Mycorrhizal Interactions With Saprotrophs and Impact on Soil Carbon Storage E. Verbruggen1, R. Pena2, C.W. Fernandez3, J.L. Soong1 1University
of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium; 2University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany; 3University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, United States
24.1 INTRODUCTION As we have seen in previous chapters a unifying feature of all mycorrhizal fungi is that they prolifically forage the rhizosphere and often the soil beyond for nutrients. In so doing, they encounter a myriad of bacteria, saprotrophic fungi, protists, and soil fauna with which they engage in neutral, positive, or negative interactions and thereby contribute to the structure and functioning of the soil food web. The soil food web is in turn responsible for cycling of nutrients from soil organic matter (SOM), which ultimately determines how much C entering soil is stored or respired back to the atmosphere as CO2. Therefore the interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and soil saprotrophs are of primary interest in understanding how much C is stored in different ecosystems and under different environmental regimes. This understanding has gained additional importance in the past decades as a crucial unknown in predicting the global climate response to increasing levels of atmospheric CO2. In this chapter we will discuss the different ways by which mycorrhizal fungi interact with saprotrophs as a potential source of nutrition and as a competitor for nutrients and space. Furthermore, we will explain how these different interactions can affect the amount of C stored in soil.
24.1.1 How Different Are Roots and Mycorrhizal Fungi in Relation to Saprotrophs? When considering the effect of mycorrhizal fungi on the soil food web and soil C, it is important to ask how C allocated to fungal hyphae differs from C invested in roots. The reason is that variation in plant allocation between roots and mycorrhizal fungi is a very Mycorrhizal Mediation of Soil http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-804312-7.00024-3
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commonly observed response to natural environmental gradients (e.g. Soudzilovskaia et al., 2015); thus it may be a particularly potent source of variation in soil C storage. These environmental drivers include land use change (Gosling et al., 2006) and global change factors such as elevated atmospheric CO2 (Sanders et al., 1998), temperature (Heinemeyer et al., 2004), a combination of both (Vicca et al., 2009), nutrient availability (Liu et al., 2015), and precipitation (Antoninka et al., 2015). In Table 24.1 we have summarized a list of mycorrhizal and fine root traits that may affect soil-dwelling saprotrophs. Indeed, we see there are large general differences in anatomy, physiology, and composition between these different biological entities, such as turnover time, C allocation, uptake capacities, and anatomical traits. Fine roots are thought to interact intensively with saprotrophs by releasing easily degradable carbohydrates, which “prime” saprotrophic activity in the rhizosphere, releasing nutrients held in the SOM (Kuzyakov et al., 2000). It is less clear to what extent mycorrhizal fungi are involved in similar interactions, although many compounds have been isolated from the outside of hyphae (e.g. Toljander et al., 2007; Fransson et al., 2016), suggesting that they do share this capacity with roots. A rough estimation of the typical fraction of net fixed C allocated to rhizodeposits is 11% (Jones et al., 2009), which includes as primary constituents mucilage, root exudates, and mycorrhizal fungi because these latter are not formally distinguished in this TABLE 24.1 General Traits of Plant Roots and Mycorrhizal Fungi That Partly Determine Their Interactions With Saprotrophs Plant Roots (Fine)
AM Fungi
EcM Fungi
ErM Fungi
C allocation
Average 22% (Jackson et al., 1997; Jones et al., 2009; McCormack et al., 2015)
3–20% (Johnson et al., 2002; Leake et al., 2004)
1–22% (Leake et al., 2004; Hobbie, 2006)
3–40% (of total hair roots) (Olsrud and Christensen, 2004; Olsrud et al., 2004; Hobbie and Hobbie, 2008)
Median lifespan
20 days to 1 year 5–6 days (Mccormack et al., 2012) (Staddon et al., 2003)
33–48 days (Hendricks et al., 2006, 2015; Allen and Kitajima, 2013)
Organic nutrient use/uptake
Limited; sugars, amino acids, organic P
Limited; all before, Substantial, but highly potentially chitin variable; all before, also (Whiteside et al., 2012) more complex, humified organic pools
High; all before (Bending and Read, 1996; Burke and Cairney, 2002)
Main exudates/ deposits
Sugars, amino acids, organic acids (Jones et al., 2004)
Sugars, organic acids (Hooker et al., 2007; Toljander et al., 2007)
Sugars, amino acids, organic acids (Johansson et al., 2009)
100–2000 μm
1–10 μm
2–10 μm (Mccormack et al., 2015)
1 μm in the hyphal sheath and up to 3 μm inside of the cells (Setaro et al., 2006)
C:N:P ratio
450:11:1 (Jackson et al., 1997)
20:2:1 (Allen et al., 2003)
20:2:1 (Allen et al., 2003)
20:2:1 (Allen et al., 2003)
Except for C allocation, traits refer to extraradical absorptive hyphae in case of mycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhizal fungi are subdivided in the broad functional groups of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM), ectomycorrhizal (EcM), and ericoid mycorrhizal (ErM) fungi.
