Neurophysiological consequences of repeated experience of aggression in daily intermale confrontations in mice

Neurophysiological consequences of repeated experience of aggression in daily intermale confrontations in mice

225 Poster session I BIOL. PSYCHIATRY 1997;42:15-2975 Posters 14. Poster session I 114-1 I brain Sub-ehronlc treatment with metrifonate Increases ...

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Poster session I

BIOL. PSYCHIATRY 1997;42:15-2975

Posters 14. Poster session I 114-1

I brain Sub-ehronlc treatment with metrifonate Increases metabolism In young and aged rats

M.H. Bassant, F. Pointdessous, Y. Lamour. INSERM U 161 2, rue d'Alesia, 75014, Paris, France We have shown that the cholinesterase inhibitor metrifonate (MFT, 80 mglkg, I.p., single dose) Increases local cerebral glucose utilization (LCGU) In young and aged rats. In the present work, we study the effects of repeated administration of MFT, to approach more closely the clinical situation In the human patient. Methods: MFT was given p.o. (80 and 120 mglkg, twice daily) over a period of 3 weeks. LCGU was measured in 3 and 28-month-old MFT-treated and vehicle-treated rats, using the 1·C 2-deoxyglucose method. Results: In 28-month-old rats, MFT Increased significantly LCGU in 20 and 26 of the 54 regions studied (average increases were 26 and 31 % above control), depending on the dose. Sensitive regions Included regions with an age-related hypometabolism. The whole brain mean LCGU increased by 15 and 23%. Large effects were obselVed In the limbic system, the thalamus, the substantia nigra. Results were almost Identical in 3-month-old rats. Conclusions: Increases in LCGU ObelVed In the limbic system and the cortex of aged and young rats could result from an Increased neuronal activity in regions involved in cognitive functions. Such an effect might occur in Alzheimer's disease patients receiving MFT and participate in the cognitive Improvement (Supported by a grant from Bayer-Pharma France).


Neurophysiological consequences of repeated experience of aggression In daily Intermale confrontations in mice

N.N. Kudryavtseva. Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia Valid animal models represent the most likely route for the understanding the neurobiology of aggression. The sensory contact technique (Kudryavtseva, 1991) enhances the aggressiveness In male mice and allows the aggres• sive type of behaviour to be formed under the Influence of the repeated experience of social victories in dally Intermale aggressive confrontations (winners). Ten-year-Iong study by our group has demonstrated that the repeated experience of aggression changes many items of Individual and social behaviour, estimated In different tests and in varied situations. Some data prove development of pathological aggressiveness In male mice. Many physiological parameters (immune resistance, tactile and pain sensitivity, etc.) are change In winners. Chronic experience of aggression totally ac• tivates the brain dopaminergic systems through DOPAC formation. In the case of the serotonergic system, the changes In brain tryptophan hydroxylase activity and 5-HT lA and 5-HT2A receptors sensitivity have been recorded In aggressive mice. The expression of neurophysiological consequences depends on genetically defined peculiarities of the nelVous system and the duration of intermale agonistic confrontations. Sensory contact tech• nique may provide data on how to pharmacologically correct expressed aggressiveness in Individuals. Supported by RFFI (94-04-11519). Reference [1) Kudryavtseva. N.N. (1991) Aggress. Bahav. 17: 5-285.

114-31 CalciUm/calmodulin-sensitive type I adenylyl cyclase activity Is reduced In the Alzheimer's brain M. Yamamoto 1, H. Ozawa 1, T. Sait0 2 , S. Hatta 3 , P. Riederer·, N. Takahata 1. 1 Departmenf of Neuropsychiatry, School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan, 3 Department of Pharmacology. School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan, 2 Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Science, Sapporo Madlcal University. Sapporo, Japan, • Department of Psychiatry, University of WiJrzburg, WiJrzburg, Germany Immunoreactivities of four subtypes of adenylyl cyclase (AC) (types I, II, IV and VNI), and basal, forskolin- and Mn2+-stlmulated AC activities in the presence or absence of calcium and calmodulin (Ca2+ICaM) were evaluated In parietal cortex membranes from cases with dementia of the Alzheimer type (OAT) and age-matched controls. Immunoreactivities of AC-I and AC-n were significantly reduced, but those of AC-IV and AC-VNI did not change in OAT brains. AC activities with Ca2+ICaM were significantly decreased in OAT sub• jects compared with the control, but there was no significant difference when AC activities were assayed without Ca2+ICaM. Moreover, significant corre• lations were obselVed between AC activities in the presence of ca2+ICaM and alteration In immunoreactivity of AG-I, which is a Ca2+/CaM-sensitive subtype. However, there is no significant correlation between AC actiVities In the absence of Ca2+/CaM and immunoreactivity of AG-1. These observa_ tions suggest that Ca2+/CaM-sensitive AG-Ils decreased in the OAT brain, which results in impairment of cAMP signal transduction systems, might be Involved In the pathophysiology of OAT.

114-41 Impulsivity and suicidal or self-agresslve behavior In mentally disordered offenders F. Paez 1, A. L6pez 2, H. Nicolini 1. 1 Clinical Research Division of the Mexican Institute of Psychiatry, Maxico, Distrito Federal. Psychiatric Hospital ·Fray Bemardino Alvaraz", Maxlco. Dlstrito Federal The aim of this study was to determine the one-year Incidence of suicide attempts and self-aggressions in a sample of Institutionalized mentally disorder offenders and establish the relationship with impulsivity. Methods: Subjects were selected from a 200 bed psychiatric ward In one of the preventive jails in Mexico City. To be elegible for the study patients must have been at the ward lor at least 1 year to allow retrospective follow-up. Suicide attempts and self-aggressions were evaluated thru direct patient and record examinations. Plutchik's Impulsivity scale was used. Results: A lotal of 123 male SUbjects were evaluated. Mean age 31.7 :i: 8.9, with a mean school of 7.4 ± 3.2 years. The 1-year incidence of SUicide attempts was 8.9, while self-aggression rate was 23.5%. Self-aggressive patients had significantly higher impulsivity level than patients without the behavior (excluding suicide patients from the analysis) (1.3 ± 4.9 vs 14.6 :i: 5.5, t = 2.5, df 109, P = 0.01). Conclusion: self aggressions are far more frequent than suicide attempts in the sample studied. Self aggression Is associated with higher ImpulsiVity levels.

114-51 firedamp Non-psychotic mental disorders In miners after Intoxication S.I. Tabachnikov, 1.1. Kutko, V.G. Cherkasov. Donetsk State Medical University. Donetsk, Ukraine The aim of this Investigation was to elaborate the system of early diagnostics of non-psychotic mental disorders In miners after professional firedamp Intoxication. Methods: We have studied 96 patients-miners which sUlVived the firedamp influence in the past. Clinical-psychopathological and experimen• tal-psychological methods were applied. The symptoms were ranged In dependence on their expressiveness degree. Personality deformation es• pecial features were revealed, the essential personality components were analysed. The therapeutical principles were elaborated. Results: The clinical picture was mainly described by similar to neuro• sis (43.8%), similar to psychopathy (35.4%) and psychoorganic (20.8%) syndromes. Personality profile of patients was similar to "neurotic profile-