National Eye lnstitute..supported Clinical Trials Currently Recruiting Patients As a service to readers, their patients, and the National Eye Institute, Ophthalmology prints monthly a list of National Eye Institutesponsored clinical trials that are still recruiting patients. By consulting these pages, clinicians can find the information they need to refer patients to appropriate clinical centers. For more information on these and other NEI studies see the 1990 edition of Clinical Trials Supported by the National Eye Institute. For a detailed description please call the Study Center Office or see Clinical Trials.
Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (To assess the long-
term results of trabeculectomy and argon laser trabeculoplasty in medically uncontrolled glaucoma.) Recruiting men and women between 35 and 80 years old who have open-angle glaucoma that has not been controlled successfully by medication. Study Center Offices 202-687-4638 301-299-8655 Clinical Centers: Connecticut (New Haven), Washington, DC; Georgia (Atlanta); Illinois (Chicago); Maryland (Chevy Chase); Michigan (Ann Arbor, Southfield); Ohio (Columbus); Pennsylvania (Philadelphia); Virginia (Charlottesville).
Age-Related Eye Disease Study (Will estimate progression
rates and risk factors for age-related macular degeneration [AMD] and cataract, and effect of high-dose antioxidants and zinc on these diseases.) Recruiting men and women with AMD and good vision in one eye who are 55 to 78 years old. Some persons without AMD will also be enrolled, but most of these have already been identified. Study Center Office 30 l-496-6583 Clinical Centers: Georgia (Atlanta); Illinois (Harvey); Maryland (Baltimore, Bethesda); Massachusetts (Boston); Michigan (Royal Oak); New York (Albany); Oregon (Portland); Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh); Wisconsin (Madison).
Central Vein Occlusion Study (To evaluate the role of pho-
tocoagulation in CVO.) Recruiting men and women with CVO at least 21 years old who are willing to return for follow-up visits for 3 years after assignment into one of four groups depending on type and extent of disease. Study Center Office 305-326-6116
Clinical Centers: Florida (Miami); Illinois (Harvey); Maryland (Baltimore); Massachusetts (Boston); Ohio (Cleveland); Oregon (Portland); Wisconsin (Madison); France (Creteil).
Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study (To determine
whether enucleation or radiation therapy is more likely to prolong survival of patients with medium-sized tumors; to determine whether preoperative radiation prolongs life for patients when eyes with large tumors are enucleated; and to assess the potential life-preserving as well as sight-preserving role of radiation therapy.) Recruiting men and women at least 21 years old who have primary choroidal melanoma in only one eye and no evidence of metastatic disease.
To refer patients, call the COMS Coordinating Center (Barbara
S. Hawkins, PhD or Renee Church)
Clinical Centers: Arizona (Tucson); California (Los Angeles, Panorama City, San Francisco); Colorado (Denver); Florida (Miami, Tampa); Georgia (Atlanta); Illinois (Chicago); Indiana (Indianapolis); Iowa (Iowa City); Louisiana (New Orleans); Maryland (Baltimore); Massachusetts (Boston); Michigan (Ann Arbor, Royal Oak); Minnesota (Rochester); Missouri (St. Louis); New York (Manhasset, New York); North Carolina (Durham); Ohio (Beachwood, Cleveland, Columbus); Oklahoma (Oklahoma City); Oregon (Portland); Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pittsburgh); Texas (Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Temple); Virginia (Charlottesville); Washington (Seattle); Wisconsin (Madison, Milwaukee); Canada (Montreal, Toronto).
Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study (To evaluate the role of
pars plana vitrectomy and intravenous antibiotics in treatment of postoperative endophthalmitis.) Recruiting men and women with signs/symptoms of bacterial endophthalmitis in an eye that had cataract surgery or lens implantation within 6 wks of onset of infection. VA must be 20/50 or worse; light perception or better. Study Center Office 412-683-5300 Clinical Centers: California (Los Angeles, San Diego); Washington, DC; Florida (Clearwater, Gainesville, Tampa); Georgia (Atlanta); Illinois (Harvey); Kentucky (Louisville); Maryland (Baltimore, Chevy Chase); Massachusetts (Boston); Michigan (Ann Arbor, Royal Oak); Minnesota (Edina, Minneapolis); New Jersey (Edison); Ohio (Beachwood, Columbus, Toledo); Oklahoma (Oklahoma City); Pennsylvania (Hershey, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh); Texas (Houston); Wisconsin (Milwaukee).
Herpetic Eye Disease Study (To evaluate the role of systemic acyclovir in ocular herpes simplex disease.) Recruiting males and females at least 12 years old with active herpes simplex with iridocyclitis. Symptoms must not be caused by other focal stromal inflammation. Excluded are pts with dendritic keratitis, geographic keratitis, significant epithelial defects greater than 1.0 mm, and those who have had keratoplasty in the involved eye. Study Center Office 415-476-2658 Clinical Centers: California (San Francisco); Georgia (Atlanta); Illinois (Chicago); Louisiana (New Orleans); New York (New York); Pennsylvania (Philadelphia); Texas (Houston); Wisconsin (Milwaukee).