Mysidecea from the coasts of Tropical West Africa

Mysidecea from the coasts of Tropical West Africa

Oceanographic Abstracts 73 TAREYEV, B. A. and A. V. FOMITCHEV, 1963. On surface currents of the Southern Ocean. (In Russian). Mezhd. Geofiz. Komit.,...

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Oceanographic Abstracts


TAREYEV, B. A. and A. V. FOMITCHEV, 1963. On surface currents of the Southern Ocean. (In Russian). Mezhd. Geofiz. Komit., Prezid., Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Rezult, Issled. Prog. Mezhd. Geofiz., Goda, Okeanol. Issled., (8): 24-33. It was recently determined that the water density distribution in the Southern Ocean is nearly stationary. Hence, calculated geostrophical currents must be considered as means. T h e c o m p o n e n t o f a s u r face-current due to drift caused by the direct influence of wind on the ocean surface, is characterized by much greater temporal variations, caused first of all by a non-stationary wind-field. Therefore, a surface-current is closely related to a synoptic situation. Drift currents at the surface a n d complete wind currents were calculated for three types of atmospheric pressure distribution : the summer zonal type, the winter zonal type, and the winter meridional type. Resulting currents were obtained by adding the drift current vectors and the geostrophical current Vr~. = Vgeostr. + Vdrift.. In the meridional water balance complete wind currents are of great importance. TATlrERSALL,O. S., 1961. Mysidecea from the coasts of Tropical West Africa. Atlantide Rep. 6: 143-159. Fifteen species are represented. Siriella wolffi and Heteromysis atlantidea are described as new. Longithorax fuscus Hansen from about 500 m depth off the Cape Verde Is. was previously known only from deep water in the N.E. Atlantic. The distribution of three estuarine species is greatly extended. TICK, L. J., 1963. Nonlinear probability models of ocean waves. In: Ocean Wave Spectra, Proc. Conf., Easton, Md., May 1-4, 1961, Prentice-Hall, N.J., 163-169. The volume of effort expended on nonlinear random wave models will certainly increase. In spite of my own efforts in this direction, I would suggest that other linearizations, based perhaps on other equations, be examined before it is decided that linear theory is inadequate. For example, we might consider non-potential flow more vigourously or the Lagrangian system of co-ordinates, though the analytical problems o f nonlinear models are extremely difficult. TIMET, D., 1963. Studies on heat resistance in marine fishes. I. Upper lethal limits in different species of the Adriatic littoral. Thalassia Jugosl., 2 (3): 5-21. The upper temperature limits for several species of fishes inhabiting the Adriatic littoral are established. These limits (31-33°C) are strikingly clear-cut and do not depend on the size of the indivudual. The active and sluggish forms were not distinctive in their reactions. Some problems concerning the experimental methods are discussed. The author prefers to use abrupt and definite changes to a gradual increase in temperature. TINTtmlER-HAMELIN, E., 1963. D6finition et analyse g6n6tique du ph6notype pseudolineata de l'isopode valvif~re Idotea balthica (Pallas). Crustaceana, 5 (2): 133-137. The phenotype pseudolineata nov. of the isopod species Idotea balthica (Pallas) is described. This character is due to the dominant gene P which is borne by an autosome, and is sex-limited. TODD, M. E., 1963. Osmoregulation in Ligia oceaniea and Idotea granulosa. J. Exp. BioL, 40 (2): 381-392. The osmoregulatory response ofLigia oceanica and ldotea granulosa to the range of the experimental variables was similar. They were both hyperosmotic relative to the medittm and the difference between internal a n d external concentration increased as the salinity of the medium decreased. In 100 per cent sea water the osmotic concentration of the blood ofLigia oceanica was markedly above that of the medium, whereas in Idotea granulosa the blood was only marginally hyperosmotic. In Ligia oeeanica the blood concentration changed little in 100 and 75 per cent sea water, b u t dropped significantly between 75 a n d 50 per cent sea water, whereas blood concentration in Idotea granulosa dropped significantly throughout the test range of salinities. The more efficient osmoregulation of Ligia oceanica in 25 per cent sea water is reflected in the mean freezing-point depression of the blood, Al = 1.65, compared with At = 0.90 in Idotea granulosa. In both species the osmotic concentration of the blood was influenced by season, by temperature and by a temperature-salinity interaction, on the other hand, neither size nor sex of the animal influenced osmotic concentration of the blood.

TOMODA, Y. and H. KANAMORI,1962. 23. Tokyo surface ship gravity meter ~-1. (In English). Geophys. Notes, 15 (2): 116-145. In the Tokyo Surface Ship Gravity Meter which was designed in 1960 and completed in 1961, a dynamic gravity meter is mounted directly on the gimbals stabilized by a vertical gyroscope, and is kept vertical. Variations in the vertical acceleration are converted to frequency variations through a dynamic gravity meter and are digitally recorded on punched tapes. Variations in the acceleration of gravity due to the motion of a vessel do not contain the shorter period components compared with the disturbing vertical accelerations caused by ocean waves. This enables us to detect the