Preparation of Pure Caustic Lime.-As the ordinary lime constantly contaminated with magnesia, iron, &c., it is very desirable to be able to prepare pure lime from marble. It is, however, well known, that this is a very difficult operation on
’small scale. To removethis difficulty, Borsarelli recommends that a crucible, having a hole one inch broad at its bottom should be employed, which, when filled with pieces of marble, and heated strongly for about one hour and a half in a reverboratory furnace, entirely converts the marble into a caustic condition.
Audi alteram
SIR,—Two questions, been mixed up together
which are essentially distinct, have in the discussions which have arisen of Dr. Robert Lee, that large ganglia and, Antidote to Stryclanine.-Dr. Pindell states, that fat has the upon the nerves exist on the body of the uterus, which enlarge during property of preventing the poisonous action of strychnine. He administered to dogs eleven times strychnine alone, and nine pregnancy and afterwards decrease to their original condition times that substance mixed with fat. In the former cases, all before conception takes place. These questions are, (1) the the dogs died; in the latter, although the doses were larger, scientific question of whether these large ganglia and large nerves have any existence in nature, or whether the whole of the dogs remained unhurt. and delineations of them are not one great This marvellous statement, of course, requires corroboration. fabrication; and (2) the propriety of an award made by the Council of the Royal Society, in 1845, to a paper hy myself, A New Alloy resembling Gold.-For some time a new alloy " On the Nerves of the Uterus." the scientific question, I have shown, in some has been employed in Paris for various purposes which resembles gold in the highest degree. It consists, according to papers recently published, that the round ligament was in the first place separated from the neighbouring tissues by scissors, an analysis made at the Royal Industrial Institution of Berlin, and described as a newly-discovered nervous system of the of ninety parts of copper and ten parts of zinc. uterus; that subsequently all the tissues of the uterus, similarly loosely dissected by the points of a pair of scissors, were of which the round liganervous added to this The Quantitative Estimation of Chlorinc.-Wicke found that ment was the special that thesystem preparations, previous to disorigin; when one ounce of ordinary chlorine-water was mixed with were prepared by long maceration in alcohol; that by eight grains of hyposulphite of soda in solution, the vessel section, this means the cellular tissue as well as the other tissues were closed and warmed for a few minutes, that the odour of chloblanched and hardened, and made to assume somewhat the rine disappeared. He, therefore, proposes to employ this agent of nerves; that this blanched and hardened cellular for the estimation of free chlorine. To obtain accurate results appearance tissue " was preserved with the utmost care,’’ and, having the after the odour has disappeared, he adds a few drops of murisurface smcothed by the scissors, gave a deceptive appearance atic acid to the liquid, heats to the boiling point to decompose of continuity between the hypogastric and sacral nerves and the excess of hyposulphite of soda, filters, and then deterthe uterine tissues; that this blanched cellular tissue was aftermines the sulphuric acid in the filtrate as sulphate of baryta. wards surreptitiously removed from the nerves in the dissecEach equivalent of sulphuric acid corresponds to two equivation of the virgin uterus; that this removal was furtively lents of chlorine. He finds this method gives very accurate accomplished, "whilst at the same time its removal was publicly results. designated as unwarrantable, unjustifiable,&c.; that the apof enlargement in the nerves during pregnancy The Use of Glycerine for the Preservation of 0rganic Bodies. from the cellular tissue being preserved in the dissecresulted - Luton states that animal and vegetable substances may be tions of the gravid uterus and taken away in those of the kept for a long period perfectly free from decomposition when virgin. immersed in glycerine. He also finds that it is a good antiAll went on pretty smoothly whilst the gravid uterus was the septic agent for injecting dead bodies. only object of inquiry, and whilst these assumed large ganglia were the great points of curiosity, for the tissues of the uterus T7te Action of the Compounds of Copper with Fatty Acids on growing with the gravid organ, and subsequently decreasing in the Organismus.-Langenbeck and Stadeler have instituted a size, gave ample scope for wonder and curiosity so long as they were described as nervous ganglia and nerves. But when the series of investigations upon dogs, to ascertain the poisonous uterus came to be examined, and the nerves leading to it virgin action of the above compounds, and obtained the following were found of the same size as those of the gravid organ, a great results. It was necessary that theymust be smaller, arose. A solution prepared by moderately heating finely-pulverized difficulty else the whole of the other wonders would be dispelled. What oxide of copper with olive oil, which contained ’03 grm. of was to be done ? What was done was this: the cellular oxide of copper in the ounce, was given in doses of two ounces tissue was taken away from the nerves of the virgin uterus, at once, and also stearate of copper up to 1 grm. doses, and it was carefully preserved in the gravid organ, and thus the animal did not die, but suffered from vomiting and purgthe increase in size during pregnancy was manufactured. And When the were and was its killed, normal, ing. dog organs the better to conceal this manufacture to show an apparent analysis showed the existence of ’00545 grm. of oxide of copper increase in size, at the same time that it was accomplished in in the liver, ’0034 grm. in the gall and gall-bladder, ’0012 grm. a of the act was publicly declared, in the kidneys, ’0022 grm. in the urine, and