24.1 Introduction
terminology. These are responsible for the “rhizosphere effect”, named after the observation that the biological activity within a few millimeters around roots, and beyond in the case of mycorrhiza, is orders of magnitude greater than in the “bulk soil.”
24.1.2 Mycorrhizal Effects on Soil Organic Matter According to current understanding of SOM dynamics (Box 24.1), mycorrhizal fungi can affect formation and preservation of SOM in multiple ways. Allocation of C by plants to
B O X 2 4 . 1 A C H A N G I N G U N D E R S TA N D I N G O F S O I L O R G A N I C M AT T E R O R I G I N S Over the past decade a new understanding of the processes underlying long-term soil C sequestration have emerged. It was previously assumed that the selective preservation of recalcitrant soil organic matter (SOM) compounds was the main source of soil C persistence, as would be apparent from short-term litter decomposition studies. Such SOM is a main component of soil C stocks in organic soils of peatlands and high-latitude forests by virtue of its pool size and residence time. However, for most mineral soils over longer time scales research has shown that recalcitrant plant-derived compounds are of relatively minor importance in contributing to the SOM pool (Von Lützow et al., 2006; Marschner et al., 2008). Advancements in chemical and molecular techniques have revealed how degradable organic compounds can persist in the soil for much longer than predicted because of chemical and physical protection within the soil physical matrix (Schmidt et al., 2011; Lehmann and Kleber, 2015). The buildup of SOM that contributes to soil C storage is a result of inputs of plantderived material to the soil, the preservation of which is constrained by microbial ecology, enzyme kinetics, environmental drivers, and matrix protection (Kleber, 2010). Particulate organic matter contributes to soil C storage and can be protected from mineralization through incorporation into soil aggregates
or eventually decomposed. Microbial residues and products are mostly produced via the decomposition of more labile organic residues such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC; Cotrufo et al., 2013, 2015; Soong et al., 2015). It is these microbial residues and products that have also been found to contribute to mineral-associated SOM fractions, which have the longest mean residence times in the soil (Ehleringer, 2000; Grandy and Neff, 2008). The direct flow of C from plants to mycorrhizal symbionts makes mycorrhizal residues particularly significant to soil C storage. In an experiment on a poplar plantation, mycorrhizal hyphae turnover was found to be the dominant pathway of plant inputs of C to SOM, exceeding inputs from fine root turnover and leaf litter (Godbold et al., 2006). This high rate of C input, along with the potential stabilization of mycorrhizal residues on mineral surfaces, gives mycorrhizal inputs a high potential to contribute to soil C storage. In this framework, interactions with saprotrophs will determine which compounds are deposited (mycorrhizal fungal or saprotrophic?) and the extent to which SOM is used as a C source through their specific enzymes. Thus mycorrhizal biomass residues are a source of C inputs to the soil while also stimulating soil aggregation through glomalin production and hyphal networks (see also Chapter 14 for further reading).
mycorrhizal fungi could increase the amount of C from photosynthate to belowground biomass. Belowground inputs can be a potent source of soil C (Godbold et al., 2006; Clemmensen et al., 2013); root litter has been found to contribute more to soil C storage than aboveground litter because of the vulnerability of leaf litter to high rates of saprotroph activities in the upper soil and the proximity of root litter within the soil matrix (Rasse et al., 2005; Hatton et al., 2015). Similarly, mycorrhizal hyphal litter may contribute more to soil C storage than C allocation to aboveground biomass that eventually falls to the soil as surface litter because of reduced microbial biomass and activity with soil depth after root senescence. Whether mycorrhizal fungi actively decompose available SOM or compete with other saprotrophs would also affect SOM decomposition rates. Talbot et al. (2008) describe three hypotheses for why ectomycorrhizal (EcM) and ericoid mycorrhizal (ErM) fungi metabolize soil C, which vary in support from empirical evidence. The first hypothesis is that they use soil C as an alternative energy source when photosynthate supply is low (e.g. on cloudy days or in early spring; Courty et al., 2007). Support for this hypothesis is poor for EcM (Lindahl and Tunlid, 2015), but it is tentatively possible in ErM that have a larger suite of saprotrophic genes at their disposal (Kohler et al., 2015). The second is that soil C is mineralized as a byproduct of SOM decomposition to retrieve nutrients. The use of extracellular enzymes by mycorrhizal fungi to release nutrients from organic matter would also release C from SOM. The third hypothesis is that mycorrhizal activity is stimulated by the availability of photosynthate C so that when plant supply of C is high, mycorrhizal fungi have the energy needed to break down more recalcitrant SOM. This “priming effect” leads to increased decomposition of SOM and loss of soil C when provisioning of C from plants is highest (Kuzyakov et al., 2000). The third hypothesis can also apply to arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi but then intermediated by stimulation of soil saprotrophs, more in line with the traditional definition of soil priming (Kuzyakov et al., 2000). Hypotheses 2 and 3 are similar in cause and consequence, with the distinction that under the third hypothesis the emphasis is on higher mineralization rates in the presence of mycorrhizal fungi than would be energetically feasible in their absence.
