Percjamon Press
Life Scianceg Vol. 17, pp . llS9-1166 Printed in the U.S .A .
Department of Zooloa, Beagg"ore Univereitjy, Benze3cre, MmM form September 9, 1975) (PAwiv*d in final SMImary
TIke activity levels of Aspairtate MinotraWerawe (AAT) and Alanine minotranaterase (AIAT) in tin oemebram, Osrebollva, optic lobes and nedulls, obla*ata of noxnal and allcizen-diabstio rate .wers detanLtned . fte ReteragensitY at awinotrwaterases in tJn cerebral and oarebsUar resiom of neraW and s1lowkdiabetic rate Was studied TIM OAPr gel sleatropWreals. In general, the activities at t1w two "InotMINIteraffies incresed in fts brain of alXazon-diabstic rate. Garebral and cerebellar d1vtribution, mb-unlt pattern and relative elootrophoretic nobility of the Isozyme of ALT and AIAT of nonuLl and diabetic ralm are deecribed. 00»iderablo intozuation la available, on ouzy»tio aotivitiLm la mamale ftr"4 diabot« (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) . Au augmentaticia la the aotivit'y of Ilver a" a deoreaee la kidney pyroph bave beau d«onutrated la &Ucmuàm-dàâbet :Lo rate(2) . ValkAr (7) showed a deoresse lu tbe liver &Iuookim» aotivit'y et aliccumdisbetio rate . ChuM Mittons (8) reported m elevation ià the wtjxity levela Ce liver Mr a" AlAr durins KUCUM diaffles la rabbite. V«Z little Jatmmation la aveMAble on tée MItiplé fœm et enzymes la tbe brain et rate durlog allman-Mabates . multiple solocular forme of b«okln»o la liver, brain, wamie and fat-gad et allo»n-di"etlo rate bave beau detected IM lsouffl levèle la different tiesuée et &Ucmau-diabotio rate have beau atudied (5). Thuà, It la clear trou the abore amtào d studios that no Information la awallable cm the regloral dirtribution, change@ la tjau ao+.IVJ .'t«y levels &M 18027aie patte of sainotransferasée, la tba brain cf rate duricg allcmau-diabot«. amos, notivated bjy tin above ocm :Ld«ation, tt» prenant atudy ves ujààertWmj:L. 1159
Aminctransferame Heterogeneity
Vol . 17, No. 7
xatertala Md liathode Imatun Alb"o rate (both 4ézes) Ct Wlater etrain ran4liac la veigU troc 65-85 S ver* un". They vere hm ed la cages et rom temperature (254 2*0) and fed a standard pellet dlet (Sinduatau Lever litd ., Bombay, Indla) . Vater vaa available ad libitum. Diabstee was Induced by Intravenous injection of a freekly prepared aqueous solution of allozen-acachydrate (40 as per Ig . body weight) (10) . Me control sto was. injected with the ame extracted dosage of mamallan Ringer (I I) . Blood was for from glucose analyab (12) the tail vein by a sterilized syringe. blood late with fasting glucose rasWUrg from 2DO-220 M/100 sa and vere considered diabetic were analysed 120 kows after allazanisafton. Bats with fasting blood "owe lose than 200 WIOO al were rejected. 2110 &RISSIe ffl »W:LtU" My deoqntation end the bridn vue dinsectat trou tjae ventru aide . lass siberin blood veno*U »r* rINIOVId Md tè» btein V» â»pt la a p*tr~JdJ»k IcLit linger kept Ca im (et 0', C) . tu ditturmt rq ;lm ct g» br"a vara (ourebr«, cerebellam, Optla lobes and méalla cëlofflU) --- sad 1111c"pel, M~~ savarated Witt eterlll»d bout f Riager Md àn»di&t@2,y q"oklr (là thé, sart œim balane umied for amale« . 10% (VIV) hamodwatte of differect r*4»na of the brain vere prepaffl la 0.1 à potassium phoupéate botter u-J pentle md nortar und oentritaged at 3,OW & for 10 simbes to remore akatante vere xsai fer là* tmW» the cul debrie. Mw a«UW. Ilu a" AW »tivltà« vers ~14t«màam follmind the colorimaîtrio prooodure or lailffla Md »W*01 es disemibed, by Sergbeffl (13) .
_ - 1
Mw eleeftqphœetto »bUitJAm et AU mid AW tif Ibo wMate of omobrel Mid oezrdwùlar timmes dm atudied gala on e4àr la a horizontal chamber. 21» ti oentag or all the emplois vais, equ&U»d by appropriate dilution (100 ne or «blamwal) prior to therir OW ations 10 "Mo litr« ct «Oix ample Vis apotted Cis the t'ai lisier »U . TOMMI àcatate buifer (pK 8.6) me med m tlu sepuattas »diva. à voltage gradient cf 220 volte D.C . vas applled acroes a 12 Inch oààmib« for 16 h et 10*0à àfter the ran, the lMividual gus cet vere loto 1 ou vide seriALI em*flom, and mu eluted la separate test tubes vith 1 MI of pboupbMe biffer by VM«mm stirring, Ibo contente of asah tw» Vers, oeutritu4ed am au aliquot or 0.1 si or the aupermrbant the elution Vas uned for mimtramderam dateraination . Results
ukd Disomselou
'là* remIte are ammeriséd la Tableu 1-2 sud la lige. 1-4.
