increasing until the sixteenth have tickets by applying for them ; and came on from the Mr. Guthrie also added, that he should be haemorrhage day, middle meningeal artery, which proved glad to see any gentlemen at the Ophthalmic fatal on the seventeenth day after the acci- Hospital in Warwick Street, whenever they dent. His head was not allowed to be ex- pleased to attend, his object being to give which kept when
them all the information in his power. I away may further state, that Mr. Guthrie did give through nearly its whole length the clinical lectures at the Westminster Hospital last season, particularly on amputation, of the meningeal artery. on injuries of the head, and on cataract, and has always made remarks on any cases of interest, when going through the wards. I am, Sir, Your very obedient humble servant, A PUPIL OF LITTLE WINDMILLSTREET MEDICAL SCHOOL. May 24.
amined after death. One
portion of
bone which
To the Editor of THE LANCET.
SIR,I demand of you injustice, and 1
am I shall not call in vain, to insert the following contradiction of a gross mistatement, emanating from a medical student, contained in your last number. Your correspondent states that in the fac e of a promise, not a single clinical lecture Las been delivered at the Westminster Hospital by Mr. Guthrie or either of the other surgeons. In reply I have to state that if he be a student of the Westminster, which I much doubt, he is either guilty of a deliberate falsehood, or makes but a sorry use of the opportunities which are open to him; for not only has Mr. Guthrie, to my certain knowledge, delivered five or six formal clinical lectures since October in the board-room and surgery, but he is also regular in his attendance, and in the frequent habit of clinical observations upon such cases making P.S. It is rather extraordinary, that after of interest as come under his treatment. It so great an extent of bone bad been detachalso matter of notoriety that Mr. White ed, life should have been prolonged to so is on every occasion of his visiting the hospital, late a period after the injury. comments freely and familiarly upon all surgical cases deserving of notice, and thus, in the most pleasing manner, communicates such a fund of practical information as is not MR. GUTHRIE’S PROMISES. excelled, if equalled, by any hospital surin London; in fact, when interesting geon To the Editor of THE LANCET. cases have been abundant I have known Mr. SIR,—Permit me to state, in reply to the White devote two or three hours to this complaint of a " Medical Student" iii your important branch of surgical instruction. Of Mr. Guthrie’s arrangements about his Journal of last week, that Mr. Guthrie said, in his advertisements and introductory lec- lectures on the eye I know nothing certain, ture, that he should lecture on Mondavs and but it was generally understood that they he, were to be delivered at the College, to Wednesdays only until the 1st of however, repeatedly lectured on the Tlmrs. which all his pupils were to have access on days and Saturdays, thus giving above the occasion. As the publication of my name would twenty lectures more than he promised. Mr. Guthrie also informed the class in answer no good purpose, I shall feel obliged February that there would not be time to by your suppressing it, though I enclose it include the diseases of the eye in the course, to yourself as authenticating the communiand as he intended to make them a part of cation. his lectures at the College of Surgeons, STUDENS. those pupils who wished to hear them might Westminster Hospital, Tuesday. sure
May ;