Network News

Network News

~ T NETWORK NEWS NaJlcy Ba.iJJlall, RN, eRNI he annual meeting of the Amer· iean Association of Blood Bankers (AA1313) took place recently in ...

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he annual meeting of the Amer· iean




Bankers (AA1313) took place

recently in Orlando,


So, you are

asking yourself, what does this have

WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH NAVAN NETWORKS? TIle 16th Annual NAVA~ meeting, includ-


ing the network breakfast, from all repolls,

with NAVA1'f! Vascular access is profoundly

got rave reviews. As the regular business of


1ST COAST NETWORK Karen Hawkins, RN, CRNA, CRNI President (904) 249-4412 [email protected]

important to rhe delivery of transfusion

prufl-ssiunal life kept me in Ann Arlx)f, my

Kan:n and her crew continue their

therapy, and the topic is way off to the

colleagues and compatriots prOVided inter-

efforls to organize a Florida Network. If

side, un the regular AAB13 participant's

esting feedback on the NAVAN Nerworks

you are new to the area or have re-kindled

radar screen. Many nurses, physicians and

breakfast meeting! My personal thanks go to

your interest in working toward Network formation, give Karen a call.

laboratoly personnel I spoke with were

Pall Medical Corporate member Jennifer

vc'y imeresled in discussing concerns and issues related to vas<.:ul,u 'lCcess. They are

Rogers .md our 2002 NAVAN Board of

thirsty for facts and feedback from profes-

their help and suppon al the last millllle.

Directors Networks Liaison, Beuy Rozier, for

sionals who are credentialed (i.e. NAVAN

Both stepped up to the plale and con-

members!) and wiJling 10 exchange infor-

dlK1ed a very successful breakfast meeting

ADVAN Adirondack Area Vascular Access Network

mation on the topic. They are aba look-

with linlt notice. Thank You! "nle NAVAN

ing for 'though, leaders' willing 10 present research and science on the topic of vas-

Network breakfast attendance at the annual

cular access. What an opportunity to net-

with 42 signing in. Thirty-five anendees

ADVAN continues with a mbust schedule

work, and share the mission of NAVAN!

requeMed info on local Network member-

of meetings scheduled for November, Jan-

meeting was repolled to be well over 80,

Suzanne Washburn, RN President (518) 793-8187

wilh Ihe

ship, and over half of those requested inlo

uary, and Febmary. On November 19th,

promise of mailing out NAVAN member-

on getting a 1000Jl Nerwork organized and

Presidential Adviser; Leah Mason, RN', CRNI,

ship materials upon my return

mnning in several pans of the countly.

along with Maggie Cook, RN, presented a

Request for new Network packets came

hands-on skills lab focusing on thoughtful

Nice you say to yourself, but what does

from California, Wyoming, lllinois, Arizona,

vascular access assessment, produQ use and

this have to do with me, one member of

Oregon, Indiana, Massachusetts, Florida,

impmving c1inicJI outcomes. In janualy, Ann

NAVAN? If you arc like many protcssiunals

Hawaii, Nt.'w York, South Dakow, Min-

Marie Tomaski will discuss the legal aspect'"

Business cards were flying,



home office.

today, you are responsible for, or are inter-

nesota, Connecticut, and Tennessee. Pack-

and documentation relevant to IV "Ihempy.

ested in multiple areas of practice. Invile

et'" have been sent to all who requested

The ADVAN officers and program (umnliuee are working hard to bring infonllative and


info. Thanks also to all those reJX>rting from

groups LO a local or regional NAVAN Net-

local Networks on your NAVAN Network


work meeting. Ask them to speak on their

activity, year to date. Your enthusiasm and

their membership and visitors. 11ley are a



other special

vascular access information to

topic of interest and integ...He vascular

commitment generate interest in NAVAN

well-organized group and welcome visiLOrs

access issues into their discussion. Volun-

membership and new Network formation.

and new members to their ranks!

teer to spe
l1lank you for your continued support and

lake NAVAN membership brochures with

mentoring of Networks and Ne("\.vork lead-

you to hand out. (available from the

ers! If you missed signing up for a packet of

national office). Wc must think outside of

info, or it wasn't your year to attend the

the bux LO help grow our local and

Annual meeting, conWct this author, any

regional NAVAN Networks. The NAVAN

NAVAN Board of Directors or the NAVAN

organizational mission statement reads. "To

Administrative offices. We will be happy to

promote, communicate and facilitate the art

send membership information. If you are

BAVAN Bay Area Vascular Access Network Jan DilIion, RN - Treasurer (415) 721-2273 [email protected]

and science of vascular access." So, now

interesttd in building a local or regional

for a reality check. What's AABB got


NAVAN Network, we will work with you.

