Volume 8 Number 3
Dermatology calendar
March, 1983
International events--cont'd Hans Schaefer, M.D., Centre International de Recherches Dermatologiques, F-06565 Valbonne, France.
JANUARY, 1984 The Urticarias, Cambridge, England, Jan. 10 and 11, 1984, sponsored by the European Society for Derrnatologic Research. For information: M. W.
Graeves, M.D., Institute of Dermatology, Homerton Grove, London E9.6BX.
OCTOBER, 1984 Fifth Congress of Tropical Dermatology, Mexico City, Oct. 16-20, 1984, sponsored by The International Society of TropicaI Dermatology. For information: Lourdres Tomayo, M.D., Secretary. Fifth World Congress, P.O. Box 101-16, Mexico, D.F. 04530.
*Denotes programs approved for AAD Category 1 CME credit.
National Clinical Dermatology Conference Call for Abstracts Abstracts for the Clinical Studies Session at the 1983 National Clinical Dermatology Conference are being accepted by the program director. The Conference will be held in Chicago on June 23-26, 1983, and will feature a series of seminars and breakfast and luncheon discussions along with the Clinical Studies Session on June 25 and 26. It will be cosponsored by the American Academy of Dermatology, American Dermatological Association, and the AMA Section Council on Dermatology. The Clinical Studies Session will provide the dermatologist in practice or training a forum for the presentation of keen clinical observations, open or controlled clinical trials of therapy, and new diagnostic or therapeutic approaches to problems dermatologists face in clinical practice.
Presentations will be limited to 12 minutes with three minutes for discussion. Abstracts should include a title, author(s), academic affiliation, and address. Each should contain an introduction of the goals or purposes of the investigation, outline of studies or methods, results achieved, and a written summary. Abstracts should be double-spaced and no longer than 200 words. Four copies excluding information about the author, affiliation, and address should be enclosed for review by an anonymous three-person committee. All abstracts are due by April 1, 1983, to Roy S. Rogers, III, M.D,, Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55901.