24.2 MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI AS A SOURCE OF C IN SOIL The importance of DOC to soil C storage is now gaining attention due to its dynamic production and consumption in the soil, driving the need for explicit representation in soil C models (Campbell et al., 2014; Ahrens et al., 2015; see Box 24.1). Climate, soil type, and vegetation type are known factors that control DOC concentrations and composition in the soils; however, the magnitude of the influence of each factor varies across ecosystems (CaminoSerrano et al., 2014). Leaching of DOC during surface litter decomposition is an important flux of low-molecular–weight organic matter into the soil, where it can be immediately taken up by soil microbes, adsorb directly to mineral surfaces, or leach further down into the soil profile (Kaiser and Kalbitz, 2012; Soong et al., 2015). DOC also enters the soil via root and mycorrhizal exudation of organic acids and carbohydrates. In a study by Kluber et al. (2010), oxalate concentrations were found to be 40 times higher under EcM hydromorphic mats than nonmat mineral soils, indicating that some EcM fungi may play a significant role in the exudation of oxalate into the soil. Oxalate is the salt of oxalic acid, the exudation of which could help EcM fungi acquire P and other nutrients through mineral weathering while simultaneously
24.2 Mycorrhizal Fungi As a Source of C in Soil
contributing to increased C inputs to the soil (Kluber et al., 2010). Although DOC inputs may contribute to soil C accumulation via stimulation of microbial biomass that is later stabilized by mineral adsorption, labile C substrates also provide energy to stimulate microbial biomass and activity, leading to increased decomposition or “priming” of older SOM (Kuzyakov et al., 2000; Gunina and Kuzyakov, 2015). Throughout this chapter we will invoke this mechanism when referring to priming, in contrast to increased SOM decomposition by the mycorrhizal fungi in response to increasing plant photosynthate supply, which is sometimes also used in literature (see Box 24.1). Differences among EcM and AM fungal physiology, biochemistry, and morphology likely alter their fate as decomposition residues in the soil (Fernandez et al., 2016). EcM fungi have thicker cell walls and more pigmentation and septa between cells, making them more recalcitrant than AM fungal residues, contributing to their longer mean residence time in the soil (Langley and Hungate, 2003; see Table 24.1). Although long, thin AM fungal hyphae may be more easily degradable than EcM hyphae, the production of glomalin-related soil proteins and enmeshment of soil by AM fungi increases soil aggregate formation and physical protection of AM fungal residues from decomposition (see also Chapter 14).
24.2.1 Provision of Labile C to Microbial Saprotrophs Saprotrophs in mineral soil are nearly always (co-)limited by C because of the rapid depletion of available labile C-rich substrates in the soil (e.g. Griffiths et al., 2012; Hopkins et al., 2014). The addition of energy-rich, labile substrates such as sugars provides the energy needed for microbial growth and the production of extracellular enzymes involved in mineralization and acquisition of other nutrients, such as N, P, K, and other (micro-)nutrients. AM fungi are known to exude multiple sugars (Hooker et al., 2007); thus it is highly plausible that they fuel microbial activity (see also Chapters 8, 22, and 23) that can lead to priming of SOM decomposition. Studies tracking the belowground fate of photosynthates have found rapid transfers of C to AM fungi (Hannula et al., 2012) followed by release into free-living microbial biomass (Drigo et al., 2010; Kaiser et al., 2015). Most experimental studies report increased abundances or activity of free-living heterotrophic fungi and bacteria in response to the presence