altered by quantum effects. Since the second-order terms are also linked with an enhancement of the magnetic trident production rate, the matrix elements are evaluated with sufficient generality to allow for inner bremsstrahlung processes. Extetniorr
of‘ rhe
to General
Fields. JAMES A. University of Maryland,
ISENBERC;AND JAMES M. NESTER. Department of Physics and Astronomy, College Park, Maryland 20742.
We extend the York decomposition analysis of the initial value constraints to general gravitationally coupled classical field theories. The decomposition is found to be particularly useful in solving the constraint equations for all theories of current physical interest, these include Einstein gravity or Einstein-Cartan (torsion) gravity coupled to the massive or massless version of the following: general scalar (including Klein-Gordon, Brans-Dicke, and Higgs) Dirac spin $, Maxwell (Proca), and YangMills (any gauge group). We show in detail how the program works for the general Yang-Mills field and for the EinsteinCartan-Proca field. Scattering With Three-Body Forces. N. AUSTERN. Department of Physics, University 01 Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195 and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260.
The multiple scattering formalism is generalized to account for simultaneous interactions of a projectile with two target particles. In the cluster expansion of multiple scattering theory such threebody interactions combine with iterates of two-body interactions. Some comparisons of multiple scattering with the Faddeev theory are given. An Approach
to Many-Particle
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica-Libera Fisica Nucleare-Sez. di Padova, Italy.
on a Hierarchy
Bounds. A. BASSETTO. and Istituto Nazionale di
of Upper
di Trento,
We propose an approach to many-particle production processes based on a hierarchy of uppet bounds of asymptotic nature for the absolute values of amplitudes. Upper bounds corresponding to different physical pictures entail different phenomenological predictions that can be tested against experiment.