Aminotransfarme Haterogonsity
Vol. 17, No . 7
Un blood &Imose levas ahmed a 109 perecut lmm«ae wer contras (table 1) . Br&" vel*t sud body veà*t deoremeed oongu«wuz the la tim A"botio etate (ftue 1) . sativily lanne of ààr 8" àla la 40mral ehoved m lunes» la au the oampiwtmumta et Un brai& atudied, VIE., oerébrm, o0rébellm, Optio lobes Md moduils, oblefflu durinc àiio»a-diabub« (rable a) . It la &IBO nom (tau* 2) tmt the àaormae la level@ et IlLe Mme aotivition Momed me voxiation la râLation t'O the region et tàm brain. lhe aot:LvitZ lewla « AU mà AIO vers blour lu ** ourébrum of both memI ud elloum-Uab*tLe rate oompemed te etlur rogiom et tà» bzmtà6 Sm~, Ue br" atm 4100 oàcmrod m~ rmoome for *ai& "&n~ Ja *ka OOUVIIF levèle et both the minotrmMf«ae« j2âbiè î2îlô 2=3
312d 82=gmLkmkm Ali body MA U4" WfAw of AMMa
(controls) nad allozen -
I Blood SUmose mg/too al Oau 01 Diabetic 216 I 1 .2
103 I 3.7 1
I Body w6uht on A& Control Diabetic 80 .2
I 2.0
69 .1 I 3.8
I Brain weiOt on In owbral lualmruA 1061 A 0.;07
1 .43 1 0611
Talma mre m«m 1 B.D. of 6 olmermtàam
It As almo motswortbW that the aotiviiW Uvel at AIAT was awe tv-n that of AAT In tin 08 ur both ta actual and diabetic rate . Mm À& Mid AIU ars Of Oreet eliatoal importance (14) . levèle et taume amam 1 la mom bave bom etufted an as m Index for tho d4qpoei CŒ disessied 00mitiom MOIL ILqpauo am ommlac Jatarot-tom (15) . Me liver au"otrmet«»O eotività»o bave beem Jumm to lner«» iumter sawmul patholcylào-t omaitiom v»h » 411=8u-di&l>ot« (8), mwo«rd"l ànf*roticm (14) and IMV«tit:Le (14) . un remits et tike Prenant investmpt'éon &IBO ladmats au imoresm la t" motivity leva@ ot both the mimytramd«mm la tbe brain duràM RUC»D-4"bot» . 800h au lmr«» lu dIffmm r«Jom ot the brala of lin &Uozm>dàabetlo rat mW be elther d» to tbe motivation of màem cynthosis by t»ààe altered oelluler emriremmt pruvailing la tbe brala or due to m Imoresse la the rate or eugy» gymbeaie . 21» mlaot=uctmao« aVe knom to catalyse Ibo trmLoger of the am"O arc Of ampartio mid and alani» tô alpba-kat4Elutàric &CId tO f«M 61ILtm", 0=1080et1o ald PIVIMIO acide (14) .
Vol . 17,
aainotraaalarasa satarogmw ity
9. 1A
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44 N cc
d A
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1 .2
40 --
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In~1' M
41 C4 0
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No .
Vol . 17,
NO .
Aminotransfamme HeterogmeitY
acide Yrm th«O MIM &UWOBO CW sIrcoffl la o7athemised (14) . Remo am Im""s In aRizmra»toraoo aotivities ln tb* prenant investigation laMaates t4mt t)» contribution et cluoogemio mino-«Ida to oarbobyd»te mtaboilim la &rester. It la therofore possible that oerbobZdrate notabolim la not mintained et a steady level la tbe brain durlog allomm diabet«. Mu bleh« aotivity levels of AlAr oomp&v" to the activity levela et AU aoocunt for the lacrommed produoUcm of alanine f pymvic acid la the oersbrm a" oerobellum of diabstie rate . rhis la of @,' imi Icacce la the »taboliam et the bru,' m as plays a vital role In limart oarbokrdrate Md protela metabolim (14) . loosmaic vatterms vC Aminotromsformses
: à opacifie peuem et AU waltiplicity oberaotmintio of «r"zm 4" 0 trobellm of normal and diabetio rate vas dist, zau«'-),-bae (PIS . 1 à 3) . la the oo»brm cf allmanised rate a fest »ovin« enoMa tort oculd be resolved, la addition to a fora vXthmt "actrcmobàlity . Mm aimmé patterc,, but vith two aaoàal for» vos fouât la tbe oereb*Um of Ibo est diabetic &»Jàmln Mu cwjxtrca animale m&ibited a et lmoyaU pattern& vith 3 lsony»e azUbitic4 amoda migration la the oeribrm, vhumu, the oe»bel3im bad caly two formis vilà amodmil Migration.
