617 MUSEUM AT ST. THOMAS’S He next relates two cases of HOSPITAL. inflammation of the fingers, which were Mr. Green, in his " Reply" to the ’Mecreated...

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617 MUSEUM AT ST. THOMAS’S He next relates two cases of HOSPITAL. inflammation of the fingers, which were Mr. Green, in his " Reply" to the ’Mecreated by incision, caustic, and poultices. morial ’of Messrs. Key and Cooper, has the on also a few remarks There are


ulcer of the navel in infants,, the following paragraph : The true statement is, that Sir Astley which the author removes by the scissors;; and not Mr. Cline, received Cooper, and after applying the caustic, defends 1000l. from me for the moiety of the Muthe part from the air by gold-beater’sseum. Mr. Cline, senior, did, indeed, Sir Astley Cooper at skin. Some observations on the honse- receive 1000l. from the same time, but it was, as the executor maid’s knee and tinea capitis, of no par- of Mr. Cline, junior, according to articles ticular importance, conclude the section. of agreement. It is upon this transaction that the misrepresentation is founded, When wounds and ulcers are smalland that Mr. Cline, senior, received 2000l.; the fact that he received the last superficial, and seated in parts which mentionedbeing, 1000/. only as an executor : have little cellular membrane, there can and, according to the terms of the same be no doubt of the efficacy of the plans agreement, Sir Astley Cooper is now entitled to receive 10001. from me. This of treatment which the author proposes ; being paid, Sir Astley Cooper, indeed, will have received 20001. but Mr. Cline, an is or ulcer where very large, but when in hts own right, only 1000l."— from its locality it cannot possibly remain senior, Pamphlet p. 54. undisturbed, as between the toes, or in No sooner was this statement publishcases attended with much inflammation ed, than it elicited some expressions ormdema, the treatment by eschar must from Mr. B. Cooper of rather an unquali not be thought of. The practice is likely fied nature, they will be found in a letter to succeed best with those sores that are addressed to SirA. Cooper by Mr. Green, small and indolent, which, indeed, every which we will here insert : surgeon has been accustomed to touch ‘‘ 46, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, with caustic. Mr. H. has found it inapNov. 6th, 1835. Cooper made, Sir,-Mr. Bransby in and the extensive lacerations, plicable yesterday, in the Theatre of Guy’s Hosof incised wounds.greater proportion pital, a public statement, ’That Sir He has also failed in his attempts to heal Astley Cooper never received, either or indirectly, a thousand pounds scrofulous sores by the adhesive eschar. directly from me for a moiety of the Museum ; and I erysipelatous inflammation, where that there still rests a lie between Mr. vesicles are formed, and in recent burns, Bransby Cooper and myself; and that it is not with him, so help him God !’ the caustic does harm ; boils, also, are Mr. Bransby Cooper acknowledges aggravated rather than diminished by it. these words, and an explanation having But he has undoubtedly proved, that been requested by me of the imputation contained in them, he has made the folcaustic is available in more cases than lowing statement:’Mr. Bransby Cooper can in two surgeons have hitherto supposed, and points falsify the accusations made by where its inindividual are that, powers Mr. Green in his reply to Mr. B. Cooper’s it is an useful sufficient, adjuvant. memorial, namely, with respect, to Sir The reader will observe that we have A. Cooper’s ever having received one from any one for the Museum, made a very copious analysis of the volume. farthing or any part of the Museum, I pledge myself he never did, notwithstanding Mr. Green’s assertion; that Sir A. Cooper, and not Mr. Cline, received that 10001.’ ’The second point on which Mr. B. Cooper contradicts Mr. G reen’s assertion,



is with


respect to his denial of a

conditional letter

having re-


to Sir A.

618 Cooper’s resignation. In

Mr. GREEN’S magnanimous and spirited answer to that, says, that he himself gave conduct on being charged with utMr. Green that letter ; that DIr. Green read it, and said, that had he had himself tering a lie, is entitled to universal apto propose conditions. they would have probation, and we trust it will for ever accorded with those of Sir A. Cooper, with furnish a moral and salutary lesson to respect to the division of the Museum; those mock heroes and spurious defenders in and that he readily acceded to them ; ot Mr. of this concession consenquence of honour, called duellists, for whose be. Green’s, Sir A Cooper resigned.’ nefit we will here briefly describe Mr. Now, Sir, as it will not he believed that these assertions could have been hazarded Green’s panacea for wounded honour:without your sanction or authority ; and, should A. give B. the lie, B. is to demand as a full explanation has now become as aud if A. persist in the acnecessary to your character as to mine, an explanation, I beg the favour of an explicit answer to cusation, B. must then write tr, C., ask an two questions. I)id you ever receive indifferent or question two, and the affair 1000l. from me for a moietv of the Museum? Did you wi-ite me a letter,saving immediately terminates to the satisfac. you would not resign, but upon condition tion of all parties. We have been highly that yonr share of the Museum should gratified with the simplicity and manli. become the property of your Nephews.. I am, Sir, ness of this preceeding. Your obedient servant, How are the contradictions contained (Signed) JOSEPH HENRY GREEN. in the above statements regarding the Sir A. Cooper, Bart." In confirmation of the original asser. payment of the 10001. to be reconciled? Mr. B.




