIar synaptic current recorded from the str~~tum r~~d~at~lrn suggested that the rnorpllit~e~~nd~lc~d excitability changes in C-41 are produced withaut an increased excitatory synaptic input. Several recent reports show similar changes in CAI cell cxcitahility produced by other non-opioid agents (Scb~~~lrt~kroin and Prince, 197X: Wang and Prince, 1979; Anderson, Gjerstad and Langmcn. 197X) which ulso are not accomp~~nied by an increase in excitatory synaptic inputs. The finding that morphine induces convulsive changes in fimbit system neurons also confirms recent reports that intracerebroventricular ad~l~nistr~~t~on of opiates and opioid peptides induces conv~~~soid activity in these structures in rieu (Frenk. McCarty and Liebeskind, 197%; Frenk. tirca and Liebeskind, 1978b: Urea. Frcnk and Lie&kind. 19X0.


toxin to the bathing medium. The present authors have confirmed this latter finding and in addition report here a pronounced depression by pentobarbital of the multiple peak discharges. Recently it has been shown that GABA-type inhibitory synapses are enhanced by pentobarbital in the hippocampal slice (Alger and Nicoll. 1979) and that morphine and endogenous opioid peptides selectively depress the effectiveness of this inhibitory cell type (Zieglgansberger et al., 1979). The above findings confirm earlier reports that morphine and other opiates have convulsant actions when applied irl riw (Frenk rr u1., 1978b; Elazar, Motles. Ely and Simantov. 1978) to the hippocampus and suggest that similar consequences might be exnected from the release of endoaenous ooioid neotides from enkephalinergic terminals in the hippocampus. Thus, the small number of opiate receptors (Atweh and Kuhar. 1977) and the apparent light immunohistochemical staining (Simantov, Kuhar, Uhl and Snyder. 1977: Sar. Stumpf, Miller. Chang and C‘uatrecasas. 1978) of opioid peptides in the hippoI










in this structure. A selective innrrvation of the hippocampal interneuron population by enkephalinergic terminals would provide a mechanism for maintenance and control of the excitability of large numbers of hippocampal pyramidal cells. The results of this and further investigations currently opiate-like



are consistent


this notion.

~tc~Xno~~In/~~~~t~~~~~~t.~ An abstract of this work was presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 1979. Atlanta. GA. This research was supported by NID;\ Grant DA-0204X to S.A.D. We are grateful to Mark West. Stephanie Burgoyne and Terrie McNutt for assistance in preparation of this manuscript.

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