A=S (Amwactoriatu"Llly 5 multiple forms of the auwm in us 04VGWM Of Us AGnwl anivals 0046 b* detested . Of lbose,
3 Imaxpow exhibited anodal algration, md one mks oathoda, b4sidem a form ULU no not abans (Pig.2) . But tble pattogn wom totally disrupt" in t1w carobollm at &Iabotio rate (714 .4) . Only the cathodel ioozpw was prominent. Obwr defined groups moz not detected. 2he àjouy»M pattern et AlAT la tàm o«mdnrm of mommal Md diabutio groupe followed a similar patte= to that «gUbited by ààr ce the above mentiomed groupe . Por Imtmoe,'2 &»"I Md a «thoda fun vers distinct In the ocatrola and alto la the MMarleentale . 2kme, it In clear that the oampanents at AAT and AUT bad similar electro-sobility In Us oerebellin suggesting Vat batk the onsWass are assoolated vith aofming" protein - bawA particle, whereas the components Us cerebral AAR and AIAT bad different sloctramobility Indicating that both the simmWomis are not associated with a single protaft - based particle. the diabetic of state Andmood a Sommmol augmentation in Ike act4vitime sminctransformses but dId not affect Us beid isoarme - pattern at elther -Inotransfewass In tkw oerebollms. Roverver, studies an the cerebrum demonstrated that anoial in 1q a bave oomploteI7 lost their *Womdan In Us diabetic state.
Val. 17, No. 7
Aninotransferaso Heta=qMeity rum
16 0
Pic A
el , M natiésu A
PU 1
Pfflues ftmueft las 2 r»Mea fu«ti« IF14 ,3 I»tius
« ào laoume à& +À» Ocrebrm et rat « a et 43ZOMM ut*etm « AMAR à» 50 a à& *0 cerebvm « rat as a « &UoZM Mabuém « Au àdiomuq« " la@ o«d»llm « rat « a £«Oti« Of ïUmm 4ià"t« ?la 4 P»M» « AW là»Wma la the mmbelàm « »t m a ft»Um ot &U«cm dlabot« a 4.- authoua baffltt« . --+ à Affla RJ«ation Opt . - 7c"t ce me, sti« et aupu 0-0 rop»emte 00atrol ; 0» .* repr«Mte foerimatal
Vol . 17, No . 7
Azinotransferass Hfte=nensity
Ackaftledzeneut Ihe authors are +Aankftl to Dr . A.R . MaNhW:L Bei, Read of Us Department (if Zoology, Baqpilore Unftez4dty, 'Bannicire, gor cKEfer:Lng facilities to owiduct the stao.
au.ire ;Imm Md QUOrAV àM JU (3) : 380-392 (1968) .
2 . L- y- BAMOM, 26-31 (1969) .
&M 0- 2. AMTS, jg&j.
3 . IL M --U -üz -üu IL 24 -49 (1971) .
fa(l) :
DAMM, B~Loobm . Blophye
50 Ir. KALAM, a" ? .À. ,14)s 307-3M (1972) .
(10) :
end 1. TOMMUU, j. Bto*m (ftàwo)
4. IL OAZN»p &M Z.Y. 120]ML, Ini»t 453-56 (1971) .
»~ &a 12
ODtbalnQl ,
lum., 1JË. j.
1_0 (6) :
6. 1-1- DAUWA, ZLEU &«O»nua à& (4) : 73-76 (1970) . 7 . D.O. VÀUM, la in«a &a I&oca"t" (P.R. OMBUL au G.D. qu"EMB jus), Vol . 9 pp 33-67. "adeau ftess, (19665 .
80 CMU, &M EMCUG, J. OntAt. 1W9 . ILIL ~# a" R.T. c"M'
(1965) .
. OQU ,
a : 251-264 (,1970) .
&a. MI&
10 . iLlà. Si~ ' J6.]P .ILJQM, wàd B.JL lo.9 (1966) .
mmal». .
bjr U.S.
il . A.P.X. LOOVIM, ànlma JBO& YI%"@ Mi ehoir IMURIatioc (1963) . 12. 3.1. cm, Bausch »»Loigaloai cbeautz7., M lufidon, (1965) . 13. ]LU . MMŒUR, !Iâoda or miqgumo MELUML, p 837, àoadmio Precs, New York, (1965) . 14. " UDIR, &£!LU ct Ib"101991041 CiumUUY MEMBOU Mition (1965) .
15 .
A -&~A --- -AMGM~
Kim" a"iViti" .