none in the heart secret, virtuous indignation as "unwarandthe removal of this cellular tissue and spleen. Doses of 6 to 7,grm. of copper soap, obtained by &c. I will not atrantable, unprecedented," unjustifiable, decomposing oil soap with sulphate of copper, which contained tempt to sketch the numerous artifices which at that time about ’6 grm. of oxide of copper, likewise did not kill the dogs, disarm adverse criticism, and to prevent fair but acted as already described. ’5 grm. doses of acetate ofwere employed to on the one hand, or to give support to the assumed inquiry, copper, and butyrate of copper, given in two ounces of oil, discoveries, on the other, for that would lead me beyond my acted extremely poisonous when the gullet was tied. far as it appeared in public, these artifices As the copper salts of the fatty acids with high atomic prescribed limits. So were but too successful; yet had the case, even in this instance, _ weights possess little poisonous properties, the authors recom- been fairly stated, and the names of the anatomists given, who mend soap as a good antidote in cases of poisoning with copper salts. Nevertheless, in cases of poisoning with acetate of were fully aware, after complete examination, of the fallacy of Dr. Lee’s statements, the case would have appeared very difcopper, they are worthless, at least when the gullet is tied; ferent from that which was loudly put forth. but still they consider that, even with this poison, these salts the success attending these efforts seems to have are the best antidotes when vomiting is permitted. emboldened Dr. Lee to a further creation of ganglia. He appears to have turned his attention to the heart, to see OZONE, AND DISEASE. From recent meteorological whether, by dissecting it with scissors, after the same fashion observations, it appears that the maximum of diseases takes as the uterus, he could not discover ganglia there as elsewhere, of the question, and place with decreasing readings of the barometer. and thermo- in order, as it was expressed, to " meter. The wind SK. and NW. by S., the maximum of place his discoveries beyond controversy." But the tissues of deaths with similar readings; but the wind NW. and SE. by the heart were not so easily turned into nervous ganglia as the N., the maximum of ozone correspondent to the maximum of superficial layer of uterine tissue. Dissections of the heart were made, but no ganglia discovered. However, ganglia disease, and the minimum with the maximum of deaths ! __
the descriptions As regards
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there 7tad to be, and ganglia there was described and delineated. shown to be incorrect, I should have considered the honour of The dissections were taken as the basis, and a paper was the award had passed away, and should have resigned it into written, containing the description of numerous " ganglia and the hands of those who gave it. But this was not to be done gangliaform enlargement," which had no existence in nature. merely because Dr. Lee chose to assert that the medal had This paper was presented to the Royal Society, and drawings been "illegally and fraudulently awarded,’’ especially when The dissections we remember the little regard to accuracy which has characwere atterwards executed to agree with it. terised his various communications on these subjects. A slight were again taken as the basis, the drawings proceeded with, and when so far advanced, the artist was directed by Dr. Lee informality in conducting the business of the Committee who to introduce upwards of "fifty ganglia," despite the re- recommended the award, does not affect the character of the monstrance of the artist, on the plea " that they were there, researches for which this award was given. Hence, if the only he could not see them." The whole was a fabrication-a strenuous and determined opposition made by Dr. Lee to this falsification ofnature. The drawings were afterwards taken award means anything it must mean that he has been unjustly to the Royal Society, the preparations they were said to deprived of it, and that the researches for which it has been represent examined, and the delusion exposed-none of given are unworthy to receive it. Now, on both these points I the fifty ganglia depicted could be discovered." This no doubt am ready to join issue with him, and will afford him an opporwas a serious blow ; but the evidence of this transaction had to tunity of proving the accuracy of his various statements on be removed. The Council was therefore petitioned to give up the subject. It is now ten years since the award of this medal the drawings, on the plea that they were unfinished, and they was made, and no one, I apprehend, would dispute the right I acceded to the request. Once in Dr. Lee’s possession, the"ex- possess to dispose of it in any way I may think proper. I travagant misrepresentations" were blotted out, and the appear- never should have held it for one week had I not been perfectly ance of the fictitious ganglia obliterated. But for the paper in Dr. certain that it was just to do so, and that the clamours against Lee’s handwriting, which remains, all evidence of this attempted it were only so many vexatious assertions without any foundafraud would have been suppressed, the fact boldly denied, and tion. However, to put this to the test, and to give Dr. Lee it would have remained unknown, except to those who had an opportunity of proving his assertions, I here pledge myself access to the books of the Society where it was attempted to that I will present it to Dr. Lee or to anyone who can prove, be perpetrated. When the falsification of the ganglia had within the next two years, either of the following propositions: been expunged from the drawings, they were again presented 1. That the statements contained in the papers presented to to the Royal Society, accompanied by a short paper, but with- the Royal Society, On the Nerves and Ganglia of the Uterus out the luxuriant description of ganglia previously given from and of the Heart, by Dr. Robert Lee, and the drawings which the imagin;1tion of the author. Still, true to the principles of accompanied them, are correct representations of nature. 