PO23 A CASE OF FACTOR V (FV) CICWIRED INHI~ITOR.G-Muleo,P.Iannac:~a~-~~,R.Santoro,6.Papaleo, I. tlantelli.Centro Emofilia,Di-rxsione di Nefrologia,O.C. "Pugliese" ,Catanzaro. 5?-year-old uremic F.G. a patient on dyaiisis presented in April 1991 with severe epistaxis;in March treated with broncho-pneumonia ceftaridime i.m. Previous coagulation tests were normal.On admission:PTT ratio 3.9,PT ratio 3.2,TT ratio 1.2,Fb 309 mg%,9.T. 18 levels of coagulation minutes,normal factors except FV(
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of high doses of Ig in inducing abnormal ity as of the patient haemostatic c4f Eethe5da method in monitoring usefuli?esS
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P 024 EXTRACTIONS IN PATIENTS WITH HEMOPHILIA: CASES. Tagliaferri A_*, Caccioli P.**, Frigeri S.**, Pelosi C.**, * V Divisione Medica- Centro Emostasi, Ospedale Regionale di Portioli D.*, Dettori A.G.*. Parma, * * Istituto di Clinica Odontoiatrica , Universita degli Studi di Parma. The study was perfomed to try a new surgical approach aimed to execute in an unique session all the extrations necessary in order to avoid less troubles as possibile to the patients. The treatment plan included two phases: 1) Preliminary Phase or Therapeutic Preparation 2) Surgical Phase. Two patients suffering from congenital bleeding disorders underwent extractions of permanent teeth under local anasthesia. Case 1 : Patient suffering of severe Hemophilia A (F VIII