of mycorrhizal fungi, especially in cases in which decomposition rates are stimulated by AM fungi (Table 24.2). Therefore priming is often considered as one of the principal mechanisms responsible for increased SOM decomposition by mycorrhizal fungi (see Table 24.2). However, there are several studies that highlight some uncertainty around the role of AM fungi in SOM priming. For example, Shahzad et al. (2015) evaluated the independent effects of root exudates and turnover versus AM fungi on the rhizosphere priming effect. They report that nearly all (up to 98%) of priming was caused by roots (exudates and turnover) rather than by mycorrhizal fungi. This suggests that either the combined effects of exudation and turnover of AM fungi have minor effects on priming compared with those of plant roots by virtue of their low quantity or that they differ in the extent to which they specifically prime the microbial community to mineralize SOM. The latter could be related to different microbial community responses to AM than non-AM rhizodeposition. Toljander et al. (2007), Hannula et al. (2012), and Kaiser et al. (2015) report significant changes in microbial communities in the vicinity of AM fungi and/or a significant microbial incorporation of AM fungi-derived C (see also Table 24.2). Kaiser et al. (2015) further
Mycorrhizal Type
Hodge et al. (2001)
AM; Glomus hoi
PLFA; composition unchanged
Leifheit et al. (2014)
AM; Rhizophagus irregularis
Verbruggen et al. (2016)
Effect Decomposition Direction Measured -
Effect Direction Time
N release/uptake litter C loss
6 weeks
Milled grass shoots
Non-AM fungal hyphal length reduced
Litter mass loss
22 weeks
Wooden stick
AM; community
PLFA; fungi reduced
Litter C loss
26 weeks
Intact wheat roots
Koller et al. (2013)
AM; R. intraradices
Increased microbial respiration
N release/uptake
6 weeks
Milled grass shoots
Atul-Nayyar et al. (2009)
AM; Claroideoglomus claroideum R. intraradices G. clarum
PLFA; composition fungi and bacteria changed, abundance unchanged
N release/uptake Reduced C:N
24 weeks
Milled wheat Laboratory shoot and root
Albertsen et al. (2006)
AM; R. intraradices
PLFA; increases of fungi and bacteria
8 weeks
Ground barley Laboratory leaves
Welc et al. (2010)
AM; R. intraradices, Funneliformis mosseae
PLFA; decreases of fungi and bacteria
6 weeks
Cheng et al. (2012)
AM; Acaulospora morrowiae, Gigaspora margarita, G. clarum
Up to 15 weeks
Fragments grass shoots
Laboratory and field
Litter C loss under elevated CO2
TABLE 24.2 Selected Experiments in Which Mycorrhizal Abundance was Manipulated and a Saprotrophic Response (Primarily Microbial) and an Aspect of Decomposition was Measured
AM; G. hoi
Micro-array; Positive and negative on different bacterial groups
N release/uptake Increase litter-derived C:N
10 weeks
Plantago Laboratory lanceolata roots
Nottingham et al. (2013)
AM; Community
PLFA: Decreases of fungi and bacteria
Reduced microbial SOM uptake
26 weeks
Soil-derived C
Moore et al. (2015)
EcM, ±AM; Community
Enzyme activities
Reduced respiration (only in presence roots)
22 weeks Starch (resp. Immediate)
EcM AM; Community
Enzyme activities
AM; Community
PLFA; Changed community; some gram negative bacteria and protists increased
CO2 induced priming
EcM; community
Next generation sequencing; reduced colonization of fresh litter by saprotrophic fungi
Reduced mass loss
Brzostek et al. (2015)
Carrillo et al. (2016)
Bödeker et al. (2016)
Respiration/C mineralization
Field; tropical forest Field; temperate forest
117 weeks
Soil-derived C, Field; litter temperate forest
9 weeks
Soil-derived C
4 months Litter (after 16 months effects were less pronounced)
Field; boreal forest
24.2 Mycorrhizal Fungi As a Source of C in Soil
AM, arbuscular mycorrhizal; EcM, ectomycorrhizal; ErM, ericoid mycorrhizal; nd, not determined; PFLA, phospholipid fatty acid; SOM, soil organic matter.
