National Societies

National Societies

427 Announcements The Uremic Diabetic, 1987: A Status Report, Satellite Sym- dation and is approved for Category I accreditation. For inforposium to...

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The Uremic Diabetic, 1987: A Status Report, Satellite Sym- dation and is approved for Category I accreditation. For inforposium to the Xth International Congress of Nephrology will mation, write Center for CME, The Cleveland Clinic Educameet in Jerusalem, Israel, August 3—5, 1987. The Organizing tional Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Room TT3-lOl, Cleve-

Committee includes H. E. Eliahou, E. A. Friedman, G. Viberti, and C. E. Mogensen. For details, contact P.O. Box 50006, Tel-Aviv 61500 Israel.


The Third Annual Workshop of the International Society of Hemofiltration will take place at the Mt. Sinai Medical Center,

land, Ohio 44106, USA, or telephone (216) 444-5696, or toll-free in Ohio, 1-800-762-8172, outside Ohio, 1-800-762-8173. A Postgraduate Course in Nephrology will be given in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 11—21, 1985. For information, write Secretariat, The Sixth Asian Colloquium in Nephrology,

4th Floor MMA House, 124 Jalan Pahang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, or telephone 980617 or 928972, or Telex COMED MA 37839.

1 Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, New York, USA, October 10—li, 1985. For further information, write Dr.

New book release Sheldon Glabman, Department of Medicine, Mt. Sinai HospiPediatric Nephrology, edited by BRODEHL I., EHRTCH tal, I Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, New York 10029, J.H.H. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo, SpringerUSA. Verlag, pp. 418. This softcover book documents the Proceed-

ings of the Sixth International Symposium of Paediatric Nephrology, which was held in Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, August 29—September 2, 1983, and includes the text Frontiers in Clinical Nephrology--1985 is being offered by the of both plenary lectures and symposia presentations. Courses

UCLA Extension's Department of Continuing Education in Health Sciences and the UCLA School of Medicine, September 30—October 2, 1985, at the Sonoma Mission Inn, Boyes, California, USA. Designed for nephrologists, urologists, internists, transplant surgeons, and senior nephrology nurses, this confer-

ence will focus on diagnostic and preventative approaches to drug-induced disturbances of potassium homeostasis, the use and misuse of urinary diagnostic indices, the impact of two years of cyclosporin use on renal transplantation, and the renal effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. 1)r. Allen R. Nissenson and Dr. Leon G. Fine, both the UCLA Center for Health Sciences, are conference co-chairmen. This program meets the criteria for 12 hours of Category 1 credit of the AMA and the California Medical Association in Continuing Medical

Education. The fee is $395 (US funds) for physicians and

Errata The Editorial Review entitled, "Hormonal Control of Renal Potassium Excretion," by Michael J. Field and Gerhard H. Giebisch, which appeared in Kidney International 27:379—387, 1985, contained four typographical errors. The correct informa-

tion is presented herein. On page 383, in Table 3, for the first category, "Morphology", in the References column, delete "55, 56," and insert, "54, Stanton et al, to be published". Also in Table 3, for the second category, "Biochemistry", in the References column, delete "57, 58," and insert "55, 56". On page 383, Figure 3, the last line of the legend should read ". (based on data in [63])". On page 385, Figure 5, the last line of the legend should read, ". . (based on data in [831)".

$296.25 for nephrology fellows, allied health professionals, and

University of California Schools of Medicine faculty. For information, write the Department of Continuing Education in

Health Sciences, UCLA Extension, P.O. Box 24901, Los

National societies

The Secretary General of the International Society of

Nephrology is endeavoring to bring the Society's list of national Angeles, California 90024 USA, or telephone (213) 825-5189. The First International Course on Peritoneal Dialysis, orga- societies up-to-date. Many such national societies are not nized by the Argentine Council for Peritoneal Dialysis, will be affiliated with the ISN or their affiliation has lapsed. To retain held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America, October 2—5, their affiliated status and to vote at the General Assembly, a list

of individual members is required to be sent annually. Secretaries of national societies therefore are asked to provide the course. For information, write Dr. Jaime Perez Loredo, Secretary General with the address to which correspondence Sociedad Argentina de Nefrologia, Consejo Argentino de should be sent, together with a list of their officers and individDiálisis Peritoneal, Conosur Pharma S.A., Balcarce 244 5 B, ual members (the latter to be submitted at least 6 months before 1064 Bueno Aires, Argentina, South America, or telephone the 1987 International Congress of Nephrology), and a formal application for affiliation where this has lapsed. Please send 33-0407 30-5650. Telex, 23180 Rivero AR. The Vilith Postgraduate Course in Renal Biopsy in Medical these to Dr. Claude Amiel, Département de Physiologie, Diseases of the Kidneys will be given October 14—18, 1985, at Faculté de Medicine Xavier Bichat, 16 rue Henri Huchard, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University 75018 Paris, France. The American Society of Nephrology announces a service to in New York, New York, USA, For information, write Dr. Elizabeth Gerst, Assistant Dean of Continuing Education, their non-American colleagues: For a fee of US $40.00, the College of Physicians and Surgeons, 630 West 168th Street, ASN will send you all of its mailings and announcements, New York, New York 10032 USA, or telephone (212) 305-3682. including a copy of the annual program book. Checks for $40.00 Nephrology Update — 1985 will be held in Bunts Auditorium along with your name and desired mailing address should be at The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, October 16—18, sent to the ASN National Office, do Charles B. Slack, Inc., 1985. The course is sponsored by The Cleveland Clinic Foun- 6900 Grove Road, Thorofare, New Jersey 08068, USA.

1985. Fourteen faculty representing nine European, North, South, and Central American countries will be presenting the



For submission of manuscripts

New manuscripts and related editorial correspondence for Kidney International should be sent to: Thomas E. Andreoli, M.D. Editor, Kidney International Department of Internal Medicine University of Texas Medical School 1.150 MSMB, P.O. Box 20708 Houston, Texas 77225, USA

For submission of announcements

Kidney International invites brief announcements of meetings, courses, workshops, and so forth, pertaining to nephrol-

ogy. Please send the announcement, complete with dates, location of meeting, and correspondent's name, address, and phone number at least 6 months in advance of the time of the event. Announcements are published from the time they arrive in the Editorial Office until the month preceding the date of the

The telephone number for the Editorial Office is (713) event. Announcements should be sent to the above-stated 792-5993.

address for the Editorial Office in Houston, Texas, USA.