national pharmacy week ~hdt
of \!:alifLtrnia
Cal1torn1 a 1 a 11 ,000 regi s tered pharmacists pla y a vi t ally important role in the health and well- bei ng of millions of our c1 tl ze ns .
The ir c o ns cie ntiou s and alert attention to the ir wo rk a ff e cts the welfare of the entire St ate. I t is de se rv ing of our appreci a tive notice and commenda t i on .
During the week of Octo ber 2- 8; the Ca l1 t om1a Ph armac e utic a l As s ociation i s planning speci al o bservances to coinc i de w1 th t hose arranged nationa lly and in other s tat e s, t o hono r thi s respected profess iona l group of Ame r i c a ns . Aa Go verno r of Ca lifornia, I 1nv1 te all Ca lifo rnians to t ake th e opportun1 ty to be come be tter a c qua i nte d with the men and wome n who are their neighborhood phannaclsts . We will find there is much to l e a r n a bout the services and pre:tec tions pharmac eutical products provide fo r ours elves an d our f am1 11es.
KI*UND G. BROWN, Go V'erno r
he story of the pharmacy profession- how it combines an ancient heritage with the complex technical skills of tomorrow, how it works for better community health, how it probes deep into the mysteries of the future to bring miracles to today- all this was told and retold during National Pharmacy Week, October 2- 8. It was told through displays in pharmacy windows, in hospitals, in colleges and in public centers; through television and radio programs; through newspaper advertisements and stories ; through personal contacts and through the service of the pharmacist himself. A review of National Pharmacy Week will be presented in detail in the December issue of THIS JouRNAL but t ypical of the governors and mayors who signed proclamations declaring the first week of October dedicated to the profession of pharmacy are those on the opposite page. 1. Ohio-Harold K. Emerson , president-elect OS?hA, G·ilbert J. Rea, vice president, James L. Marshall, president (standing left to right) and Governor Michael V. DiSalle (seated). 2. New Jersey-Margaret S. Maskrey, president of the State Nurses' Association, Governor Robert B. Meyner, Sara M. Errickson, executive secretary, NJSNA (seated , left to right), and Joseph W. Mittuch , president, NJ?hA, and John J. Debus, secretary (standing). 3. California-Standing (left to right) Leonard Parsons, president, SCPhA, Joseph Powelson, vice president, CPhA, William G. C:albreath, president, NCPhA, and seated pharmacy assemblyman Byron Rumford and Governor Edmund G. Brown. 4. Texas-Left to right, Governor Price Daniel with George E. Holden and R.L. Brusenhan, president of TPhA. 5. Ariz:ona-G·overnor Paul Fannin (seated} and Mil Dierdorf, AI Duncan, Chauncey McCary and Tony Schneider (standing, left to right). 6 . New Hampshi re-Left to rignt, NHPhA representatives C. Raymond Reed, and Sister J . Fisette, Governor Wesley Powell, Grace E. Hannan, secretary-manager, Charles D. Dockham, president. 7 . North Dakota-At Doerr, secretary of the NDPhA, Tony Walters, Vernon E. Wagner, John L. Jacobsen, David A . Hester (standing, left to right) and Governor John E. Davis (seated).