Nuccio et al. (2013)
suggest that this pathway differs from the normal root exudation pathway in that it is more directed and active as opposed to a typically more passive C release by plants. This explains why C moved faster in AM fungi and appeared to be more responsive to localized nutrient pulses. As in Shahzad et al. (2015), AM fungi were a quantitatively less important source of microbial C than roots (Kaiser et al., 2015). A less constitutive and more directed C flow from AM fungi than roots could provide an explanation for the greater stimulation of microbial decomposition by AM fungi in high-nutrient patches (Hodge et al., 2001; Cheng et al., 2012; Nuccio et al., 2013) than in nutrient-poor SOM (Nottingham et al., 2013; Shahzad et al., 2015; Carrillo et al., 2016; Table 24.2). A recent microcosm study also suggests that whether or not AM fungi would stimulate microbial saprotroph activity may depend on nutrient levels (Zhang et al., 2016b). Here, an AM fungus did not stimulate the activity of a phosphate solubilizing b acterium when P levels were low and effectively competed with them for organic P (phytate). When P levels were elevated the effect was reversed, suggesting that stimulation of these bacteria was contingent upon whether a base demand of phosphorus had been met (Zhang et al., 2016b). Together these data suggest that AM fungi are involved in the priming of SOM (Table 24.2), but that the effect can depend strongly on context, such as nutritional demand, CO2 levels, and substrate (fresh litter vs. SOM). If AM fungi will indeed induce weaker positive priming effects on SOM than roots, then it is important to recognize that this may not mean that a shift from roots to AM fungi will positively affect soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. For instance, Nottingham et al. (2013) report that in a lowland tropical forest system AM fungi significantly affected microbial communities measured by phospholipid fatty acid analysis. This was accompanied with a higher incorporation of plant-derived C into these microbes, but it suppressed the incorporation of SOM-derived C compared with a treatment in which plant roots also interacted with these microbes (Nottingham et al., 2013). Therefore the priming effect induced by plant roots was absent when only mycorrhizal fungi had access to soil. However, in an earlier study in a similar system it was found that AM fungi significantly contribute to respiration of autotrophically derived C, accounting for 12–40% of C respired by roots and AM fungi together (Nottingham et al., 2010). As such, although AM fungi may not contribute to decomposition of SOM in that study, the high proportion of C respired by AM fungi compared with roots may still mean that C allocated toward AM fungi leads to higher CO2 fluxes from the soil. This is in line with studies in which 13C or 14C gas labeling was adopted to estimate C flux through mycorrhizal fungi, where very fast and abundant C return to the atmosphere appears to be the norm (Olsson and Johnson, 2005), and is faster than typical estimates for roots (Table 24.1).
24.2.2 Importance in Different Mycorrhizal Fungi and Effect on Soil Organic Carbon Whether mycorrhizal fungi affect saprotrophs, for instance through exudation of labile C and turnover, will also depend on their encounter frequency. The highest densities of saprotrophs will commonly be found in young litter, before easily degradable compounds have been diminished (Clemmensen et al., 2015). In many studies AM fungi have been reported to actively grow toward and colonize litter patches (Hodge et al., 2001). For instance, Hodge and Fitter (2010) report an average of three times higher hyphal density in an experimental greenhouse system where AM fungi could colonize compartment with grass leaves as compared
24.3 Competition for Nutrients and Habitat
with the one without leaves. In a montane tropical forest, AM fungi were found to extensively colonize the surfaces and insides of decomposing leaves, amounting to 29% of total AM fungal length found at a given area (Camenzind and Rillig, 2013). Therefore AM fungi are likely to heavily interact with the litter decomposition process. In EcM fungi this behavior is less apparent. Encounters between EcM fungi and litter decomposing fungi may be less prevalent because some forests have highly stratified soils, where these fungi inhabit spatially distinct layers: EcM fungi tend to be dominant in deeper layers where partially decomposed litter with low C:N ratios is found (Lindahl et al., 2007). In an experiment manipulating the presence of EcM fungi in forest soil plots via trenching, Lindahl et al. (2010) found increased abundance of saprotrophic fungi lower in the soil profile, suggesting that the scarcity of saprotrophic fungi in these deeper soil horizons is a result of competitive exclusion by EcM fungi rather than vertical niche specialization. However, part of this effect may have been caused by an immediate flux of labile substrate from dying EcM hyphae and roots into deeper soil layers, making it difficult to distinguish between these two mechanisms (Lindahl et al., 2010). Still, in a study where organic substrates from both soil horizons was reciprocally placed in either horizon and fungi colonizing these substrates followed, both depth and litter type explained fungal communities found to colonize it to a similar extent (Bödeker et al., 2016). This indicates that fungi dominant in either soil profile (EcM vs. saprotrophs) can suppress the other type regardless of substrate type. This may be caused by interference competition, which is documented to be particularly strong among some basidiomycetes (Boddy, 2000). Regardless of the cause, the resulting highly stratified soils typical of EcM-dominated ecosystems may cause EcM fungi to interact less intensively with saprotrophs than AM fungi and may partly explain why AM fungi are more commonly found to stimulate saprotrophs in fresh litter than EcM.
