238 again. The action is usually rapid, and giving Calcium sulphuricum in good time can help a child's progressive development. Allg Horn Ztg 1997; 242: 60-7.
Quality assurance in treating adenoid hypertrophy K.H. FR1ESE A double blind trial was conducted with 82 children aged 4-10 years assigned randomly treatment and placebo. Treatment consisted in a single dose of Nux vomica 200x, followed by Okoubaka 3x (5 pilules t.d.s) for 4 weeks; then Tuberculinum 200x (single dose of 5 pilules), followed by Barium iodatum 4x (1 t.d.s) for 4 weeks and Barium iodatum 6x (1 t.d.s) for 4 weeks. After 3 months 78% of children in the treatment group had been cured, and also 70% of children in the placebo group. Treatment of adenoid hypertrophy is, of course, in dispute. The very fact of being included in the trial clearly also had an effect on outcome. The author found the main advantage of conducting the trial to be that he was much more careful about assessing outcome, and had increased awareness of the need for quality treatment. The disadvantage was the cost. Planning took about 18 months, and administrative costs were high. It thus takes immense effort to do real quality work, but the author feels he has learned a lot. Allg Hom Ztg 1997; 242: 68-72. Mycobacterium antigen G.M. GARCIA, V. ROSAS LANDA, M.R. RODRIGUES A mycobacterium antigen in ultra low doses ( l c H , 6cH, 12cH, 15cH, and 30cH) was given to rabbits in their drink. The presence of antibodies was detected in every rabbit in every dilution, no antibody was found in the rabbits which received placebo. L'Hom~opathie Europ~enne 1997; 4: 23-24. The fever of Stramonium JACQUES BOURMAUD The author quotes the sources of the materia medica, Hahnemann, Allen and Hering, who discuss Stramonium in some fevers, and Voisin who describes precisely the fever of Stramonium. The author reports 6 observations where Stramonium alone gave a quick result. The main symptoms of the Stramonium fever
British Homoeopathic Journal
are: sudden onset; high fever; redness of the face; cold extremities; no pain; good appetite; good general state of health; sometimes excitement and logorrhoea. The paper ends by comparing the Stramonium fever with those of Belladonna and Aconitum. L'Homgopathie Europgenne 1997; 3: 14-18. Opium JACQUES LAMOTHE The indications of Opium are detailed by the author (who is a paediatrician) in the acute diseases of the new-born and of the child. For chronic diseases, Dr Lamothe describes aetiologies: strong emotions, fears, lack of sleep, excessive joys. Opium is paralysed by fear and forgets its suffering. It may be very useful in apathy or aggressiveness of children (with history of intra-uterine trauma), anorexia nervosa or bulimia, lack of reaction (malignant infectious diseases), constipation or diarrhoea, convulsions or allergic asthma. L'Homgopathie Europ~enne 1997; 4: 10-14. Magnesium muriaticum FILIP DEGROOTE This is prescribed for about 25% of the author's patients. The mentals include: they are pacifists, they cannot bear injustice, become introverted and bitter. They cannot say 'no' to anyone and get overloaded with work. They then feel distressed and guilty. Their dreams are based on problems of split personalities, of religion and of rituals, about being pursued, forsaken and about quarrels. The physical symptoms are allergies, digestive disorders (hepatic pain, constipation or diarrhoea triggered by emotion), palpitations, cough when fasting or when touching the auditory canal. A brief description of the other magnesium salts and 5 clinical cases of Magnesium muriaticum end this paper, which shows that this medicine should be prescribed more often. Revue Beige d'Hom~opathie1997 ; 2: 51-62. Mechanisms of action A. KHUDA-BUKHSH A working hypothesis to explain how potentized dilutions work in vivo is in part validated from the author's research data on the repair of chromosomal damage in X-irradiated or toxic chemical treated mice by the administration of homoeopathic medicines and partly from