2. That the statements contained in the paper " On the the former paper, this alike contains another fictitious representation. The nerves are said to become increased in size, Nerves of the Uterus," by myself, together with the drawings and the appearance of enlargement is produced by the old which accompanied it, and both published in the Philosophical method of removing the cellular tissue from some portions of Transactions for 1846, are incorrect. the nerves, and leaving it surrounding other portions. Such, By this course, I hope, even Dr. Lee will perceive that I then, is a short sketch of the transactions embodied in the have no wish to retain the award, provided a just cause can various papers on the Ganglia and Nerves of the Uterus and of be shown why I should resign it. And as to the tribunal which shall decide this, there will not be much difficulty in procuring the Heart by Dr. Robert Lee. Can any explanation, however, be given by Dr. Lee to one. Perhaps, as the College of Physicians was the last arena account for these circumstances, or to modify the apparent wherein Dr. Lee repeated his statements, they may undertake gravity of these transactions? For several months I have the duties. But whether or not, let Dr. Lee understand the called upon him for some explanation, and only lately has he position in which the continued repetition of statements conHe must prove the statefavoured, me with a reply; yet this reply but aggravates the trary to fact has now placed him. case, and does not in any way answer the charges. Amidst ments put forth in his various papers by the production of his different assertions without any foundation, a repetition of dissections, and substantiate the assertions made respecting the statement that these ganglia do exist, an appeal of "how my own researches, and in doing this make good the various far the glory of God was promoted by the clandestine mutila- imputations he has cast upon different anatomists. tion of His works," it contains only two points which bear Perhaps you will again allow me, in conclusion, to express upon the serious imputation against him, and these apparently the great pain which this course of action causes me, and to have been stated with a sad disregard to truth. Dr. Lee first assure you that nothing but a feeling of the most imperative says " no part of the neurilemma was removed from the ganglia duty to myself reconciles me to it. I have waited for many and nerves of the heart," which is in direct opposition to the years in the hope that it might be avoided; but the persistent account of the referees,-" the nerves were completely divested determination of Dr. Lee to fasten false and injurious imputaof the fibrous and cellular tissues,"-and contrary to the fact, tions upon me, has left me no other course than the present to as I know from an examination of the preparations themselves. relieve myself from them. It remained, therefore, only for me to challenge the production I am, Sir, yours, &c., of the preparations, which Dr. Lee has not dared to produce, T. SNOW BECK. Langham-place, August, 1856. and allow an examination of them. He next endeavours to fasten a charge of concealment against me, " the removal of the ncurilemma was carefully concealed till 1853." Now this, THE NERVOUS STRUCTURES OF THE UTERUS which apparently is the only charge he can prefer, is readily AND HEART. disposed of by a reference to his own writings, to a report We have been requested by Dr. Lee to publish the folgiven to Dr. Lee by Dr. Knox, all in the commencement of 1846,-" the nervous structures have been shredded and de- lowing :— 1856. 4, Savill-row, Savill-row, July July 10th, 10th, 1856. prived of their sheath,"-and to an explanation by myself, .also in 1846, wherein this method of dissection is "especially SIR,-The nervous structures of the uterus and heart formed insisted upon as necessary before the nervous system of an the subject of the last Lumleian lecture delivered by me in organ can be shown." No refutation can be more complete April, at the Royal College of Physicians. All my dissections than this answer from his own words; but the malignancy of of the ganglia and nerves of the uterus and heart, described the imputation remains the same. Unable to meet the charges and delineated by me in the " Philosophical Transactions," were which flow from the examination of his own writings, he seeks placed upon the table before the president and fellows of the to injure others by the repetition of a pure invention. college. I stated that in all these dissections, no part of the The second question --the award made by the Council of the neurilemma had been removed, as this is an essential constiRoyal Society in 1845-has, properly speaking, nothing to do tuent tissue of these structures, and the tissue which chiefly with the scientific questions previously discussed. The envy, enlarges during pregnancy. no doubt, of a disappointed aspirant has contributed much to Through the kindness of Dr. Todd, two preparations of the the burst of apparent virtuous indignation to which a slight nerves of the uterus which had been made in 1845 by Mr. likewise placed upon the table, that they might be informality in the mode of conducting the award has given Beck, werewith Dr. Lee occasion to indulge in. The award of this medal has compared my dissections. I then stated that the neubeen intentionally removed by Mr. Beck, in his .always been considered by me as given in approval of past rilemma hadwhich I considered to have been an unwarrantable labours, and as an incentive to further exertions in " the im. dissection, provement of natural knowledge;" and if any degree of undue and unprecedented mode of proceeding, and which ought not influence had been exercised in making the award, or if it had to have been had recourse to without being openly acknow been given in mistake for researches which were afterwards ledged and vindicated, if possible, that no doubt might remain