24.3 COMPETITION FOR NUTRIENTS AND HABITAT Saprotrophs and mycorrhizal fungi partly depend on the same nutrient sources and share habitats, leading to the potential for exploitative competition and antagonistic interference. In the case of direct competition for resources, preemption of a resource will diminish the growth of a competitor and thereby affect its population size and potential functioning—in this case decomposition. Indeed, there is some evidence that suppression of other soil biota by mycorrhizal fungi can lead to reduced mineralization of SOC. For instance, field studies suppressing AM fungi using the fungicide benomyl have found that soil respiration was increased and SOC stocks decreased, suggesting an inhibitive effect of AM fungi on the activity of other soil microbes (Wilson et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2016a). Suppression of saprotrophs was also suggested to be responsible for the well-known Gadgil effect (Gadgil and Gadgil, 1971), in which trenching of forest soil plots eliminated recently fixed C supply into the plots, thereby reducing EcM fungi, which then led to an increased mass loss of the litter layer by more than 50%. However, this effect is far from universal (see Fernandez & Kennedy, 2016, for an in-depth review on the topic). Unlike some EcM fungi that are able to break down relatively complex organic substrates for resources, AM fungi likely compete with saprotrophs for NH4 + and inorganic P, given their ability to efficiently scavenge for both (Hodge et al., 2010; Jansa et al., 2011). Although reductions in nutrient availability may have negative effects on saprotrophs
and thus decrease SOC loss, the opposite can also occur. Many studies have reported that a reduction of NH4 + can cause reductions in SOM (e.g. Janssens et al., 2010), which may be explained by saprotrophs mining SOM for N (Craine et al., 2007; Ramirez et al., 2012). In this case competition for N between mycorrhizal fungi and saprotrophs could also increase their SOC utilization. This is exemplified in a study by Cheng et al. (2012) in which AM fungi were found to reduce soil NH4 + pools but had no negative effect on NO3 − and even increased the pool size of the latter. The authors reported a sharp increase of litter decomposition when AM fungi were present and suggested that the combination of mycorrhiza-mediated C supply (turnover and exudation) to surrounding saprotrophs and the removal of NH4 + strongly stimulated saprotroph activity. In the case of P there are strong indications that under P-limiting conditions P additions will increase SOM decomposition, likely by relieving saprotrophs from a (co-)limitation by P and C of their growth (Craine et al., 2007; Nottingham et al., 2015). Moreover, data from multiple field experiments suggest that P fertilization can reduce SOC stocks despite increased primary productivity (Poeplau et al., 2015; Sochorová et al., 2016). Therefore if mycorrhizal fungi can reduce P availability to a sufficient extent to induce P (co-)limitation on saprotrophs, then this could be a significant contributor to SOC retention. AM fungi are common in ecosystems with low P and are generally stimulated by low levels of available P in the soils (e.g. Xiang et al., 2014), which makes it plausible that there is a threshold below which AM fungi may cause and even exacerbate P limitation of other microbes. EcM fungi generally occur in less P-limited ecosystems such as temperate boreal forests and shrublands, making it less likely for them to impose P limitation on saprotrophs. However, many of them have highly efficient P immobilization capabilities (Plassard and Dell, 2010), and in P-limited situations such as lowland tropical rainforests and eucalypt forests in Australia (Jones et al., 1998) EcM activity could plausibly lead to P limitation of saprotrophs.
24.3.1 Organic Nutrient Uptake EcM fungi in particular have the capacity to release and take up organic nutrients (Table 24.1, Box 24.2) making them strong resource competitors with saprotrophs. Although AM fungi can take up organic low-molecular–weight compounds (Whiteside et al., 2012), the recently sequenced genome of an AM fungus suggests a limited repertoire of depolymerizing enzymes (Tisserant et al., 2013). In contrast, approximately 87% of the EcM fungi investigated in laboratory studies produce proteases, and they are able to grow with protein as the only source of N (reviewed in Talbot and Treseder, 2010). Some of them have the genetic potential to secrete enzymes that hydrolyze other organic compounds such as chitin (Lindahl and Taylor, 2004; Frettinger et al., 2006), which is a primary source of organic N in soil (Gooday, 1990; Clemmensen et al., 2013). Because EcM fungi do not depend on SOM as a C source, they are thought to be more important in decomposing the nonhydrolyzable organic N pools, which contain lignin, condensed tannins, and other phenolic compounds, whereas saprotrophic fungi dominate hydrolytic decomposition in early stages of litter decomposition (Colpaert and Van Tichelen, 1996; Lindahl and Tunlid, 2015). Still, a large-scale genome comparison of mycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi reveals that all EcM fungal species as well as orchid and ericoid mycorrhiza have a somewhat restricted suite of degrading enzymes (Kohler et al., 2015). The analysis included gene families of carbohydrate-active enzymes involved in
24.3 Competition for Nutrients and Habitat
B O X 2 4 . 2 S H O R T- C I R C U I T I N G N U T R I E N T C Y C L E S Organic nutrient uptake, likely limited in AM fungi but prevalent in EcM and ErM fungi, can be thought of as shortcutting the N cycle, because typically N release from organic residues and its further uptake by plants upon the death of an organism is intermediated by dedicated decomposers. Some EcM fungi seem to be able to immobilize springtails (a main soil fungivore) while still alive and effectively extract N contained in them, thereby bypassing the typical N mineralization step (Klironomos and Hart, 2001). The high effectivity of EcM fungi in removing organic N from litter and rendering it unsuitable to saprotrophs as a result is predicted to lead to SOC buildup and widening of
C:N ratio of the SOM (Orwin et al., 2011; Averill et al., 2014). Alternatively (under certain conditions and for some EcM species), organic N use might be associated with complete mineralization of C and a loss of SOC (Clemmensen et al., 2015). In a recent study that sought to explain why some EcM trees are found in monodominant patches in an otherwise highly diverse tropical forest, this shortcut was found to be the most likely candidate for this EcM tree’s success (Corrales et al., 2016). These lines of evidence are a powerful indication that mycorrhizas can efficiently produce shortcuts in the soil food web and effectively alter its structure and functioning.