that he had


the 10001. to Sir


Cooper and not to Mr. Cline," Mr. Green, at page 11 of his pamphlet, thus writes: " The fact is, that your payment of the sum due from you to Mr. H. Cline’s excutor, was posterior, by above t%%,vlve months, to your receipt of the 1000/. from me : and in proof of which the receipts themselves are annexed : Received, 3d August, 1820, of Mr. Joseph Henry Green, one thousand pounds, in full consideration for one half of the collectiun ot’ Anatomical Preparations, and Preparations of Morbid Parts, contained in the Mnsenm of St. Thomas’s Hospital, together with the Drawings and Apparalus used for the teachiug of Ana-


in the





in full consideration






for the

very moderate extent one side or the other.-


and his

Astley Cooper

Nephews paid the 1000l. to Mr. Green, on the contrary,

assert that Mr. Green

Mr. Cline, as

positively states,

ney to Sir A.

that lie



paid the moto

prove his

accuracy, has

published the receipt given Sir A. Cooper, How then, are we hy to arrive at the truth ? This we shall We will first relate the see presently. circumstances connected with this money business as they actually occurred. On the death of Mr.

H. Clitie,

entitled to 10001. for

Mr. Cline sen.

moiety of the Museum, at this time an arrangement was entered into, that Mr. Green should be. come Sir A. Cooper’s partner in the Muwas

‘ Received, 25th January, 1822, of Sir Astley Cooper, Hart., one thousand




moiety of the collection of Anatomical seum. Mr. Green tendered to Sir A. Preparations in St. Thomas’s Hospital Cooper the above lu00/, in payment the property of the late Henry Ciiiie, jnn., according to articles of agrement for the moiety previously held by Mr. H. respecting the same, dated 17th Nov. Cline. When Mr. Green offered this 1811. to Sir A. Cooper, the worthy Ba. HENRY HESKY CLINE, CLINF, money (Signed) Executor.’ ronet refused to take it, and advised Mr. CI admit the above to he a correct copy Green to present it to Mr. Cline, observ. of the Receipt. at the same time, that as Mr. Cline ing ASTLEY COOPER. was his Uncle, he probably would notre. Dec. 2d 1825.’"


ceive it from him.


Mr. that

Green acquainted Sir A. Cooper, Mr. Cline would not receive the castt unless accompanied by a receipt from him. " Well," said Sir A. with his usual frank-


give you a receipt," which Carcinomatous affection of the Pharynx. Mr. Green at the same did; actually The pharynx, according to the autho. time retaining the money for the purpose rity of Sir Astley Cooper, is not unti-eof handing it over to Mr. Cline. Eighteen quently the seat of cancerous disease, of which the following case is said to be an months after this took place, the receipt There is, however, one curious example. from Mr. Cline was sent to Sir A. Cooper, and almost inexplicable circumstance (as during which period the money had not been will appear from the report) connected with this case, namely, the entire abin the hands of Sir 1. Cooper for one mosence of lancinating pain, which is in general regarded as one of the essential ment, or un,!! of his agents. With a knowledge of these facts, was characteristics of cancerous disease in any part of the body. it not a " contemptible artifice" on the Case.—William Cox, aged 60, a labourpart of Mr. Green, to publish the above ing man from the country, and of temperate habits, was admitted on 9th of Noreceipts without any explanation of the vember, under the care of Mr. Key, with circumstances under which they were disease of the throat, which he stated to given? The thing speaks for itself. Such be of many months’ standing. He comof much difficulty in swallowing, dtipticity is disgusting to every honour- plained and also of not being able to breathe able mind. through the nostrils, which circumstances It may be alleged that this state- alone, but more especially the former, induced him to seek relief; for he said ment of facts is equally unsupported with that he was entirely free from pain, and his appearance did not falsify the assertions of Mr. J. H. Green ; that it is merely denial opposed to denial, and this assertion. ()n examining the throat, it was found that the natural appearance it may also be asked how can the truth of the parts about the fauces was so combe indisputably ascertained ? We will pletely altered by disease, as to render it ness,


I will



almost impossible to distinguish the origiMr. Green-by his procuring a nal parts, and it is equally impossible to letter from Mr. Cline, stating WHEN Ite re- convey an adequate idea of the change ceived the thousand pounds, and from wrionz thus produced. The pillars of the fauces and tonsils on each side were partly dehe received it. We are much surprised stroyed, and those portions which rethat the necessity of obtaining such a mained were converted into a rugged the hack of the document did not occur to Mr. Green cartilaginous substance, the same scirpharynx converted into at the very outset of the controversy, rhous substauce, and also the oesophagus. and as it appears to have entirelyescaped The disease had in like manner extended to the soft palate, in the middle of which his notice, we feel great pleasure in di- was a fissure, and on each side of this recting his attention to a circumstance the parts had the hardness just described. There was no distinct or positive appearwhich may hereafter prove of the highest ance of breach of surface, except on the consequence to his reputation. veltitii, and even this Mr. Key considered We will reserve a niche for the inser- dubious. The patient has now been in the of two months, but tion of Mr. Cline’s letter in our ensuing littlehospital upwards change has taken place in the apThe man number. pearance of the parts, &c. states that he is quite free from pain. He has used a common acid gargle, and taken five grains of Plummer’s pill at bed time. There is one circumstance which it is material to mention, namely, that the
