Naturally occuring acetylenes:

Naturally occuring acetylenes:

Phytochemstry 1974 Vol 13 pp 315 lo 319 Pergamon Press Prmted ,n England ERRATA CHUNG-SHIH TANG (1973) Locahzatlon of benzyl glucosmolate Carzca p...

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1974 Vol 13 pp 315 lo 319

Pergamon Press

Prmted ,n England

ERRATA CHUNG-SHIH TANG (1973) Locahzatlon of benzyl glucosmolate Carzca papaya fruit Phytochemlstry 12,769-773

and thloglucosldase


Dr M G Etthnger has kmdly pomted out to me that LCon Gmgnard has reported m 1894 his findings on the locahzatlon of a glucosmolate and thloglucosldase m the seeds of papaya His credit on this subject should be duly acknowledged and the followmg references should be cited 1GUIGNARD, 8,6lTl9

L (1894) Recherches sur certams prmclples achfs encore mconnus chez les Papayacees J






Sur quelques proprletes chlrmques de la myrosme


Sot Bat



JAMESS (1973) Phenohc compounds of the subfanuly Pomoldeae onomlc survey Phytochemlstry 12, 1095-l 101


a chemotax-

It IS regretted that Table 1 contained printers errors and 1s reprinted m full overleaf

INGVERSEN, J and KBIE, B (1973) Lysme-rtch proteins m high-lysme Hordeum gram Phytochemlstry 12, 1107-l 111


The key m Fig 2 (p 1108) should read Hlproly ______--CI7115 - _._ - Mutant 29

HERZ,W and WAHLBERG,I (1973) Punctatm ata Phytochemlstry 12, 1421-1426

a new germacradlenohde

from Llatrn


Professor Ch Tamm, Instltut fur Orgamsche Chenue, University of Basel, has drawn our attention to the fact that the name “punctatm”, used by us m the above pubhcatlon as the appellation of a new germacradlenohde, has been preempted by a homorsoflavone ’ Consequently it seems desirable to change the name of our germacradlenohde to “punctahatrm” 1 SIDWELL,W T L and TAMM,CH (1970) Tetrahedron 1578, FINCKH,R E and TAMM,CH (1970) Expmenta

Letters 475, see 26,472 315

also Erratum, (1970) Tetrahedron Letters