cellulose and hemicellulose degradation, and the Class II peroxidase (POD), which degrade lignin. In general, EcM fungi have been found to lack the ability to degrade lignocellulose, with most species examined possessing no POD genes. However, several taxa do possess the genes coding for POD enzymes, notably Cortinarius glaucopus, but also Piloderma croceum, Laccaria bicolor, and Hebeloma cylindrosporum (Bödeker et al., 2014; Kohler et al., 2015). Soil POD activity has been found to positively correlate with EcM fungal species richness (Talbot et al., 2013) and relative abundance (Phillips et al., 2013; Bödeker et al., 2014). Soil POD activity has also been shown to decline in response to ammonium addition in forest soils (Sinsabaugh, 2010; Bödeker et al., 2014), which could be the result of a reduction in allocation to these costly enzymes (Talbot and Treseder, 2010) or a shift in dominance toward EcM fungi possessing different enzymatic suites (Lilleskov et al., 2011). Rineau et al. (2012) showed that Paxillus involutus may degrade SOM using a glucose-dependent (Rineau et al., 2013) Fenton reaction mechanism, similar to saprotrophic so-called brown rot fungi. Despite (or because) of these capabilities, mycorrhizal fungi do not depend on SOM as their main source of C, which may cause them to transform the SOM into a state less suitable for saprotrophs, thereby preserving C contained in it (Lindahl and Tunlid, 2015; see also Box 24.2). However, although competition for nutrients between mycorrhizal fungi and saprotrophs is likely to occur, it is hard to prove with certainty in the field (Fernandez and Kennedy, 2016). It may be relatively easy to show negative effects of mycorrhizal fungi on saprotrophs and their activity, and this is indeed fairly commonly reported (e.g. Table 24.2), but it is very challenging to separate competition for resources from direct antagonism such as production of compounds that inhibit saprotrophs or reducing water availability (Koide and Wu, 2003). Likewise, saprotrophic biomass may go unaffected by competitive interactions with mycorrhizal fungi, but significant changes in phenotype or community structure may ultimately cause functional shifts. For instance, as we see in Table 24.2, shifts in saprotrophic
communities in response to mycorrhizal fungi can be associated with changes in decomposition without a measurable effect on microbial abundance.
24.4 INTERACTIONS AMONG MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI, SOIL FAUNA, AND SOIL ORGANIC CARBON Mycorrhizal fungi are a quantitatively important source of belowground C and are an integral component of the belowground soil food web. In a study partitioning aboveground versus belowground plant inputs to different functional groups of decomposers in forest soils (Pollierer et al., 2012), root-channeled C was found to be a major component of soil faunal diet. Further partitioning this into root or fungal C suggested that mycorrhizal fungi were a particularly important dietary resource to soil fauna (Pollierer et al., 2012). Although aboveground litter C is commonly assumed to be the main input for the soil food web, recent studies have highlighted the role of root-derived C in fueling the soil food web (Pollierer et al., 2007; Bonkowski et al., 2009; Pausch et al., 2016). Grazing on mycorrhizal fungi is typically performed by micro- (Ruess et al., 2000) and mesofauna (Ngosong et al., 2014; Kanters et al., 2015) whereas macrofauna typically contract rootderived C supply through a bacteria-based diet (Eisenhauer et al., 2008; Gilbert et al., 2014). In doing so macrofauna can affect mycelial turnover by imposing massive physical damage to fungal external mycelia (Bonkowski et al., 2009). Both of these processes, ingestion and disruption, can significantly contribute to SOM formation if it increases microfaunal (Soong et al., 2016) or macrofaunal (such as earthworm-intermediated) incorporation of C into soil (de Vries et al., 2013). Although soil fauna can have a great effect on mycorrhizal performance, the opposite is also common. Some mycorrhizal fungi have low palatability, supposedly by producing deterring compounds or even channeling secondary metabolites produced by plant hosts (Duhamel et al., 2013). Although most soil fauna are generalists (Setälä et al., 2005; Anslan et al., 2016), they may exhibit grazing preferences for the more nutritious and palatable fungal species (Maraun et al., 2003). This preferential feeding reduces biomass or even eliminates certain taxa from the community at the benefit of the less-preferred or the fast-growing hyphal taxa (Kanters et al., 2015). For example, springtails, which serve as a main component of the SOM decomposition chain (Davidson, 1993), prefer feeding on dark pigmented over hyaline hyphae (Maraun et al., 2003). Indeed, when given a choice springtails appear not to feed on hyaline AM fungi, and ingestion of AM hyphae can even reduce their fitness (Klironomos and Ursic, 1998). This preference is surprising because melanin is a recalcitrant compound to digest. The same preference was reported for nematodes, which in a multiple choice experiment largely fed on Cenococcum geophilum and Rhizoscyphus ericae mycelia. These preferences are expected to result in alteration of mycorrhizal community composition and structure (Kanters et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2015) that may further affect mycorrhizal activity and contribution to soil C storage (Clemmensen et al., 2015). Consumption of melanized hyphae, which are characterized by long life span and slow decomposition (Fernandez and Koide, 2014; Fernandez et al., 2016), could favor EcM species that produce hyaline hyphae, which as a side effect could increase mycorrhizal mycelial turnover and alter contributions of the different fungal species to SOM buildup or loss.