13AVAN has planned, and will be hosting

with NAVAN? Lots of opportunity to pro-

AJI it takes is a couple of people with an

an evening meeting in January! "TIle Endo-


mute, communicatt
idea, focus and t.'nthusiasm. In the mean-

luminal 13l1.1sh, Il'" Use and Outcomes" will

access! Go gel 'em NAVAN members!

time, here b what is happening in loud

be presented by the CEO of the company

NAVAN Networks:

which manufactures lhe pruduct. BAVAN





has taken steps to include the Hay Area Interventional Radiologists in this mt''Cting. BAVAN organizers
MVAN Michigan Vascular Access Network Nancy Bagnall RN. eRNI - Facilltator (734) 913-6157 [email protected] The Michigan Network continues to meet on a quarterly basis. MVAN joined forces with the Great ldkes Chapter of INS for a meeting on November 21st. Our combined groups were inviled to visit Tri-Scne, located in Howell, Michigan. Jeny Roberts, an engineer with Tri-..Srate, dLe,cussed the importance of materials and manufacturing methodologies in developing trJ.nsparenl dressings. TriState provided dinner (Thank You!) and a tour of their facility. We all vel)' much enjoyed the meeting and networking with our clinical and manufacturing colleagues on the topiC of vascular access prolection and securement. In the spring, MVAN will reconvene using our journal fonnat. We are tent..'ltively scheduled to 1lK.'t.1 in March. \Vhi..le the education progiJ.m planning comminee V(){ed to meet in the Bahama Islands, a budget check quickly brought us back to reality. Therefore, we are planning to meet at Pall Medical in Ann Arbor. Topic TBD. We wel-

come and look fOlW3rd to Visitors and members new to MVAN. Call Nancy for more info or meeting ide-as!

NEVVAN Nevada Vascular Access Network Kathy Mohn RN - President

(702) 363-5852 [email protected]

NEWAN continues to grow at a lively pace. Members receive regular upd,lles through their own newsletter. It is a tenific publication featuring v
OCVAN Orange Country Vascular Access Network Connie Bums, RN - President [email protected] We are located in Orange County, California, JUST south of Los Angeles. You need not be a member of OCVAN or NAVAN to attend. All you need is interest. Typically,



OUI' meetings are held on a quarterly b'lsis. It includes dinner since we start a1 7pm, and we offer CEH's for lectures proVided. Such lectures have included "Sonosite," ··Pain Management," ';Hyperlipidemia," "Legal Aspects in IV Nursing," and the "Navian 13ionavigarional System" to name <1 few. We also tag onto the lectures introductions to new IV supplies, eqUipment or medications as an added bonus. We plan on having our next meeling this October. The topiCS will be confirmed in the next day or [Wo. ,

UVAN Utah Vascular Access Network Marcia Wise. RN - Facilitator (801) 565-2425 [email protected] UVAN resumed their bi-monthly meetings in September. 11lis ye-dr the format wiU be slighl1y different. TIle meetings will be billed as "Round Table Discussions" instead or a fonnal presentation. The Sept:ember meeting focused on Implanted Port Management Attendance was greal! A distributor of the UftLoc Safety Huber Needle. Specialized

Health Products, sponsored dinner. The round table topic planned for the November meeling is "The New CDC Guidelines". The Ucah infusion community is well-versed in infusion practices. They rC'"J.lly enjoy getting together ,Ind sharing their experiences. This new round table format will allow for more "nerworking" which is what ollr members want. Anneue Wigham deserves the credit here ror coming up with this format change. She also has managed the mailing of our announcements far years now, and is one of the network's longest teml members. All or us appreciate the hard work she pllts into UVAN. For more information regarding the Network, comaet Marcia Wise at (80l) 5652425 or email [email protected].