Myeloid tumor of the ovaries

Myeloid tumor of the ovaries

it is pointetl out that tltc* &age of tll(x ln a clescription of the embryology, adrenal rortex develops at about four w(+ks! \vhereas the medulla (do...

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it is pointetl out that tltc* &age of tll(x ln a clescription of the embryology, adrenal rortex develops at about four w(+ks! \vhereas the medulla (does not appear This appareutly explains the frquemy with which until at least four weeks later. portions of the cortex reach the pelvis in association \vith the development ot’ the An extremely ~4llall proportion of thee de\-elop tumor,\vhil~~ internal genitals. most disappear with advancing age. The tumor cells are ~,lla~a(~teristi~~all~ those of the atlrenal vortex. Threes Ilist 0. logic forms are recognized in the tumor: 1. Closely placed 2. Solid masses

parallel separated

st,ra,nds of Tells. hy connective tissue.

:i. 0ccasional adenomatous, papillary, or g,ystic forms are reported. The histology is characterized as well 11y marked vascularity, hemorrhages amI necrosis. It is a peculiarity of the tumw that it often, tllough not always, ~~ll:mqW the sexual orientation of the host bringing about CiemasculinizaCon of the male and The author believes tha,t this is more likely than defeminization of the female. A hypothetical explanation of this loss of sex specifir,ity that sex reversal occurs. is discussed. The author summarizes the 16 reported caws and adds two of his own. .T. I>. M(~KEI,vIc\


R., and Herrera,




R. G.:



of the Ovaries,




This is an unusual ease because of the lack of symptoms referable 1%) thaw disease and because the prima,ry focus apparently was in the ovaries. A 35-year-011i housewife, dying after an operation for a tumor of the cerebellopontine angle, was autopsied with the postoperative diagnosis of corticocerebeller arachnoitlitis. The findings were negative except with respect to the myeloidosis. The uterus was small and atrophic with a few fibrous perimetrial adhesions. The ovaries were enlarged, ellipsoid, one measuring 8 by 5 by 2 em., the other 7 by 5 by 4 vm. There were similar on section, the cut surface resembling a sectioned lymphatic gland. Medullary nodules were apparent, with a fascicular conne&ive tissue. CL few old corpora lutea and a condensed ovarian stroma were found at the hilus. TOP serous surfaces were pale, having a few superficial adhesions and a few cystit: follicles. Microscopically t.he granulocytic series was well represented, with an abundance of eosinophiles. The pre-evthrocyte series was present in lesser proportion. ik few microscopic foci were found in the kidneys and pancreas. There \Tas a, questionable infiltration of the meninges,

Traut, Herbert “Granulosa” 70:


F., and Marchetti, Andrew A.: A Consideration of So-Called and “Theta” Cell Tumors of the Ovary, Ehq., Gyner. & Ohst.


The Society of Gynecological Pathologists of New York has collected a group of 61 ovarian tumors which have heen diagnosed as belonging to the group of neoplasms having their origin in the theta granulosa rell complex. The ~nthors were appointed to study these tumors as well as the clinica. data. of the patients from whom they originated. The work is as yet incomplete; howe\‘P, , the material was found to yield information justifying a partial report at this times, with t,he following conclusions : The use of Foot’s silver stain makes possible the differentiation of thwa from granulosa cells in most instances.