24.5 Conclusion
Fungal biomass C storage, turnover (Hobbie and Agerer, 2010), and necromass decomposition (Fernandez et al., 2016) also vary with fungal mycelial exploration type (Agerer, 2001). Thus any induced shift in mycorrhizal or saprotrophic fungal community composition may alter the rates of these processes. For example, cord-forming hydrophobic hyphal structures, specific to medium-distance fringe and long-distance exploration types, tend to persist in soils longer compared with other types (Fernandez et al., 2016). In a field experiment Kanters et al. (2015) reported a massive decline of Amphinema byssoides and Cortinarius sp. through the actions of collembola, and these EcM species are characterized by the abovementioned mycelial type. This may lead to lower decomposition rates of fungal necromass in collembola-shaped mycorrhizal communities. Such effects could be further amplified by the reduction of plant contributions to soil C via mycorrhizal hyphal networks in the presence of soil mesofauna due to hyphal feeding or disruption (Johnson, 2005). The outcome of interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and soil saprotrophs may vary with animal density (Steinaker and Wilson, 2008) and environmental conditions (Yang et al., 2015). In addition, competitive interactions of mycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi might be modulated by animal decomposers via preferential feeding of the two guilds (Gange, 2000; Tiunov and Scheu, 2005; Endlweber and Scheu, 2007; Jonas et al., 2007; Crowther et al., 2011). Although new research has significantly advanced our understanding of the effects of soil fauna and mycorrhizal fungi on soil C stocks, the complex interactive effects between mycorrhizal fungi and soil fauna warrant further investigation (Van der Wal et al., 2013).
24.5 CONCLUSION In this chapter we have discussed the multiple ways by which mycorrhizal fungi affect saprotrophs and soil C storage. There is evidence that the two most important but opposing mechanisms by which this may occur, priming and competitive interactions with saprotrophs, are commonly thought to be performed by EcM and AM fungi. We have also seen that there are general differences among roots, mycorrhizal fungal types, and mycorrhizal fungal species in the ways in which they interact with the SOM, detritivores, and saprotrophs. Although we have focused on direct effects of mycorrhizas on saprotrophs and their activities, we acknowledge that there are strong indirect effects of a similar magnitude in affecting nutrient cycling and soil C. For instance, mycorrhizal fungi may have strong effects on soil biogeochemical processes through changes in plant nutrition, productivity, and being part of a trait “syndrome” that causes nutritional feedbacks (McGuire et al., 2010; Phillips et al., 2013; Midgley et al., 2015; but see Koele et al., 2012). Still, even limiting the scope to direct interactions with saprotrophs, although it is a very active field of research and our understanding has increased substantially in recent years, it is still incomplete. This is particularly true for the importance of behavioral and morphological differences within mycorrhizal types and the ways in which nutrient context (such as C, N, and P limitation) modulates interactions with saprotrophs. Moreover, in part driven by the fast-evolving understanding of SOM dynamics, research should distinguish how mycorrhizal fungi affect new versus old SOM because the response of the former may be a poor predictor of the latter (Verbruggen et al., 2013). This knowledge will be crucial for a true understanding of ecosystem responses to alterations at the plant–soil interface as imposed by anthropogenic activities, including the global change.
Acknowledgments The authors thank Björn Lindahl for his thoughtful suggestions on an earlier version of this chapter. Support from a grant of the German Research Community (DFG, Priority Program Biodiversity Exploratorien, PE 2256/1-1) to R.P. is gratefully acknowledged.
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